Russia lost 500.000 men, and I can Prove it. Ukraine-Russia War Situation Report

Russia lost 500.000 men, and I can Prove it. Ukraine-Russia War Situation Report

Russia’s losses have crossed half a million men according to the British Ministry of defense and in this video I’m going to show you that the number is very likely true by simply taking Russian numbers not Western numbers I will be able to show you that the Russians very likely actually have lost half a million men other than that finally permission of the for the Ukrainian Armed Forces to strike into Russia as well as more details about International Aid among them from South America and more details about military aid from Germany where according to the newest reports Ukraine will get a very powerful ifv in some when in the future but we’ll talk about this as well as about the developments along the front line about air strikes politics troop generation and so much more in this situation report about the war in Ukraine hello and welcome the Russians have continued heavy air strikes two air strikes were particularly strong over the last few days uh among those air strikes they targeted the Ukrainian infrastructure two hydroelectric plants were hit and two more thermal power plants the so the electric situation inside of Ukraine is even more dire than before one of those examples is the is an air strike that happened today at night we see one one of those uh we see the the identified flight Paths of the weapons that were used in this attack the Russians used 54 missiles 35 of which were shot down according to the ukrainians and they used 47 Shahid drones 46 of which were shown in were shot down according to the ukrainians interesting here is that you can clearly see that the um aerial Munitions try to avoid Kiev where there’s a high concentration of defense showing how important Mission planning is and how important intelligence is to actually be able to avoid concentrations of enemy Firepower this is just a nice illustration for this fact the ukrainians and the Russians also exchanged prisoners of War 75 against 75 and the internet is full right now about complaints about the situation of the health of Ukrainian prisoners of War this is an example a man that um has lost a lot of weight there are tons of pictures showing that Ukrainian prisoners of War were apparently mistreated at least those are the accusations on the Northern front line we have the Russians now in staria this is uh down here so in the western part I do not see any fresh changes that I can confirm it seems that the Russians are fully sto but Ukrainian counterattacks have also not reached anything here in staria we have a geolocalization According to which the Russians are now down here so more or less here um they might have advanced probably they probably have advanced somewhat down the road but no big change invol Chunk on the other hand the ukrainians did counterattacks that were partially successful we have a geolocalization of Ukrainian troops in here which is uh here so we know that the ukrainians are still here and do counterattacks towards the North in the east on the other hand in the east of Wan the Russians have taken foothold here along that road right on the Eastern Bank on the eastern part of the city so the Russians have taken this area here as well generally though the front line doesn’t move much anymore and the Russians report continuous Ukrainian counterattacks even though they don’t have much to show for but at the same time the Russians don’t have much to show for anymore in the KH region either on the Eastern Front we have a Russian success at noos um this is here we have a geolocalization for this as well according to which you can see this piece of wood is very characteristic it’s here so the Russians have reached that point here an advance of probably roughly 500 m in this area the front line will soon probably be corrected on the maps towards the West here also south of um further further south we have a Russian attack towards torsk which is right down here a little bit north of the CVS konet here we have the Russians um having attacked in this way and you see the road making like moving here and this is here so we see that the Russians have advanced to this area here um should be here exactly so another advance of probably 300 M or something in this ballpark south of the CES donet we have changes in chivar and the situation about banka is still somewhat unclear to me so we’ll we’ll keep checking if something changes here but in chivar we do have um confirmed changes in territory first of all we have the um Russians being present here inside of the eastern most quarter of the city they have now taken roughly this part here this here into the Russians there are some ders here that we can see on this here so this area is all under Russian control roughly up to this here um has fallen to the Russian into Russian hands also south of it we have some change this is a Ukrainian M blogger showing that the Russians gained additional ground in here I think that’s actually been called the German forest don’t ask me why but this is roughly this area here according to petrano this would now be under Russian control as well so some advances here in the direction of chivar and where they’ve reached the area where the canal is underground so obviously easier for them to advance in this direction south of ianis we have some changes as well directly south of ianis there’s a geolocalization here that the Russians have reached this point and this is here on the map saw another advance of roughly 5 600 M south of Ian in this area that was it from this area we’ll continue we have confirmed changes close to afifa here the Russians have advanced in the direction of sooki somewhere here the tree lines fell into Russian hands at this um in this area and they managed to straighten out the front line here west of Simka I think it was the last situation report where I told you that this is the obvious uh that this is most obvious coming as the Russians had advanced here and had Advanced here but the ukrainians still were somewhere in this area that they would withdraw was obvious and we see it now now that it has happened further south at niov we have some changes the Russians have advanced in the north along the road here and in the South they have advanced west of that area here that is built up I think it’s agricultural