ABC News Prime: Trump guilty verdict fallout; Ukraine gets permission to use U.S. weapons in Russia

ABC News Prime: Trump guilty verdict fallout; Ukraine gets permission to use U.S. weapons in Russia

[Music] tonight the political Fallout over Donald Trump’s historic conviction November 5th is the most important day in the history of our country the former president on offense as he lays out his grievances about the 34C count conviction in his hush money trial what he plans to do next and we’re also going to speak to one Republican member of the House who says investigating the conduct of the trial itself should be at the top of congress’s priority list plus from the surgeon standpoint you know we’re we’re trained having seen trauma in our training and practice to sometimes put aside uh the life story of the patient and patient and not be attached to their death or their suffering here it’s completely different um I’ve become attached to every single patient they are American men and women who ran into the war in Gaza in tonight’s Prime Focus we bring you the distressing firsthand accounts of what these doctors saw heard and experienced on the ground and the they are sisters coming together celebrating a part of their Jewish Heritage all while helping to advance social justice and racial Equity issues Nationwide we bring you the halab back girls from the kitchen where it all started good evening I’m Phil lipof in tonight for lindsy Davis thanks so much for streaming with us we are following those stories and much more including President Biden saying it is time to end the war revealing to the world the offer that’s been made to Hamas to try to get ceasefire and to get the hostages home what Israel and Hamas are now indicating plus a retired four-star Navy Admiral charged with bribery what he’s accused of doing and the scripts National Spelling be came down to a nailbiter of a moment the seventh grader who took home the prize and the award-winning word that got him the gold but we begin this Friday night with the Fallout after that historic guilty verdict in the trial of former president Trump trump today lashing out at that verdict vowing to appeal as President Biden broke his silence the guilty verdict now looming large over a razor thin race for the White House Biden defending the American legal system and the 12 citizens who served as jurors calling it Reckless dangerous and irresponsive responsible for anyone to call it rig just because they don’t like the verdict meantime Trump spoke for more than a half hour at Trump Tower blasting the case the judge and the guilty verdict warning quote if they can do this to me they can do this to anyone the former president continues to deny he did anything wrong sentencing is now set for July 11th Just 4 days before the RNC is set to take place our team is standing by to cover it all Rachel Scott leading us off from New York tonight President Biden speaking out for the first time since his rival former president Donald Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts declaring the verdict should be respected the American principle that no one is above the law was reaffirmed Biden praising the regular Americans who sat on the 12p person jury saying Trump was given every opportunity to defend himself and denouncing Trump’s efforts to undermine the criminal justice system as Reckless as dangerous it’s irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don’t like the verdict our justice system the justice system should be respected and we should never allow anyone to tear it down but from Trump today Defiance and fury at Trump Tower the former president lashing out in a 33 minute speech making the outrageous claim that the US is fascist everybody this is a a case where if they can do this to me they can do this to anyone Trump claiming he’s done nothing wrong I paid a lawyer a legal expense and a bookkeeper without any knowledge from me correctly marked it down in the books but the jury saw it differently seven men five women those jurors selected by both the defense and the prosecution from all walks of life determining Trump did commit crimes convicting him on all 34 counts of falsifying business records to conceal him $130,000 hush money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels to keep her story from voters before the 2016 election and tonight questions about whether Trump violated the gag order still in place and bringing up his former friend and fixer Michael Cohen I’m not allowed to use his name because of the gag order but you know he’s a SLE bag judge Juan Maran who held Trump in criminal contempt 10 times finding him $10,000 during the trial has said that if Trump violates the order again he’d risk going in jail Trump attacked him too calling him a devil and a tyrant it will be Mara who sentences the former president on July 11th just four days before he set to accept the Republican nomination for president Rachel joins us uh here on set Rachel that kind of language how does that help the former president moving into sentencing look it will be up to judge Juan marshan to decide whether the former president gets prison time home confinement fines or probation and so tonight many are wondering why the former president would go after the very judge who will ultimately decide his fate and again that sentencing set to take place on July 11th that’s just four days before the Republican National Convention fill all right Rachel Scott thank you thanks all right we want to bring in now Republican representative from Tennessee Tim burett representative always good to have you on the show thanks for your time uh former president Trump’s attorney Todd blanch said he expects he expected Trump to be found guilty and I’m wondering did you expect that outcome as as well I did I I thought maybe you might get one or two to get hung up but when I heard the verdict was coming in so fast I knew that it was over I’m wondering there there are a lot of people that you know debate whether these charges should have been up to felonies brought at all all these years later but um I’m wondering do you think do you think there was any kind of crime committed here no actually you know it was a a misdemeanor they moved up to a felony they Chang the believe they change the statute of limitations and um you know 5 days of a jury trial for this type of thing to me is is is outrageous um uh the um and in the in the case for a crime being committed really wasn’t even made till the till the final conclusion when the the prosecution was allowed to go last so um I’m not an attorney um but I I I see some clear errors in this the former president’s team says they are definitely going to appeal and there are more than one grounds to appeal on I’m wondering what would what would you focus on what do you think is the most egregious thing that happened again I’m not an attorney but from what I understand when it gets to the appeals process and then they don’t they’re I don’t have no faith in them whatsoever um and I feel like to get to the Supreme Court they’re going to have to prove that the constitution was violated so then it will that that’s what the United States Supreme Court and that’s where I think Justice will finally be DED out well you’ve heard the former president called the trial rigged as as he as he called the election today he called the judge the devil um this rhetoric obviously he’s angry um not happy with the outcome this rhetoric though do you think this rhetoric serves him during the appeal process I don’t I don’t think it goes one way or the other I don’t think he’s going to get a fair shot during the appeal but to say I’ve heard a lot of people get up on their ideal high horse and say it’s improper to question the I even heard the president say something similar to that but if you go back to the president during the state of the union he was questioning our United States Supreme Court and he asked the crowd to show their disapproval to the Supreme Court you know so um it’s people have very short memories I’m curious because you’re on the house oversight committee um I’m wondering if you are going to investigate the former president’s claims that this was a rig trial you’ve just told me and our viewers that you don’t think he could have had a fair trial there um do you have plans to investigate well that’s ultimately up to the speaker and chairman comr I suspect if chairman comr is allowed to do it he will in fact investigate this our our plates pretty full right now but I would say this should be at the top of the priority list I am wondering what you think about the rhetoric and this goes beyond this moment and goes before this moment and you remember in 2016 I I went to almost all those rallies and at every rally the chant was lock her up right there were calls to lock up Hillary Clinton who had already been secretary of state so this predates what’s happening now I want to know what you think about this entire um this entire ordeal of talking about you know locking up uh opponents and some of the rhetoric we’re hearing now about what Donald Trump should do if he becomes president