Great news to Ukraine! Sweden has finally taken action against Russia thanks to US!

Great news to Ukraine! Sweden has finally taken action against Russia thanks to US!

on the battlefield the support of allies acts as a fate changing shield in difficult moments and reinforces the spirit of solidarity that sustains a nation in this context the decisions taken by the Swedish government are very important Sweden is undertaking an important defense Industry Drive to increase its own military capacity and at the same time Provide support to Ukraine in this context a new contract was signed between the Swedish defense material Administration and BAE Systems the this new contract will update the Swedish Army’s armored vehicle Fleet making it more modern and effective the Swedish government has decided to allocate 28 million EUR to support Ukraine’s defense capabilities as it continues to fight against Russia’s full-scale invasion of this amount €18 million EUR will go to coalitions within the Ukrainian defense contact group and 10 million EUR to the NATO fund for Ukraine Sweden has also not ruled out the possibility of transferring additional Patriot air defense systems to Ukraine the Stockholm government will also provide other air defense systems to help the Ukrainian Army in today’s defense industry Sweden is uniquely capable of producing very powerful and specialized military equipment and war machines moreover Swedish made war machines are customized to fight directly against russian-made war machines tanks and fighter planes the Swedish government one of Kev supporters has provided massive military aid to Ukraine which has created a sensation on the world World agenda among the military aid that Sweden has sent to Ukraine the most notable are Archer artillery systems cv90 tanks star of 122 tanks and rb97 missile systems according to foreign minister Tobias bilstrom Ukraine should receive as many offensive weapons as possible to attack Russian troops and Sweden should play its part the Archer systems have made a significant difference on the front line now the Swedish government has decided to purchase newly built CV 90 vehicles to provide more Military Support to Ukraine these vehicles will replace the older model CV 9040 Vehicles previously donated to Ukraine the new CV 9035 mckc models aim to increase the operational capabilities of both the Swedish and Ukrainian armies in the field the new vehicles will provide the Swedish and Ukrainian armies with enhanced combat awareness increased Mobility improved protection and lethality BAE Systems managing director hogland said the vehicles will be equipped with a new turret and will represent a major Leap Forward in design and functionality ergonomic improvements will also be made inside the vehicle to increase the ease of use and comfort of the crew this strategic move reinforces Sweden’s commitment and support to Ukraine while strengthening its own defense capacity the contract also opens up opportunities to supply cv90 MCU Toc vehicles to other countries this increases Sweden’s influence in the global defense industry Market Market what is the importance of the cv90 in Modern Warfare while the ukrainians use americanmade M2 Bradley alongside the CV 90s the CV 90s design philosophy gives it an advantage in certain combat scenarios the cv90 high rate of fire for close combat makes it a formidable asset against heavy assets such as the Russian army in areas with high visibility such as Ukraine the ability to close distances quickly is vital designed for mountainous terrain the cv90 stands out in this regard making it as vital to Ukraine’s war effort as any other armored vehicle the cv90 success in the Ukrainian conflict has spurred further Innovation plans are underway to upgrade the vehicle with the latest visual technology UAV operating capabilities and most importantly a Hybrid engine this engine a combination of combustion and electric motors promises more power and torque potentially revolutionizing armored vehicle propulsion meanwhile developments in the Ukrainian War Arena reveal the potential of these Swedish tanks on the crina front in the luhansk region Ukraine’s 21st Brigade continues to demonstrate the power of Western military technology in particular the Brigade is equipped with cv90 infantry fighting vehicles from Sweden which give it a significant advantage on the front line the 21st Brigade has a large number of these vehicles with a 98% utilization rate of CV 90s the this High rate significantly increases the brigade’s operational capacity and strengthens its maneuverability at the front Russian attacks have confirmed that only one of these Swedish infantry fighting Vehicles has been destroyed since the beginning of the war this demonstrates the durability and effectiveness of cv90 vehicles in the field soldiers of the 21st Brigade continue to use these Western vehicles to break through Russian defensive fortifications in the crina direction the Firepower and protection provided by these vehicles allow Ukrainian troops to penetrate Enemy Lines and provide an advantage on the battlefield today on the luhansk front lines military operations of the 21st Brigade with cv90 infantry fighting Vehicles continue these operations increase the brigade’s mobility and offensive capabilities allowing them to fight more effectively against Russian troops the cv90 SE Advanced weapon systems and armor protection maximize the solders safety and help them launch sharper and more effective attacks against Russian targets but is the Russian Army’s inventory capable of countering Ukraine’s renewed capabilities the Russian Army’s Ground Forces inventory includes a variety of armored vehicles artillery systems and infantry weapons these include T90 tanks BMP 3 armored infantry vehicles and Mista s self-propelled howitzers however the ongoing conflict with Ukraine has resulted in significant losses of armored vehicles and equipment in particular Russia Russia has reportedly lost around 3,000 armored combat Vehicles since 2022 Russia is working hard to increase its defense industry and production capacity however Russia’s production of weapons and equipment is under severe pressure due to the challenges of the current war in other words losses in active fighting and difficulties in production make it difficult for Russian troops to hold on against the western-backed Ukrainian Army for example the fierce fighting in the last 24 hours has once again highlighted the difficulties the Russian army is facing in clashes near the town of Nova mikai livka in the donet region Ukrainian troops successfully repelled an attack by Russian forces the 79th separate Tavian Air Assault Brigade was at the Forefront of the fighting the Brigade announced that they neutralized eight Russian armored vehicles in the attack these armored vehicles included two tanks and six armored carriers according to the statement made by the Ukrainian Army Russian forces attacked with heavy equipment but failed armored vehicles with Russian infantry were left behind on the battlefield and could not reach the positions of Ukrainian troops at least 80 Russian soldiers were neutralized during this Clash the 79th Airborne assault Brigade stated that the Russian soldiers who organized this attack intended to make money by killing Ukrainian soldiers according to the military these soldiers joined the war on the promise of a 200,000 Ruble reward however ever the Ukrainian side failed in this attack and the Russian soldiers were repulsed during the day another success of the Ukrainian Army was recorded in the village of Ivanka near bakut in the donet region an advanced Russian bmp3 infantry fighting vehicle was detected and destroyed this vehicle was specially equipped with cactus