Women Have Gotten ‘Too Mouthy,’ Says This Republican Senate Candidate

Women Have Gotten ‘Too Mouthy,’ Says This Republican Senate Candidate


  1. Minnesota’s Republican convention voted overwhelmingly to endorse him for Senate. Discussing his victory on his podcast, “Please, Call Me Crazy,” White thanked Jones and his Infowars website. “A lot of Infowars fans in the Republican Party delegation there on Saturday at the convention,” White said. Apparently he sees Bannon as a mentor.

    I agree with White. He is a crazy and a disgusting pos.

  2. Bite me?

    I’m thrilled to see these women unafraid of being called “bitchy” because they’re not deferential. 

  3. Again, a self-deprecating lapdog pleading with white conservatives to affirm his goodness.

  4. Ladies (and men of conscience), y’all know what to do in November. Vote and silence these archaic hate mongers. 

  5. Now imagine for a moment someone says to him “People of color have gotten too mouthy”, and see what his reaction is.

    It’s mind-boggling how short sighted some people in the Republican Party are.

  6. And these chuds never run the risk of being thought of as too brainy.

  7. From Wikipedia…

    Shoplifting and assaulting security as an 18 year old at Mall of America. This got him suspended for one of his college seasons. Trespassing at the University of Minnesota a couple of months later.

    This guy somehow made it to the NBA despite being afraid to fly, having legal troubles, and entering the draft after a suspension and one season as a college player.

    As a 21 year old rookie, he got them to agree to let him take a bus if it was feasible. If he flew…it was Xanax and Benedryl (why would ANY team doctor allow this?) Why anyone, especially him, would think that the travel needs of an NBA player and his situation would be a good fit are beyond reason, even in light of mental health challenges. Greed is a powerful thing.

    After 6 years of increasingly desperate signings…(Canada, Italy…one he played but got into a verbal shouting match with officials and was suspended, the other he didn’t even report to…I guess it was a long flight and he didn’t think of that). He joined Ice Cube’s Big3 league and was suspended his first game for fighting. So I guess he decided he was good at that…leading to…

    He dabbled in MMA (0-1), led protests following the George Floyd killing, and is somehow running as a Republican in Minnesota telling women to shut up.

    He tried to get the nomination to run against Omar in 2022, but lost in the Republican primary. His campaign used the remaining money to go to a strip club in Miami a week after the election (1200 bucks).

    He is a ‘Catholic’ with 4 children, but there is no mention of a spouse.

    Mental Health issues aside (He has Generalized Anxiety Disorder) this guy should not be allowed anywhere near a seat of power. He needs a nice, quiet job…maybe coaching kids under supervision, because he is apparently not a BAD basketball player…just a bad teammate.

  8. y’know, i think men have gotten a bit too mouthy, in general but most certainly when it comes to women.

  9. Instead at looking at his own many failures and bigotry, he blames women. A weak, cowardly boy…not even a man

  10. Fuck the trump agenda driving NYT. If the “candidate” isn’t trump, no need to read this.

    Bc you know dump has said that, but the times wouldn’t cover it if he did.

  11. This is a mainstream conservative point of view that conservative women also agree with.

    We live in upside down world.

  12. Royce White couldn’t cut it in the NBA because he was too afraid to fly.

    Personally, I’d prefer my representatives not be scared “snowflakes”

  13. Sexism, homophobia, transphobia … there’s a fragile toxic masculinity that runs through everything mags.

    EDIT: maga not mags.

  14. As a man I disagree. I think men have been too fucking mouthy forever and those men have made my, and other men like me, lives harder because of their bullshit views and actions.

  15. “Women have become too mouthy,” White said on Bannon’s “War Room” podcast.

    Elsewhere, White denounced the “Jewish lobby” and the “Jewish elite” and called Israel “the linchpin of the new world order.”

    He described the L.G.B.T.Q. movement as “Luciferian” and wrote that it’s “the brainchild of radical feminists and their cucked men.”

    Oof, how much hate and antisemitism can you get into one interview? Apparently a lot.

  16. Hope they give him some choice words. The guy is def insecure and has a power issue. Pychologists can easily help these individuals but they like to stay angry and complaining about eveything. Weak men

  17. Article without the paywall: http://archive.today/2024.05.27-162041/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/24/opinion/royce-white-senate-maga.html


    • Royce White, a former NBA player and civil rights activist, has embraced far-right views and conspiracy theories.

    • He now appears on Alex Jones’s show and has been endorsed by Minnesota Republicans for Senate.

    • White’s transformation reflects the growing influence of the far right within the Republican Party.

    • His victory highlights the party’s shift towards antisemitism, anti-vaccine sentiment, and distrust of established institutions.

    • White’s rise is a warning sign for liberal democracy, as it represents a breakdown in consensus about reality.

  18. This man hates himself so much that he’s decided to cosplay the people who hate him and make it his entire personality.

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