US Lifts Weapon Restrictions But There’s A Catch – Ukraine War Map Analysis & News Update

g day Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and most importantly it is a Friday I hope that you’re leading into a fantastic weekend and taking some time off for yourself and your family now as always we have a lot to talk about we need to look at strikes standing crime strikes against airfields we need to look at the US signing off that Us weapons can be used inside of Russia but it’s not that simple there are still some restrictions on that we need to look at what the US has said about those radar hostilities that were hit that we spoke in length about and then we’ll talk about the shells delivered from the Czech initiative and what exactly is happening there because it’s not all sunshine and rainbows but we’ll report on anything and everything regardless of which way you know is happy about it we’ll go over bloody everything now the first thing I want to talk about is former president Donald Trump now today he has been criminally convicted now what I want to say I don’t want to get political but love him or hate him it is crazy that this is the first president to have criminal charges bought against him especially when you look back at some of the other lies and wars and all this launched on other times but secondly how will this then affect the war as many saw him as an end to the war if elected now some feared this as it would likely include land concessions and others praised this as it would be an end to the war with Russia but then Russia would maintain the land that they then had occupied at that time but as well I don’t think other major Powers around the world and this is going Beyond just Russia and then China and all these other powers I don’t think they necessarily care who is in the white house I think the best outcome for them is more division in the American system can these other countries defeat America conventionally militarily not even close but can they gain influence from a unipolar into a multipolar world through America’s division absolutely and we are seeing that in other areas around the world now of course I’m Australian I don’t have a horse in the race for the election coming in November but from my outside perspective look in every time there seems to be a campaign against trump it seems that he becomes more powerful out of this and there’s even people saying well the website has crashed from so many donations this way it tends everything like this reaffirms again what he is saying I think if they really wanted to not have him in they just don’t talk about it anyway that’s my two sense that so let’s talk about straight off the bat that there could be strikes from us weapons inside of Russia now maybe not as simple as being reported but we will go over this now what exactly has been said now the US President Joe Biden has given Ukraine permission to strike at Targets inside Russia using American weapons but only to defend H so of course here is Ukraine this is H this is belad now we’re expecting at some point and maybe another Crossing in Sumi after we saw earlier this month these two Crossings open up to the north of of H as well Russia has intensified attacks around the Northeast H region and Ukrainian officials including Vladimir zinsky have been vocal about Weaponry restrictions now why just in hariv as it states here H is 20 km from the Russian border so of course not being able to strike into here is far uh has far more effect than being able to strike somewhere out here cuz you all you Russian Logistics you you’ve got 100 or more kilometers in here rather than artillery Fabs can just be launched straight across so it is important for Ukraine to have those there but what actually then is this now I think this is just an initial feel out for then further restrictions to be lifted down the line and if you listen to my last video on this I speak about the steps and in the steps I said from here onwards we will see feeling out of restrictions seeing how people react to it seeing how Russia react to it as well and then the lifting of restrictions or tightening back up on of restrictions there as well and this doesn’t only include strikes this includes more weapon systems and eventually down the line I believe Western troops as well maybe come in like France is going to talk about I think this week talk about then maybe third line troops Logistics and then feeling out seeing how that goes and okay second then first and this is exactly like we’ve seen this creep of systems no no no tanks okay maybe some bloody whatever the French non- tanks were next thing we’ve got tanks okay no strike no longrange strike capability okay maybe these maybe these and we’re seeing that creep no strikes in Russia maybe just some strikes in h and we can assume that this is feeling out and then eventually down the line we will see strikes in and around but there’s still another restriction on this lesser talked about the officials said that US policy would continue to prohibit the Ukrainian military from using attacks to a range of 300 km and other longrange us Supply weapons for deep strikes in Russia so what it is really sending like to me is yes but on short shallow strikes in around belgrad not strikes back up into other areas Pur to count what is purely to count these other Frontline openings but we haven’t seen any of those strikes cross over yet and as we know for a couple of weeks that the French the Brits have said for long range capabilities too but we haven’t then seen then um like storm shuts or scalps heading across this way then either but an important part in this is that air defense will be opened up to be used within Russia as well against Russian planes and Russian missiles now how much effect will this have well yet we don’t know but there’s a couple of questions and warnings in this firstly the question is what then happens what would be NATO’s response if Russia then Target a storage facility say in Poland or Romania what would actually happen then and also that you kind of think in the beginning of this is going to need to be careful because of course it’s just opened up a heap of new targets off the B like that open up a heap of new targets Ukraine still has a farite amount of ammunition we know those problems are still there that this could have an effect on you know Mass targets open up saturate those targets but very quickly you start running low on ammunition again but I guess we will see the