Russia-Ukraine War: Washington weighs Ukraine’s plea for cross-border attacks | WION News

Russia-Ukraine War: Washington weighs Ukraine’s plea for cross-border attacks | WION News

recent Ukrainian drone strikes on Russia’s nuclear early Warning Systems have raised significant concern in Washington our next report tells you how the Biden Administration is worried that these attacks could dangerously unsettle Moscow especially as the debate intensifies over whether to allow Ukraine to use us supplied weapons in crossb assaults Ukrainian soldiers are fighting hard to check the advance of the Russian troops who are backed by Russia’s ferocious Firepower Key’s response has been daring drone strikes Ukrainian drones hit early warning radar stations deep inside Russia targeting systems that monitor not only conventional air threats but also potential nuclear launchers but these strikes could alter the Strategic stability between the US and Russia these early warning radar systems are designed to detect and track intercontinental ballistic missiles and determine if Russia is under nuclear attack analysts point out that the kodas radar can track missiles and drones close to Ukraine the radar station near orsk is primarily focused on the West Asia and China the US has expressed its concern to Ukraine about these strikes and there is also fear of how Russia might choose to retaliate Ukraine says its attacks are aimed at reducing Russia’s capability to track Ukrainian military movements in southern Ukraine an argument that is finding little backing in Washington Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski continues to press that the Russian Onslaught should be stopped Russia is using more than 3,000 guided aerial bombs per month against our people we believe the number will go up to 3,500 next month thousands of bombs are falling on people the long range Ukrainian strikes deep inside Russia come amid A Chorus of Western Nations including Poland the UK Canada France and Sweden advocating for keev to use Western weapons as it sees fit these countries are pushing to give more freedom to Ukraine in its military operations against Russia the Kremlin is accusing NATO of provoking Ukraine to prolong the conflict the accusations coincide with the NATO foreign Minister’s meeting in Prague to discuss lifting restrictions on ke’s use of Western weapons for strikes inside Russia buau report we on world is [Music] one we are now being joined by retired Colonel David D Ro he’s also a professor of near east south Asia Center for strategic studies at National Defense University he’s joining us live from Washington DC thank you so much for joining us on weon this morning the United States seems to be worried that strikes on Russian early warning system could alter the Strategic stability between Moscow and Washington why is that good question so uh when you look at nuclear deterrence um in order to have stability in a realm where both countries have substantial nuclear forces uh you really have to have visibility on what each country is doing uh so if Russia’s uh nuclear detection Radars are blinded then they have to resolve to less accurate methods and the fear is that they will um mistake uh innocent activity for some sort of uh nuclear activity and and escalate uh but it’s worth noting that um you know these Radars are focusing South where the United States doesn’t have any fixed uh nuclear launch facilities uh they were originally planned in the 60s when we had uh a Strategic Air Command base in Saudi Arabia we had nuclear missiles in Turkey um it The Radars under question question here at least from an American perspective are aimed at uh an area that you know we don’t have uh fixed launchers and then the second thing is that there was a regime whereby the United States would inspect Russian positions and the Russians would inspect American positions that the Russians walked away from so we could perhaps reestablish that onsite inspection as a means of mitigating the damage from weapons that the Russians have been using uh in the war in Ukraine and Colonel as you well know there is this debate about how Ukraine should utilize the weapons that it receives from the West in its fight against Russia what happens if Ukraine is given the green light to use Western weapons inside Russian territory and could there be any repercussions good question so I think based on past practice uh the answer would happen would be not much um when Russia initially invaded uh Ukraine and sought to Annex you know in what is quite frankly a colonial action sought to Annex uh about 25% of Ukraine um Russia initially accompanied that with the threat of nuclear escalation and at every step of the way and periodically Russia has been threatening this this is clearly uh more of a psychological method aimed at undermining Western support for Ukraine’s sovereignty um but when you start and and it’s also worth noting that the ukrainians launched a long-range strike against angles Airbase which was uh Russia’s Premier longrange nuclear launch facility but it had also been used to launch missiles against Ukraine so this has been going on for some time there have been attacks against their um deterrence the Ukrainian position is that look Russia is massing forces on our border and is iring into Ukraine from Russia and we’re prevented from responding to that so they’re using strategic depth uh as a means of conducting tactical operations if uh the restrictions were lifted and I think they probably should be you could mitigate this by for example saying okay you know we can only attack within the range of these uh Russian Glide bombs you know say 200 miles within Ukraine I’m I’m just throwing out random numbers but you could say look this is the danger area and push you know establish a degree of danger for Russian forces operating uh in Ukraine but um these long range Radars which are being used to guide uh uh Glide bombing launched aircraft which Ukraine has no means of countering at the moment you know this is this is a threat here uh I think that if we were to engage the um strategic concerns in a meaningful manner things like perhaps temporarily allowing Russian inspectors at US nuclear facilities we could mitigate this assuming the Russian threat and the Russian concerns are raised in good faith I think it’s an open question as to whether they are making a good faith argument or just trying to scare people in the west yeah such valid point uh Colonel thank you so much for joining us David V do ro from Washington DC I look forward to speaking to you again very soon thanks Susan for all the latest news download the weon app And subscribe to our YouTube channel

The US has been concerned about Ukraine’s strikes on Russian nuclear early-warning systems as it could “dangerously unsettle” Moscow at a time when the White House is considering lifting restrictions on the use of US-supplied weapons in cross-border attacks.