so this is the agricultural area the Russians have now taken more or less this area here and they managed to advance somewhat up that road here so from n they are advancing further and here we also see as they now control umans this is now under threat and will probably be withdrawn from fairly soon as well further south at kfka we have a change the first change in a couple of days but barely anything to talk about the Russians have crossed the road here um this might obviously we could speculate that this would give them some Advantage as they no longer have to cross cross the open area here um here it’s the geolocalization maybe maybe this will help them Advance further but it’s just showing us now that the Russians have crossed it in in the first house of an area that we so far considered in under their control further south no change that I can confirm I have no fresh changes south of V noos Silka in the last situation report I showed you that the Russians have roughly taken 2/3 if not more of staro Maya but since then nothing seems to have changed and um further west we have a change not until after the area of or um here the the pro Ukrainian map still shows now shows a part in southern robotin under Russian control I’ve read some Pro Ukrainian M bloggers that the ukrainians have now evacuated robotin I’m as you if you’re regular here I you know that for a week at least I say that according to what I see on the map robotin is likely fully under Russian control as of now the Russians have gained some positions here they Advanced along that tree line here for roughly 800 to meters to a kilometer so a a significant advance in this direction especially as we haven’t seen any change in territory west of or for quite a while but that was it already from the changes about the changes on the line sou south of it on the Crimean Peninsula the G the Ukrainian Military Intelligence are say is saying that with Naval drones they manag to destroy two project KS 701 tun Nets those are small petrol bools Patrol bools uh I think a length of like 15 M or something plus minus in the ballpark what is that 45 yards uh uh 45 ft like 50 ft at most so those are really not big ships fairly cheap to produce Etc usually used by the Coast Guard by the border guards Etc G says they destroy two and damage two more with Naval drones I have yet to see a um a video showing this even though it might exist as said I haven’t said it ukrainians also attacked the harbor a harbor north of kch I think it was somewhere here no here I think not completely sure with attacks um Ukraine is the Russians confirmed the the attack obviously claimed that they shot down most of it and just fragments hit the harbor that might be true because from the Ukrainian side they say that fairies were damaged not destroyed there were rumors that they used cluster munition as well so we see that there have been hits in the area and there is a Visual Evidence showing that one of the fairies now clearly shows damage um supposedly two fairies are damaged and a a um pilot boat has sunk those and that’s the interesting part those are fairies for trains so those were are the the ships that would make sure that in case the Crimean Bridge has been destroyed that trains can still cross the straight of kch for this the they are important so it would indicate that the ukrainians still aim to destroy the Crimean bridge and take out that supply line in the South but the full truth is in this regard the Crimean Bridge no longer has has the same significance this is tatarigami um a Ukrainian officer who wrote again about that train line we talked about in the past and um I think the highlight of this in this context is our team assesses that this new railroad would suffice to supply the region even if the Crimean bridge is destroyed Additionally the railroad reduces travel time from Russia for more details Etc so this is we’re talking about this railroad line which is in operation now um or about to be in operation this was constructed by the Russians and will make the um the catch Bridge redundant when it comes to supply of the whole southern area so the Western Supply of weapons to destroy the caran bridge if they are being used if they are being delivered and if Ukraine gets the permission to use them are at least one year late and have now lost the majority of its effect the ukrainians have struck more on the crian peninsula here they say that drones with drones they hit an expensive radar system now the prices are always something up for debate especially as in times of War money can usually be found in in other ways but the important thing is this is a long range uh reconnaissance radar supposedly a range of over 300 kilm that um close to 400 km surveils the front line and it was taken out so the Ukrainian offense to take out Russian Radars and Russian air defense is continuing they are not able to show any proof they say they attacked it with drones and according to them their sensor showed after the attack the radar was offline now this can mean that it’s being redeployed theoretically at least this can mean that it was at least damaged or destroyed but we do not have any proof of a successful strike as of now what we do have though is a successful strike close to CCH itself here on this um spit I think you would call it is an oil Depot and as you can see there’s a fairy Harbor too and here the ukrainians struck that and uh an oil Depot Depot caught fire the interesting part here is that according to the ukrainians they used Neptune this means that a they have enough Neptune to at least occasionally do strikes approve of their serial production and this would mean that they have to have at least 300 km range if we assume that the Neptunes were launched from up here so and add some kilometers of security because obviously they’re not being launched from the first trench on the front line so this would show us give us a ballpark how far Ukraine can strike with its Neptunes as they have a proven range of at least 300 kilomet as of now generally uh about the general situation the Russians are sending additional reinforces to khf this is confirmed or this is said by the Ukrainian military according to them fresh troops are being deployed and being sent here so we should expect additional activity by the Russians there fairly soon at the same time Germany and the United States have allowed the usage of their