Meghan & Harry are awful, I’ve worked with the royals for years & they are definitely NOT racist

Meghan & Harry are awful, I’ve worked with the royals for years & they are definitely NOT racist

you’re talking about the wedding everyone was made to feel unwelcome not everybody just the the British press just the people that travel the travel the whole world spend their whole life all my life you know and Opera Winfrey met them once she was a guest the Clooney you know the guests I mean never met them before but they were the guest and uh you know I thought to myself you know this is all all show is rubbish you know you get a sense then that that they were they wanted out that they wanted a California life that they wanted show is that they weren’t interested if they weren’t interested in in making people feel welcome at the wedding it just seems to me they just they made a decision back in seven years ago well I look I’m look I mean Opera Winfrey was there and uh and then the first big interview they did is with Opera Winfrey and and you know most of that interview was left on The Cutting Room floor because it was so so one-sided and it was so unfair and I think about watching it now and and you know the busy about Archie and the and the color of his skin I was I was I was I knew they’d be I know they’d be seeding I knew the queen would be seeding I knew that the Prince of Wales Prince Charles would be seeding it would be so unfair because one thing they’re not is racist you know they are not I’ve been with I’ve been with a king all over Africa all over South America I’ve been I’ve never seen only just engaging and and enjoying the company of these people so you know it would be no way that he would um be like that he’s just an and it was just unfair thing to say and it but it was it was you know I mean she delivered it like an actress delivered it and it and and an opera respond going wow you know so like and they’ve gone back on that as well well now they have yeah but you know then he saying then he quickly said it wasn’t the Duke of Edinburgh or the queen that said it and then you know and at later date the queen put out a statement saying you know our Recollections vary well I imagine you know most people realize that was just the Queen saying look we don’t believe anything you say you know so uh in my view um Harry if he comes here fine he’s welcome here obviously he’s he’s a prince of the realm although he’s decided to uh keep the title but not do any work uh I don’t think he’s entitled to stand a Royal Palace I think he you know book into uh toel any time but you know you know he’s not he’s not putting look you know to be a member of the royal family in this country is a huge huge job hey you’re on show you’re in this electronic goldfish Bowl all the time people watching you watching everything you do everything you say and a lot of responsibility that carries and he didn’t want that anymore he wanted to go I don’t know why he went because he was so popular here I remember going working with him he was fantastic he was just amazing he was uh especially with children he was he was absolutely brilliant and I traveled the world with him and I did really enjoy working with him but you know now I really don’t care if I ever see him again because the way he’s behaved towards the king and our Queen and his brother and and his brother and his sister-in-law is appalling and uh and I just feel that he it’s about time uh he realized that and and you know he can’t come and stay in palaces you know was though the king I mean the King still loves him and he want love him to come back and work for the family but not as long as he’s not going to write stories about it and uh and I think why they that situation still ongoing I think that there nothing’s going to change so to confirm artha you didn’t do anything to celebrate Harry and Megan’s 7th wedding anniversary no I don’t even I’m surprised it lasted that long no many people said it wouldn’t has I mean they obviously you know they’re probably happy together they got two lovely children and it’s one of the saddest things of all mat of course is that the children don’t get to see their grandfather either grandfather you know and uh and that’s really that’s really so awful because they’re not getting to meet their cousins and and and to and to know their cousins and and and it’s such a shame for them there it is happier times this week bucking and Palace Garden parties Chelsea flower show as well can you give us just a flavor you’ve done lots of them we we talked about 50 years your golden anniversary you’ve done a lot of this can you just give a flavor of what it’s like many people haven’t attended a buckin and Palace garden party I mean they’re you know the Highlight in the calendar for for many people if you get a ticket and you get to go there what is what is it like at a garden party or Chelsea flower show when you’re with the king the queen Prince and Princess of Wales Etc well uh I’ve been to several uh Garden parties with my wife and uh they are they are amazing I mean first and foremost everybody’s beautifully dressed I mean the women must spend millions of pounds on on clothes and they look lovely and then of course the Royals come out and then there’s a big big lineup and people think that lineup is exclusive but it isn’t if you’re a me if you’ve been invited you can join that lineup and you get to meet the king and queen king or the queen one one does either side uh but the food is lovely there’s so much of it the tea is absolutely I mean tea is my favorite drink it’s absolutely I can testify for that is your and it is and it’s really and and you can walk around the gardens and the lake and and it’s the most beautiful afternoon and and you see so many people you know or they know you and and it’s a it’s a really and it and the and the two hours it goes in a Flash you know it so goes so quickly but it’s really lovely and um uh I uh I’ve been to the Chelsea flower show every year for the last 30 years it must be and um every year the where the queen used to go the queen was the patron of the of the RO Royal Horticultural Society and and the the big thing thing is the rout she takes through the gardens everybody desperately wants uh the queen to uh come through the garden and we had a very very famous Gardener called p c to se Brook unfortunately he’s no longer with us but I said I one year he asked me to go and do some pictures for him and and I said are the Royals coming past your stand we had a wonderful stand there it’s called Sunflower Street he said oh they never come here never come to the sunand I said oh why is that he said oh no we they just don’t so I was there and I saw Prince Charles walking by about two rows back so I went over to said Prince Charles would you come and look at our garden please and he said okay and he came over and uh and Peter like when he straight into hisi heat heat mode and he started telling the king about what they were doing and it was a fascinating uh it was called sunflow Street and there was a bridge across the top and uh and we I think he went gold medal for it that year Peter and um and we next day we run a big uh page of pictures of the king with Peter the following year we had the Queen the Queen Mother Princess Margaret the the emperor the Crown Prince of Japan and Chelsea Clinton all came to Peter stand and uh and so it then became normal and in fact the last time the queen she came just before she died the year before she died and uh she came to Peter stand and Peter had got this special bouquet made of flowers he’d grown in his own garden for her and I remember getting the queen sort of smelling the flowers and and she came in a little carriage you a little a little sort of cart she was legs were not too good to walk around so it was but this year I went and um king and queen were there and of course uh they go separate routs um one of the nicest pictures I took on the route was when they when they pass each other or going their separate ways and they were laughing at each other meeting each other so you know it’s been uh a busy week I mean there’s been Garden parties there’s been the flow show and now there’s be a six week break well exactly listen I think we’ve covered everything for the week I say we do have six or seven weeks but we will still be covering every single Royal job that happens every kind of Raw Story absolutely yeah right thanks ala thanks for coming on I’ve had a great time it’s a pleasure M and also it’s a pleasure working with you mat we’ll see each other in hopefully in Normandy for the D celebration God yeah thanks very much thank you thanks so much for watching if you like the show then please subscribe for more Royal content

