Ukraine war: Ivanivka in Kharkiv & Netailove in Donetsk region captured: Russia | World News | WION

Ukraine war: Ivanivka in Kharkiv & Netailove in Donetsk region captured: Russia | World News | WION

Russian troops and thousands are lining up along Northwest of karke in Ukraine says Ukraine’s President Vladimir zilinski as he renews his plea for permission to Target them with missiles supplied by Western allies zalinski says the satellite images show Russian forces building up near Ukraine sui City and that the areas from where Russian combat aircraft takeoff and missiles are launched are already located but Ukrainian forces are not allowed to strike targets inside Russia with Western missiles he said the restraint on attacking the Russian troops in their territory is providing the Russian forces a safe space for ground attacks preparations and firing missiles at Ukrainian cities now zinsky warned that after karke now Kremlin is planning to attack the sui city as his troops struggle to hold back Russia’s Invasion forces Ukrainian leader continues to seek more military aid from his Western allies today zalinski is visiting Belgium to sign a security pact with prime minister Alexander the crew that’s after he visited Spain on Monday and signed a security pact with Spanish prime minister Pedro Sanchez that allocates 1.08 billion dollars Military Support to Ukraine this year furthermore Ukraine’s top Commander Alexander syki has said that French military instructors would soon arrive in the country to train Ukrainian servicemen after video link talks with French defense minister Sebastian loru and he said paperwork has been signed to enable the first French instructors to visit Ukrainian training centers meanwhile Russia claims to have captured two villages in Ukraine in a video released by the Russian defense Ministry military officials said they have captured ianka in the kariv region and nelo in the dunesque region Russia has also claimed to have downed drone a drone in fact outside Moscow Andre vorov the governor of Moscow region said air defenses downed a drone in basika leading to the debris falling on a house but nobody was hurt in the incident as the house was evacuated in time [Music] on the other hand in car ke prosecutors shared footage of twin missile attacks that left 16 dead on Saturday security camera footage showed the moment when a large construction supply store was hit by Russian missiles in the latest the Russian held city of luhansk in eastern Ukraine came under attack twice within 3 hours early on Tuesday meanwhile Russia has announced to build a nuclear power plant in usbekistan a deal has been signed in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to usbekistan according to Kremlin Russian State nuclear firm rosatom will build up to six nuclear reactors with a capacity of 55 megawatt each in usbekistan now this is however a smaller scale project than the 2.4 gaws one agreed in 2018 which remains to be finalized Putin said Russia will put $400 million into a joint investment fund of $500 million to finance projects in usbekistan if implemented the deal will showcase Russia’s ability to export high-tech products to new Asian markets amid sanctions by the Western countries the move is being seen as Russia extending influence in Central Asia in competition with the West essentially usbekistan has tripled its exports of uranium products to the European Union markets in the past year now the usbek president called it the first such project in post Soviet Central Asia interestingly there are no nuclear power plants in any of the five ex Soviet Central Asian republics although usbekistan and its neighbor kazakistan both uranium producers have long said their growing economies needed them in fact to give us more on this we were earlier just joined by Professor Peter Kik director of the nuclear Studies Institute at the American University and just listening to what he had to say uh R Russia will be actually SE selling more and more oil and gas to usbekistan which previously had been exporting oil and gas usbekistan and Kazakhstan have both said that they need nuclear power that their their oil and gas supplies should not be exported they need them internally but they also need nuclear power to meet their demand and Russia is in a prime position Ros Adam the Russian nuclear agency has been exporting a lot of nuclear power so they’re in a very strong position technologically economically politically to carry this out right now the West ability to hurt Russia with sanctions has proven to be surprisingly limited Russia has been opening up trade with the East orienting away from the west and so now they’ve got increased trade as you know with India with China with Eastern Europe with Africa with other Asian countries so Russia has its own strategy which has been working whereas countries like Britain and Germany are showing SIDS of economic decline Russia is actually showing SIDS of economic growth so Russia has not been hurt but in the long run this has not been positive for Russia’s economy what Russia’s done is been building up its military industrial complex well that can work in the short run but in the long run it’s not producing the kinds of Goods that people need to raise their standard of living and so in the long run this will not be beneficial for Russia but in the short run it has been working for all the latest news download the weon app And subscribe to our YouTube channel

Russia’s invasion forces Ukrainian leader to seek more military aid from his Western allies.

Today Zelensky is visiting Belgium to sign a security pact with Prime Minister Alexander De Croo, the visit comes after he visited Spain on Monday and signed security pact with the Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez. Zelensky’s visit comes as Ukraine battles Russia’s ground offensive in the Kharkiv region which started on May 10. Watch in for more details!

#russiaukrainewar #zelensky #belgium

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  1. ACCORDING TO ZELENSKY ON WESTERN MEDIA, UKRAINE IS NOW COUNTER-ACTTACKING AND PUSHING THE RUSSIANS BACK. That's misleading and only exposes the lies of the western media, and proves that their information is misinformation and cannot be taken seriously except by their blind citizens who are actually unintelligent. An average American does not even know what goes on in the world or how many countries are there in Africa or Asia.

  2. Wion!? You need to correct your statement. Zelensky is not the President of Ukraine anymore. His term has ended. You just say Zelensky and is good enough, not "President " please.

  3. "The More Eu And Other Ukraine's Allies Nor Friends Keep Supporting And Providing More Weapons And Warheads To Ukraine And Israel,You Do Know That This Planet Will Be Destroyed One Day If The War Has Been Escalating Too Much Latetly And Always Remember That The Time And Lives Are Ticking Like A Time Bomb From Before It's Too LateβŒ›β³πŸ’₯🌍."

  4. Have you ever wondered what World War Three might look like? Well, news flash, it's about to look much different than expected. This war has already started in the shadows, over resources over commodities, and it's hitting much closer to home in a big way.

  5. Have you ever wondered what World War Three might look like? Well, news flash, it's about to look much different than expected. This war has already started in the shadows, over resources over commodities, and it's hitting much closer to home in a big way.

  6. Thats the problems they were given ammunation but there are conditions. Its now very hard to rely on the countries capable of supplying military hardwares. Its now time countries like Israel Ukraine should produced its own military hardware not just to rely only on Allies, Like USA Britain NATO UN

  7. The Ukraine war is simply the umbrella used to commit genocide of the Slavic people fir the Kazars (Israeli Zionist)funded by USA citizens.

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