Unsustainable Losses, Huge Upgrade But Is It Too Late? – Ukraine War Map Analysis & News Update

g day Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day now you may have noticed that I’m doing two videos a day at the moment my videos were getting too long and it was really split into two areas you had the maps and the news and then you had like analysis of individual situations that took a long time typically were at the end and I know no one watched that but I believe that is as or more important than little bits and I actually think I may be better at that so I’m splitting it at least sometimes into two as some people like this some people like others some people like neither but just for a trial that’s what be doing that today as always we have a lot to talk about of course we’ll be looking at the maps we’ve got some new footage out that very interesting we’ve got some geolocations of that as well and of course we’ve got some movements on the map and we’ll go over all of that we need to talk about Ukraine wanting to join NATO what is happening there we’ll talk about China’s support to Russia how large that is what the US is saying but we’ll also look at other countries talking about that the sanctions are not working against Russia and countries and signing new deals with Russia opening up new avenues for Russian business and support then through the government to the military but first off what I want to speak about is the most important delivery to Ukraine I believe in at least the last 12 months and this is an awax aircraft now this is uh the Swedish um defense minister on Twitter has just announced Sweden will donate a new military capabilties to strengthen Ukraine’s air defense 16 will be the largest military aid package yet at 1 .16 billion e will donate Airborne so awax ASC 890 now I believe it’s actually two of these now you and I have spoken as ever since the f-16s were announced that Ukraine will need some level of awax support if it is to operate these successfully outside of support that will be handed in from NATO now what am I talking about well we look on the maps here of course is Ukraine and these are the occupied areas but these fighter aircraft will need to work up in the north in the east in the South now that we know for a fact ever since the beginning of the war even pre War there was many different sorts of awax aircrafts early warning electric on warfare aircraft flying all through NATO on the border of Ukraine and up and down the Black Sea as well and we know that that information is being handed into Ukraine and we know when the f-16s cominging likely those aircraft would be working along with the f-16s what is an awax well it’s there’s a lot more than this but it’s basically just a massive radar control system it has a far better radar because it’s up in the ground then you can have up in the air sorry rather than on the ground it’s much more powerful than a fighter aircraft will have and this is increasingly important for older fighter aircraft an F35 yes still works with that but it is just a computer on its own as well and this can control many different things in the battle space but what we were talking about is then the F-16 will have that down in this region and in the north H sorry in the west of the country but up in this northeast from the unclassified sort of unclassified uh ranges we know from everything from your awax aircraft there’s going to be no reach out into here now with Ukraine having its own awak capability it will greatly improve how those aircrafts are able to operate and where they are then able to operate the main downside of this is it’s two aircraft and of course that is going to be incredibly important and it will become Russia’s largest Target of what then they are trying to hit but this is a very important delivery now let’s talk a little bit on these the ASC 89 is a part of a large age package for Sweden the total of this exact cost is not disclosed but Poland bought two in uh 2023 for $58 million so around that $30 million Mark making a dent in that one million or over 1 million euros but still in very important delivery of that aircraft and we’ll see how that works in with the F-16 that said we’re expecting the f-16s basically any day now but we’ve been saying that for months but after well over a year of training now has training been done on the Specialists inside these aircraft it’s not only the pilots you’ll have Specialists electronic warfare operators radar operators in the back takes a a long time as well as just ground crew for these aircraft tooling up fitting up how long until we see these in if the F16 is anything to go by if training hasn’t begun yet you’re looking probably at a minimum of 12 months that said again at this point we don’t know what has been happening yet we do know that Sweden is backing um strikes into Russia as well as well as they want to give Gripen figh Jets as well but people have said focus on the f-16s not on the gpen but you got to remember this stuff takes a bloody long time so let’s look at the maps let’s look at some footage straight off the bat so here we have Ukraine the center and the capital of ke the red areas occupied since 22 the purple since 2014 of course the greenest areas where Russia has been then before so let’s just start at some let’s start at some footage so yesterday we spoke about inren hia so down then in here that there was a Ukrainian push in here and suriak map then showed this now what we have seen and we reported that it was likely Bradley’s that it was Bradley’s being reported in here and we do have a GE location of then where the Bradley’s then got to so it is right on this corner down here so have got a long way down you’re talking right down if we lineer this up right down into here still shown as red on