Russia steps up attacks in Eastern Ukraine | BBC News

first of all let’s turn to Ukraine where president zilinski has once again been asking the outside world to come together to face Russia saying that his War aim is to kick Russia out of Ukraine including Crimea well he’s recently had words of support from Spain where he received a pledge of military aid but what is happening in Ukraine itself well Russian forces have made some progress and we know that they’ve been making advances towards the Eastern Ukrainian city of H in recent weeks and in the early hours of just this morning a series of explosions hit the Russian held Ukrainian city of Lin reportedly targeting a military Aviation school and also a repair plant well let’s cross over to our International editor Jeremy bone who joins us live from harke and Jeremy you were at the DIY Center in harke that was targeted over the weekend seemingly Ukraine’s Second City is defenseless against Russian attacks that’s certainly how it feels here yeah uh that particular uh shopping complex I think the death toll is now up to 18 they’re still uh looking for missing people uh and you know the it’s a strange atmosphere here in h because behind me there’s a busy road people are going to work but only about 30 kilometers from here there’s quite a major battle going on between Ukrainian and Russian forces in in uh a Border Town Called V Chans where I was in the area uh just a few days ago I didn’t go into the city it’s way too uh lethal for that to be there but uh you could see I could see massive plumes of smoke coming from big fires clearly it’s an inferno and uh as well as that here in the city this is the second biggest city uh in Ukraine it does feel pretty defenseless uh when it comes to uh various kinds of Russian missile attacks because uh they’re so short of uh missile defenses and they what they have to do is make some difficult choices about what it is they protect and JY we’ve been seeing president ziny he was in Madrid over the weekend just talk us through what he wants because I know of course he’s always calling for more arms but he also wants to Target locations within Russia what’s the reality of the International Community even agreeing to that well the thing is it’s it’s the Americans basically it’s Joe Biden uh President Joe Biden in the White House who is very reluctant for the ukrainians to use some of the sophisticated weapons that the Americans have supplied to hit targets inside Russia that is because of the fear that he has that goes way back to the start of the full scale Invasion more than two years ago in February uh 2022 uh when a eventally as Biden said at the time we do do not want to get too engaged in this directly uh because that would be World War I so he is worried about escalation he’s worried about the fact that President Putin does from time to time rattle the nuclear saber and while a lot of analysts say look that’s just Bluff I think President Biden is cautious and he says well let’s not take that risk but uh especially with the pressure now and this border fight that’s going on uh the ukrainians are saying why can’t we hit say concentrations of Russian troops on the other side of the Border even the the head of NATO Yen stoltenberg has come out and said that that should be allowed and it’s pretty unusual for the head of NATO to be directly pressing the most important and Powerful member of NATO the United States the leader of NATO to change its policies but that’s what he’s doing yes a fascinating really interesting uh turn there from Yen Stenberg Jeremy as always to you and the team stay safe thank you so much Jeremy bone there our International editor in h where Russia is stepping up those attacks on that part of eastern Ukraine hke uh Ukraine’s second largest city lots more on our website as well

Russian forces say they have taken two more Ukrainian villages in the east of the country.

Moscow’s foreign ministry announced the capture of one village in the Kharkiv region and another one in Donetsk.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has urged Western leaders to pressure Russia into peace using “all means” necessary.

Mr Zelensky has long said he will not negotiate with Russia directly until Moscow’s forces leave all Ukrainian territory, including Crimea.

His call, however, comes as Russia makes gains against Ukraine, with Kyiv suffering from a shortage of Western-supplied weapons.

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  1. Usual bbc negativity about Ukraine. They have scared the Russians out of Sevastopol, enabled grain export to continue and fought like lions against a cruel & criminal opponent. They are still holding the line, keeping the murdering Russians out of Europe. Putin was emboldened by the weakness of Cameron etc., who ran down our forces, thereby weakening NATO and, through the gift of brexshit, gave Russia the impression of EU disunity. Now it is too late, Cameron pretends to talk tough about using weapons on Russian territory. Thank god Sweden & Finland, much smaller countries than UK, are propping up NATO. They also know Russia but for 14 years the already rich tories have been focused on making even more money for themselves and arrogantly ignored people who know much better.

  2. Regardless of big talk from European "leaders" and Sleepy Joe Biden, the future of Europe is extremely grim. All scenarios at a minimum will involve higher military spending and higher taxes and ultimately higher consumer prices.

  3. Russia is clearly committing state terrorism in Ukraine, and world leaders should call out Vladimir Putin for the state terrorist that he is.

  4. Oh, what a delightful gathering of Russian trolls we have here! It seems trolling is proving to be a more successful endeavor than actual warfare. How quaint.

  5. Британия по морде получит одной из первых за поставку оружия, ракет шторм Шедоу и провокацию этой бойни.

  6. So much BS! If Biden was being "cautious", he'd order a recall of CIA "advisors", stop sending the Ukranians arms & order Ukranian elections to be held!

  7. And the West/US still are shivering of fear from putler, else it cannot be explained that they still keep Ukrainians from defending themselves without arms tied to their backs – extremly shameful and ridiculous

  8. Darn whit errors… IT was not a full scale invasion.. it was 9000 men, to press Ukriane to negotiate, and it success, to Boris Johnson, USA and NATO ordered Ukriane to continue and now whit 500 000 meaningless dead ukraines, even more wounted and psykic damaged and a land in Ruin. Its total insane.

  9. "the "DIY" centre blown up in Kharkiv"
    massive, multiple explosions set off in that "DIY" centre! Any chance it was also an arms storage facility? not the kind of question BBC would ever ask.

  10. How many more tens of thousands of troops is Zelensky realises his proxy war is over. Russia has gone from strength to strength both militarily and economically because of our interference

  11. All you who hail putler do you's want to have your country smashed like Ukraine. If you can't see how evil this monster is than change your glasses.

  12. whare is British Boris Johnson asked him go to the front line . whare is war criminal Toni Blair is he still selling freedom and democracy .

  13. A three day Invasion that is now at day 824 and counting. Russia controls less ground than they did at day 5. Russia for 18months has been using tanks from the 40s and 50s. Russia has has over 500,000 dead or wounded for Putins imperialism. He wants land more than the lives of Russians. He is insane.

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