thing is with this creep and restrictions is the more restrictions you lift the less restrictions than you have what happens when all the restrictions like this are lifted what happens if the war if Russia still has then the initiative in the war what then is the next step and yesterday’s video I spoke about that but it is interesting to see now let’s talk we we mentioned some shells in there so let’s talk about shells now this was from the financial times we’ve talked about this Czech initiative of the shells Czech warning comes as domestic arms producer this group the largest ammunition Supply in Central Europe warned that Rising prices and poor quality meant half the shell that had received could not be sent to Ukraine’s Battlefield that the leader of CSG told the Ft that about 50% of Parts acquired by his company on behalf of Czech government in places like Africa and Asia see we never saw exactly where these were coming from but we did speculate we’re not good enough to be sent to Ukraine without further work CSG is forced to add missing components from its own production every week the pric is going up seems big issues with the components it’s not an easy job so that is not running as smoothly as many were hoping so we talked about strikes then into Russia and we talked about fighter aircraft so let’s then talk about fter aircraft now importantly the Danish who was it a foreign minister has said that these Danish f-16s will be allowed to strike within Russia Ukraine can use what we have donated including outside its borders uh meaning against Targets in Russia as long as it complies with international law now a couple things here it will still depend on what system is on that r of that aircraft because I would say if it was an American bomb at this point on that rail would America have something to say about that this is the problem with so many components being in one system so we will see but we’ve spoken about if these planes can’t hit within Russia they will not ever be able to conduct seed and deed although the closer and closer they get to the front line the more and more danger they’re going to be in of advanced air defense systems as well but he does say you can cannot use aakra for arbitrary attacks on Russia saying again like I said complies with international law and it would be a catastrophe if we see when these restrictions are lifted we see like we’ve seen in belgrad strikes against targets their civilian targets infrastructure as well that all that could be turned back if that happens I think there needs to be some very careful planning on what happens here now then we speak about strikes going further in well ryar has released this of then of course the Swedish awax aircraft that we going in but we have no idea what time frame that is but of course this is taking into account that it is at 6,000 M high of course the lower it gets the less this radar is but the closer it gets the more threat it’s going to have against the system as well this is a massive upgrade for Ukraine but with two of them something you can’t afford to lose so it will be interesting to see exactly how this performs when it enters then the country now we’ll talk about strikes but friend of mine then sent me this off in the uh video released with President Selinsky meeting F-16 PS he said great opx so operational Security on a new F-16 PS not what idiots allowed this to happen so full faces everything of these guys of the F16 parts now is this a huge deal maybe is it not well I don’t know I don’t know what sort of P so protected identity that Ukraine is running with around parts of these systems if there is threat to them being in uh Europe you know at the moment going down getting coffee and what other services may be working there you know we have seen both Ukrainian intelligence services and Russian intelligence Services carry out strikes on individuals Beyond then their own borders whether Dugan’s uh daughter who was H trying to attack him or the Russian helicopter pilot who defected over to the west and then was struck only recently as well so we need to talk about some missiles that will fired into Ukraine last night as well and what exactly these were targeting as you can see all of these These are the s300 lot shorter range so they’re striking areas like Haru but having a lot of success with those but all striking very much in one area what is in this area you ask well it is then this Airfield which is where people are saying that the f-16s will likely be stationed we’ve seen multiple attacks on this we saw one uh late last mon sorry late this month as well and then this one again now what was the success of these again we don’t know Ukraine has it fully on lockdown of any photographs of strikes anywhere so we never really know but Ukrainian pag is saying this zero of the s-300s up in the Northeast were shot down seven of the 11 gay H 101s were shot down and all the Shahs that is what Ukraine is saying we again don’t know exactly but we know some of these got through we don’t know what the damage would be there but people saying well why hasn’t Russia been striking an airfield like this well we know when the f16s come in f-16s do need really well-built runways and a lot of maintenance on these high performance aircraft this is why some said something like an F-18 with carrier landing gear may have been a better option but regardless we know f-16s have come in and with two engines on but regardless F16 is what’s come in and the Australian ones apparently we don’t want your trash of the f18s but regardless f16s is what we have but my say would be well if you were to strike this if there has been noticeable work being done here why strike it why strike it add points along the work wait for the work to be completed and then then hit the location not giving the option to move to a secondary location and using the resources already to have built that up now I don’t know if exactly what’s happening there but if you read between the lines of Russia specifically targeting one Airfield I’d say that is what we’re seeing now I’m seeing a lot of Ukrainian Pages suggesting that well it doesn’t matter because f16s can land and take off on highways yes but aircraft can only utilize really good condition highways and these aren’t a Cessna this is a fighter aircraft need good condition straight run of highway now I would suggest that the people saying this haven’t driven that much in Ukraine yes there’s 100% highways and freeways where this would