weapons against Russian territory uh from the in both cases it is limited to basically defending kharak to allow the ukrainians to strike back in the area of har to defend against this attack hims the US say attacks are still not allowed to be used on Russian soil gmlrs so the shorter range missile for high Mars and um the m270 is are allowed to be used in this and according to the reports uh it’s supposed to be I guess only for counter battery fire uh I’m not completely sure and obviously not everything is getting um said to us but I would understand it at least that they are not allowed to for instance take out the bridges here which is obviously would obviously be of massive Advantage for the ukrainians should they be able to take out all the bridges north of that Russian area of that Russian held area also the air air surface to air missiles are allowed to be used over Russian territory if they are to defend against strikes um basically to to allow the ukrainians to shoot down planes that would launch Glide bombs whether they’ll be in trouble if they shoot on a helicopter or not is a different story that I can’t answer you but that’s at least what’s being said uh the ukrainians immediately did that according to reports this is missiles being started and reports that barrage was happening in belgorod so the ukrainians immediately use that ability and um I do not have any confirmed results of this strike though according to the financial times NATO is having less than 5% of the the necessary surface to a missile capacity that would be needed in case of an intensive missile and air attacks from the Russians less than 5% I’m not completely sure how much we should take that by by its word because it ignores that uh the the N NATO has a far superior Air Force and obviously has ways to strike the Russians in on their own territory without those limitations that The ukrainians Have And if you take out the the basis from which those uh those rocket launchers are being supplied if you take use your own cruise missiles then you obviously need far less air defense as well as if you do um use your fighter jets to shoot down cruise missiles so Financial Times says less than 5% of the needed Sam capacity I’m not fully convinced this is actually the case but I guess that’s Up For Debate to some degree and I have to admit that the Financial Times article for me was behind the payall and I wasn’t able to see it still though um the air defense has to be be included in a superior Air Force which uh Ukraine in comparison to Nato doesn’t have and the British are saying that the Russians have now crossed 500,000 losses now of course if you are um one of my viewers from the other side of the fence you’ll see that as propaganda but the numbers actually are indicating that this is true and we can mostly take the Russian numbers for this now now at the beginning of the war the Russians had 200,000 mens men more or less being sent into Ukraine that an additional they were reinforced by an additional roughly 100,000 men until the mobilization came those were volunteers that were being called up those were Ros Gardia those were um those were the forces that had not yet been deployed but were being sent there then the mobilization happened in September of 22 according to the Russians themselves this this mobilization led to an additional 320,000 men because the Russians said we mobilized 300,000 but another 20,000 volunteered out of patriotic um feelings during that time the in 20123 the Russians recruited at least 350 to 400,000 men those are the numbers from the GU so even the ukrainians say at the very least the Russians got more or less 400,000 men I think the Russians themselves medf must have said something close to 500,000 I might be wrong but I think it was 484000 so let’s say 400,000 additionally in 2023 and so far if we take the current numbers from the G it would be at least 150,000 additionally because if we take 30,000 a month the Russians say said since the crocos attack the volunteer spiked so it should be even more than this so if we take 100,000 um volunteers and 300,000 320,000 mobilization plus 200,000 at the beginning of 22 plus 400,000 23 plus 150,000 so far in this war then we are at 1.17 million people so 1, 170,000 and that should not even include the VNA Fighters that were used and have Lo have lost their lives in Ukraine Putin recently said 550,000 soldiers are in the combat zone he is very um he is not just saying the Ukrainian area but he’s also taking the rear areas where they support where they are involved in this this leaves 62,000 missing now obviously there will be some in training centers but we do know that the Russian forces along its other borders are very thinned out that there’s basically barely anything left at other parts of the front line so 620,000 are missing if we assume that some are in training centers some are here some are currently constituting new units that still easily leaves room for 500,000 losses even if we take mostly the Russian numbers for the overall situation now losses obviously means uh killed in action but it also means wounded in action and missing in action so that doesn’t mean the Russians have lost 500,000 killed in action killed in action is probably somewhere between 150 to 200,000 somewhere in this ballpark uh the ukrainians will have had serious losses as well probably over 300,000 which would be my guess should be in the Ukrainian on the Ukrainian side as well but as said 500,000 losses are absolutely realistic simply by adding the numbers that were recruited and wondering where they have went then we have um we have in the political sphere we have developments in Russia Russia is uh setting up a progressive tax system meaning that the more you earn the higher the taxes you have you’ll have to pay and overall they increase the taxes taxes in 2025 this shows us that Russia’s resources are not Limitless as well as shouldn’t be too much of a surprise at the same time the costs of War aren’t just directly growing also there are ex additional expenses for Veterans for instance invalids are supposed to get special cars families are get getting more um retirement pay in case they have a fallen soldier in their family and those costs will not just increase the the expenses right now but they will obviously continue over decades to come so um Russia will have to pay for that war for quite a long time even though