again well I don’t think it’s going to end anytime soon because obviously the clickbait the the Twitter’s or the ex’s if you will the Facebooks and things like that people are wanting instantaneous um responses and instantaneous uh gratification and that’s what they get from this and so no and both sides play it up it’s used to sell it’s used to fear the two greatest motivators are fear and hunger and um and we’re entering into an election year and there’ll be a whole lot of fear representative B thank you so much always good to talk to you thank you brother all right the other major headline tonight from the White House President Biden uh taking the dramatic move of going public revealing to the world the most recent deal offered to Hamas to try to get a ceasefire get the hostages home and of course more humanitarian Aid into Gaza the president saying quote it’s time for this war to end what Israel and Hamas are indicating tonight our Mary Bruce is at the White House tonight in a dramatic move President Biden laying out in great detail for the world to see the ceasefire deal is Israel has put on the table challenging Hamas to get on board as Biden himself faces growing political pressure here at home it’s time for this war to end the president in Stark terms assuring that Hamas has been drastically degraded at this point Hamas no longer is capable carrying out another October 7th which one of the israeli’s main objective in this war and quite frankly a righteous one Biden for the first time pulling back the curtain on negotiations the first phase an initial six- we ceasefire with women children and the most vulnerable hostages returned in exchange for the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners Israeli troops would withdraw from populated areas in Gaza and humanitarian Aid would surge in what comes next far more complicated the temporary ceasefire would hold while Israel and Hamas negotiate a permanent plan a full end to fighting and release of the remaining hostages Hamas needs to take the deal just days after the Israelis cautioned the war would continue through the end of the year Biden with a message to them too urging prime minister Netanyahu to stand behind this deal despite pressure from hardliners to keep up the fight the president now declaring enough is enough it’s time to begin this new stage for the hostages to come home for Israel to be secure for the suffering to stop Mary joins us now Mary after hearing the president today what is Israel tonight saying about this plan well tonight pH Israel is expressing support for this plan Hamas says they too view it positively but there is still a long road ahead here and a lot of details to be negotiated it’s pretty clear that President Biden is eager to get this done he certainly would like to see some progress on this byelection day Phil Mary Bruce from the White House Mary thank you thank you the Texas Supreme Court today rejected a challenge to one of the most restrictive abortion bans in the entire us following a suit by women who had serious pregnancy complications the nine justices who are all elected Republicans ruled unanimously to uphold the ban which critics say does not offer enough Clarity on exceptions but the court said the exceptions as written are broad enough and doctors would be misinterpreting the law if they declined to perform an abortion when the mother’s life is in danger a retired fourstar Admiral wants the number two position in the Navy has been arrested on bribery charges he is accused of staring a government contract to a private company that promised him uh to hire him for $500,000 a year here’s Martha Raditz he is a retired fourstar Admiral the number two position in all of the Navy but this morning Admiral Robert Burke was arrested at his home in Florida on bribery charges for allegedly directing a lucrative government training contract to a private company that promised him a half a million doll annual salary plus stock options after retirement prosecutors say the bribery scheme happened over a 2-year period from 2020 to 2022 at a time Burke commanded thousands of US forces as head of Naval operations in Europe and Africa the indictment says that within months of his retirement Burke went to work for the company and received his $500,000 salary the US attorney’s office saying Admiral Burke not only used his public office and his fourstar status for his private gain but tried to cover it up by falsely implying he had no role in awarding the contract Martha joins us now Martha what’s the Navy saying about this well Phil while the Admiral is now retired from the Navy of course the Navy issued a statement today saying that they have been cooperating with everything they have seen and of course Admiral Burke has not yet been arraigned so he has not yet entered a plea Phil all right Martha RIT from Washington tonight Martha thank you President Biden welcomed the Kansas City Chiefs to the White House today to celebrate the team’s Super Bowl victory the team participating in the event on the south lawn for the second time in two years at one point tight end Travis Kelce took the mic made a few jokes that was a nod to a funny moment from last year’s event the president honored the Chiefs for their overtime win win over the San Francisco 49ers in the Super Bowl in Las Vegas in February and he put on a helmet there’s still much more to get to here on Prime the nation’s largest minority group is graduating college at an all-time high but the census data shows them among the most underpaid and underrepresented in the workforce but next they dropped everything and headed straight into a war zone meet the healthcare leaders giving their all to help children caught in Gaza tonight’s Prime [Music] focus when it matters most America turns to David mure and ABC’s world news tonight if you were coming of age in the 1980s the brat pack was near the center of your cultural awareness but for those of us experiencing it from the inside the BR pack was something very [Applause] different on June 10th 1985 New York Magazine published Hollywood’s Brat Pack I just remember seeing that cover and thinking oh from then on my career and the career of everyone who was involved was branded the brat pack I’m really sorry that article had to come out I’ve never talked to anybody about what that was like so I thought it might be interesting to try and contact everyone who was in The Brat Pack hey Emilio Estes this is Andrew McCarthy calling you hey Ally hey to me hey Molly let’s call Rob hello Jud me you around you were not interested in talking about the brat pack for years I turned everything down how come you’re talking to me because you called me it was time that we clear the air on a couple things I love your stuff hey thank you I hated the brat pack for decades what a disaster if you could have the bratpack name not exist would you H it really irritated me they said what’s more important to you the movie or your life and I said the movie [Music] Andrew have you talked to the others the others like again it feels like a cult or Som why did we take it as an offense brat because we were young we’re afraid we were brats you know are you in the brat pack I’m Brat Pack Jason that’s what I was say I am not in the brat pack crush on you back in the de you did not Andrew no you did not being in the brat pack not only changed all of our Lives it changed what entertainment is I me I’m not going to say we were the Beatles or anything we didn’t F Shay Stadium there were moments we could have 1985 I think we could have so what are you filming oh we’re just doing this documentary what’s ancient history will [Music] call tonight oh my God somebody has my daughter all new 2020 True Crime I just remember it was Madness as a case we all thought was solved H Bobo H Bobo hly Bobo been blown wide open do you think the jury got this one wrong absolutely now never before seen video of a key witness changing his story what does he tell you tells me he made the whole thing up the allnew 2020 tonight at 98 Central on ABC welcome back tonight we want to introduce you to the brave healthc care Heroes who dropped what they were doing here and headed to the middle of a war zone Gaza to try to take care of the Wounded they want the world to understand what’s happening and not to forget about the children caught in the middle of this conflict barely understand and did not ask for in tonight’s Prime Focus Tom Sufi burd has the gripping accounts from the hospitals in Gaza and a warning to you some viewers may find these images disturbing open open on the floor surrounded by Medics a little boy is fighting for his life it is a cramped chaotic but all too common scene in one of gaza’s only remaining hospitals it’s where nurse Brenda Mado from Washington State and other heroic staff are doing everything they can the boy was hit by a car not a bomb but with the war bringing gaza’s Health Care system to its knees Brenda and the team have few medical resources or options any patient in Gaza in a critical condition stands little chance pain for Brenda clear the boy did not survive life heartbreakingly