UNBELIEVABLE! Ukraine DESTROYED the most famous Russian S-400 battery thanks to US!

UNBELIEVABLE! Ukraine DESTROYED the most famous Russian S-400 battery thanks to US!

welcome to Oracle eyes the war in the heart of Eastern Europe grows more intense every day and the world is watching The Bitter struggle between Ukraine and Russia with concern military strategies and alliances are constantly being reshaped as the conflict in eastern Ukraine brings huge losses and gains for both sides Ukraine is mounting a determined defense against Russian offensives which have intensified in the car region in recent weeks Fierce fighting in and around the city of vchan shows the struggle of Ukrainian forces to retake the region military assistance from the United States has bolstered Ukraine’s resilience slowing Russia’s advance and even pushing it back in some areas at the same time the Russian military has suffered a high number of casualties in recent months in particular the loss of Russia’s state-of-the-art S400 air defense systems has deeply shaken Russia the other day an attack was launched on Russian Armed Forces positions near the mossine Airfield in the donet region the way this attack developed and its consequences were very significant the attack was carried out using the American AAC mess block one missile this missile was developed 35 years ago and was withdrawn from the US Army in 2020 as obsolete using these missiles the Ukrainian military managed to shoot down Russia’s newest S400 surfac to- a missile system the S400 detected a Ukrainian Warhead near MOS spine and fired at least six anti-aircraft missiles at it however none of them were able to intercept the aams block one as a result not only the Russian S400 launchers were destroyed but also the radar system integrated into the system this is not Russia’s first S400 loss this month although Russian Mill bloggers have repeatedly described the system as Invincible Ukrainian forces destroyed another Russian S400 air defense system on May 22nd according to the report the Ukrainian Air Force rocket and artillery forces shot down the S400 system as well as two Russian Artillery two drone control stations two command centers an electronic warfare station and a s25 aircraft the general staff did not provide details on the extent of damage to the air defense system or its location the estimated price of Russia’s modern S400 Triumph air defense system is around $1.2 billion in mid April 4 S400 launchers were destroyed along with other equipment in an attack on Russian military airspace in Russian controlled Crimea Ukrainian Military Intelligence reported Ukrainian artillery units used Adam’s missiles to hit another S400 launcher near the town of mospa in the donet region yesterday in addition to the launcher two Radars and one command vehicle were destroyed this statement by the Ukrainian general staff could not be confirmed at first however a few hours after the statement images shared shared on social media confirmed the attack the images show the S400 Launchpad and radar system completely shattered and on fire according to the Ukrainian general staff Ukrainian forces have destroyed six S400 air defense systems this month alone with the attack that took place last day independent sources and the Ukrainian general staff confirm that the Russian military has so far destroyed at least 12 S400 air defense systems and at least 30 s300 air defense EV systems since the losses can be proven by satellite imagery and are also high-profile events Russia cannot hide them considering that each of these Sam systems costs more than1 1 billion EUR it is safe to say that both Russia’s air defenses and its treasury have been badly damaged according to local reports multiple explosions were heard overnight in eastern Crimea after Russia said it had shot down the aam’s missiles local telegram channels reported a series of explosions in the Eastern Crimean city of Kirch between Wednesday and Thursday independent Russian media quoting local residents reported that around 20 explosions were heard in the city Kirch is located just east of the cran Peninsula which Russia annexed Moscow has controlled the area for a decade but Kiev has repeatedly said the war will not end until it reclaims Crimea Ukraine frequently targets areas in Crimea and has previously attacked the Kirch straight Bridge which connects the peninsula to the Russian Mainland the bridge also known as the Crimean bridge is an important Road and railroad for Moscow to keep supplies flowing to the peninsula and its forces fighting in southern Ukraine and the only direct link between Crimea and Mainland Russia the northern and Eastern parts of Crimea including Kirch face the Sea of azov Russia’s defense Ministry said on Thursday that its air defense system shot down eight atacam missiles Over the Sea of aov as well as as eight air launch drones over the Black Sea near Crimea overnight Russia’s transport Minister for Crimea Nikolai Lucas sheno said two fairies were damaged by missile fragments as Russian defenses thwarted an overnight Ukrainian attack on transport infrastructure in Kirch he said in a statement posted on social media that there were no casualties traffic was also temporarily halted on the bridge according to local reports the 12mile long Crimean Bridge was opened in 2018 by Russian President Vladimir Putin it has been hit and repaired several times since the outbreak of large-scale war in Ukraine in February 20122 for Ukraine the destruction of the bridge would have not only strategic value but also symbolic weight vasil maluk the head of Ukraine’s sbu security service has already said that the bridge is doomed to collapse Kiev has targeted the bridge several times using self-developed drones and Russian officials have accused Ukraine of using Western supplied long-range missile missiles to Target the Kirch Bridge which connects Crimea to the Ukrainian Mainland long range missiles such as the UK supplied Storm Shadow the French donated scalp and the US supplied aacms allow Kiev to strike key Russian assets far beyond the existing front lines on the Ukrainian Mainland kiev’s offensive on the peninsula has been one of the most successful parts of Ukraine’s war effort the Ukrainian military has consistently targeted Russia’s Black Sea Fleet partly based in the southwestern city of SAS apole and other Russian military bases in Crimea summer is just beginning in Ukraine and it looks dangerous from the start carv the country’s second largest city is vulnerable in every way to air strikes on Saturday afternoon two guided bombs destroyed a DIY store and a department store selling gardening supplies while many Shoppers were inside the burning building caused black smoke to fill the sky over kov Andre kudinov the manager of one of the other stores in the shopping center watched helplessly the Russians want to burn everything down kudinov said but we will not give up Ukraine’s ability to defend itself along more than a thousand kilometers of front lines depends on the decisions of its Western allies which have shaped events in kiv and other cities the other