Ireland, Norway and Spain recognise Palestine as independent state

Ireland, Norway and Spain recognise Palestine as independent state

toway and arec that each of Us Will Now undertake Whatever National steps are necessary to give effect to that decision and I’m confident ha consu lacre los os que formamos el gobierno de coalición progresista y haciéndonos Eco del sentir mayoritario del pueblo español El próximo martes 28 de mayo España aprobará en su consejo de ministros el reconocimiento al Estado de Palestina Y si tengo algo claro es que el Primer Ministro netanyahu no tiene un proyecto de paz para Palestina luchar contra el grupo terrorista jamás es legítimo y necesario después de lo acontecido el pasado 7 de octubre pero taho está generando tanto dolor y tanta destrucción y tanto rencor en gaza y en el resto de Palestina que la solución de los dos estados está en peligro en serio peligro de ser viable ankel Palestina en stte moderate krefter som vik Front I envar og grusom konflikt det en investering I den lsen var FR i midst en sterk opfinger Land om gj det samme som vi gj I dag og aner kjenner Palestina og Med det sge for at pressen mot en tod stads lsing om sider Kan komme I Gang igjen og F NY kraft

Ireland, Spain and Norway have announced plans to formally recognise a Palestinian state on Wednesday, amid warnings from Israel that recognition will ‘fuel extremism and instability’.
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Spain’s prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, said his country would recognise the state of Palestine on 28 May, adding the two-state solution remained the only answer to the crisis in the Middle East

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#palestine #gaza #israel #norway #spain #norway

  1. Decent people anywhere in the world have always recognized Palestine.

    The recognition of Israel, on the other hand, has always been unacceptable and is becoming even more unacceptable today.

  2. Will the governments of Norway,Spain and Ireland invite Hamas to their countries for official diplomatic meetings now they recognize a Palestinian state….OF COURSE NOT

  3. If Hamas fire rockets from a tented recognized safe zone and Israel retaliate with bombs whos fault is it….I would say Hamas
    When will the Palestinians put the blame for this war on Hamas ?

  4. This gives the go ahead of Palestine Officials to ask for asylum and take in their people as refugees due to War. I hope those Countries remember this of their declaration. US has Palestine led by a terrorist network as Government Officials of labeling a Terrorist State which we do not have to have any relations with the State until they remove present government for a more Democratic one , which is not due to their own people used as sacrificial lamb , they might as well seek out the process of being refugees to those Nations that declared Palestine a State which involves relations of assisting in such needs in times of War to take in their suffering. Hope Officials and their people knows this..

  5. The historical injustice that the Palestinian People had to suffer for decades needs to come to and end, The killing, displacement, starvation and all other inhuman ways, Spain, Norway and Ireland chose to be on the right side or History, and will be remembered by the future generations for their righteousness, on the Other hand, The UK, Germany, France and mainly the USA Will always have that stain on their History books for praising the genocide that's happening still in Gaza

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