we lost him um so every day since I’ve arrived we’ve been watching young children die unnecessarily uh it’s heartbreaking it’s traumatic and uh I wish that it would stop can you come set the ventilator please for 2 weeks the alaxa hospital in Rafa in southern Gaza is Brenda workplace as you can see it is congested there are two tents here that are holding patients uh outside of the hospital and then as we go inside here this is the lobby this is the lobby of the hospital but it is now being utilized um as a patient Ward uh because there is absolutely nowhere else to put the patients and so here are the patients uh it’s very challenging taking care of people here there is no privacy for the patients at all um it’s very heartbreaking um the nursing staff is overwhelmed most of the nursing staff here have lost their homes they’ve had to relocate I was speaking with one doctor that has had to move 10 times during the war to seek safety there are children with amputated Limbs and on the floors of the cluttered wards multiple patients with fresh shrapnel wounds when bombings happen they don’t just happen usually to one person it’s usually a dozen or two dozen people that have been struck by shrapnel bombs bullets and so they arrive to the hospital 4 5 10 at a time no you need to leave that on okay okay it’s helping you Brenda is working in Gaza with Chicago based NGO Med Global patients everywhere she sees the suffering especially amongst the young up close in a place international journalists like us cannot access most of the children have been eight years and under with head traumas and um that just took their last breaths here in front of us so it’s deeply impacting very heartbreaking especially when uh the family is here grieving over their beautiful child that was just out in the street playing [Music] in another part of Rafa New York surgeon Dr SED SED also with Med Global is working in another hospital where families bed down in the stairwell these are some of the few safe spaces in the strip the smells that greet you when you walk through the hospital are the smells of cooking and when you enter the wards you smell sewage you smell infection tell children running around the hospital always with a smile on their face greeting you saying hello how are you Dr s has also witnessed avoidable deaths of children in Gaza some of the victims of war and displacement are not killed by bullets or bombs the child fell into a pot of boiling water and ended up with scald Burns through a large portion of her body and uh knowing that that child will probably die uh either while I’m here or after I leave that really broke my [Music] heart uh knowing that I can only spend a certain amount of time here and uh what we have is limited uh in terms of supplies and the ability to provide the care that this child would otherwise get anywhere else say tried to get 4-year-old Hala transferred to the US for treatment but within days she was dead these are supplies brought from the states when Dr s arrived in Gaza he brought bags full of medicines basic drugs which he says the hospitals here are badly lacking the options that we have here are so limited because the instruments that we use are not delicate as we would use in the United States antibiotics are limited medications are limited to treat pain where we’re treating these children with just the basic pain medications like Tylenol when they may have a wound that’s 20 cm aping with exposed bones back at the Alexa Hospital Brenda speaking to us from a chaotic ER the emergency room very busy and full right now um people are desperate they want to find their loved ones they want treatment they’re hurting they’re in pain the cramped conditions clear let me see if I can get out as they treat multiple casualties with serious head injuries this young man here has a traumatic brain injury most of them just lying on the floor after 7 months of War specialist facilities and equipment in Gaza have been destroyed but the youngest victims keep coming in around 26,000 kids have now been killed or injured at Gaza says save the children children they seem to be impacted by a blast more with and they suffer from head injuries and uh the really heartbreaking thing is that uh head injuries here uh are basically a death sentence I’m working in the resuscitation room uh of the emergency room we’re walking through one of the corridors and as you can see there are many patient beds here um they have completely run out of space as dire as the conditions are in Gaza Brenda and S also have to navigate life under bombs and gunfire at the hospital there was a bombing very close there was an explosion at 2:30 in the morning that was so loud that I almost felt like my eardrums might pop from the surgeon standpoint having seen trauma in our training and practice to sometimes put aside the life story of the patient and not be attached to their death or their suffering here it’s completely different I’ve become attached to every single patient it it really affects me significantly um and it’s very painful he’s got inter cranial pressure that’s increasing as well as his blood pressure is very high we need a ceasefire because there’s beautiful children right now standing and looking at me as I’m doing this interview and they deserve a life that is Bomb free and War free Focus has now turned to Rafa the city they were both in which Israel says is hamas’s last stronghold and where Israeli forces have now started to push [Music] in this is ready strike hitting an encampment on the edge of Rafa just days ago killing many children the IDF called the strike a tragic incident that should not have happened Rafa and the South are extremely populated there are children running around large families living in tents uh these people have already been displaced and then to displace them again they’ll be left with even less we are not taking action soon enough and there will be outbreaks of diseases very soon you’re increasing the risk of famine you’re inre inreasing the risk of disease the children have no education it’s just creating a complete disaster these children the majority of them have Smiles on their face despite losing sometimes all of their family members so the question is who’s going to be caring for these orphans who’s going to take them in yeah there is so much uncertainty and grief right now our thanks to Tom Sufi bur for that there’s still much more to get to tonight coming up from fundraising to court costs we’re going to take a look at 7 weeks of the Trump trial by the Numbers plus the bonding power of breaking bread meet the siblings who are doing good by baking [Music] kala what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America but oper to capture Isis Fighters This our combat Operation Center we’re approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to [Music] go the house is destroyed but the flag there’s not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile you’re proud of this I love this great work hi where are you where are you appr thank you David is David David yes yes I’m David mure I know who you are watch you every night ABC’s World News Tonight with David mure is America’s most watched newscast I experienced a lot of hard a I’m a tough woman but it’s not easy you’re going to feel lonely it’s taking me a really long time to even get to this moment and the CMA award for enter goes to L Wilson that was a mic drop the Entertainer of the Year baby I do see the bell bottoms in the Hat as my superhero [Applause] outfit tonight oh my God somebody has my daughter all new 2020 True Crime I just remember it was Madness as a case we all thought was solved Holly Bobo Holly Bobo Holly Bobo been blown wide open do you think the jury got this one wrong absolutely now never before seen video of a key witness changing his story what does he tell you tells me he made the whole thing up the allnew 2020 tonight at 98 Central on ABC they call him the beauty queen killer he’s targeting young women in malls I am single I want to enjoy the company of the M 11 wom he tortured me how did she survive nine days of Terror the word accomplice came up Nobody Knows the real story The Beauty Queen Killer only on Hulu why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day’s top stories a lot of news today let’s get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R ml Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that’s a part of the story I bet you didn’t see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here it’s lunch time in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afterno for everything you need to know I love that I’m Matt Rivers traveling with the US Secretary of State in Beijing China wherever the story is we’ll take you there you’re streaming ABC News live welcome back Donald Trump’s attorney Todd blanch has vowed to appeal yesterday’s verdict against the former president but lawyers don’t come cheap Trump’s legal woses and their Rising costs are this evening’s by the Numbers the former president still has three more criminal cases ahead of him each more serious than his New York case