Tearful Paula Vennells admits not telling MPs the truth. #PostOfficeScandal #BBCNews

why were you telling these parliamentarians that every prosecution involving the Horizon system had been successful and had found in favor of the post office I fully accept now that the post office excuse me the post office knew that I completely accepted personally I didn’t know that and I’m incredibly sorry that have that that happened to those people and to so many others

  1. She is still not answering the question and still stubbornly refuses to admit she knew the prosecutions were dishonest. She is constantly shifting her ground. Pride comes before a fall…

  2. If she were being truthful it would not exonerate her. She should have known. She should have been the one carrying the banner for honest operations at all levels. That she may not have actually known is entirely irrelevant. sUt was her job to know.

  3. Let's hope all those supporting Terrorists and Terrorism are held to account for the hate marching they've engineered in the UK under the guise of feigned moral indignation.

  4. What a disgraceful human being this woman is. She should be held accountable for all the suffering and lives ruined in this. It also makes me wonder how many other companies treat their staff in such an appalling manner and get away with it.. This will leave a bitter taste in my mouth forever. Thoughts and prayers with all the families that have suffered through this absolute nightmare of a scenario.

  5. Arrogant and lacks real empathy for those affected. The emails show she was part of the conspiracy but also the Government department involved maybe part of that conspiracy.

  6. Now she knows what them poor innocent people went through. She as still got her life some of them haven't, they passed away because of her. She should be locked up those tears are all for the cameras. She is one hell of a bloody liar. She should go to prison like all them innocent poor people did, she is a JOKE??..

  7. Crying only now they have been found out !!! All those poor innocent people someone even took his own life !! Too little too late😡

  8. Everytime i see these powerful poistioned people with soo much wealth, connections etc. when they claim they are really really sorry for what they have done..

    And have every option and every means and ways to SHOW that they are sorry by making real actions, rather than just saying it, why do they feel this is suffice for the masses. Never tell us.. show us..

    Even couples have to show they are sorry to their partners. Not just say it..

  9. I enjoy watching that one repeated news clip of her 'working' in a local branch moving a bag of shit from one side of the room to the other, then placing a ring festooned, diamond encrusted , manicured hand on top to steady it, likes she gives a shit that Steve Smiths vapes are going to break when it gets kicked out of the van by Postie Pete.

  10. crocodile tears don't work

    Doesn't replace the people who you prosecuted cause people to kill themselves and the Justice you deserve is to be never let out of prison

    As this is a public common section words do not describe what I really want to say about this woman

  11. Poor, poor Paula. How could anybody be unconvinced by those tears. I'm sure they flow freely in her mansion paid for by a job she had ruining people's lives. This is so hard for her.

  12. I pursued something similar with the MOJ. Their cheif exec told me to get lost with zero compensation. 2 years later I got a £1k settlement out of court. Better than nothing.

  13. Too little too late.

    If she's so sorry she should willingly give up her £5.1MILLION BONUS to her victims

    She's not sorry. She's had a year to rehearse this performance

    She's responsible for thousands of destroyed lives and many suicides.


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