they have had a political win as China has said they are not going to participate in Ukraine’s peace Summit uh Ukraine wanted to basically get an agreement by every major player in the world that their idea of a piece is a just one to then increase pressure on Russia to sign their peace and now China will not participate and this cannot be sugarcoated this is a big loss for Ukrainian side in this conflict and in inter international support we have some news France is going to start off with a limited number of soldiers to check the situation to train the ukrainians but after that they expect several hundred French trainers to be in Ukraine to train the Russia the sorry to train the Ukrainian troops inside of Ukraine and the we have news about the Czech ammonition initiative um Russia has heard about it as is not much of a surprise so they started buying the ammo themselves um I guess that’s the disadvantage that the Czech president publicly said that they have found ammo without securing funding in in secrecy first now the reports are that the Russian have done as much as possible to buy ammo from the same sources simply by acting faster and by allocating money faster and those M those shells that were delivered to the Czech Republic a lot of them were in horrible shape Sometimes some had parts missing at least half of the ammo that was more than half of the ammo that was bought for Ukraine has to be refurbished inside of the Czech Republic before it can even be delivered to ukra Ukraine still though according to reports the Ukraine will start receiving 50 to 100,000 shells a month from now on within the next few days supposedly finally the first shells are going to come also Sweden Iceland and Norway have signed security agreements we talked about Sweden’s commitments already in the last situation report and uh Iceland will help with 30 million US dollar a year I mean we’re talking about a tiny country with 3 to 400,000 I think it’s 370 ,000 inhabitants so 30 million is a fair amount for those uh Norway is going to Aid with 7.1 billion us doar until 2027 this year they are going to help Ukraine with 1.2 billion just Norway itself they’re also going to send additional air defense that’s nasams plus missiles as well as f-16s Germany is doing another eight package of half a billion euros and the Polish sent another eight package but I didn’t find any details about the volume of it about the size of it I just found that it was supposedly I think the 468 package and that overall the eight has been 8 billion but to which degree that eight is now or 5 billion I can’t remember so so I don’t have any details about the Polish aid but we do have some details here about the I’m sorry let me quickly check it we have some details here it is we have some details about the ifv that Ukraine is going to get and they are going to to get the boxer we said it we talked about that in the last situation report and now we have clarification which kind of boxer it is it’ll receive the RCT3 turret a 30 mm autoc cannon that can engage both ground targets as well as air targets so it can fight enemy ifvs it can fight enemy mbts at least from the side even though from the front they can still disable them even though taking them out fully destroying them is a whole different story but they can also be used to shoot down drones and that should obviously be a huge Aid to the ukrainians the unfortunate thing is I have no details about numbers and that’s obviously the big thing that thing might be the best ifv that Ukraine is going to get in this war but if they only get 20 that’s not going to make a dent if they get 2,000 that’s a whole different story but I think we all know which of the two numbers is more likely as of now but still good news also Argentina is setting up um is is currently uh in the process of probably ing Ukraine even more after jaier M took the office as president Argentina has done a uturn in its foreign policy and sided with the West this not just led to Ukraine receiving two Mi 171 transport helicopters from Argentina the first military aid I think from all of Latin America that was given um thanks to Kier M but now the ukrainians according to their own reports are in the process of uh negotiating to buy gunpowder from Argentina as well and Poland is currently considering to train Ukrainian men in Poland make them ready for war um the interesting part is it seems to be ukrainians who have fled Ukraine where Poland said they are generally willing to to deport them into Ukraine to Aid Ukraine with its Manpower and to help Ukraine get back The Men Who fled from the conscription uh now the report is that the Polish Army might train them and that would obviously be a big Aid both for Ukraine as well as for the men themselves um at least in comparison we said we talked in the last situation report that according to the ukrainians themselves they have shortened the training for mobilized Personnel to one and a half months I’m pretty sure it’s going to be longer if they are in Poland so they should have a far better training and thus a high much higher survival rate than if they were just sent there and rece receive only one and a half months of training but that was it from me for now if you like the situation report please give it a thumbs up it helps with the algorithm leave a comment what do you think about the current situation and what do you think the real loss numbers are and if you have missed it yesterday I made a video that has a negative subscriber count because a lot of my viewers were mad about me that I dare to talk about the situation how Ukraine might lose a war and in which situation that loss of the war might be less Dev devastating than it could be well if you have missed that video I want to to um recommend it to you in case you are interested in this as well even though I said the the net subscriber count is actually negative on it but whatever I’m not here to just uh give Ukrainian hurrah messages irrated to the reality if you’re new here I would like to invite you to subscribe to the channel and hit the Bell icon so you don’t miss future videos and this channel is only possible because of the support of views like you if you like to support the channel then you can do so by the means in the description thank you very much to everyone already supporting this channel but that’s it for me for now thank you for watching and I’ll be back

