Death toll rises in Russian strike on crowded DIY store in Ukraine’s Kharkiv • FRANCE 24 English

Death toll rises in Russian strike on crowded DIY store in Ukraine’s Kharkiv • FRANCE 24 English

the very latest news that I’m seeing on Ukrainian media is that the death toll has risen to 12 rescue operations have been going on throughout the night at this epicenter store which is more than just a hardware store it’s a huge sprawling place that sells all kinds of goods including home appliances Furniture uh sports equipment as well as building materials the mayor of harv estimated that there were around 200 people inside at the time of the strike on Saturday afternoon when two glided um Glide bombs guided Glide bombs launched from Russian aircraft hit um the shop um the management said that they did all they could to get people into shelters after the sirens rang out but the hits happened very very swiftly after the alert was launched so they weren’t able to get everybody to safety and of course this is just the latest in a series of deadly bombings of harv where civilians have been among the victims on Saturday seven people were killed when a Print Works was hit that was a very symbolic strike for ukrainians because it was the largest Print Works printing Ukrainian language books in fact in the country and it’s prompted renewed calls from Ukraine for the Western allies to supply more air defenses and also to allow them to strike inside Russia with weapons that have been supplied by their Western allies demitro Kaba the foreign minister said yesterday that those are the two ways that the Western Ally could really help to um reduce the number of victims from these kinds of strikes in particular he said because they could if they were allowed to use Western supplied surfaced air missiles shoot down the Russian planes that are launching these Glide bombs and yesterday the NATO Secretary General Yen stoltenberg added his voice to the growing list of foreign um observers politicians and commentators who are saying that the restrictions on using Western supplied weapons by Ukraine to strike targets inside Russia should be lifted the Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson also said a few days ago that he thought that that restriction should be lifted as well and meanwhile G Russia claimed a little earlier this week that it had taken another Village in eastern Ukraine this Fierce fighting ongoing in the denat region what is the latest there well I’m in DK region right now in Sloans I just arrived but I had time to speak to a few soldiers this morning and they said that the situation is stable but they weren’t able to predict what would happen in the coming weeks at all the Russian forces further to the south of here have been advancing day by day and Ukrainian sources confirmed yesterday that they took one more Village umans that’s in donet region so clearly there are big fears about how far the Russians will be able to advance here and the soldiers I spoke to this morning said that although some new Western supplies had arrived it wasn’t yet enough

A Russian strike on a crowded DIY hardware store in Kharkiv killed 12 people and wounded dozens more, Ukrainian prosecutors said on Sunday morning, the death toll rising as the country’s second-largest city reeled from two attacks a day earlier. FRANCE 24’s Gulliver Cragg reports.
#Ukraine #Kharkiv #air strike

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  1. Propaganda drivel. The Russians struck a warehouse at the rear of the supermarket which, the Russian MoD say, was being used to manufacture drones. They did not, hit the supermarket itself.

  2. The US and NATO will keep continuing the war as long as possible till and until last innocent Ukrainian is dead by providing arms ammunition and heavy weapons to Ukraine.
    Why are the US and NATO not making enough efforts to establish peace through a peaceful diplomacy with Russia rather than prolonging the war. What would be the use of peace after millions of deaths. What's the harm if Ukraine stays neutral. Most of the countries of the world are neutral and have been living in peace for decades.
    First NATO should stop the anti Russian propaganda. Russia is not at all a threat to the stability of peace. It can not sustain a war with NATO for long. Russia just wants Ukraine to stay neutral because it shares the longest border of above 1000 km with Ukraine. while the US and NATO are forcing Ukraine to become a NATO member. There are already 32+ members of NATO surrounding almost the entire land borders of Russia from all corners. It's only the border with Ukraine that is not officially surrounded by NATO as yet. Why does NATO want Ukraine to become NATO's members? Simply to encircle Russia before invading.

  3. The fact that under every single video on this channel about human tragedy in Ukraine, I see 80% of comments cheering about that says a lot about France 24 audience.

  4. They attacked Belgorad just before, at least 4 dead there s per this same broadcast. Poke the Russian bear and you get a response. However I feel sad for the victims of both sides. Totally immoral war started by the West.

  5. Interesting that no civilians being toted away by rescue workers was shown. No close-ups of the “Home improvement store.” That’s how you know this is straight propaganda. It was either full of weapons or troops.

  6. Who the hell will be shopping when Russia is at your doorstep? Its so obvious residents are leaving or in the underground bunkers. Only soldiers were in the Warehouse Mall n the Russians know this.

  7. If only Putin had not invaded Ukraine, all these deaths and the hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of people who are going to die could have been avoided. A testament to one man’s demented stupidity.

  8. Russia can’t capture keep Ukrainian cities and settles for attacking civilian in terror attacks. How anyone thinks Russia is going to ‘win’ is beyond me.

  9. Putin the murderer doing what mass murderers do. Trust SA govt. will take this to the ICC. Then again they are friends with Putin and thus support this behaviour. Probably why they have not condemned Putin's war.

  10. Why has the U.N Court doing nothing about this conflict where children dies as a result of russia's bombing. Why U.N Court only after israel. Are the U.N Court pro hamas? Are they afraid of Russia?

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