in Georgia he’s accused of election interference and in his two Federal cases he’s accused of subverting the 2020 election and mishandling sensitive documents jurors in New York deliberated for about 10 hours plus before finding Trump guilty Thursday on all 34 counts of falsifying business records but president Trump has helped paying all these Court battles he built a quarter billion doll War chest for his election defense fund after losing in 2020 as of two months ago he has spent more than a hundred million of that to pay his many loyers that’s according to the New York Times and that comes up to about $90,000 a day in legal related cost and who’s giving him all that money those who donated to his election defense fund the Trump campaign saying this morning it has raised $ 34.8 million just since the verdict was reached all in small dollar donations and it should be noted that the use of donations to pay personal lawyers is allowed under Federal rules there is much more head here on Prime Joe Mansion leaving the Democratic party what party he’s joining and why he says he’s jumping ship plus back to the Blue Album 30 years since the classic Weezer album dropped the band is taking the classics on the [Music] road Whenever Wherever news breaks it’s so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo youal du Texas Edinburgh Scotland from Poland once again tonight thank you so much for streaming with us Ukrainian refugees here in warong do you think you’ll ever be able to go back home we’re heading to a small community outside of Mexico City splintered houses and splintered lives the magnitude of the devastation you’re streaming ABC News live reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Santa Fe New Mexico Raleigh North Carolina the US capital Mayfield Kentucky Minneapolis Mexico tongas national forest Alaska getting you behind the stories as they happen giving you a front row seat to our world as it plays out in real time live ABC News live Prime we’ll take you there stream ABC News live week nights America’s most honored streaming news program only on ABC News live streaming free right now wherever you stream your news first thing in the morning there’s a lot going on we’re still in a flash flood warning to catch you up with what happened overnight police in riot gear arresting dozens of protesters what’s happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between check out the gator on the 17th pole the buzz kill in baseball first thing in the morning America this morning America’s number one early morning news on ABC News live whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war in Rolling for this tornado tore through this town from Le main the scene of a horrific mass shooting from the scene of that deadly missile strike ABC News live everywhere in Iceland let’s go on the 2024 campaign Trail here at 10 Downing Street wherever the story is we’re going to take you there you’re streaming ABC News live ABC News live you’re streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere everybody right now is worried that Tik tok’s going to be banned in the United States we owe a lot to Tik Tok and I do not want to see it banned that’s my main source of income it would bring me into a deep depression what evidence have you guys actually seen that this is a threat to National security the two greatest powers on Earth are vying over a teenage video app I am not imagining a future without Tik Tok the death of Tik Tok this is impact by Nightline now streaming on Hulu get ready America every Friday the hottest Trends Styles and must have what’s the right stuff to buy right now I really love that it’s time to buy the right stuff yes and save big time too the right Stu Fridays on GMA you’re going to love it from the team that brought you the DuPont awardwinning report a groundbreaking new investigation spanning 9,000 miles trashed the secret life of plastic exports stream free on Hulu Welcome Back The Man convicted of killing his wife and his current wife’s two children learns his fate a driver with a suspended license calls into his virtual court hearing while driving and from a 902 spell off to Victory meet this year’s scripts B champ those stories and much more in tonight’s [Music] rundown a jury has found Chad deel guilty in the murders of his first wife and his second wife’s two children the verdict comes more than a year after Dell’s second wife Lori valow was also convicted of murdering her two youngest children Joshua JJ valow 7 years old and Tyler Ryan 16 in a so-called Doomsday plot prosecutors claim that valow and de Bell thought the two children were dark spirits and zombies Democratic senator Joe manin of West Virginia announced that he has switched his registration to Independent raising questions about his political plans since the move could help his chances should he seek elected office again in a state that has turned heavily Republican a study on drug overdoses illustrates just how expansive the country’s crisis is an estimate 321,000 children lost a parent to drug overdoses between 2011 and 2021 creating a mass childhood trauma which is a main risk factor for addiction later in life while Latinos the nation’s largest minority group are graduating college at an increased rate in the last two decades they remain underpaid and underrepresented in the workforce according to new Census Data from 2 to 2021 the number of Hispanic women earning Advanced degrees climbed by 21% and by 199% among Hispanic men a man was ordered to turn himself in after he appeared virtually in a court hearing for his suspended driver’s license while driving haris are you driving the incident happened during a hearing in May Cory Harris was scheduled to be at the hearing for charges stemming from an earlier arrest this is a driving wheel license suspended that is correct your honor um and he was just driving Michigan has a law on its books prohibiting the use of cell phones and other electronic devices while driving Harris was released on bail 2 days later that’s bruhat you are the [Music] 2024 seventh grader bruhat s victoriously hoisted the scripts cup at the 96th scripts National Spelling be bruette b r o u e t t e due to time this year’s be came down to a one-on-one spell off with the St Petersburg Florida native correctly spelling 29 words in 90 seconds that’s almost 3 seconds per [Music] word during the height of the pandemic many of us picked up new hobbies but for four siblings from New Jersey instead of finding something new they perfected something old the long-standing tradition of baking Hala bread their love for the kitchen Rose to something bigger than themselves a way to give back to others through the love of their [Music] religion there was a lot of um could you could you a lot of a lot of behind CH the lofman siblings are always baking something we’d have eight like four in the back four in the front on each level yeah their kitchen ordered chaos we were all in this house all four siblings and our parents and a dog and in this t- Neck New Jersey home a love of baking a love of Judaism and a passion for helping others turned out to be the perfect ingredients for a small business at its core the traditional Jewish bread kala I run kalac girls full-time and my siblings still act as co-founders and thought partners and advisors you heard her right sounds a bit like that classic Gwen Stefani song a no but in this case it’s halab back girls so we halab back we give back through our Hala it is the ultimate dad J yeah siblings Sarah Hannah Marne and Elana churning out Halas of all kinds to a rising customer base this is the apple cinnamon sugar kala yummy and then we also have a coffee crumb and the double chocolate raspberry theala helping CBG break bread in a big way now proceeds from the sales support organizations focused on social justice and disenfranchised communities but it’s not just about monetary support so when we began in 2020 and we would print out their mission on a piece of paper cut each individual paper up and include that mission in every package that we delivered calab back girls recently partnered with Jewish women intern naal and we curated resources to go into each kala package they actually have a um deck of cards that highlight different women in Judaism kala has an important place in Judaism as a staple at Shabbat dinners Jewish holidays and for the lofman siblings a major part of their childhood we would bake Hala bread with our mom um every Thursday night we’d put up the dough and when we got home from school we were braiding all together and then when the world stopped in 2020 and most were in lockdown it would give the family a mission with Hannah the family Baker leading the way I couldn’t hop on the sourdough Trend and I was like I feel connected to Hala bread so why not make this the baking put to good use their mother Karen who works in a hospital Network bringing Halas to the Frontline workers battling covid-19 [Music] during the summer The Death of George Floyd in Minneapolis and subsequent racial discussion marking a turning point we kind of looked at each other as white Jewish