reactive armor designed to provide additional protection to Russian armored vehicles the video of this operation carried out by the first Battalion of the assault Brigade was made public in addition to Dynamic protection the bmp3 is equipped with a grid system that protects the turret and the upper part of the hull from drone strikes and Falls these Protection Systems aim to reduce the damage the vehicle receives from air strikes Ukrainian defense does not disclose what weapons were used to shoot down the Russian vehicle however the video released shows the vehicle being shot down by fpv drones while moving or standing in a residential area this type of armored vehicle first identified last month is the 4S 24 Cactus er a module system designed specifically for the bmp3 that can be easily replaced in the field this additional protection is provided by Rubber guards and grills to specifically protect the turret engine and transmission compartment however due to this extra weight and size the swimming ability of the BMP 3 equipped with armor is reduced according to the manufacturers these mounted modules can almost completely neutralize the effects of heat rocket propelled grenades and anti-tank guided missiles with armor penetration up to 500 to 550 mm Cactus ER significantly increases the defense of Russian light armored vehicles against Ukrainian attack aircraft equipped with cumulative warheads and is used extensively on the front line This protection increases the operational endurance of Russian armored units while the Ukrainian Army is constantly updating its tactics and weapons systems to respond to these threats on the other hand there is a serious concern in Russia about Ukraine’s reproach men with the Baltic states and a new chapter with Sweden realizing that it will lose power in the baltics Russia is making critical Moves In This regard most recently the Kremlin announced a plan to unilaterally change its Maritime borders with Lithuania and Finland if implemented this move would shift significant parts of the Gulf of Finland and areas near kaliningrad to Russia’s Inland Waters the justification for this step is seen as Russia’s desire to return to the old maps and the need to clarify the coordinates but the timing is questionable the announcement came almost simultaneously with the start of Russian military exercises involving tactical nuclear weapons some analysts believe that this move reflects a larger strategy by President Putin to establish dominance over the Baltic Sea Sweden’s top military commander Mel Biden has publicly expressed concern that Putin’s ultimate goal is control of the entire Baltic Sea including the potentially strategic island of gotland if Russia gains control of the Baltic Sea it could significantly threaten NATO countries and destabilize the region the Baltic Sea has become increasingly important for NATO and therefore Russia’s actions can be seen as a direct challenge to the alliance’s influence the proposed border changes have raised alarm among NATO allies the Lithuanian foreign Ministry described the move as a deliberate targeted escalatory provocation the International Community has yet to recognize Russia’s unilateral decision and it is unclear whether it will be enforced interestingly the Kremlin seems to have backtracked on its initial announcement a military diplomatic Source claims that Russia does not intend to review its borders however this statement lacks official confirmation and raises questions about the real intentions behind the proposed changes was this a genuine attempt to change Borders or a calculated Bluff to test NATO’s resolve how will NATO react to Russia’s actions in the Baltic Sea could this move further escalate tensions and potentially lead to conflict in the region while Russia’s actions are provocative it is too early to say whether they constitute a direct Act of aggression against NATO however this underscores the ongoing tensions between Russia and the West especially in the strategically important Baltic region it is also possible that Russia is bluffing analysts even cite examples of aggressive behavior by Russian officials most recently an important statement came from the Russian foreign Ministry Russian foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria zacharova accused the Baltic states of behavior that could lead to severing relations with Moscow and threatened to respond with asymmetric measures Maria zacharova blamed the hostility of lvia Lithuania and Estonia for the breakdown of relations she also warned that Moscow would respond without going into detail of the alleged actions of the three countries this reaction attracted a lot of attention on the world agenda the Russian foreign minister pointed out that the diversion of Transit of Russian Goods to ports in Northwestern Russia following these harsh actions has had a very negative impact on the economies of the Baltic states he added that the Kremlin never wanted a complete break in diplomatic relations in response Estonian foreign minister margus dakna said that the Kremlin had cut ties with the Baltic states by invading Ukraine sakna explained that since Russia has contaminated its relations with the west by launching a war of aggression against Ukraine in violation of international law and the sovereignty of States they have reduced Mutual relations to a minimum level last week Baltic ministers accused Russia of violating air traffic rules after two fin airplanes were forced to return to Helsinki after GPS interference prevented them from landing at an airport in southern Estonia officials said the suspicion that Russia had interfered feared with GPS flight systems had become too dangerous to ignore Estonian foreign minister margus sakna characterized the incident as a mixed attack by Russia sakna stance has not changed today and he has made no concessions to Russia on this issue NATO said last week that lvia Lithuania and Estonia were among the countries that had recently expressed concern about what they called Russian Espionage Estonian prime minister kajak kalis Lithuanian culture min Minister simonis kis and members of the former lavian Parliament have been placed on moscow’s Wanted list for the removal of Soviet era monuments in their countries as we have seen Russia has a serious problem with NATO member states especially in the baltics from time to time the Kremlin puts some threatening Trump cards on the table especially nuclear weapons in order to aggravate this problem in general terms however it seems unlikely that Russia will use the nuclear weapons it has moved to bellarus to intimidate NATO the reason for this is that Russia is afraid of directly confronting nato in such a scenario Russia’s allies would not want to be involved in a possible crisis Putin is aware of this situation that is why the Russian leader is taking all these dangers into account in his strategy of competition with NATO member states but there are bolder figures in Russia for the moment it seems unlikely that Russian officials taking bold steps will derail relations with NATO such possible moves could only lead to an escalation of sanctions against Russia in some Sweden’s increased military support for Ukraine not only strengthens diplomatic ties between the two countries but also significantly increases Sweden’s role in the Global Security order this move demonstrates Sweden’s determination to both enhance its own defense capacity and support Ukraine’s struggle for sovereignty by contributing to the maintenance of peace and stability on the world stage Sweden is strengthening its reputation in the International Community community and taking important steps towards leaving a safer world for future Generations thank you for following us