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  1. What is annoying in all this is all the rules coming down on top of Ukrainian forcesโ€ฆ side can do whatever it wants or takes nothing is off the table! But Ukrainians well letโ€™s put one arm behind their backs donโ€™t do this donโ€™t do that

  2. I worry about Ukaraine. I am a 20 year Paramedic I would go and help but I owe child support. Do you know anyone who can help me get to Ukraine. I do not want any money and I don't think I will be coming back. I only want to provide the support they need.

  3. It's foolish and dangerous to not consider the total picture, including what might happen if Russia is able to achieve it's war goals. Any rational thinker needs to analyse what that situation could look like. Particularly if the product of that analysis is to prompt more people to definitively decide that they absolutely DON'T want to see that particular outcome – and question why we are not doing everything in our power to prevent it.

  4. Take a look at that Ukrainian soldiers body after internment in one of russias pow camps.Disgusting is far short of what comes to my mind in a first impression.Then look how the russian pows return to their country , fully fit and in some cases having gained weight.What do you guys think of this.ww2 would have been the last time we saw such a huge number of men and women held prisioner and its strange that the same country that held alot of prisioners is still using its play book on how to treat them.Actually russia did after the war treat its german prisioners quite well as they needed them to rebuild russia and sustain its output until it was back on its feet which i found humane and productive.Shame the russians dont choose that path now.

  5. The West needs to back away from China and India. Their actions during this conflict show the West they are not to be depended on at all and in fact are our enemies.

  6. You cant please everyone, Torsten. I surely appreciate that you try to take up other angles and perspectives – even if they are not all positive or likely.

  7. While the Kerch bridge is not as important s it once was when the new rail line is fully commissioned , it does reduce the length of the supply lines into Crimea
    So take out the bridge and russia will be forced to shift forces from the eastern front to defend Crimea
    Knock out the bridge to the north of Crimea and that leaves only one route into Crimea
    So a recapture of Crimea suddenly becomes a realistic possibility

  8. "german forest" could be a name originating from ww2.
    heavy fought area in that time.
    also it is the area that acted as springboard for the germans in Operation Fall Blau in '42.

