Rus Advance On MULTIPLE Fronts, TRUTH Of The ‘Peace Summit’ – Ukraine War Map Analysis & News Update

good day Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic Monday and a great start to your week and that you had a great weekend if you live in the US you had a fantastic Memorial weekend as well an incredibly important day of remembrance now today as always we have a lot to go we will be looking at the maps as the Deep state map has updated to show Russian advancements in several directions and the restarting of some axes of which we have seen stopped and stalled now for a while so that is interesting and we’ll look at some comparisons between Maps as well we’ll look at Ukraine’s recruitment of prisoners into the Armed Forces and how that is going to work and speak about the effectiveness of this we’ll look at missile strikes into Ukraine from Russia we’ll look at importantly the type of missile and exactly what were these targeting then we’ll look at in hariv we’ll look at the speech zinsky made on the ground at the shopping center and some bits in that and talking about the peace Summit now just as a bit of a public service announcement straight off the bat I just want to say that for us collecting information and building what we see of this war remember to seek many different angles voices and people in this remember that like it or not social media builds algorithms which of course feed confirmation bias and none of us are above that now why does it feed that well it wants to keep you on the website and by keeping you on the website it has more ads therefore they make more money now of course this creates a professional and monetary incentive for creators to lean into this confirmation bias with their content so you may need to listen to multiple creators as well as there’s incentive for that and what we don’t know is we don’t know what levers behind the scenes are being pulled on those algorithms to swing people’s opinions in different ways as well especially leading into things like elections now let’s speak about inhi van zalinsky speech so we saw those strikes against the shopping center now yesterday we said the casualties at the moment are sitting at 4 killed but that we will see an increase in that and I believe currently it’s sitting at 16 killed and dozens injured and we have seen strikes as well back into civilian areas in belgrad up in this region the northeast of the country as well now seninsky has released a speech from on the ground there and we will go through it but I wanted to show you something first of which we said we will see this comparison being made with bombing with what we’ve seen the IC and the arrest warrant for Netanyahu which of course the Us and other countries are saying is illegitimate and have no jurisdiction so alaz I guess is an extreme example of this but you can go and have a look in other areas and you’ll see many many of the top comments are speaking about this this is the moment Russian strikes hit a crowded hardware store in har Ukraine’s second largest city Israel doing the same every minute of the day 24/7 not a war crime based on the precedent set by Israel and the USA and this is what I spoke about in length the other day that the IC warrant released for Netanyahu of course there was an ICC warrant well over a year ago released for Putin but with the US saying that this is illegitimate there’s no jurisdiction of this well it sets a precedent for then all of those warrants now yes I know the US is not a signature to this but it’s still a very very important country of course in the world now whether you believe this comparison is fair or not if it’s water bism if it’s apples or oranges is regardless of the point that many people are seeing it this way and I’ve spoken about now that that is seeing IL legitimate for Netanyahu that the other ones will come into question as well that you can’t have a without seeing to be as well so it would be interesting there and I believe that system is really on its absolute last legs now in zeni speech he says here there is nothing that wouldn’t become a weapon for Russia including hunger now this as well is what people are talking about because in the ICC warrant for netanyahu’s arrest one of the points was the use of hunger as a tool of War zinsky say we are defending ourselves 60 km Northeast from this place and yet another attempt of the Russian assault Russia is preparing for an offensive actions also 90 km Northwest from here so let’s have a look of course we’re talking up in hariv let’s do some figures of distance 60 km talking about V Chans then we’ll talk 90 kilm from H you’re up in this area on the east side of suming now if you remember maybe five videos ago one of my Contex said that down in here in lipy this is not the Western most point of axis for Russia that there will be a push up in this region around here somewhere so that is interesting to see that 90 km lining up there then as well now zalinsky then talks about the Global Peace Summit of leaders what he says whom Russia won’t be able to deceive I’m appealing to the leaders of the world who are still aside from the global efforts of the peace Summit to President Biden the leader of the US and to president X the leader of China and we’ll talk at length about this peace Summit but what we do know is on Ukraine’s request Russia was not invited to this and Russia has said that if it doesn’t take into account the what is happening on the ground currently then they’re not interested either or words that affect and that we actually know Biden may not be attending then either Biden set to skip Hollywood peace Summit for Hollywood fundraiser that has George Clooney and Julia Roberts there as well so much more important that I guess than geopolitical war that you’ve got going on where you’re spending hundreds of billions of dollars but but this peace Summit I think the word peace Summit is throwing off what people are expecting to come of this at the end of this peace Summit in Switzerland on June the 15th their guns aren’t going to fall silent the borders move back and something signed it’s not that what this is is a bunch of Nations coming together at Ukraine’s request to put more support towards Ukraine to achieve what they see as a