Meghan and Harry are desperately trying to be RIVAL royal family to save image – US tours are next

Meghan and Harry are desperately trying to be RIVAL royal family to save image – US tours are next

they’ve set up the um Office of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex rather than rather than than calling it archwell you know they still call them archwell is the charitable Foundation side of things but everything from them now is the office of they’ve got their own coat of arms and now they’re going on a on a tour we have the potential for we’re talking medieval history or talking back in the pastal we we’ve got a you know a kind of rival monito householder yes you do um to all again to all intents and purposes that is a very real possibility um the problem for them for the the sussexes is that once you start doing anything like that people become a lot more critical of what you do outside that so things like commercial Endeavors um or CI Royal tours people put it under more of a microscope than they would if you were calling it simply the office you know the office of Harry and Megan uh it’s interesting I wonder is it is it part of an attempt to Pivot from you know really some some harsh headlines they’ve had in the last year or two is it maybe to go in a slightly more socially conservative Direction and have themselves as as as you know CA as as sort of um Royals and exile for one of a better word I I wonder is that them acting on advice that people don’t want to hear another interview or another um criticism with the British royal family so it’s possible well it it see it seemed to fit the Royal blueprint um or the at all the Hallmarks of Tours that I’ve seen in the past or definitely with Harry and Megan when they were in South Africa and Australia you kind of ticked all the boxes and I wonder if um we don’t know yet but I just wonder if they must have plans for if if as you say it was a success they must have plans they could do this in America they could do um you know tour of certain areas of America or other parts of Africa or Asia certainly I mean their popularity in America is pretty low at the minute that could that could change uh as I think public opinion you always have to assim it’s a bit of a roller coaster uh but they absolutely could and I think there’s indicator that they will to be honest M because you heard you know them talk about what a great success it was for them uh and they you know obviously archell had some pretty negative headlines that weekend as well so I think that you know for them the tours are probably something very welcome and it does remind them and their supporters and sympathizers of that kind of star potential that Harry and Megan had when they first started stepping out onto foreign tourist so I I really would not be surprised if we saw more of these the difficulty for them down the line and not just I mean not just for them but in specifically in this case them will be if there are more and more quasi official tours the question of who pays for it will become trickier um and then they’ll start to put her as they do with all Royal wives and um Royal women the Wardrobe will go under the microscope there’ll be a the the headlines will start to generate themselves that’s not to say that they shouldn’t do it but I do think that they’ll they will get a different kind kind of press coverage a lot of it more positive one person we’ve not seen for a while is the Princess of Wales um obviously obvious on the show we you know we send her our best where does you think she stands like on the kind of historical AR that I keep referring to is there anyone in in in the past that we look back or you know past or present or future or whatever we look back and think the Princess of Wales has similarity in qualities or or post or position yeah I mean one of my sort of one of the few you know in my when I really started out years ago um one of things I sort of feel thank goodness I got in there with an early prediction is that I do think the princess of Wheels is is very like the late Queen Mother and maybe not necessarily in personality but in terms of both of them I mean we forget I think that the queen mother’s been dead what 22 years um but the queen mother in her lifetime was an extraordinarily popular figure I mean even into the 1990s she was outpolling Diana sometimes as the nation’s favorite Royal and you remember when I worked in a biography office an American friend said you know I don’t think the the Brits know that she died in such debt I said no no they they do know just no one cared um they sort of just you know it was uh she was she was hugely hugely um popular and part of the secret that she had was that she sees it as a marathon not a Sprint and I do think K has that very clear long-term vision of you you know you don’t sweat the everyday you plan 5 10 15 years and you don’t really let yourself get dragged in too easily by the smaller details of the headlines every week and that does she say is trickier in today’s society than it would have been for the queen mother to do but I also think the princess of Wheels is I think she she’s she’s um tough in the best way possible I use that as a compliment in the way I do with the Queen Mother I think you have to be someone who is prepared to keep you know to protect your private life which the Queen Mother very much did with her husband and her two daughters and also kind of keep putting one foot in front of the other and just keep going so that to me is probably who I would compare it to and actually when I did the book on the Queen Mother one of the people I interviewed who worked for the Queen mom said they see very clear similarities between the two of them and I think you you kind of see a little bit of that in the way we’ve spun the Catherine versus Megan rivalry is sort of like Elizabeth versus Wallace 2.0 it’s it’s you know we we we’ve sort of Ed them back in when when you say Elizabeth you mean theen the queen mother sorry yeah and I think um and that’s not to say that the comparison is Justified I always defend Megan a bit and say you know she’s not doing um well come on this is pesky we might as well get into it if the Queen Mother Elizabeth is yeah Catherine is is Katherine Princess of Wales she obviously was married to George the 6 and Edward VII had abdicated over his American socialite wife it was American doeses that make there have always been similarities between Megan they’re American divorce and they’ve kind of broken up a part of the Royal Family do you think it do you think it’s justifiable that well I allegedly Prince Philip made the comparison and he had he had met Wallace um yeah I mean one of the things that that the the Duke and DOD The Windsor Edward and Wallace did in the 1930s and again a little bit in the 1940s and 1950s is they did these very controversial quasi Royal not Royal tours right yeah yeah and I would have to be very very clear before we go further one of them was to Nazi Germany and I’m not drawing the comparison there uh that’s the most infamous one for very obvious reasons because they were photographed smiling with Hitler oh yeah um but there were other ones that were they were sort of whined and dined um Can this isn’t grip by Franco but but but they did they sort of they had this they did a couple of things in America like you’ve been talking about with the sussexes um they did have tours that aren’t tours that sort of rub the royal family out the wrong way separating the the German and the Spanish ones which the the Spanish um stay he had because they were obviously much more politically incend um I I think Wallace has Wallace Simpson has two kinds of personalities depending on which author you’re listening to right and in many ways of the two that we ascribe to Megan so separating the politics for a minute Wallace has either presented as someone who was um ambitious loathed her sister-in-law uh wanted to be the star player in the monarchy was very very um difficult to work for and uh and essentially moved Edward away from from being a working member of the royal family the alternative view of her is that she was someone who never fully understood the monarchy and in many ways was quite badly burned by it and by the British Public’s attitude towards it that she didn’t quite fully process and that essentially she was someone who dared to remold life on her own terms and and to take the steps that she wanted to live yes as a duchess and a member of the royal and sorry a member of the a relation of the Windor um but that she did not want to feel necessarily Shackled by that and in many ways and this is where I think it gets more even more historiographically complicated the best evidence that we have now decades and decades after after you know the abdication crisis there are letters that an seba who wrote a biography of Wallace find from 1936 where Wallace is telling people she’s very close to that she feels that Edward always wanted to get out of the monarchy and that actually she’s sort of been used as the as the getout ticket so Megan in some ways has been slotted into those two to those two personality types depending on which team you you you fall on I I tend to think that I of think culturally she’s being made very similar to Wallace Simpson I don’t know if I buy that they were they’re really that similar