American people and how do we how do we help how do we learn more the answer once again kala now giving the siblings a new purpose Hannah would be here with the four different mixers I’d be here measuring out measuring putting flour all over the island in order to braid and need the dough Sarah would be like okay we got 16 planes 25 coffee crumbs 18 chocolate chip and 40 everything but the bagel bigger batches meant bigger problems we also have new ovens because the front this whole front cracked four years in now kalabak girls is going strong and growing by the day partnering with a kosher bakery to keep up with demand today kalala back girls bakes and delivers kala Nationwide all 50 states on a weekly basis while continuing to collaborate with other organizations hosting events at schools and in different communities to make and break bread hi everyone using a leftover of sorts from Co Zoom everyone have their kit Essentials Sarah welcoming me into the family kitchen for a virtual baking event allowing me to roll up my sleeves and roll in the dough so now we’re going to take the Strand furthest to the left pick it up and put it in the middle and then we’re going to do it again the results three strands of dough woven together into a loaf the makings of aala this was mine after baking it’s not bad but the presentation could use some workat Shalom some of the most important values in Judaism inspired the lofman company and it guides their work particularly tuno Lum the value of repairing the world and Sedaka which refers to charity or giving back there’s a quote from Pure kote that says you are not obligated to complete the work but neither are you free to desist from it and that is a huge grounding mantra for Kala girls and for our upbringing there’s another Jewish value called haat kala which in ancient times was the separating of a piece of the kalado do and sacrificing it to the higher priests we say a blessing that is geared towards thinking of individuals and communities and Nations that are in need of healing being able to share these values and their religion is a especially meaningful amid a sharp rise in anti-Semitism internationally how important do you think it is to share the religion with people who are not Jewish to be able to share my experience and my values of what I as a Jewish woman have learned over my years with other people that might have never engaged with a Jewish person it’s just awesome thanks so much for helping me help my parents and others too I’m so glad I found you we received comments from a Mormon family outside of Boston and they were interested in kala bread and what this was all about I also received a a message about this young woman in Colorado who hadn’t had kala in over 25 years there are just a slew of stories that are super beautiful and connect different people from different parts of the country the siblings hoping to expand Hala back girls perhaps one day an interactive kala Factory there will be a factory of some kinds where where the kala will be made there will also be a space where people can break bread literally or figuratively is it too ambitious to think that AA could change the world no no so the [Music] ah could have changed the world it’s great for french toast okay so it was their debut album that redefined indie rock 30 years now since Weezer’s debut known as Blue album hit the scene giving us singles like Buddy Holly and undone The Sweater Song now the band is taking their first record on the road and our Maggie rouy sat down with two members of Weezer to talk about bringing their Classics to life once again your songs stick with you I think so many of us have been singing them now for 30 years I know for me Buddy Holly Say It Ain’t So I mean I can always go word for word with your [Music] lyrics you guys are about to embark on your new tour Voyage to the blue planet and it’s a celebration of the 30th anniversary of your iconic Blue album and you have sold out shows across the country around the world and guys this is 30 years later not to date us 30 years later and it still seems to just be resonating with people why is that do you think it’s it feels uh Timeless in a in a sense honestly for us it it it’s fun to see everybody recognize it and uh I don’t know it’s hard to talk about really when you’re up there now performing is it a rush of memories does it take you back to those early days it can you know we’ve been playing a lot of these songs a lot so sometimes we’ll get a glimpse of like oh I remember I remember what it was like in the beginning and other times you’re just you know playing yeah I’m usually pretty in the moment like trying not to fall off the stage or step into the Pyro or something but but also like the audience is so fun to watch yeah they’re hilarious the way they dance or they sing or the whatever the clothes they’re wearing so I I just enjoy watching them when you are up there are there ever moments though where you don’t want to perform those Mega hits are there songs from the album that you’re excited to play that maybe people aren’t as familiar with well I I’m a people pleaser I I love getting the I love hearing the Roar of the crowd so basically what whatever gets that reaction I’m going to do up there that being said I think every tour we like to mix in a few songs that we are super excited about something new or something rare uh that’s just super fun to play and the audience I think they appreciate it even though sometimes they don’t know the song that well they just can tell that we’re losing our minds up there enjoying it so it’s it’s pretty infectious in addition to your music a huge part of your albums over the music videos you don’t never forget watching the video for Buddy Holly what do you think of the state of music videos today I think they’re 7even seconds long and then I go like this and it’s a new one there’s a ton of talented people out there doing a lot of amazing things I mean the tools are in everyone’s hands now and uh it’s just different you know but I’m glad we did what we do can we expect to see any more epic music videos from you guys yes really yes o can’t say more give us a tease give me a little bit more a little bit more maybe more than a video really what could that even mean just have to find out oh now I’m thinking all crazy thoughts about what you guys are going to do univ you mentioned that Grunge was popular when you guys were writing that first album I know you were also into metal at some points your style isn’t really those things so how did you find your style it’s so unique how did you gain the confidence in that style took a while like that the whole first year of Weezer is wasn’t wasn’t quite jelling like I still had really long hair and I was still trying to scream like I was in Nirvana or something you can’t fight who you are and how your voice is constructed so So eventually you just you kind of give in and say okay this is who I am this is the way my voice sounds this is the kind of Melodies I react to so let’s just go with that and maybe nobody’s going to like it but this is who we are sitting across from YouTube right now it’s pretty rare in the music industry to have a partnership like yours you’ve been playing together 30 years you’ve really come up together you became this iconic band together and here you are still together that’s hard in any industry so what’s your secret I mean we’re like seven different people since then so at some point I think you just get a perspective and you’re you’re happy and you you know you’re grateful for all the good things that have happened and you know maybe you’re not as angsty about stupid things anymore I don’t know yeah I I think we’re we’re just naturally a great match for each other creatively so there’s just I I can’t imagine trying to do any of this without Patrick so it’s nice to say that’s really sweet yeah and I definitely can’t do anything unless you know rivers are there yeah and then uh I know for myself like being married now 17 years and working working on that relationship couples therapy learning how to communicate you have to go through that and I just I developed a lot of skills which I think has helped me in in my relationships with the band and everywhere in my life you guys are a couple goals you truly are look at this the love is amazing to see a model pairing it is my last question for you cuz I’m curious you said you’re a people pleaser but what about if you’re if you’re going to make Rivers happy you’re make Pat happy what song are you most excited about playing from any any song from the last 30 years you guys have such a catalog what are you most looking forward to playing I love holiday oh on The Blue Album that’s my favorite [Applause] [Music] how come uh just it’s evocative of a different uh reality to me it’s it’s really great do you have one Rivers lately only in [Music] dreams which is the last song on The Blue Album and has this very long double guitar solo so all four of us are kind of shredding together in harmony it’s it’s a very magical moment every night yeah H guys we’re all so excited to see you on tour again and I’m