#russia #ukraine #russiaukrainewar

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  1. Один мужчина погиб, еще 9 пострадали при ударе ВСУ по пассажирской газели в Белгородской области — украинские боевики атаковали людей, которые пытались спрятаться от террора

    Как сообщил губернатор региона Вячеслав Гладков, ВСУ с помощью дрона-камикадзе атаковали пассажирскую газель, которая везла с работы домой сотрудников сельхоз предприятия. В селе Зозули водитель попытался спасти пассажиров и остановился у ближайшего укрытия, именно в этот момент БПЛА нанес удар по людям.

    Один мужчина погиб, он получил ранения, несовместимые с жизнью. Еще девять человек пострадали: четыре женщины и пять мужчин. С осколочными ранениями различных частей тела они доставлены больницу.

  2. USA way of arming Ukraine will actually prolong the war. They are always having cold feet and making puttin feels he is strong. Show puttin power and his senseless war will stop quickly

  3. You people are really stupid. Russia will retaliate against any country which weapons were used to attack them because does not have the capability to attack deep inside Russia without the West assistance.

  4. Voici les cibles potentielles pouvant être détruites simultanément par

    des sous marins nucléaires russes proche des cotes atlantiques et pacifiques

    en cas d’attaque américaines sur le sol russe. Il faut bien réfléchir avant d’agir

    oncle Sam !!!

    villes pacifiques concernées : cumulated

    – Anchorage 0 401 500

    – Fairbanks 0 100 605 502 105

    – Seatle 2 226 000 2 728 105

    – Portland 100 605 2 828 710

    – Sacramento 2 398 000 5 226 710

    – San Fransisco 4 749 008 9 975 718

    – San José 0 971 233 10 946 951

    – Los angeles 18 600 000 29 546 951

    – Las Vegas 561 975 30 108 926

    east and south coast :

    – San antonio (Texas) 1 473 000 31 581 926

    – Austin 2 100 000 33 681 926

    – Houston 2 304 580 35 986 506

    – Fort Knox 12 380 35 998 886

    – Dallas¨ 1 345 000 37 343 886

    – New Orleans 369 749 37 713 635

    – Atlanta 499 127 38 711 889

    -Tampa 398 173 39 110 062

    – Orlando 316 086 39 426 148

    – Miami 6 158 824 45 584 972

    – Jacksonville 971 319 46 556 291

    – Charlotte 897 720 47 454 011

    – Washington 689 545 48 143 556

    – Baltimore 569 931 48 713 487

    – Maryland 6 165 000 54 878 487

    – Philadelphia 1 567 000 56 445 487

    – New York 26 542 137 82 987 624

    – Chicago 10 214 358 93 201 982

    – Rodhe island 1 052 567 94 254 549

    – Boston 650 706 94 905 255

    + 20% suburd 95 millions americans destroyed in less one minute that is to say : 133 000 00 among 342 6430597 citizen and nuc lear clouds will make the survivor sick with cancer.

    so no one have interest to launch a nuclear war !

    may be all this cities are programmed as nuclear target from strategic choice of Russians

    the weakness of america is that main people live on east or west coast quicly bombeb by submarine

    from 30 seconds to one minute and 30 seconds with no time to react effiently and even rusian can protect their whole population in tunnels or subway not just for few people like in america.

    here is the great difference of mentalities between those two great states

  5. I never new I might be a witness to a Nuclear war in my life time, but it is clear now to me we might get there sooner than I expected. This escalation ladder is getting ripe for a mistake.

  6. If Ukraine was provoking Israel Zelensky would have long been dead like you know who from Iran. wtf id Putin writing for?

  7. You keep saying nothing will change as you strike inside Russia. This kind of act looks like terrorism. In this case USA using Ukraine to carry out terrorist acts in Russia. At some point this provocation will definitely attract a major nuclear response from Russia. Keep thinking nothing will happen till it really happens.

  8. We the Americans, Ukrainians, and allies are not scared of Putin. It would be best for the Russians to convince their leader to give up before losing more money and soldiers in an impossible war to win, because we will not treat your people well when we arrive.🥷🏻

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