  9. At 1.49 births per woman in Russia, which is well below the replacement rate, this is going to have long-term consequences for Russia. The loss of these men will be felt for a very long time.

  10. The new sea of Asov rail line is only mostly complete as far as Berdyansk as far as I've read. They have completed the east west connecting railroad from Brune towards Ukraine to shorten the route from Donetsk to Mariupol.

  11. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  12. We know Russia lost just at least 4,000 officers killed, not counting PMCs, as that has been compiled from publicly available Russian sources like obituaries/memorials etc. 500,000 total casualties would be about 125,000 total fatalities at 3:1 as a rule of thumb. That would make roughly 30:1 non-officer deaths to officer deaths, which is the right ballpark but I'd expect to see something more like 25:1 as they don't use NCOs. The 4,000 killed officers is a minimum floor, it's hard to know how many were not counted, and the 500,000 total casualties may include PMCs where the officer tally does not. Tl;dr it fits in the right ballpark with Russia's case by case domestic reporting.

  13. As for the numbers, I'm not sure if Russia allows soldiers to leave once their contract is up or not, but some may have left that way.
    Some may have left for other medical reasons. Many will have returned after being counted as a 'casualty' by the Ukranians.
    Neither the Ukrainian estimates nor your estimates account for deserters, though large numbers of deserters may explain a lower actual combat loss figure.
    Not saying that the numbers aren't right… they probably are in excess of 500k, especially once you add the NPR/DPR and Wagner/PMC troops.

  14. Of course you received negative on last video. Ukraine supporters scream democracy but god forbid you have any opinion that doesnโ€™t fit their echo chamber. Itโ€™s great to be positive but the reality is Ukraine only hanging on bc of European and American taxpayers so all those that donโ€™t like reality checks can shove it. Plus, I think itโ€™s quite hypocritical for certain Ukrainians to have their channels while the fled their country and arenโ€™t fighting yet feel like wagging finger at mature, realistic opinions. And Iโ€™m about sick of America sending money when Ukraine wonโ€™t do full conscription like we did in ww2. Are you fighting for your existence or just wanting us to do everything? I am not criticizing any of the active troops, Iโ€™m talking to you p*ssies that have fled to Europe.

  15. And I mean fled to Western Europe bc I know how you babies argue, โ€œUkraine is Europeโ€. You know what I meant. And btw, a very popular demoted Ukrainian general argued everything I just said and your president didnโ€™t like it so now heโ€™s whatever to England, ambassador or something. A lot of Ukraine supporters are acting like this is a video game tbh. I get Ukraine has demographic problem so losing 18-25 year olds is a big loss, but youโ€™re fighting Russia, not Poland. It will take everything you have, young men and women. Grow up and act like you want to win and not just give lip service bc thatโ€™s what all the ones are doing that canโ€™t consider Ukraine is actually losing. And Iโ€™m not a Russian troll, thatโ€™s the go to excuse for dismissing uncomfortable truth.

  16. Torsten, please keep making "unpopular" videos – we have to face the truth even when it can be bitter, and you will regain those fickle subscribers down the road when you make a video with an uplifting thumbnail anyway. Don't let the metrics decide the content. Thanks again for doing what you do!

  17. Thanks for the truthful and informative reports! It takes an emotional and weak purpose to unsubscribe because of the what – if video.

  18. Thank you Torsten for staying true to the facts.

    There is too much misinformation going around and I personally think the success beforeand over ambitious expectations regarding the summer counter offensive massively impacted political decisions and the whole war on a strategic level.

    Our transparency makes us weak during wartime. We have to announce every help package and let dozens of officials approve of it.
    Stay true to your ideals and donโ€™t quit the race before itโ€™s over because our future as western society depends on it !

  19. My understanding is that the 20mm, 25mm, 30mm rounds are ineffective for shooting down drones, since they do not have proximity fuses. 40mm and up do have such fusing. Otherwise some kind of shotgun round could be used, with a random height or distance at which it fired out. On some older systems, this was done via a rotation counter, whereby after 15000 revs, the round would fire.

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