so thrilled that you sat down with us we’re so appreciative it’s such a treat thanks for everything our pleasure thank you absolutely such a treat Maggie thank you uh you can catch Weezer on their Voyage to the Blue Planet tour with tickets available out now and before we go tonight and we have to take a moment to honor and celebrate a friend and colleague of ours ABC News senior producer Heidi Jensen Heidi is retiring today after more than 20 years at ABC News and what a stupendous run she has had Heidi has been an integral part of ABC News live the heart and soul of our team in Washington producing and coordinating all of our ABC News live shows in addition to serving in a key role in producing pool coverage for major Network events Heidi and her husband Chuck PL to spend their retirement living out their dreams and traveling the world together so we are both thrilled and obiously a little jealous too of her upcoming wild adventure her infectious laugh determined attitude and caring heart will be missed by all of us here at ABC news we are wishing you all the best and congratulations on your retirement Heidi that’s our show for this hour I’m Phil Lipoff stay with ABC News live for more context and Analysis of the day top stories and thanks for streaming with us [Music] he coming up in the next hour the new questions about whether former president Trump violated his gag order as he blasts the guilty verdict and President Biden weighs in and the plot French officials say they uncovered to attack the upcoming Olympic [Music] Games drugs like OIC so many people are using them or want to use them if you’re on these drugs what should you eat to get the protein you need how can they help with your heart health and what’s the best plan after hitting your goal weight next week GMA with a science behind it all for you hi I’m Andy and I’m Sabrina and we’re moms juggling tons of stuff every day like all you moms out there and you know what we love really love Pop Culture so listen now to our new podcast pop culture moms wherever you get your podcast it’s lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoons for everything you need to know I love that let’s go the ship is incredible it feel feels like living in a science fiction movie we just saw what no one has seen before wow look at that oh my go we are heading into the unknown Hammer Hammer Hammer it doesn’t get any more Cutting Edge than [Music] this what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis Fighters This our combat Operation Center we’re approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to [Music] go the house is destroyed but the flag there’s not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile you’re proud I love this great work hi where are you where are you appreciate you thank you D is David David yes yes I’m David M I know you are watch you every night ABC’s World News Tonight with David mure is America’s most watched newscast I experienced a lot of hard a I’m a tough one woman but it’s not easy you’re going to feel lonely it’s taken me a really long time to even get to this moment and the CMA award for Entertainer of the Year goes to Lany Wilson that was a mic drop the Entertainer of the Year baby I do see the bell bottoms in the Hat as my superhero outfit wildes reporting from Monteray Park California I’m Robin Roberts wherever wherever the story is we’re going to take you there you’re streaming ABC News live good evening this is ABC News live Prime I’m Phil Lipoff in tonight for Lindsey Davis thanks so much for streaming with us we’ve got a lot of news to get to tonight including the former president on offense as he lays out his grievances about his 34C count conviction in his New York hush money trial what he plans to do next and we are also going to speak to one Republican member of the House who says investigating the conduct of that trial itself should be the top priority of Congress plus President Biden saying it is time to end the war revealing to the world the offer that has been made to Hamas to try to get a ceasefire and to get the hostages home what Israel and Hamas are now saying and the plot French officials say they uncovered to attack the upcoming Olympic games but we are going to begin this Friday night with The Fallout after that historic guilty verdict in the trial of the former president Trump trump today lashing out at the verdict vowing to appeal it as President Biden breaks his silence the guilty verdict now looming large over this razor thin race for the White House Biden defending the American legal system and the 12 citizens who served as jurors calling it Reckless dangerous and irresponsible for anyone to call it quote rigged just because they don’t like the verdict meantime Trump spoke for more than half an an hour at Trump Tower blasting the case the judge and the guilty verdict warning quote if they can do this to me they can do this to anyone Trump continues to deny he did anything wrong sentencing is now set for July 11th that is just four days before the RNC Rachel Scott leads us off from New York tonight President Biden’s speaking out for the first time since his rival former president Donald Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts declaring the verdict should be respected the American principle that no one is above the law was reaffirmed Biden praising the regular Americans who sat on the 12p person jury saying Trump was given every opportunity to defend himself and denouncing Trump’s efforts to undermine the criminal justice system it’s Reckless it’s dangerous it’s irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don’t like the verdict our justice system the justice system should be respected and we should never allow anyone to tear it down but from Trump today Defiance and fury at Trump Tower the former president lashing out in a 33 minute speech making the outrageous claim that the US is fascist this is uh a case where if they can do this to me they can do this to anyone Trump claiming he’s done nothing wrong I paid a lawyer a legal expense and a bookkeeper without any knowledge from me correctly marked it down in the books but the jury saw it differently seven men five women those jurors selected by both the defense and the prosecution from all walks of life determining Trump did commit crimes convicting him on all 34 counts of falsifying business records to conceal a $130,000 hush money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels to keep her story from voters before the 2016 election and tonight questions about whether Trump violated the gag order still in place and bringing up his former friend and fixer Michael Cohen I’m not allowed to use his name because of the gag order but you know he’s a SLE bag judge Juan Maran who held Trump in criminal contempt 10 times finding him $10,000 during the trial has said that if Trump violates the order again he’d risk going to jail Trump attacked him too calling him a devil and a tyrant it will be Mara who sentences the former president on July 11th Just 4 days before he set to accept the Republican nomination for president our thanks to Rachel Scott the other major headline tonight from the White House President Biden taking the dramatic move of going public revealing to the world the most recent deal offered to Hamas to try to get a ceasefire get the hostages home and more humanitarian Aid into Gaza the president saying quote it’s time for this war to end what Israel and Hamas are indicating tonight our Mary Bruce is at the White House tonight in a dramatic move President Biden laying out in great detail for the world to see the ceasefire deal Israel has put on the table challenging Hamas to get on board as Biden himself faces growing political pressure here at home it’s time for this war to end the president in Stark terms assuring that Hamas has been drastically degraded at this point Hamas no longer is capable carrying out another October 7th which one of the Israel’s main OB in this war and quite frankly a righteous one Biden for the first time pulling back the curtain on negotiations the first phase and initial 6 week ceasefire with women children and the most vulnerable hostages returned in exchange for the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners Israeli troops would withdraw from populated areas in Gaza and humanitarian Aid would surge in what comes next far more complicated the temporary ceasefire would hold while Israel and Hamas negotiate a permanent plan a full end to fighting and release of the remaining hostages Hamas needs to take the deal just days after the israelies cautioned the war would continue through the end of the year Biden with a message to them too urging prime minister Netanyahu to stand behind this deal despite pressure from hardliners to keep up the fight the president now declaring enough is enough it’s time to began this new stage for the hostages to come home for Israel to be secure for the suffering to stop Mary Bruce from the White House Mary thank you a retired fourstar Admiral once the number two official in the Navy has been arrested on bribery charges he’s accused of steering