Infected blood disaster was no accident, says inquiry chair

Infected blood disaster was no accident, says inquiry chair

can you tell us what the main findings of your inquiry are well let me put it into context what I’ve been looking at uh are people from families across the UK who’ve gone into hospital for treatment and over 30,000 have come out with infections which were life shattering and 33,000 of those have died and deaths keep on happening week by week what I’ve found it is that disaster was no accident people put their trust in doctors and the government to keep them safe and that trust was betrayed and then the government compounded the agony by telling them that nothing wrong had been done that they’d had the best available treatment and that as soon as tests were available they were introduced and both of the statements were untrue that’s why what I’m recommending is that compensation must be paid now and I’ve made various other recommendations to help to make the future of the nhhs better and treatment safer it’s obviously hard to imagine that something like this has been allowed to happen can you just give us a sense of the scale of the devastation that has caused to families across the UK well I think the the scale speaks for itself um if you have over 30,000 people who go into Hospital uh and come out with infections which were life shattering that in itself is huge and the suffering for them and for others is huge when you add to that the fact that over 3,000 have died and that deaths keep on happening week after week you not only have a disaster which happened over years but it’s still happening what that brings with it is suffering which is very difficult to put into words you really have to listen to people who’ve lived it uh to hear and to understand

The chairman of the infected blood inquiry, Sir Brian Langstaff, outlined the main findings of his scathing report, which found that the scandal that caused tens of thousands of people in the UK to become infected or die from contaminated blood was avoidable and inflamed by a cover-up by the NHS and government.
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#BrianLangstaff #NHS #UK

  1. BBC hid the most heinous crime commited by their famous media personality (remember Saville and his friends?) inside the BBC premises, for decades. Invilving children. Sick. A whistleblower exposed this and only then BBC was forced to acknowledge. Shame.

  2. Not tested blood for tranfusions seems to be a mistake or done by purpose. The victims deserve justice. Those responsible must be investigatet.

  3. Wow, you put your trust in man especially in a greedy world and you were betrayed??? Shocker, then you’ll go and do the same thing over and over despite how many times we tell you. Insanity…

  4. How interesting that UK is meeting hospital acquired infection with fact-finding and sunlight, while in the US, the facts are buried thanks to lack of government oversight and private corruption. I wonder if “sentinel events” will ever be disclosed. Our populace has been led to believe we have great healthcare here, but with for-profit healthcare, there is no “system”, no effective regulation, and lots of greedy corporations in charge supported by the insurance industry. Medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death here. There are other countries that prosecute criminally what we tolerate as acceptable mistakes. There’s a lot to fix on this side of the pond.

  5. The same happened when US sold this infected blood to Latin countries too because they couldn’t use the blood in the US. They knew what was wrong with the blood. They wanted to make money. From what I know, the Latin countries it was sold to, didn’t know about the blood being infected. Many many people were infected.

  6. we're slowly admitting what happened with this, and then you stop questioning and condemning the people who were so upset about the mandatory compulsive new drugs forced on the entire population a few years back.

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