victory and their goals based on senen his 10-point peace plan now that peace plan points 5 and six talk about territorial integrity and the return to 1991 borders with Russia pushing off there now that’s why a peace Summit a peace Summit would have negotiations on having the guns fall silent a summit rallying support the only way if you’re starting at that 10-point peace plan to achieve that peace plan is Military Support to drive Russia out of here if that is possible through more military uh Aid and maybe intervention as well so that’s what it is don’t think that after on June 16th the guns are going to fall silent and a new border be drawn it’s not starting on that basis it’s starting on the 10-point peace plan and this is why officials from Russia have said that they’re not interested is if it’s starting There Yet the situation on the ground does not reflect that as a beginning then they’re not interested now there’s three main things I think this peace plan will focus on now firstly and we saw ziny said use this and say this up in har as well saying this is why we need more air defense so 0. one I think at this will be air defense from NATO into Ukraine now what we do know is many countries are trying to find and Supply air defense for Ukraine but it is very limited around the world especially what’s happening down in the Middle East with more patriots being used whether in Israel or against the Hy Rockets as well the Iranian rockets that more of that is being used and there’s not as much available number two I believe is going to be the permission for strikes using NATO weapons against Russia now yes we’ve seen some countries say yep we’re happy Finland Sweden Estonia countries like that but these countries and what they Supply compared to Nations like Germany the UK and America is significantly different on the Tactical outcome of those weapons being used we have seen the US holding fairly strong that no our weapons are to be used within Ukrainian territory not outside will we see a change on that maybe I think for Ukraine to achieve what it sees as its goals of clearing back there’s no way that could be done without those restrictions lifted there either but I do think that Ukraine could be shooting them in a foot a bit with some of these strikes against like nuclear warning systems that potentially was another strike on one overnight that the US may be thinking well we don’t want using our weapons against that maybe you’re pushing further away from that we spoke about the stries on oil field as well and refineries may be having that same then effect but I think we will see some restrictions lifted on that we know the UK spoke about it that but then we haven’t then seen say storm Shadows heading into Russia either so we’re not really sure’s happening there and I think the third Point here will be NATO troops inside Ukraine personally I can’t see Ukraine clearing back any of this territory meaning like Crimea dones Lans without some s of intervention to free up more third line logistical Supply troops somewhere to get more men in the front line in the fight knowing the huge attritional aspect it’s going to take to push through these incredibly heavily defended areas so I think there will be more discussion on that and the longer this war goes on the more chance I think we are to see NATO troops whether in combat roles or logistical roles regardless come into NATO to have some relief there as well I think it is there’s countryes saying I we Supply it but we’re not going to go in first so I think that will be very interesting to see what then actually happens on the future there too but let me know what you think of this but the idea of the peace Summit and guns falling silent no that’s not what is going to happen so let’s have a look at the maps of course here we have Ukraine the capital of ke and harke where we talk a fair bit the red areas occupied since 22 the purple since 2014 of course this is the nor more than offensive that we’re seeing up in here now we aren’t seeing any change up in this North now for a couple of days but we are seeing some very interesting changes up on in the eastern and Northeastern side here so we are seeing out in better stove here as well more pushing down to the south of course this has come out over the past couple of weeks and is putting now more pressure on areas like Noki and Kim mka here as well as it is enveloping in here that is the tactic we see Russ employee more we haven’t seen much moving kka for now a few days now we push down to the South and we don’t see any changes through biva we see then in Buck mood a small change here updating to what we do know from geoc footage at least now a week old of a Russian tank operating in and around here but deeps side has shown more Russian advancement up into chiv Y what we do know from footage released from the Foreign Legion is Dao fighting happening right around where my cursor is from about a week ago so the gray Zone should definitely be extended to have all of this now in here but we are seeing movement in that area now nothing around kich kka where many will say there’s a lot of updates then we’ll come down to have divka and here is where we see then a lot of movement so this is the adiva front solivo o front here we can see a large movement to the east out of Sol heading towards sock Hill here as well of course this puts pressure in both north and south from these advancements as well as up in the north from aiva more ground being made and what we do know is that in here we have seen many many attacks as well in certain areas and there may be a Ukrainian withdrawal back to the other side of this Waterway if that hasn’t then already taken place so that is very interesting to see there I’ve got one of my things left and then we’ll push down then into nalo which is what we expected then to see in this area further envelopment then the next push will be towards carka as we have seen nalo here be pushing more and more to try and work its way down to use the open ground to the advantage and let’s have a look here and what we spoke about would be an attempt to envelop these open areas in here then we’ll push forward have a look right here then we see more then up to today of this then happening through