Great news to Ukraine! Sweden has finally taken action against Russia thanks to US!

  1. Unbelievable trust with unprecedented levels of military support and power. Thanks to the Netherlands πŸ‡³πŸ‡± God Bless these wonderful nations.

  2. What has US and western European nations in nato block suoport for Ukraine achieved except the destruction of Ukraine….

    30% of Ukraine territories is firmly under Russian control and the 2nd capital kharkiv is falling to Russia….

    Blah blah blah blah blah…..

    Your level of stupidity and ignorance is heartbreaking


  4. πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰Please πŸ™πŸ»pray for salvation for Chris, Pete and Nick.

  5. Signori credo che a qualcuno sia balzata in mente che l'Ucraina altro non sia che un campo di prova per le armi e i sistemi darma, quello che e' eccellente in uno scenario non lo e in un altro, i droni si sono rivelati una risorsa preziosa, immaginate dei sistemi di droni che in sinergia con le truppe da terra forniscono una chiara e dettagliata condizione sul campo droni che agiscono direttamente sotto il controllo collettivo dei mezzi blindati che hanno radar atti ha fornire hai comandanti un interpretazione dinamica del capo di battaglia con il quando e dove con grande precisione debbano agire altri sistemi darma, soprattutto la copertura dei droni offerta dalle stesse unitΓ  corazzate lasciando alla fanteria non solo l'opportunitΓ  di intervenire in favore e per i corazzati ma anche per la fanteria stessa con unitΓ  mai viste prima, un incubo notturno per il nemico, non servirΓ  piΓΉ trincerarsi; la trincea resa obsoleta,

  6. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺTanks a lot for supporting Ukraine. Love you Sweden.❀️ πŸ‡©πŸ‡° Denmark. βœŒπŸ»πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

  7. russia is being beaten inthe blacksea by ukraine how will it control the baltic owned by europe. they threaten nukes but their air defence can't stop drones.

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