American September is a documentary project archiving and filming stories from each U.S. state and all over the world along with animating [short films on 9/11 history.](
You can comment your story below or directly e-mail the project through the [contact page]( Liechtenstein does not have a page yet, but will receive one after the first memory is shared.

1 comment
  1. Anyone still blabbering about 9/11 is definitely pushing an American exceptionalism/nationalism BS agenda. The deaths of 3k people was certainly a tragedy, but it doesn’t even register as a blip on the radar of horrible experiences by humanity in the last century (and certainly pales terribly in comparison to the death, devastation, and destruction levied unjustly by the USA in a misguided and misdirected retaliatory campaign of war and terror throughout the Middle East).

    9/11’s true legacy is that it was exploited as a propaganda rallying call by the military industrial complex to redistribute trillions of tax dollars into the hands of weapons and energy executives at the expense of millions of innocent lives on the opposite side of the planet, in a region most Americans know nothing about.

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