Former Post Office chief breaks down in tears at Horizon IT inquiry

Former Post Office chief breaks down in tears at Horizon IT inquiry

I I would just like to say and I’m grateful for the opportunity to do this in person how sorry I am for all that sub postmasters and their families and others have suffered as a result of all of the matters that the inquiries has been looking into for so long I followed and listened to all of the human impact statements and I was very affected by them I remember listening to One postm whose name I noted who said that he would like somebody to go and stand outside his old post office with him so he could tell them exactly what he’d been through I would do that I am very very sorry why were you telling these parliamentarians that every prosecution involving the Horizon system had been successful and had found in favor of the post office I fully accept now now that the post office excuse me the post office knew that I completely accepted personally I didn’t know that and I’m incredibly sorry that that that happened to those people and to so many others

Paula Vennells broke down in tears while giving evidence during the Horizon IT inquiry, as she apologised for telling MPs the Post Office was successful in every court case against post office operators.
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She told MPs on Wednesday: ‘I followed and listened to all of the human impact statements and I was very affected by them … I am very, very sorry’.

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  1. So venal Vennells finally accepts the wrong she has done, even if dodging personal accountability. Has she returned any of her huge financial bonuses? It's high time we start to see CRIMINAL prosecutions in this country for all the corrupt officials, business people, and politicians who wield vast power over others without exercising due care e.g. Infected Blood, Grenfell Tower, Covid, Water Utilities, etc, etc, etc. It is just not acceptable!!!

  2. was happy to show off to parliament and get big bonuses didnt care whos lives she ruined caused suicides and split to families up

  3. Doesn’t need an enquiry but people like her to be sent to prison for the deliberate lies that she told putting people into prison. She is the reason why the country is a mess. DEI hire with no ability then covers up their foul mess.

  4. I'm sure everyone watching this enquiry have no doubt whatsoever they are all lying, and they know they're lying. The apologies for me, are just another insult

  5. В результате переливаний крови в период с 1970-х по 1990-е годы ВИЧ и гепатитом С заразились более 30 тыс. британцев, около 3 тыс. человек уже скончались. Авторы отчета в связи с произошедшим раскритиковали как врачей, так и государственных служащих и политиков. Зарождение жителей Британии это реализация плана глобалистов по сокращению населения. Транснациональные корпорации это субъекты современных международных конфликтов и кризисов!!! Убийства первых лиц государств это тоже их рук дело. Сейчас в опасности государственные руководители всех стран, у ТНК нет национальности….

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