Russia Pounces On Kharkiv’s Ivanivka After 3rd War Front In Sumy | Ukrainian Defences Crumble

Russia Pounces On Kharkiv’s Ivanivka After 3rd War Front In Sumy | Ukrainian Defences Crumble

The Ukrainian Army has said that Russia achieved ‘partial success’ in another Kharkiv region village. It said that 10 battles were fought around Ivanivka amid intense fighting at border villages. Russian forces are inching towards Ivanivka capture after ‘liberating’ Klishchiivka and reclaiming Andriivka in the Donetsk region. Meanwhile, Ukraine Army chief contradicted his general staff and said that Russian forces were getting ‘bogged down in street fighting’ in Vovchansk. Watch for more details.


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  1. Its interesting when Ukrainian refugees call Zelensky a butcher that is sacrifices the people he should raise a white flag for! The dont want to go back to fight for Zelenskys meaningless war.🇸🇪

  2. putin has failed trying to over run ukraine , two plus years and nothing to show for it , and now comes ukraines friends to smash putins toys , ukraines has putin covered and russia will soon realise that

  3. Hundreds of millions were sent to Ukraine to dig trenches and build fortifications , Zelensky stole the money , nothing was done . Biden got his 10% and Hunter sold five paintings .

  4. Disinformation organ only says what is convenient for them, they are paid to carry out propaganda for an army that no longer has any Russia has been dragged into this war and now pay the consequences, it will win on all fronts where it fights and don't fool yourselves Anglo-Saxon propagandists, there will only be one winner…Russia. 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺

  5. 🙄This idiots Germany England France Poland and Fiends get busted wanting and plotting to blow a bridge and got taped doing so now the Russians like The Zionist Racist Warmongering Israel War Criminals Punks did in Syria? The Bunch of Nazi butt buddies lovers plotting they accuse the victim they plotted against of being the dangerous victimize rs warmonger Zelensky Bullshitting we are Winning knocking down the Rockets and the Whole of Ukraine on Fire; France talking about sending troops and Poland wanting to get their ass kicked just like HITLER DID with POLAND these fuckers don't even know they own History and are bound to re live it National Nazi Fratricidal Bloodymirerds Zelenskyy the Ukrainian Monika Lewinsky of the E.U and N.A.T.O kissing licking and begging for money arss kissing to the last Dead Ukrainian for N.A.T.O his masters now Macron Poland and other friends for 500,000 men want to send him more weapons and troops! Well good luck Russian shovels ask for coffins too⚰⚰⚰⚰ still underestimating Russia's rusty shovels gas pumps and washing machines ; Real Woman and old Man 18 to 60 for war if they refuse 8 yrs jail Differed Adjudication if they go 1 yr to the front Children been conditioned to be sacrificed in the near future to be taken to the Front by Force to be Killed as Cannon Fodder ooh! you little Hitler you will go like he did hope not may the people in Ukraine judge you wail you get all ☠⚰⚰☠⚖⚰⚰⚰like the Zionists war criminals are getting nd will continue getting ⚰⚰⚰⚰⚰⚰the murderous cowards they are just like Ukraine ⚰⚡✈Cursed Israhell the chosen beggars parasites of the world just like Ukraine ⚰and will continue from Russia With💋💣💥💣💥💣💣 Love Getting⚰⚰🪦🪦 ☠Ummmmmmmm???!!!!!!!✈☠⚰⚖

  6. N.A.T.O. is NOT Self-defence Club. Before NATO setup Invasion in Ukraine, they was working in many countries.
    Ukrainian people are becoming Victims of the US+NATO Stocks Market Scum and Never Ending Wars to support Corporate Elite.
    Washington’s ulterior motive is to possess Ukraine as a tool for weakening or antagonizing Russia, the purest expression of the divide-and-conquer approach the West has been pursuing in Eastern Europe since the Cold War.

  7. Ukrainian fools kept selling Kyiv created russ never and nati foolish poodles though Russia was gonna collapse when it's older and more prepared they've taken Asians and everyone Arabs now nato and and America nato should end as Russia partners to parenting skills so all new nations taking us on and can make terms for peace how did nazis and anti zionist crush nato when Russia is stronger because nato silly cheating azz should've knocked over this African Americans know Biden and how dare racist Zelensky thinks all racist to people that hate Biden would make them win when we don't care about Europe at all all European that hate black people can take this Russian victory African Americans lived in ex soviet union and know we were talking black peace for each other on Haiti America and others there was Grenada black soviet union who used to ve British and they let small black nato and huge black Caribbean show British ex colonizers dare America to sit down while we did that it showed nato complete hypocrisy yet foolish European nato countries think USA who is younger bully inexperience create world problems on its peaceful Russian world. Ex Russian kingdom and soviet showed USA European countries not our friends yet greedy azzholes of Russia is now who will accept Russia as new Americans come out laughing at Europe never can be trusted again

  8. A few months later there won’t be any Ukrainian soldiers to fight this meaningless battle. I can imagine only Rambo Macron in his underwear, holding his glass of champagne, fighting it out. 😂 Cheers, Monsieur Macron.

  9. Kharkiv offensive allready stalling and Ukraine also took back large portions north of Kharkiv…

    But Hindustan Times is not showing that, one should wonder why.

  10. The current military analysis on the Kharkiv 'front' is that the Russian forces have been stalled and now Ukrainian forces are pushing them back in places. There is no storming or mass push at all. Put a positive Kremlin spin on it if you will but ithe doesn't change the actual situation on the ground.

  11. The loss rate for the Galician nationalist regime in Kiev has jumped from 1100 to over 1600 since Russia started to liberate the Kharkov region. If Russia opens up Cherny and Sumy the loss rate will again jumpt to at least 2000 a day. The Galicians are losing 45'000 troops in one month now! WIth Sumy and Cherniv fronts it will be 60'000 a months which is a whole army corp. Once Russia opens the Kiev and Odessa fronts then loss rates will jump to 3000-4000 a day (90000-120'000) a month and that would mean that the Ukraine looses 30 brigades a month or one complete army within just 6 weeks.
    Losses will be so high that they will be 2x the normal death rate across the whole rest of Ukraine across the whole population. The Ukraine will then have to bury twice as many young people between 18-40 as it loses in the whole population between 0-75 years old.
    This will also lead to amssive exodus of women, as no sane person would ever want to move to the Ukraine for decades to come.
    The Ukraine now has only 25 Mio people left but at the end of this year this will be below 20 Mio and most of them will be elderly people with an average age of > 50 years. A country for old women mostly. Fertility is below 1.0 now, which means the existing population also shrinks naturally by 50% in every birth year. This means that in these territories there will be no demographically viable self-sustainable population structure in 20 years. The very few young will all leave- at least the better half, and the rest will degrade another generation.
    These territories will become Mad Max like wastelands only that they will be green-brownish mud lands and no desert. Probably with marauding Nazi battalians on motorbikes in search of fuel- ah waht a great cinematic landscape this will be…epic movies for generations to come.
    And they still have Chernobyl.
    It is a tale of how to uetterly self-destruct.
    Probably the Ukrainians will enter history as the dumbest nation that ever existed.

  12. You all are just the Roman mob…
    Your king gives you your will(bloodlust)
    Your governors sets up each fight-(wars)

    While you cheer on from the crowd, “kill him! Kill him!”……

    It is BARABAS, and JESUS… all over again!!!

    Did you know that “BARABAS “ means Son if God?
    And he is a murderer.
    But Jesus is innocent, and VENGENCE WILL BE MINE!!”
    This saith my LORD

    You can’t believe… because you can not hear me.
    And therefor there is no truth in you.


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