this map now this should still be shown as red and or gray this is the lining up of where that is because we did see then these Bradley’s get struck so this footage will be fully on my telegram but you can see a Bradley here and then being struck and then destroyed by drones there but interesting to see getting right down into then these areas on the map down in here but someone pointed out something that I’ve been saying and I think he words it really well the problem Ukraine has is it can’t do this with three Bradley every day on one axis and take the losses and still continue to do it nonstop that’s how Russia does it the only way to gain ground is to accept losing ungodly amounts of men and material and we see any gain made by Russia any gain made by Ukraine has as he put an ungodly amounts of men material then being lost and just the amount of say bmp’s btrs compared to Bradley’s is very significant and we have spoken about at this point with how things are going on Ukraine waiting for some other Supply and this attritional aspect of war is it worth trying to push for ground like this and then losing of course equip very important equipment here for what seem to be sort of meaningless um gains at the moment and keeping that back trading some time for territory and then whenever you launch your offensive then go from there we’ve spoken about that then at length but then let’s push right up into the North and we’ll have a look up here so V chunk no change has been shown on on this map for now some time and we did see that suriak and other Maps were reporting that Ukraine did have a push back across the vulture River here and have taken back some of V Chans now Surak today is showing that Russia has then pushed out to the east just in these blocks in here so we do know there’s a lot of fighting in here situation Northeastern front from chiv AIS Russian army managed to capture the V chansy this Z Factory inside the town of vunk now this is again what we’ve spoken about with the attritional aspect of War what it turns into should there be a trade of time for ground in areas like this areas like crash arifa and the deployment of assets and troops to try and maintain the Optics of not losing ground but could that be counterproductive then down the line so let’s then come down into then Buck Moot and we don’t see any changes put on the map down in to the west of bakut but to the South we do see just between andrika and klish kka some small GR being shown here now many other maps are showing that this is more like something like that lining up more so within the gray Zone as surich has said that the entirety of klish kka is under Russian control but we do know confirm there’s definitely some movement on this front now we’ll come down onto then the adiva front and what we see here is this push from neovi as well out west of perki pushing up then to this Reservoir now we’ve talked a lot about this Reservoir and the troops in here but now there are then two exits back so you’re going to have this way and or out then through well that’ll do out through here as this is then pushing this way out from umansky as well and we think that this will eventually then collapse in here and there will be an advancement up then to this line down the vure river here too now I don’t have a map then showing that today but we can confirm if deep St is saying that that movement has then been made now speaking about aiva some footage has come out now there’s not that much footage actually showing Abrams firing Abrams being used in combat but we have had this video come out here which is one of the only videos I’ve seen of this maybe the only one so this an abrs down here then firing around out from this corner into what is the adiva coke plant here now this is very very likely much older footage won two rounds and then we’ll see a third round fight as well there it is so of course you have a physical reloader in that reloading but let’s have a look at where this actually is so this is located between bchi and stapo firing out this way and then the coke plant now let’s have a look at how far this is to the nearest corner is about 2 mil just over 3 km depending on where that’s firing in so that is really talking the max range of a tank like and abs now we have seen up in this area between Bachi and stapo this is where the majority of the Abrams losses were but people are pointing out that we haven’t really seen much footage of these coming out and it appears that a lot of Tanks currently in the war are being used more as an artillery piece than a traditional tank roll especially when you’ve got drones you’ve got mines you’ve got all of this then that has becoming more of that and the actual difference that a way better tank to a worse tank is make on the front line yeah it’s going to be a little bit more but it may actually be negligible for the amount you’ve got versus the uh cost of these also but it is interesting to actually see for the first time at least for me and Abram’s really working on the front line they’re firing some rounds in now if we have a look at where then this is then we got badachi stapo so it’s just in here so this is why this is likely much older footage this has been red now for then some time now speaking of other map mve we’ve got nothing else then shown on this map but we come down to urani where we did see yesterday then some movements in here and we said that this was actually in front of then surric map himself then we see this now on the east of the river down here it’s still showing more on than the Deep State than on surak’s map but Surak is showing now basically the same level of control here confirming that there was definitely a Russian advancement in this area now a little bit more footage here lining up with Frontline works we see the