A royal expert has told The Sun’s show Royal Exclusive that having worked with the royals for years he is sure they are definitely NOT racist.

Arthur Edwards, Sun Royal photographer spoke to Sun Royal editor about his experiences working with the couple.

Watch the video to learn more.

00:00 Intro
02:44 Harry was “so popular” in the UK before Megxit
04:25 Inside exclusive royal garden parties
07:30 Late Queen’s visit to Chelsea Flower Show

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  1. The sun would be bankrupt today, were it not for H&M. 6years and counting useless stories. Of-course dmwts never miss a story

  2. Stop talking and writing about them if they are so tiresome. We are happy H & M moved to California. They are no longer attached to a dysfunctional institution.

  3. Every time I see the black dress MM wore during the Oprah interview I wonder how big the bird was that pooped on her shoulder.

  4. Harry is a prince by birth but not the respect from his subjects. He fell down so low but he is too dumb to analyse how he got there. I don't believe he is happy in his marriage. He is just too embarrassed to acknowledge that he has made a terrible mistake.

  5. Because of his spoilt brat attitude Harry needs to be taken down a peg or two. He thinks it gets sorted because of who he is and it needs to stop. Does everyone remember when Harry kept failing British Helicopter pilot exams a million a year each time 3 years training. Brother William came to his base for several weeks ( they had tried everything else )to help his study. On camera the idiot Harry makes a quip at William and William mad inside measures his words in rebuttal and says The RAF are always helping the Army out. Harry the thicko can't do or try do work hoped to be waved through. The British would not do that so he fails yet again. They send him to America on Apache training one of hardest of all to fly. A further 2 years after the 3 years wasted in UK Qualified as a GUNNER FRONT SEAT ONLY NOT PILOT but allowed to wear those wings only drop chopper down in emergency. He is actually deluded about his own military service. The Public need to know the truth.

  6. 82% of England and Wales are White. As the percentage of blacks and Asians increases, so called "racism" will increase. Asian/black and British cultures do not mix.

  7. The real royals walk into a room to acknowledge others’ presence. The Harkles walk into a room to announce THEIR presence.

  8. Every day the media have write some degrading thing about the duke and success where are these stories getting them .Because the media is trying to poison the whole world minds against them it will not happen because no matter how long it takes to prove you are telling the truth it will not happen.Harry is determined to live his life as he sees fit and it's going to eat away at their consions like a cancer so every moment they will have to come with something worse than before .No matter how much the media and others try to belittle him he will stay firm in his beliefs even if it kills him he is a strong will person

  9. Arthur Edwards is an old fart whose was among the royal rota that was attacking Meghan but still expect access. Harry was never your friend. One minute you're begging him to come back next you're attacking him and his wife.
    Arthur is an old fart

  10. king Charles might want him back, but those liars hurt the UK citizens and we don’t love him like a parent,we just see a mischief maker and scandal monger and he’s not wanted by us!

  11. Harry didn't just trash his family they trashed the uk and as a patriot and supporter of our royal family I personally cannot forgive and forget. I'm sure there are people out there who feel differently. The Sussex squad are out there beavering away trying to lift Harry and hers popularity and trash the Royal family. They sussex squad need to crawl back under a rock where they belong.

  12. If Archie and Lilibet are given royal titles by the British Monarchy, why are H and M hiding them away from the public? They are actually called Prince and Princess!!

  13. Thank You Arthur Edwards. You are a thoroughly decent, trustworthy, truthful, upstanding and good human being. You, along with us all, are witnessing the complete ruination of PH, through his own actions and enslavement to his sociopathic, narcissistic "partner in crime" against the BRF and the fabric of society.

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