happen but it’s we’re not talking Swiss highways here and I would say that oh no I will say this is not a permanent solution people saying we just go highway to Highway okay an F-16 is like a Formula 1 car it’s not your Toyota it’s not a Cessna Cessna needs a lot of Maintenance too but these need for every bloody hour in the air massive amount of ground time for ground crew to work on the aircraft you need somewhere to store the aircraft you need fuel the aircraft and this maintenance storage rearming these aren’t portable things you can’t just land on this highway here yep fuel Bombs all the maintenance needs to be done and then off to another Highway it doesn’t work like that there still need to be some permanent than base so yeah that is a temporary area on bits and pieces but you can’t just have them there what I have said and what I have speculated is I think that these could be located stored maintained outside of Ukraine they’ll flying clean no weapons on board they will land weapons go on board more fuel on board and then continue on now I’m not saying 100% that’s going to happen but I think that could be a solution and people say well it’s coming in unarmed it’s just a plane I don’t know but I I just can’t see how with the limited air defense and how much allocation of air defense is going to have to go to wherever these are stored even if it’s in multiple places and what location is going to be on the Range how effective that is going to be from them getting them struck on the ground ground I don’t know but we’ve talked a lot about um uh what I was going to say the US weapons being used inside of Russia and Ukrainian strikes outside Russia now we spoke about and I I can’t believe this isn’t like front page sort of stuff about the nuclear early warning deterrence Radars being hit by Ukrainian drones we’ve speculated a lot about that and I want to speak about this and I believe this was from The Washington Post the United States fears that recent Ukrainian drone strikes targeting nuclear early Warning Systems could dangerously unsettle Moscow at a time when the Biden Administration is weighing WEA to lift restrictions of course we’ve seen some of those restrictions lifted the US is concerned about Ukraine’s recent strikes against Russian ballistic missile early warning sides and I said that by doing this Ukraine could potentially shoot thems in the foot and the US go we’re not trusting you on all these longrange capabilities into Russia we don’t like what you’ve hit here we’re not trusting that and some have asked me well why should Ukraine have any restrictions on systems given well there’s no restrictions on domestically produced or bought systems by Ukraine there’s no restrictions on that but the donated stuff in I think people have the right to have a restriction on that system now continuing these uh sites have not been involved in supporting Russia’s war against Ukraine they but they are sensitive locations because Russia could perceive that it’s a strategic deterrent capabilities are being targeted which could undermine Russia’s ability to maintain nuclear deterrence against the United States we and that’s from a Us official thing they’re not being involved we have looked at The Radars we’ve looked at what’s the uh range on them is what the um I guess the degrees out you know 90° 100° um coverage of that is and we have said most likely had no involvement in this war as well as some of them are too close that the way these work skipping off may not actually be in Ukraine and they’re picking up icbms they want to pick up something at well over th000 km above the Earth Ukrainian official familiar with the matter however said that Russia had has used the radar sites to monitor the Ukrainian military activities particularly kees use of aerial weaponry and people have pointed towards attacks but other people have said the attacks don’t go anywhere near high enough for the range that they’re at and these are facing the wrong direction for this Ukraine is uh facing a continuing threat from its existence from a Russian enemy Force which boast the world’s largest nuclear Arsenal that has gained uh gained ground of late it is part due to its sophisticated radar and weapons jamming technology which has rendered virtually useless some us provider gued missiles and artillery shells particularly uh things like the Excalibur shell we saw like a I can’t remember much like 80 or 90% drop in a few weeks on the effectiveness of areas like this and I was talking to a guy working in Ukraine who was speaking about ew like that is very sophisticated but I can’t share much of what I was sent across Ukrainian official said the goal of the strikes was to diminish Russia ability to ATT track Ukrainian military activities in southern Ukraine again the ones we’ve seen likely didn’t have much involvement if any in the war and the US officials saying here that it had no involvement in the war either Russia could think it has diminished ability to detect early nuclear activity against it which then could become an issue again I think in the situation we in around the world we want these early Warning Systems as good as possible it should be obvious to everyone that there is no tension whatsoever by the United States under this I’ll talk about that of using nuclear weapons against Russia but they’re certainly concerned about how Russia could perceive its deterrent capabilities being targeted on early Warning Systems being attacked yeah you would if if America had was involved in a war and a country involved in that war was striking NORAD we would perceive that as a threat against it now in this there’s no intention whatsoever by the US of using nuclear weapons against Russia now the US may have no intention of that level of escalation but like we said we don’t know where this war ends and like people have said and Justified is their intention by Ukraine to have the US escalate to a degree like this to then have a a um upper hand in the war and as well like we’ll speak about in the next one here could it be perceived that is directly um directed by Washington we have said this too could it be working sort of a false flag attack of a Ukrainian drone came in but there is an erroneous conviction that the Ukraine’s targeting is directed by Washington but that means the attacks on ke and Russian nuclear deterr infrastructure has potential to trigger a perilous escalation with the West at the end of the day nuclear command control and early warning sites