Ukrainian L drone on the ground thing operating here now this is just training footage of this now we’re seeing more and more things like this not only armed ones but also ones that can then deliver Logistics to the front line as well of course this is one that is armed the biggest problem with something like this is that it is wheeled what it can actually get over when you’re talking trench warfare areas that have been just shelled the bricks everywhere that these can get stuck very easily and we have seen that that’s why eventually we will see more of the walking sort of dog ghost um Boston Dynamics style robots but at the moment with those being armed and the weight of it versus The Recoil of the weapon it’s not really the technology there yet but very interesting to see the development of more systems like this and we have seen Russia and Ukraine using groundbased drones as well now more drones we see a Russian fpv here then targeting a Ukrainian mura V5 drone boat now we do know this been and this looks to be dead in the water to my eye but what we do presume and what we have got some level of people telling us is a lot of these drone boats may actually come out and sit dead in the water waiting for gates to open or a ship to come out somewhere and then restart up and hit so this has either been hit by ew or maybe another weapon system on the way in or it’s actually sitting out in the water and being targeted from there I can’t say for sure but it’s interesting to see that these are being hit and the last attack with those was far less successful the v5s than attacks previously with Choppers in the air and obviously now footage of the drones hitting them as well so interesting to see that now what we do know is that Ukraine want to join NATO it’s one of their main goals and it’s one of the reasons Russia gives for entering then this war but what we’ve spoken about a lot is Ukraine is not going to join NATO or the EU most likely during this war because of the triggers that happen and the future that is unsure at the moment everyone every on both sides has a definite yet this is what the future of the war holds a complete collapse here and this and that but at the moment we just do not know now this has come out as well that uh Ukraine will not move further in its path to membership of NATO this year’s annual Summit they’re very skeptical about bringing Ukraine any further along the path to full NATO membership this year the US is perhaps not as concern as Germany but there is a worry about the threat of Russia to the rest of the alliance now the NATO alliance is us and then some European countries as well think you can call me a prick for that but the end of the day the influence us has on NATO is massive and this decision is expected to frustrate Vladimir zinsky Ukraine’s president who has been warned by counterparts to not demand The Impossible from the alliance now of course this shouldn’t be surprising on was Ukraine going to join NATO midw War with Russia on a war which is advancing in Russia’s favor at a potential trigger of Article 5 and then a massive escalation no realistically was that going to happen could it happen I think very unlikely could it I guess so Mr zinsky has been asked to avoid pressuring individual allies to once again come out in support for a clear timetable for Ukrainian accession so countries that are you very much on Ukraine side you talking some of the Baltic states then pressuring other NATO allies to then give a timetable there while NATO leaders will refuse to provide a timeline for Ukraine’s membership they will offer what is being described as a bridge or path to accession as a show of support so yep you will join but this is what it’s going to take and package support currently under decision will highlight Ukraine’s ability to choose its own future and demonstrate a path to membership is getting shorter that said like it says here member states have since agreed K will not be allowed to join the alliance while at war with Russia could trigger then Article 5 NATO involvement what we’ve spoken about well for Ukraine to join an alliance like this not only are there other prerequisites to meet in EU and NATO but Ukraine is what it’s saying for victory needs to clear all of its 1991 border now how possible actually is this well given the support I’m seeing and what we’re seeing on the front line I think it’s becoming less and less likely not impossible but I think what we’re seeing and how much Aid is going in and the effects last year of offensives compared to now better builtup it’s becoming unlike so I think at some point there will need to be an idea of right there’s a negotiation but we then join NATO at the end of this and there has been some land or the war continues until whatever then happens but for NATO membership the war from what I read from what I see needs to be ended and if there are then uh arguments over land that will need to be sorted before that membership goes through but speaking of strikes going back into Russia representatives of Canada and Poland issued separate statements on the May 29th saying Ukraine can use weapons so we knew about Finland and Poland but Canada is a new one here the Canadian foreign minister Melanie Jolie said at a press conference saying Ottawa does not oppose ke using Canadian supplied weapons to strike Russia so a new one in that growing amount of countries that are happy for Ukraine to use weapons outside of its territory against Russia and this is in the next stage of the war now following on from yesterday’s first video we mentioned Russia is seeking other markets to replace those that it has been sanctioned out of it has been announced that Russia will build a nuclear power plant in usbekistan in a new partnership so let’s have a look then at this Russia