Russia-Ukraine War: Russia outproduces West in artillery shells | WION Fineprint

Russia-Ukraine War: Russia outproduces West in artillery shells | WION Fineprint

Russia is cranking out artillery shells three times faster than Ukraine’s Western allies the Russian shells are also costing just a quarter of their Western counterparts a new analysis has revealed the data released by Sky News and collated by consulting firm Bane and Company highlights the significant hle for the Ukrainian Armed Forces using publicly available data the study shows that Russian factories are expected to produce or refurbish approximately 4.5 million artillery shells this year this is in STK contrast to the combined production of about 1.3 million rounds across European nations and the US the research also highlighted the cost disparity it said NATO countries produced each 155 millim shells at an average cost of $4,000 per unit Russia on the other hand produces each 152 mm shells at just 1,000 US dollar per unit given ke’s dependence Western on ammunition the US UK and other European nations have tried to increase their production but they’re coming up vastly short in comparison to Russia Ukrainian soldiers on the front lines know that for every single round they fire at Russian forces the enemy retaliates with five shells but to address the problem ke’s forces are using their skills to maximize the impact senior Lieutenant currently fighting on the front lines against Russia forces said and I quote him often we just with just one two or three shells we can completely destroy a Target during a meeting with the leadership of Russia’s defense industry Enterprises on Saturday President Vladimir Putin said the production of ammunition in the country has increased 14 fold drone manufacturing has increased four-fold and the Assembly of tunks and armed Vehicles has increased three .5 fold since the launch of the military operation in Ukraine in February 2022 mosow has warned that deliveries of weapons and ammunition to keev by the US and its allies will not prevent it from achieving its military goals adding that it will merely prolong the fighting and increase the risks of a direct confrontation between Russia and NATO for all the latest news download the we on app And subscribe be to our YouTube channel

Russia is producing artillery shells about three times faster and at a quarter of the cost compared to Ukraine’s Western allies, according to a report. Watch in for more details!

#russia #ukraine #russiaukrainewar

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  2. Zelenszkij már megint sajnáltatja magát, de nem az Ukrán emberek életével törődik. Hazugnak nevezi Putyin béketervét, pedig Putyin komolyan gondol mindent, megfontolja mielőtt kimondja. Aki hazudik az saját maga Zelenszkij. A Világ hisz neki? Csak ismét még több bevételre akar szert tenni, de hova teszik a sok segélyt? Az özvegyek, árvák, rokkantak szaporodnak,menekültek otthontalanok. Normális még aki hisz Zelenszkijnek?

  3. Lion 🦁 of Judah looked into scroll has 7 seals so 7 thunders shouted blessed is mighty angel reads aloud true words bible book of revelations so lion 🦁 of Judah has sceptre of Judah come in name of father Jesus christ to conquer all babies in name of father to sit on father throne is God throne ark of covenant tabernacle has 7 lampstands represented 7 fold spirits stand before God throne ark of covenant tabernacle so lamb took scroll has 7 seals from the one seated on throne so I shall be his God and he shall be my son jesus christ come in name of father to conquer all babies in name of father to sit on father throne is God throne ark of covenant tabernacle so 7 thunders shouted blessed is mighty angel reads aloud true words bible book of revelations so mighty angel has fiery pillars for legs and rainbow 🌈 above head and face like sun of woman clothed with sun has 12 stars as crown walks on moon rules with iron rod.

  4. U are telling me a country of 130 million people with an economy the size of one American state produces more weapons and shells than America…lol…..u must be on hallucinating.. lol

  5. Germany thought when it invaded Russia in World War Two that Russia was a pushover they was to learn differently, history seems to be repeating itself with Ukraine and the Western world, 🇷🇺♥️🇷🇺♥️🇷🇺♥️🇷🇺♥️🇷🇺♥️🇷🇺♥️🇷🇺♥️🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺♥️🇷🇺♥️🇷🇺♥️🇷🇺♥️🇷🇺♥️♥️♥️🇷🇺♥️🇷🇺♥️🇷🇺♥️🇷🇺♥️

  6. 1:13 is the face of a man who has realised that he can't believe any reports from any of his military commanders. He knows his days are numbered.

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