a government contract to a private company that promised to hire him for $500,000 a year here’s Martha radit he is a retired fourstar Admiral the number two position in all of the Navy but this morning Admiral Robert Burke was arrested at his home in Florida on bribery charges for allegedly directing a lucrative government training contract to a private company that promised him a half a million doll annual salary plus stock options after retirement prosecutors say the bribery scheme happened over a 2-year period from 2020 to 2022 at a time Burke commanded thousands of US forces as head of Naval operations in Europe and Africa the indictment says that within months of his retirement Burke went to work for the company and received his $500,000 salary the US attorney’s office saying Admiral Burke not only used his public office and his fourstar status for his private gain but tried to cover it up by falsely implying he had no role in awarding the contract our thanks to Martha for that story and tonight the emotional sentencing hearing in a Connecticut murder case that made national headlines Michelle Trona convicted of helping her boyfriend kill his wife uh wept as their five children told the court of how they were hurt by their mother’s death here’s Stephanie Ramos tonight gut-wrenching testimony at the sentencing for Michelle trones the woman convicted of plotting with her boyfriend to kill his aranged wife Jennifer doulos a Connecticut mother of five Michelle tronus shattered Jennifer’s family dulos’s children speaking for the first time alongside pictures with their mother I’ve been left with a hole inside of me that I know I will never be able to fill Jennifer dulos disappeared 5 years ago after his arrest husband fotus dulos took his own life but prosecutors put tronus on trial showing this video they said proved she helped doulos dispose of the evidence dulos’s daughter chrisan who was just 10 years old saying this about the woman who conspired to kill her mom Michelle Honus to me is the reason I feel completely lost and alone at nights when I cannot sleep she’s the reason why I’ve blocked out my childhood and that day so much I can barely remember it through tears tron’s only child asked the judge for Mercy I am begging you to listen I need my mom in my life a thanks to Stephanie Ramos and now to the fatal shooting of former General Hospital actor Johnny Wacker tonight the cooworker who was with him when he was gunned down is speaking for the first time about those final moments here’s ABC’s mola langi just days after the fatal shooting of former General Hospital actor Johnny Wacker his coworker and friend Anita Joy who was with him in those final moments speaking out can you take me back to to that night a man is down like on his knees putting a jack under the car and he had the the car halfway jacked up and then we realized this is not to people the two had finished their bartending shift at around 3:00 a.m. Saturday in downtown LA Angeles and were walking to their cars when police say they came across three suspects in masks attempting to steal wacker’s catalytic converter which contains valuable medals enticing to thieves Joyce says Wacker approached one of the suspects who then instantly opened fire striking wager in the chest but I had blood in my hands so I ripped his shirt open and he had a shot right to his chest I just screaming at him trying to tell him to stay with me and then I love him and like you know don’t go the 37-year-old rushed to the hospital where he was anounced dead they didn’t even get the catalytic converter that’s what they were going for they left with Johnny’s life instead yeah it’s just so senseless MOA joins us now MOA what do we know about the search for suspects well Phil LAPD tells us tonight that they are still searching for those three suspects as you know we’re going on six days now that Manhunt still no arrests no suspects investigators say they fled the scene in a dark colored sedan and authorities are at the point where they’re asking the public anyone who might have some information to come forward to help Phil mola langi from Los Angeles tonight mola thank you Jennifer Lopez canceling her summer tour saying it’s to spend more time with her family and friends the singer added she was quote completely heart sick and devastated for letting fans down and wouldn’t do this if she didn’t feel that it was necessary the decision comes after the tour underwent several changes including the cancellation of multiple show dates in March and in April the show was rebranded with a new name next tonight the harrowing new body camera video after that deadly explosion in Youngstown Ohio officers racing to the scene of that blast looking for survivors in a bank that was destroyed by the blast with Apartments just above it here’s ABC’s Alex Perez with the details hey back up back up back up back up tonight dramatic video from an officer’s body worn camera shows the aftermath of a massive deadly explosion in Youngstown Ohio the sound of gas hissing as firefighters race to find survivors amid the rubble moments after the blast collapsed part of the building’s first floor into the basement you hold this go go teams lowering a ladder into the crater that firefighter carrying that victim up the ladder out of the pit on his back screaming in pain as they move her away from the building the blast at the 13-story apartment building killing an employee inside the bank on the first floor seven others taken to the hospital an Phil construction Crews were working in the basement and officials believe they may have cut a gas line that was supposed to be out of service causing that explosion Phil Alex thank you former First Lady Michelle Obama is mourning the loss of her mother tonight Marian Robinson was an important fixture in the Obama’s lives moving to the White House and helping them raise their daughters as the family’s lives changed dramatically in a statement the former president and first lady said quote she was always always there welcoming us back home no matter how far we had journeyed with that deep and Abiding Love Marian Robinson was 86 years old there is still much more to get to tonight coming up the murder rate in Mexico is five times higher than the us but most of the guns come from the states what’s fueling the trafficking but next dozens are rescued after major flooding triggers d eruptions and even a Mudslide why it may not be the last major storm this [Music] year if you were coming of age in the 1980s the brat pack was near the center of your cultural awareness but for those of us experiencing it from the inside the brat pack was something very different I’m really sorry that article had to come out I just remember seeing that cover and thinking oh so I thought it might be interesting to try and contact everyone who was in the brat house you were not interested in talking about the brat pack I turned everything down how come you’re talking to me because it was time that we clear the air and a couple days I hated the brat P for decades what a disaster why did we take it as an offense we’re afraid we were brats you know Andrew I’m not going to say we were the Beatles or anything well we didn’t feel sha Stadium moment we could have 1985 I think we could [Music] have everybody right now is worried that Tik tok’s going to be banned in the United States we owe a lot to Tik Tok and I do not want to see it B that’s my main source of income it would bring me into a deep depression what evidence have you guys actually seen that this is a threat to National Security the two greatest powers on Earth are V in over a teenage video app I am not imagining a future without Tik Tok the death of Tik Tok this is impact by Nightline now streaming on Hulu are you ready to celebrate Sunday June 30th across the country see experience some of the nation’s greatest Pride celebrations all in one place as they happen live right here on ABC News live Pride Across America celebrate Joy love freedom and pride Sunday June 30th starting at 11:00 a.m. eastern time streaming on ABC News live and stream on Hulu traveling with the president in London I’m Elizabeth schy wherever the story is we’ll take you there you’re streaming ABC News live welcome back we are tracking several headlines around the world at this hour Mexico going to the polls this Sunday and is poised to elect the country first woman president the Race’s two female Front Runners Claudia Shin bomb and former Mexico City mayor representing the government’s left-leaning party and former Senator soil galz a tech entrepreneur representing a third party opposition Coalition the election cycle has been plagued by violence with more than 23 people killed so far uh 30 people candidates running for mayor or Town Council positions French authorities have arrested an 18y old accused of planning an attack aimed at soccer matches during next month’s Paris Olympics investigators say the targets would have been Spectators and police forces France is on the highest security alert ahead of the Olympic Games which are expected to draw in millions of visitors Rescuers in Northern