Days After Putin’s ‘How To Win’ Speech, Russia’s 2 Big Victories Even As NATO Snubs Zelensky

Days After Putin’s ‘How To Win’ Speech, Russia’s 2 Big Victories Even As NATO Snubs Zelensky

The Russian Army, on May 27, claimed to have captured two more Ukrainian settlements – Ivanovka and Netaylovo. Moscow said Ivanovka was taken by the Zapad group of forces and Netaylovo by the Tsentr group. The latest gains came days after Russian President Vladimir Putin’s victory tactic speech on May 25. Watch for more.


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  1. Russia has now realised that its really impossible for anyone to stop ✋ Russia as it has just proved to USA and NATO that it can defeat them and can withstand anything it’s on its way to be the most powerful nation on the planet and it’s now number 1 most powerful country in the world

  2. Fact that all my life I never seen a non us cum NATO missile actively us3d in war makes ne know who d war mongers is. This Ukraine NATO trick happens everywhere. : school, work, suburbs, ghetto. U allow encroachment u are destroyed in a surprise backstabbing attack. If u pre empt d plot they call u paranoid and a maniac. Yet JFK would not allow d exact same thing in Cuba. So putin ain't crazy . We know what's up. U sleep u find out like Saddam and Gaddafi

  3. No sane human being would ever, for any reason, sympathetically support a state and dictator that unilaterally invades another country and continues to target its inhabitants for two years. Such actions can never be justified. If there is one, his or her brain is being manipulated and damaged by something or someone evil.

  4. Why do you distort the truth ??- 18 people ( civilians ) killed + wounded + people missing -in Kharkiv…. you sell quite a lot of products to the uk ……so that’s at risk with the Hindustani Times being so ‘economical with the truth ‘
    Putin’s puppets , that’s what you are 😱

  5. Keep pushing 🇷🇺❤️ President Putin Sir 🇷🇺❤️! You and your brave professional soldiers are doing an excellent job!! Let me make it clear, I'm not glorifying the killing of people!! However; the Western Elites and their Kiev Ukraine betrayers have made the decision to take their problems onto the battlefield to be resolved!! Fascist neo-Nazi's rejected their ballot box and made the serious error of rejecting the Great Russian language and their great leader Viktor Yanukovych democratically elected by the Ukraine people. May Ukrain' and it's great people return to the Russian Motherland!!

    We mustn't go down this fascist neo-Nazi Western Elite road again!! Absolutely!!

  6. NATO ( The 30 no constituency appointed appointee's unelected unaccountable to no one member's)

    A group of incompetents where they have the regular ability for (the blind to lead the blind) and they do so with tremendous confidence and a glorified unelected idiot, Jen's Stoltenberg!!, An unelected individual who operates way beyond his pay scale.

  7. 로이터 "이스라엘군 탱크, 가자 최남단 라파 도심 진입"
    입력2024.05.28. 오후 6:43 기사원문
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    [이데일리 양지윤 기자] 이스라엘 방위군 탱크가 가자지구 최남단 ‘라파’ 심장부에 진입했다.

    28일(현지시간) 팔레스타인 가자지구 남부 라파에서 이스라엘군의 공습으로 연기가 피어오르고 있다.(사진=로이터)
    로이터통신은 28일(현지시간) 정오쯤 이스라엘군의 탱크가 라파 중심부 랜드마크인 알 아우다 사원 근처에서 목격됐다고 보도했다. 이날 아랍권 뉴스 채널 알자지라는 이스라엘군 탱크가 라파로 진격하는 모습을 사회관계망서비스(SNS)에 공개했다.

    이스라엘군은 확인 요청에 응하지 않은 채 라파 지역에서 계속 작전을 벌이고 있다고 밝혔다.

    이스라엘군은 밤새 공습과 탱크 사격으로 도시를 공격했으며 26일에는 난민 수용소에서 화재가 발생해 팔레스타인인이 최소 45명 숨진 것으로 파악된다. 사망자 중 절반 이상이 어린이, 여성, 노인으로 확인돼 국제사회의 비난 여론이 들끓고 있지만, 이스라엘은 공세를 강화했다고 주민들은 전했다.

    팔레스타인 무장정파 하마스는 이번 공습 이후에도 이스라엘군의 발포가 이어져 최소 26명의 추가 사망자가 발생했다고 밝혔다.

    로이터는 목격자들을 인용, 이스라엘군이 이번 공격에 원격 조종 장갑차를 투입한 것으로 보인다고 전했다.