should be off limits but we have spoken about this too that we I think are entering a period of War within the next 612 months what scares me the most a false flag events could something like this you know grading these systems for then something to make another more powerful country step in and as one country starts going backwards more and more and more whether Ukraine has a heap of success with these attacks into Russia and their mobilization Russia starts moving backwards or then the other way could we see something like this from outside than involvement I think the areas to watch would be particularly the zap nuclear power plant in here which we know Russia has military presence at and weapons and mines and we do know as well Ukraine has launched both ground attacks across Neo River to that as well as drone attacks towards it too it’s just you may not like to hear it but it’s the way it is and I think that’s where we’re heading in this war because I don’t see that either Russia or Ukraine has the Manpower the assets to finish their Victory goals of what they see of course Russia we don’t it’s it’s a bit more blurry of what they see as complete Victory where Ukraine is through Crimea through dones as well and i’ haven’t seen evidence either way of this now there was mass attacks last night from Ukraine against then Crimea but I will say that the results of this and the size of it I don’t think have yielded the results that many would want we’ve had two fairies damaged and at least two some are reporting four but at least two visually of these KS 701 I’ve seen people reporting this as a ship this isn’t a ship this is a glorified fishing boat yes it’s a military landing craft can be used and has been used in military operation of course it is a a Target and it is an important Target but it’s hardly like you’ve sunk the mosa again let’s not act like it is like that we’ll look at the video of this as well um now those two boats those um sort of high speeed speed boats they were targeted here as you can see so just to the north of Sasa pole straight across then here we will look at the footage I’m just teasing you at the moment but we have seen as well a pilot boat was said to be destroyed here as well of course this is important for bringing ships in and out but probably more importantly is there are fairies that then take across then instead of the Kurt straight Bridge here we have feries that cross equipment and bits and well heavier pieces of equipment that don’t cross the bridge too and we have seen damage to two fairies that have ran ground to then prevent sinking so you can see this and when we have a look on the deck it gives us a good idea of what hit this is the second one this is it listing and then we have the deck here now you can see that this is looking like it has been hit with cluster attacks now attacks in the Fig configuration that Ukraine have they’re not going to take down something like the curd trate bridge but we have a effect on something like this the level of damage we don’t know yet it’s listing but it has also running so we have no real idea of the amount of damage there but I will say for the size of the attack with attacks drones whatever I think the opportune targets maybe weren’t in the like are you’re not sending out multiple waves of these drone boats to hit a pilot ship and two or more speed boats I think that it may have been more may have been intercepted we aren’t sure but let’s have a look then at then the footage and I apologize I’ll mute the music because I don’t know why music has to be added this but this is from the unit and you will see the amount of assets being used in the sky to try and then counter the so Group 13 so you will see Choppers up in the air trying to engage it we are on this here and you will see exploding shells Landing to try and frag these up here as well either of some sort of craft or the chopper in the air as well as that looked like straff from this Chopper here as well there was said to be Sue 27s in in the air so multiple Airborne assets here and this is something that remember this time last year or actually earlier than this last year I asked someone in the nav of like what would we do against these and I said the only way really if it’s targeting ships you need to hit it away from the ship if it’s near the ship it’s too late you need to get choppers in the air to try and hit these and we have seen Russia conduct training against these exactly like that as well you can see more footage of hilos in the air and then attempting to struck these we don’t know how many of these were actually then hit in the water as well like how many were hit then to have a strike now we see this firing out here now some are saying this is Russia trying to engage these I am not convinced is this the multi-launch rocket system thing we have seen aboard these drones it’s about as accurate as what we saw one skip so you can see what gave what I think you see how these are skipping off the water here now potentially could just be add like a big AA gun by russer as well trying to hit these I don’t know but that does look very similar to some of the patterns we saw of these drone boats with the multi-launch rockets on them as well I don’t know and then we see these are these two KS 71s here and then a strike against it there as well so massive explosion of course these can take down a much larger ship and I like I said I don’t believe I believe these were maybe alternate targets I don’t believe that these were the primary targets they were going after it just doesn’t seem the risk cost reward to hit those boats I don’t know I could be incorrect but interesting to see those weapon systems being used out in these areas as we have seen have an influence here but what is the influence then for the rest of the war well we will then see so I will say I probably should have mentioned this in the beginning we don’t have any map updates Surak hasn’t given any deep set hasn’t given any I will give them as it comes and I may add on to the end here but legends I hope that you have a fantas end the week and I’ll speak to you tomorrow thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Willy, seems you want Western boots on the ground in Ukraine or why are you so enthusiastic about it?
    Escalating until Russia drops a nuke? Or what do we want? WHY should we in the West get more and more involved? Why not more initiatives to end the war without further bloodshed, to achieve peace? WHY???