India evacuating flood victims and giving supplies to people stranded in their homes following a cyclone there heavy rainfall causing extensive flooding traffic disruptions even a Mudslide this is the first first of the frequent storms expected to pound lowly coasts of India and Bangladesh this year as climate change drives up surface temperatures at Sea the murder rate in Mexico is five times higher than in the United States and the vast majority of those killings involve guns smuggled in from America in her new book Exit Wounds how America’s guns fuel violence across the border yea yon a legal and medical Anthropologist and associate professor at Brown University flips the usual narrative surrounding the border to focus not on the the drugs and the people heading north but the weapons heading south Professor yuzan uh joins us now Professor thank you so much it’s good to see you tonight um in 2015 you began volunteering as an EMT paramedic on the US Mexico border and you saw for yourself the results of gun trafficking firsthand uh how did these experiences in form the narratives that you share in Exit Wounds so when I was the volunte caring On the Border I saw a lot of people who were trying to get to Safety in the United States because either they directly experienced gun violence or somebody in their family has been kidnapped or threatened a lot of people experience extortion whether they are farmers or small business owners so I seeing them every day um and crossing the border every day between um United States and Mexico it just became apparent to me that the people are fleeing violence that is direct L caused by guns that are being sold in Arizona in Texas in other parts of the country you right we often hear that gun violence in the United States has reached alarming levels but there is one country in particular which has been on the receiving end of American Firepower with devastating effects that’s our Southern neighbor Mexico talk a little bit about how America’s gun laws have driven many Mexicans to seek asylum in the US as you as you were talking about well um violence in Mexico is a result of um a lot of issues in the country one of them is very powerful um organized crime groups that are trafficking drugs into the United States uh those groups that are competing for routes to bring those only two gun stores so what they do is they use the money from selling drugs to acquire those weapons in in stores legally in in Arizona or Texas somebody who’s a US citizen or national goes and buys the guns and then they give them over to Smugglers and Smugglers bring them across the border hidden in cars often or or bigger bigger trucks and then those guns get into the hands of organized crime groups so because it is so easy to get weapons in the United States and so difficult in Mexico uh and we have over about 10,000 gun stores establishments as the place you can actually go in and buy a gun in in border states it’s uh it’s very easy um Supply source of these um firearms for Mexican organized crime groups as we mentioned earlier on in the show Mexico’s elections are on Sunday and the leadup has been plagued with violence do you think a change in the political landscape there could have any meaningful impact on gun trafficking well we are seeing an uptake in violence in the elections because usually when there is a change in in political structure that’s happening and now there are a lot of um Mayors and city councils in addition to to the presidential election um a lot of violence in Mexico is caused by guns from the United States over 70% of those founding crime scenes have been traced by ATF to to the stores that sold them in the United States so it is possible that the leading candidate Claudia Shin bom has had good U uh results uh in her security strategy in Mexico City it is not very clear whether those can be replicated around the country because in some parts uh of Mexico organized crime groups are much much uh Stronger Than in Mexico City but it is it is something we are looking forward to all right yea thank you so much for joining us Exit Wounds how America’s guns fuel violence across the border is available for purchase and still to come on his retirement a fighter pilot reflecting on a pivotal moment in his career and the country’s history news this is start here to be in the now and get a different take on the day’s top stories a lot of news today so let’s get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with for Edward R mural Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that’s a part of the story I bet you didn’t see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here let’s go the ship is incredible it feels like living in a science fiction movie we just saw what no one has seen before wow look at that oh my gosh we are heading into the unknown Hammer Hammer Hammer it doesn’t get any more cutting a and [Music] this tonight oh my God somebody has my daughter all new 2020 True Crime I just remember was madness has a case we all thought was solved Holly Bobo Hol Bobo Holly Bobo been blown wide open do you think the jury got this one wrong absolutely now never before seen video of a key witness changing his story what does he tell you tells me he made the whole thing up the allnew 2020 tonight at 98 Central on ABC what’s good to watch read where can I get a great deal on what I’m just dying to buy oh it’s all great here GMA life all the exclusive and buzziest celebrity good stuff deals in steals with amazing savings and the coolest lifestyle tips from Good Morning America I love that so much GMA life streaming weekends on ABC News live your weekend just get a little better with GMA life when it matters most America turns to David mure and ABC’s World News Tonight finally tonight an F-16 fighter pilot is retiring after four decades of service and sharing his orders on 9/11 in what could have become his final mission ABC Chief Global Affairs anchor Martha radit with his story you are watching US Air Force Lieutenant General Mark sasville sued up for the last time sir thank you walking out to the fighter jet with his name on the side his call sign SAS taking off from Joint Base Andrews near Washington the same base where 23 years ago he was sent on a mission he thought could be his last when you take off in your fighter jet you don’t really know what your mission is we don’t really know what our mission is two hijacked planes had hit the twin towers and just a few miles away another had hit the Pentagon one of the memories that will stay with me forever is seeing the Pentagon on fire and being able to smell the fumes uh that were coming off of that just the the the the burning concrete the fuel uh from the airplane that had hit and I tell you Martha what I was thinking about was December 7th 1941 here we go again he would get his orders along with F-16 pilot 26-year-old Heather peny find a rogue passenger jet United Flight 93 their f-16s did not have missiles on board it was a different time so p in sasseville sasseville with two young children at home decided that they would Ram the missing hijacked plane with their fighter jets you both agreed that if you had to you would engage in a suicide mission it’s a testament to sasa’s leadership that he didn’t ask anyone else to lead that mission he wouldn’t ask anyone else to give what he was unwilling to give the fighter pilots would later discover the passengers and crew on Flight 93 had stormed the cockpit the plane crashing into a Shanksville Pennsylvania field if those Heroes on 93 and by the way those are the real heroes if they hadn’t taken action and they hadn’t done what needed to be done it would have been a very different outcome for me and my family but he kept quiet about his own role that day when you went home your wife and kids are there what’d you say well I said nothing at first I hugged him and squeezed them very tightly and I didn’t tell them actually for a while what had happened and uh I told them that I loved him and uh I was going to be gone to work for a long time because something very bad had happened to America eventually his wife Karen hearing the whole story what did she think of what you did she was in awe she was proud of you she was she was and Karen and the kids were there for his retirement ceremony this week after some 40 years of service it has been a tremendous honor and a privilege to serve and a truly rare opportunity for me and my family to make a difference now you have the watch thank you all one last speech and one last flight Karen moved to tears his children Lauren and Luke waiting with prom the fighter pilot who was prepared to give his own life to save others a dad I’m proud of you I love you love [Applause] you thank you everybody Martha thank you and a Grateful Nation thanks him for his service that’s our show for tonight I’m Phil Lipoff ABC News live is here for you all night with the latest news context and Analysis and you can always find us on Hulu Roku Pluto TV the ABC News app and of course have a good [Music] night are you ready to celebrate Sunday

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