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    2024년 신년운세·토정비결·사주 확인!رويترز: دبابات إسرائيلية تدخل وسط مدينة رفح أقصى جنوب قطاع غزة
    تم الدخول بتاريخ 2024.05.28. 6:43 مساءً المقال الأصلي
    بوت ملخص الجسم
    استخدم خدمات تحويل النص إلى كلام
    تغيير حجم الخط
    أرسل خدمة التواصل الاجتماعي
    الجزيرة تنشر لقطات لتقدم الدبابة على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي
    يبدو أنه تم نشر مركبة مدرعة يتم التحكم فيها عن بعد.
    [مراسل اليومية يانغ جي يون] دخلت دبابات الجيش الإسرائيلي إلى قلب مدينة رفح، أقصى جنوب قطاع غزة.

    عرض الأصلي
    الدخان يتصاعد من غارة جوية عسكرية إسرائيلية في رفح، جنوب قطاع غزة، فلسطين، يوم 28 (بالتوقيت المحلي). (الصورة = رويترز).
    وذكرت وكالة رويترز أنه في حوالي ظهر يوم 28 (بالتوقيت المحلي)، شوهدت دبابة تابعة للجيش الإسرائيلي بالقرب من مسجد العودة، أحد المعالم البارزة في وسط رفح. في مثل هذا اليوم، نشرت قناة الجزيرة الإخبارية العربية صوراً لدبابات إسرائيلية تتقدم نحو رفح على خدمات التواصل الاجتماعي.

    وقال الجيش الإسرائيلي إنه يواصل عملياته في منطقة رفح، دون الرد على طلب التأكيد.

    هاجم الجيش الإسرائيلي المدينة بغارات جوية ونيران الدبابات طوال الليل، وفي يوم 26، اندلع حريق في مخيم للاجئين، مما أسفر عن مقتل 45 فلسطينيًا على الأقل. وكان أكثر من نصف القتلى من الأطفال والنساء والمسنين، مما أثار انتقادات من المجتمع الدولي، لكن السكان أفادوا بأن إسرائيل كثفت هجومها.

    وقالت حركة حماس، وهي فصيل سياسي فلسطيني مسلح، إنه حتى بعد هذه الغارة الجوية، واصلت القوات الإسرائيلية إطلاق النار، مما أدى إلى مقتل 26 شخصًا إضافيًا على الأقل.

    وذكرت رويترز نقلا عن شهود عيان أن الجيش الإسرائيلي يبدو أنه نشر مركبات مدرعة يتم التحكم فيها عن بعد في هذا الهجوم.

    جيون يانغ (
    حقوق الطبع والنشر ⓒ Edaily. كل الحقوق محفوظة. النسخ غير المصرح به وإعادة التوزيع محظور.

    صنفت وكالة الأنباء هذه المقالة في قسمها العالمي.

    بشكل رئيسي
    اشترك في الأخبار التحريرية من وسائل الإعلام التي تراها على الفور!

    هل هناك سبب للاستثمار؟ تحقق من ذلك على الفور!
    انقر على رمز الاستجابة السريعة لرؤيته بحجم أكبر.
    تحقق من ثروة العام الجديد 2024، وسر Tojeong، وقراءة الطالع!

  8. Putin is the second Hitler revived in modern times. We, human beings with common sense who value law, peace and order, must not feed the wandering rogue who ridicules them.

  9. Hey so called ukr supporters what's more important to you Ukrainian life and land ?? So how about calling for peace or switch boots with ukrainians who don't wanna fight/☠️ for zly/NATO

  10. After 500,000 Rssian soldiers killed, it must be clear that things are going in the wrong direction for Russia.
    The aggressor is Russia, which is why most countries protect themselves.
    After so many chances to cooperate with the rest of the world, the so-called Russian regime, must feel very lonely and seek cooperation with rogue states.

  11. What about hundreds of civilians Ukraine Kills daily by attacking peaceful cities in Russia that has nothing to do with military. This is one sided video only pro western bull shit.

  12. NATO has Cocainesky by the balls. Definitely active threats to his life and family members to keep up the veil of fighting for democracy while behind the scenes the largest land & resource grab is occurring by globalists.

  13. The irony about this intense arming of Ukraine is, the EU countries are depleting their own military resources so that when the real war starts, they are going to find themselves short of weapons. All the air defense weapons and other weapons they sent which Russia has destroyed, this is so brainless on their part and since they have joined the US in sanctioning Russia, they are buying energy at more than 3 times the cost and so to reproduce these weapons will end up costing more. It's like shooting yourself in one foot when you are about to engage in a fight.

  14. Go Russia the deep state in Washington DC has turned A once great country into a open boarder cesspool of drug addicts, homelessness and crumbled infrastructure .

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