omasi through nalo as well so that is very interesting to see down here and what the doctrine of which we’ve seen Russia follow talk about before now we come down to the north we can see more push to the east of Naya livka updates only the Russian maps showed us a couple of days ago out of here so we can see more of a push there Paris scovia we some Maps show more in here some some show less but that is very interesting to see in here as well then we can see up from s DOA here as well a Russian advancement through two tree line paddocks up to probably a defensive line within the tree line here that’s why we see tree line to Tree Line fighting but of course this push out here as well as Iran ugad is putting pressure on more of these areas and the push out from no livka trying to get to areas at constantina puts all of this in a vulnerable spot as well and we can see a small advancement here I’m not sure if this is in pavka or mcki but a Russian advancement just down to the south of ugad we haven’t seen any movement there for a while and we come up into kerco he said yesterday here that an o ports map was a little bit behind and that he today has then filled in just on the Eastern side of the roundabout in here now showing actually more than the Deep State M more similarly towards now the uh surc Map update but we don’t have any change down in roboty I think that will come at some point but we can see in here and this is the advancement that people are saying the Western advancement that Russia has restarted on the abiva front try and close up this territory we know there’s a lot of open ground in here in here in here and of course this important train line runs through here as well as the road running from pokrov through to oser as well to try and close up this of course making Headway to more Central locations and putting pressure North up into Sloans and kator but the ax is there of course in Buck moot too so some important shifts being made there the Deep state map is not showing what suriak spoke about yesterday of the Ukrainian flag being hung right on the outskirts of Kachi lii as well either which is interesting to not see that so that is then the maps for the day now we did see and the New York Times does point out we did see that Russia has recruited uh prisoners before to fight in its war and there was a mocking of this being used as well but Ukraine has begun releasing prisoners to serve in its Army part of the wider effort to rebuild a military that has been Deed by more than 2 years of war Ukraine Justice Minister said an interview on Friday that nearly 350 had been freed under a law enacted last week that allows convicts to serve in the Army in exchange for the possibility of parole at the end of their service that um the J Judiciary was already considering most of the 4,300 applications submitted up to 20,000 applicants the policy Echoes a practice widely used by Russia to bolster its forces but differs in some ways Russia’s program is open to prison convicted of violent crimes while Ukrainian law does not extend people convicted of two or or murders are but you can do one murder I guess or other serious offenses what we have seen as well is these are convicted criminals we have seen Ukraine recruit before people have been convicted through the courts as well recruit instead of going through that system you can come and join and that the Ukrainian investigation spoke about people avoiding Justice through that system as well we have some photographs here of these prisoners then being recruited and and I think you’ll see the similarity between these photos and photographs we saw around this time last year when a certain ball blog was in Bak mot now we did see missile attacks and drone attacks overnight towards Ukraine from Russia now the majority of these have said to be shot down so all the KH 101s and all the Shahs again Ukraine has is it is illegal to film any impact of these and we have seen then the sbu knock on people’s doors make them film videos and apologize for that they have that media blackout of missiles absolutely on lockdown so it’s very actually hard to confirm this but zero of these kinal aerob ballistic Hypersonic missiles which to us screams that there is a massive lack of patriot systems we do have video here of Ukraine then shooting down one of the systems here as well as we can see it exploding spectacular fashion here and then coming down there now this is something that I wanted to look at here now what we can see here is the red are the KH 101s the yellow are then the Shahed drones and the blue are these kinar ballistic missiles and that the majority of these are all aiming for the same area in here what is here there is an Airfield here now we have no idea what damage was done remember to the kinz were not intercepted did they reach their target most likely now the Airfield in here this is likely where we will see the f16s base and I think we will see more and more targeting of these bases try and rip up the bloody Airfield or whatever to hit where these fighter planes are coming in we know within weeks we should be seeing them within Ukraine now I still think there are chances that these f-16s are going to be stationed outside of Ukraine will fly in unarmed will land weapons go on and then be used to used in combat operations circumventing some of maybe the uh rules in place I don’t know I think that is maybe I can’t see how successful they’re going to be sitting on an Airfield somewhere that said Russia hasn’t been able to fully deplete Ukraine’s original Air Force yet either so it will be interesting to see exactly what happens here but I think strikes like this are going to then increase dramatically now legends that all I’ve got for today I did not get any sleep like at all last night so I know it’s shorter and I’ll probably stumbled upon a heat but um look outselves have a great day and I’ll speak to you tomorrow thanks byebye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Hey legends, Apologies if todays video is a bit shorter and animated than most, I didn't get any sleep last night. Thanks for all the support, have a great day,
    If you're interested in the video where my contact send the likely location of the western axis in the north:

  2. The fact that anyone is humouring Zelensky by allowing him to call this a "Peace Summit" when it's just to gather more handouts for his fantasy Russian surrender plan is a total fucking joke.

  3. I see the Russian orcs follow you greatly now
    You was a reputable source in the beginning but you seem to have forgotten that Russia invaded Ukraine and the orcs will be defeated

  4. Willy you sound and look like a snake oil/used car salesman. You've been wrong for as long as I can remember yet still so certain 😂😂 delusional.

  5. Willy , NOTHING Ukraine strikes is withoutvUS approval , Biden doesnt know what day it is & we all know someone else behind the scenes is Pulling his strings. To believe Ukraine is acting Autonomously is to believe in the Tooth Fairy.
    C'mon Man get with the program! 😂😂

  6. I'm sorry Willy, but I think you are being naive regarding YT. You don't want to see any built in bias other than to keep you on the web site, but it is highly likely that you are wrong. I write algorithms myself (and AI) and while I obviously cannot tell exactly what YT is doing, it has been definitely, I mean I would bet a lot of money, preventing me from writing a lot of things in the comments when they said Russia isn't losing, or Ukraine is lying. On the contrary, I had free rein to write anything I wanted on the opposite side (I tested it). you seriously think the powers are not involved in shaping what people can read and it's just private business at this point? You're smarter than that. Perhaps you just don't want to admit it out loud.

  7. More than 300,000+ US Veterans and a Million + Vietnamese were killed with Agent Orange.

    US veterans killed with Agent Orange have no memorial and are forgotten. @Willy OAM, Challenge: Find the total number of US veterans killed with Agent Orange. US Veterans Administration has the number, pays benefits, but keeps it secret. Why is that? Hmmmm.

  8. Ukraine must stop believing Joe Biden and his friends and talk to Russia in order to save what’s left of Ukraine. Otherwise, it’s going to get worse for the Ukrainians.

  9. How you can compare a hardware store in Ukraine where people are buying DIY, well behind any front line vs a building with terrorists inside on the front line. How are they even close to be the same?

