Abbott ‘dismayed’ at reports of ban

Abbott ‘dismayed’ at reports of ban

the veteran labor MP Diane Abbott says she’s dismayed at reports that she may be banned from standing for reelection yesterday she was readmitted to the party 13 months after being suspended over comments about racism that she made and later apologized for however alas sa said the decision on whether maabot can stand in Hackney North and Stoke Newington has yet to be taken by the party’s national executive committee

Labour MP Diane Abbott says she’s ‘dismayed’ at reports that she may be banned from standing for re-election as the Labour candidate for Hackney North and Stoke Newington. Labour says the decision is yet to be taken by the party’s National Executive Committee.



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  1. So they tried to stamp out Anti semitism within the Labour Party, and as a result several MP's were thrown out or disgraced with no evidence.
    Now they replace that so called racism with another form of racism, Diane Abbott has suffered such, if they do not reinstate then go as an independent alongside jeremy Corbyn.
    Too many stupid people in this country believing whatever is printed or spouted on TV.
    By taking this stance they have more or less labeled every single voter the exact same way.
    WAKE UP.

  2. This isn’t actually true though, the Labour NEC hasn’t yet made a decision on if she is the candidate or not. She has stated herself today that she doesn’t know. This originally came from a story in The Times, so it’s probably mischief making by the Tory media.

  3. So basically, at the time of posting the last days' worth of reporting that she's banned is complete and utter [what our rivers and taps are currently full of]?

  4. Simply put the Labour Party should not ban Diane Abbott from standing. She had a thumping majority in 2019 and has been an active member of Party for decades.

  5. Another brick in the wall of stupidity, and the wall grows taller and taller. MP Diane Abbott might have said something stupid… but to suspend her from the party and ban from standing is super-stupid-idiotic… What society are we turning into …

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