  2. What do you mean that no power can defeat U.S? Any nuclear power can stand their ground in front of the U. S. An attack just mean mutual destruction

  3. Putin said he will take Kiev as part of the buffer zone if the ukraine doesn't stop 🛑 and the Russians are literally steam Rolling the Ukraine, US and NATO forces

  4. The russian invasion is illegal -stated by the ICJ. Putin is wanted for war crimes by the ICC. These are facts not to neglect, not to delete. Ukraine has every right to self defence in accordance with UN charter. This includes to strike miltary relevant targets inside of Russia. The orgin of the wepons used is of academic interest. It has no relevance for the right of such self defence actions.

  5. They hit a Russian military vessel and you backtrack and call it a fishing boat I don't know what you're going for. I've listened to you since day one. I thought you were trying to be objective and unbiased to open people's eyes to the plight of the Ukrainian soldier, but now it's getting a little one-sided let's say!!

  6. Ukraine barely had a military and is fighting one of the biggest and most powerful militaries in the world. And you act like they're just willy-nilly in this shit.. as a military guy you should be aware of the complexity and dynamic involved in getting any kind of upper hand against a force that is stronger and more capable than yours.

  7. Pure insanity takes place, like all Empires fall when they rot from inside by corruption, ideology and fight against any other view.

  8. The US will use nukes because they cannot win a conventional ground war. The woke, transgender politics crap has neutered the US military! They're a bunch of purple-haired pansies! They're not fighters for our country anymore. The rest of the world's military does not respect us, past the first strike nuke possibility.