PRINCE Harry and Meghan Markle are desperately trying to be rivals to the royal family to save their image, a royal expert has claimed.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have just returned to the US after a three-day tour of Nigeria.

The Sussexes kicked off their “faux-Royal tour” with a visit to Lightway Academy, a primary and secondary school in the country’s capital.

They then visited Nigeria’s defence HQ on Friday to meet military wives and senior officials.

The following day Harry was snapped playing volleyball, before Meghan referred to Nigeria as “my country”.

Many royal fans were quick to point out the similarities between their trip and an official royal tour.

And now a royal expert says he believes “an alternative royal family is emerging”.

Speaking on The Sun’s Royal Exclusive show with Matt Wilkinson, Gareth Russell said: “To all intents and purposes that is a real possibility.”

00:00 Intro
00:30 The problem with Harry and Meghan’s tours
03:00 Princess Catherine and Meghan Markle rivalry
04:20 Why Catherine is like the Queen Mother
05:30 Similarities between Meghan Markle and Wallis Simpson

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  1. The similarities between Markle and Simpson have nothing to do with being American and everything to d0 with the fact they are/were both narcissistic sociopaths. Learn basic psychology and call these fiends out for what they are.

  2. It is time that the British government work on revoking Prince Harry's title "Prince'. Get rid of his title, Meghan and children loose theirs by default and get removed from the line of succession. Once that happens, Meghan will run away so very fast that British men will have to be placed under lock and key to protect them from Meghan!

  3. they are very happy. the monarchy was a dead end. william is not QE. NO ONE WANTS WILLIAM DECIDIING THEIR FINANCES…. AS FOR THE DIRT IN SPARE. BE NICE AND THERE'S NO DIRT.

  4. Eddy and Wallis are finished. Or Henry and Rachel or Hch and Megzy. Whoever they are on whatever day is becoming a huge embarrassment.
    A full photographic documentary coming on her pregnancies. Bump photos are from Getty Images. No way a baby bump can change size in so many different days. She bends 9 times from 6 months to 8 months with high heels and legs closed. Midwife and paediatricians talk about why this is an impossibility to achieve and extremely dangerous to the fetus.
    Her mothers criminal record ect.

  5. Scrap US off for quasi tours because this country doesn’t believe in royal titles and won’t pay to see or hear Meg/H. However, expect them to corner more commonwealth countries since they’d probably pay these grifters out of respect for the King.

  6. The USA need to tell them to relinquish all titles if they want to remain in the USA, because she's American and when they go abroad and do things like Nigeria, they are perceived as representing her country as well as ours and compromise both countries politically. Titles are not allowed in the USA to be used in potentially official ways! The USA can easily put an end to their nonsense and games!

  7. Ces deux là deshonnore le comté de Sussex le titre de Sussex..
    Ils sont une honte pour beau comté en Angleterre.
    Ces titres ne doivent plus leur être attribué..
    Pour le respect des habitants du Sussex ..
    Une petition devrait être faite et envoyée au parlement britannique pour leur faire part du déshonneur que ces deux personnages provoque dans le comté de Sussex.
    Une honte que personne n ai rien fait par rapport a ceci….
    Une honte …

  8. C est la famille royale qui rst désespérée il n' a ya plus personne qui travaille où est passé tous les membres seniors de cette grande famille que vous payez ils sont tous malades ou quoi bizarre

  9. Vous passez votre temps qu à diredu mal sur c beau couple pendant ce temps vous ne souhaitez pas savoir où est votre future reine y compris la maitresse rose

  10. Y’all are so nosy. Stay out of their personal business. Meghan and Harry can do whatever and go wherever they wanna go! And I’m here for it! 👏🏾 👏🏾

  11. It wasn’t a success, many Nigerians are saying she is not Nigerian and want proof of the DNA test she allegedly took, some women said she was rude and ignored young girls and just like the Invictus games, it was all about her, she nudged the ex royal out of a photograph and dressed appallingly considering she was in a poor country, they never addressed the main issues Nigeria is facing but spewed word salad which they are good at

  12. They aren’t royals in exile, they are a pair of jobless no hopers now attempting to crawl back to what they’ve tried to profit from. Hollywood has rejected them and they rejected the UK and the RF.
    No one that cares will ever accept them as members of the RF ever again.

  13. Meghan is An Absolute Disgrace She’s A Disgusting Scammer Who Never Deserved The Royal Title!!!! Where As Kate is Such A Beautiful Graceful Kind Loving Person Who’s Always Been Extremely Humble Proving So Many Wrong Showing She Married For Love…

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