  10. Its not a peace summit. No discussions of peace will even be mentioned. This is nothing but a gathering or these installed disgusting elites of each country on discussing how they can gather a large enough conscription force to march into Ukraine and reverse the underestimated Russian military crushing sucess while totally humiliating the entire Nato/ EU and the US Biden administration , Pentagon and department of defense.
    They are also most likely going to adress the quandary of the weapons and munitions manufacturing debacle that they have refused to admit, that now they have given their entire stock piles of weapns and munitions to Ukraine and have pretty much srapped the barrel long ago. Every country is asking each other "Do you have any munitions for sale"
    Russia is probably out producing the EU and US By 10 fold they have an unlimited supply in their own territories and also plenty of help from China
    That Idiot Indian guy running the Uk Into the dirt just anounced he will plan to make all Young Males in England committ to mandatory military service for a period of time.
    Id bet the farm, Germany , france and Poland will try to make the same policies annoucements very soon..

  11. I visit your website every now and then just to see how stupid you can do yourself with . Indeed I have checked into three or four other websites on the Ukraine war this is the very worst . I guess you're just trying to be something you're not and that we can consider you a hack in my book. And then for the icing and Cherry you have that terrible jacket that was made for a three-ring circus are a Three stooges episode with the fake squirting flower. I think it's easy to spot that you have some mental problems.

  12. It is not a peace summit. It’s a joke. Ukraine gets it’s orders from the US . No significant players are attending. Zhelinsky is not even a legitemate ruler. He is an usurper. It’s in Seitzerland the former neutral country. So it is not about peace and it is’t really a summit. It’s just a bunch of criminals making outrageous demands.

  13. NATO is dead they have nothing to bring to a fight with Russia they will get crush tell macron send his 5000 troops to see what happens they be calling for help in one day same with the united states once you get high number of casualty they start rioting back at the states

  14. Putin managed to destroy the print-shop and 50 000 books in Kharkiv. Also the big mall for hardware good were hit with 2 gliding bombs. Many innocent people lost their lives. Let's hope ICC is clear and awake. There will be a court case with many high ranking russians.

  15. Willie somehow did not notice the advance of the Russian army in the direction of Kupyansk. On the northern front, the Russian army took over the high-rise building area in Volchansk. The blow in Kharkov. Allegedly on an exclusively peaceful shopping mall. And the number of victims. Before the media event began to be molded from this, the Ukrainian authorities managed to say that the strike was not on the shopping center, but on the warehouses of this shopping center. In general, there is no big secret that it was there. If you are moving large forces to the northern front, these forces will need places to store their weapons. The Zaporozhye front is becoming more active. Not in the area of Rabocino, but closer to the Dnieper. The Northern Front is having its effect. After the transfer of forces to Kharkov, the AFU retreats from one settlement per day. And there is no breakthrough of the front, which was feared in the West. Rather, the entire front line is being degraded.

    The destruction of bridges in the Kharkiv region, and both the Russian and Ukrainian sides were engaged in it, does not allow the approaching forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to quickly reach the contact line. Since the area is under close Russian surveillance, any movement of the Armed Forces in it leads to artillery and air strikes. The APU is suffering losses even before attempting to launch its counteroffensive. Any information confirming the losses of the Ukrainian army is under the strictest ban in Ukraine. It is for this reason that you do not receive any information from this area.

  16. The ICC courts are not for the West they are there to keep Africa, India, China in check not for White countries like Isreal. Western hypocrisy is on display for the world to see 👀Russia has gone out of its way to not hit civilians on purpose. Isreal and Ukraine target citizens. Ukraine is using precouis Attackems to target civilians in Belgorod how is that working out? I will tell you how it is going Russia opened a new front and started pushing the Ukranians back and with a recon force which is gaining ground. Billions of American dollars were given for defensive works which we know now where never built and the money stolen. Zelensky praised the defensive works and was bragging about them. The Ukranians don't want to join the army and fight or even build defenses for themselves and their countrymen. The Ukranians would be better off getting training from the Taliban and the Vietcong the only thing the French are good for is getting surrounded and surrendering.

  17. Willie, Your broadcast is so biased. Ukraine is such a bunch of criminals. Why do you bother ? Ukraine is going down. The criminals in the US military industry want to keep milking the dead Ukraine corpse. But it’s obvious Ukraine as we know it is finished.
    Why don’t you start giving a fair accurate account rather than just a bunch of propaganda.
    What you advocate for planes will lead to a huge escalation . Its stupid.

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