  9. US providing most of the target info via satellite and other means. Also controlling their weapons from air conditioned bunkers in the US. Ukraine's only role is to get them close enough to the front line to launch. Let's not pretend Ukraine has much control at all here.

  10. people should ask themself….Why do Ukrainians drive SUV or other big vheicles?
    Coz their roads are worst on European continent….
    when I was there I was thanking god I took a rent a car and not drove my own😂😂😂😂

  11. The AFU are so frustrated and so full of hate! That they cannot stop targeting residential areas. They want to cause pain. The ukrainians know they cannot win. So they're trying to hurt the general public as much as possible. Angry,bitter little Nazis…..

  12. America has lost it's way they have become a Banana Republic…and the corrupt deep state is leading the world to WW3 it's that simple.

  13. Russia is running out of mill personnel carriers. Golf cars and motor bikes are now their transport, being very vulnerable, leading to the rise of Russian casualties. Putin doesn't care, hoping he can freeze the conflict on the limited territorial result.

  14. I was amazed to hear what the judge said to the jury. Guilty of one account, guilty of all. You only need 8 out of 12 to make it unanimous… WTF

  15. With the west endlessly escelating this war they are forcing Russia to retaliate on those waging a proxy war against them.
    Seems that the bolshevics run west is hoping to provoke ww3 before the inevitable economic collapse/civil wars that are on the horizon.

  16. Biggest problem you have is that NATO are operating F16s in the area, we know they have operated in the Black Sea.
    When you are firing beyond visual range radar guided fox 3 missiles you don't want to stick around.
    So if your flying F16s from outside Ukraine, then i would argue the entire chain should be struck.

    Russian airfields are not safe, you think a Polish one conducting airstrikes in Russian territory is going to be safe?

    Fact of the matter is, if NATO enter this war, they will use overwhelming force to strike at Russia, Russia will have little option but to start using their nuclear weapons.

    NATO is stuck in that silo of thinking from the cold war, where they had nuclear armed bombers in the sky's over Europe 24/7.
    Now that NATO is the leading power, they don't seem to have any respect for Russian nuclear arsenals.
    Sadly i think they will have to learn the hard way, this hypocritical stuff might work in their own countries, but on the global stage, they have no real military power.

    Im sort of at that stage where i think this is going nuclear.
    F16s are going to fail, its been 12months and Ukraine can't make hardened bunkers and usable airfields, i mean your beating a dead pig expecting it to do tricks.

    All the airpower in the world, didn't save Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, Iraq and many more.
    What you have to consider is the share wastage of strike capabilities that is not used against military equipment.

    Take the Kurch Bridge Ferries, they may have rerouted a fighting force, but that force is going to link up with other forces and when it finally enters the battlefield its going to be even stronger. So not only did you fail to hit a military target, you increased the lethality of that enemy grouping while limiting your own strike capabilities.

    This is what i mean, Ukraine is a brat kid thinking he can just pay to win at the game of WAR.
    Running to mum with stories so he can use her credit card to buy more pay to win junk.
    Reality is mum, your kids just a loser, and you have no backbone, thats why your husband cheated on you after clearing out your accounts.

  17. Willy you missed an obvious connection relating to your question about air defence to protect F16 on ground in Ukraine.

    Let's recall all the talk about NATO countries using their own air defense systems to shoot down missiles within Western Ukraine. That would negate the need to move existing Ukrainian air defence from areas on the front.

    NATO thinks they're smart and no one can see through their BS but as this war has shown the West greatly overestimates its abilities.

    🇷🇺 🇷🇸 ☦

  18. We are following closely the depletion of Russian artillery. Stocks are empty. Everything is on the road or in the field. They cant do without so the targets are available for Ukraine all the time. In three weeks this is going to hurt Russia so hard….just waiting and seeing and watch the coping.

  19. Its like we can all see how this will end and we are still walking into it. If this keeps up we will all see a nuclear war within the next 5 years.

  20. Willy's Nazi mates have been rocketing Russian Territory for years .. he must be either ignorant of the facts .. or hided them to support his Nazi Mates and effectively his global masters in the US Empire.

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