would put 400 million in a joint investment fund of 500 million to finance project in usbekistan buying uh Tashan is interested in buying more oil and gas from Russia USC president described Putin’s visit as historic it Heralds a new a beginning of a new age and the comprehensive strategic partnership and Alliance relations between our countries now like I said in the beginning these sanctions have forced Russia out of a lot of markets it has had a definite dip monetarily but then it has forced them to then find other markets as well which will be a replacement then long term and we see this as well with say India and we spoke about this yesterday that that this company is looking to buy 3 million barrels of oil in Rubles now buying it in Rubles that is very important too is trading to find alternatives to the Western Financial system to facilitate trade the US and European sanctions and we’ll have a look at what is happening in Africa as well but the UAE has then said this today Western sanctions against Russia have not impacted trade outside the West said hammad Bim chair of the jubai multic Commodities Center sanctions slow the economy they never stop it trade continues flowing it just flows in a different way the fact that the economy is not purely controlled by one side of the world makes their sanctions less effective if we take just the Ukraine conflict sanctions are effective when you look West but they are not really effective beyond that many companies have relocated to buy in the aftermath of Russia’s fullscale invasion of Ukraine and so the shift was often not limited to Russian companies so other companies have moved there why well you see these sanctions you might go well I’m going to move my country to a more maybe neutral standpoint in case sanctions hit somewhere companies from other countries C Dubai is the infrastructure the market access and the neutral stance in the war in Ukraine and we’ve spoken about this if there is that selling off of Russian asset being held by banks in the west that could it undermine the Trust In Those systems and push people towards maybe areas like the UAE or into other currencies too we know this is happening in Africa to some success as well that um in june22 President Vladimir Putin declared that the West was still influenced by their own misconceptions about countries outside the so-called golden billion they consider everything a backwat or their backyard at a time when many western states were trying to economically isolate Russia following the full-scale uh invasion of Ukraine Putin saw the development of economic ties with Africa and the Middle East it centered the proposition that the international rules-based order advocated by the West structurally favored Western interests whereas Russian emphasis on sovereignty would offer a mutually beneficial relationship now a group of states that actively seek to assist Russia while becoming increasingly subordinate to Russian influence displacing Western influ uh interests across Africa and the Middle East the strategy trajectory is now becoming clear so trying to have more influence in those countries and of course where the left markets pick up other areas of those markets and by this and other things that I’ll read and I’ll do a video specifically on this is is the saturation of effort focused in Europe in Ukraine blurring our vision to what is happening in other areas around the world with Russia and China and access into Africa the Middle East maybe India all of this now the this is what was said about China uh from Kurt Campbell the deputy secretary of state of the US it’s fair to say that China’s General goal has been not only to support Russia in our view to the hilt but to downplay that publicly and try to maintain normal diplomatic commercial ties with Europe and I think what we were heartened by yesterday in the discussions at the North Atlantic Council was how many European countries spoke up clearly with the view that it would be impossible to maintain a normal relationship with China if at the same time the Chinese were serously AB betting the most destabilizing war in Europe since the second world war but can we sanction China to the degree of what we have sanctioned Russia and does it do exactly in the last slide we spoke about Campbell described beijing’s aid for Russia over the past 18 24 months is deeply concerning I do not want to underscore that what we have seen from China to Russia is not a one-off or a couple of Rogue firms involved in supporting Russia this is a sustained comprehensive effort that is backed up by the leadership in China that is designed to give Russia every support behind the scenes that will allow them to reconstitute elements of their military force their long-range missiles uavs some of their capacities to track movements on the battlefield long-range artillery and the like this is an effort that has been designed to be largely out of view and the amount of evidence of China actually directly supporting Russia there’s not that much but the US is saying that there is a lot like we’ spoken about if Russia if China enter this war where does that then lead from there with the industrial capacity the population that China then bring with it and the experience that I’m guessing Chinese officers in Russia are getting looking into what is happening here same as our officers looking into what is happening here as well Legends uh thank you for watching um have a great day and I’ll speak tomorrow thank you byebye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Why not do business with other countries
    Western countries are not only people on the planet,other people count too. Western nato bullies and imperialism and hypocrites are creating their own enemies,dont try to think for us,we have our way too

  2. Please look at history, legends, and the video on Africa and France. France has a motivation completely separate from the EU and NATO

    If you recall over the last few years, France has been ejected from the former colonies in Africa. They’ve lost their source for uranium for their nuclear powerplants because of this.

    So The French motivation has deviated from NATO

    This is huge and you might want to consider researching

    Decent video

  3. Shame on my country (Canada) for pushing toward WWIII today. I am completely against my resources (represented by tax dollars) being used to directly attack Russia. Complete lunacy.

  4. For those who are not Russian bots Willy is Russian asset: paid by the Russains (or blackmailed who knows). His product is to sell that Russia is unbeatable. So it is better to give them everything now before it is too late. Buy peace now and give Putin another 5 years to prepare to the next grab. Everybody in Europe knows this from the past 500 years of Russian history. But Willy is desparate for blood money and he do everithng to serve his masters. It is a pitty that we got paid traiters among us. But at least we can identify the spies and the related societies will handle them lately.

  5. Positive move now about Western weapon usage led by Macron. Sunak is right there too.

    2/3 main NATO powers approved.

    The Big Dog is still hasn’t made a decision and has the largest stockpiles of weapons in the world.

  6. Putin made a huge mistake continuing to invade Europeans countries, Russia’s most profitable trading partner.

    Dictators typically make mistakes like this due to “Yes” men and any dissenters too afraid to speak the truth.

    These small countries are irrelevant to Russia’s economy, need China and India. China didn’t approve LNG pipeline in Putin’s latest visit.

  7. What is the point of giving such plains to Ukraine? They will not last long as they are in the range of the S-400 or S-500. Up until now Ukraine was able to get such information from NATO planes flying in non Ukrainian airspace where Russia can not target them for obvious reasons. Can someone tell me how long such planes can survive flying in Ukrainian airspace?

  8. Remember, YOU can end the conflict in Ukraine. You just need to dedolarize your economy and stop buying any product or service from NATO countries or countries that finance and arm ukraine. Here is a list of countries that are arming and funding ukranazis in ukraine: The USA, UK, Baltic States, Canada, Nehterlands, Poland, Finland, France, Check Republic, Sweden.

  9. I remember a similar title 1 year ago. Anyone watching this should know that he was wrong multiple times in predicting the defeat of Ukraine. I think he's pro-russian but tries to play as if he's in the middle or a bit more pro-Ukraine. At this point, a pattern emerges,…

  10. Your comments are becoming shorter and shorter, is you don,t see as a former soldier how the Russians are depleting the West. Now I understand the limit brains in Western War masters.

  11. I often wonder how many of those men on both sides, I would have admired and or been good friends with had we met and had they lived.
    It really is amazing how a bunch of fat pigs in suits are able to get ordinary men to hate each other so much that they can inflict death and destruction on each other without questioning the motives of the people happy to send them to their death.

    Was it really that important to join nato that it was worth near on a million men on both sides? All those town that we see blown to bits each day.
    I have no more allegiance to Ukraine than I do to Russia and if I met either in the street, I would give them the same chance.

    It does surprise me how often the keyboard warrior set (excluding Russians or Ukrainians) get so much delight in one side or the other when they suffer and die. They are human beings on both sides and those soldiers have more in common with each other than the peasants like us that sit behind a nice comfy computer desk and have never had a days hardship in our life.

  12. Each time something new is delivered the word Decisive is used and nothing changes Himars, Abrams and Leopard tanks, Actams missiles etc the problem is manpower and sadly the best Ukraine soldiers the ones who are willing to fight are already died only poor trained civilians in uniform you can found over there in the rank.

  13. Do you think Ukrainians geting awax and Ukrainians destroying russia early worning radar is so that Ukraine can pull patriot up near the front line use awax radar to shoot downGliding. Omb plains being tracked back with russia early worning radars not being able to find patriot

  14. The uk has as well David Cameron was the first whilst everyone else sat on the sidelines just like Boris was one of the first to show support as well

  15. Wow, an AWACs. Another game changer. Does anybody know the capabilities of this thing? It won't have a good view flying in the weeds. To be seen in the air is to die most likely. We shall see.

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