strategic Factor changing the course of the war is Russia’s ability to learn and adapt on the battlefield the Russian military is structuring its attacks to exploit Ukraine’s weaknesses especially in air defense Russian factories produce more weapons and ammunition for Ukraine than the much larger and more developed Western economies produce for Ukraine in the first year of the war hopes that Russia could be pushed back turned into a Relentless struggle to stop Russian forces from advancing deeper into the country in the third year of the war there is no end in sight but is it the end of the beginning or to put it another way has the initial phase come to an end and we are moving on to more advanced stages having launched a large scale offensive in February 2022 Russian President Vladimir Putin at the time expected a quick Victory so did NATO led by the United States Ukrainian president valdimir zalinski turned down offers of evacuation both the Kremlin the Pentagon and other NATO defense Ministries expected Russia to finish what it started in 2014 when it invaded and annexed the Crimean Peninsula and led separatists to victory in the Eastern cities of donet and luhansk Ukraine’s Armed Forces had improved on their poor performance in 2014 but Russia which had successfully intervened in the war in Syria looked very strong when Russian troops entered Ukraine in February 2022 the prediction was that Ukraine’s best chance to continue fighting would be to organize an Insurgency armed by NATO Russia seized part of Ukrainian territory a landbridge linking donbas in the East to Crimea in the South but for Putin the attempt to seize Kiev and ended in a humiliating Fiasco by the end of March 2022 the battle for the capital was lost and the Kremlin withdrew its troops NATO recognized that Ukraine could fight the Kiev leadership unexpectedly showed itself as a useful Ally worthy of more support and provided new options in the growing confrontation with Putin’s Russia more and more powerful weapons have been sent to Ukraine overcoming US President Joe Biden’s reservations remained a painful process Biden feared a third world war even if the US and NATO intervened with their own troops or provided Ukraine with the latest military technology Biden was persuaded to allow the supply of old americanmade F-16 attack aircraft retired by the NATO Air Force these planes have not yet been used in combat this gives the Russian Air Force more space to attack most western analysts believe Putin’s nuclear saber rattling is a bluff Russia’s most important Ally China has made it clear that it does not want nuclear weapons to be used the last thing Beijing needs is a nuclear arms race in East Asia Japan and South Korea which are in the Western Camp have the technological capacity to make nuclear weapons if they ever feel threatened enough to change their position and Joe Biden still doesn’t want to call Vladimir Putin’s Bluff Washington continues to impose restrictions on the use of the weapon systems IT Supplies prohibiting ukrainians from hitting targets inside Russia Ukrainian leader zalinski believes that this decision ties his hands behind his back and is pushing for a change but as of last summer NATO had trained thousands of troops from the Baltic region to Yorkshire building up an impressive force of modern Western tanks and armored vehicles the plan was to mount an offensive that would break through the Russian fronts and sever the link between donbas and Crimea but it failed the Russian defenses were too strong and without air support a coordinated NATO stle all arms war effort was doomed Ukraine’s inherent weakness lies in its dependence on others for funding and weapons Kiev faces an enemy that produces most of its own weapons and has a much larger population Russia’s population of more than 140 million is about 3 and 1 half times that of Ukraine in a war where the death toll is in the tens of thousands this is significant in the US domestic politics came into play Joe Biden’s request for a $60 billion security appropriation for Ukraine was held up for months in the US Congress mostly Donald Trump’s supporters wanted this money to be allocated to more pressing issues especially illegal immigration on the southern border with Mexico the supplementary appropriation was only signed into law by Biden on April 24th at a time when Moscow is producing weapons and ammunition as fast as it can in an economy redesigned for a long War even the considerable list logistical capacity of the US military could take months to replenish Ukraine’s Arsenal a senior official at NATO headquarters in Belgium described it as a production war and said that Russia Is outpacing Us in what we know Ukraine needs Western sanctions have failed to [ __ ] Russia’s economy Russia has found new markets for its oil and gas Russia is buying drones from Iran and ammunition from North Korea according to Nato China is not providing direct lethal assistance but is helping Russia in other ways there is no doubt that China is contributing materially to Russia’s war effort a senior NATO official said China is rebuilding its defense industrial base and making a real difference machine components and micro electronics are coming from China and going directly to strengthen their defense industry so the Russians are producing more tanks and missiles one of the biggest geostrategic implications of the changing relationship between China and Russia is that China will never again be the junior partner Russia has been on the offensive in KV since its forces crossed the border on May 10th Putin has said they plan to create a buffer zone to protect civilians in the Russian city of belgrad on their side of the Border but Ukraine accuses Russia of killing civilians on its side of the border the offensive expands the active front line forcing Ukraine to reinforce the cariv region and leaving gaps elsewhere that Russia could try to exploit Ukraine’s European allies are trying trying to offer more support albeit to varying degrees the American military aid package when it arrives will also make a difference it will allow Ukraine to keep fighting it will not win the war but it will be the last Aid before the US presidential elections in November if Donald Trump wins no one knows whether he will push as hard as Joe Biden to help Ukraine at the same time Ukraine is developing its drones armed drones cruess boats packed with explosives have sunk Russian warships and reopened export routes in the Black Sea in Long Wars momentum can shift back and forth while Ukraine has yet to receive its new weapons Russia now sees this as an opportunity and is pushing harder one of the biggest questions of this dangerous summer is whether Russia’s size weight and resolve can inflict a defeat on Ukraine that will change the Strategic equation in this war Ukraine and its allies believe that Russia lacks the fighting Power to do more than seize a limited territory at a high cost in terms of men and ammunition but compared to a year ago when hopes for Ukraine’s summer offensive were high very high Russia is stronger now and without a qualitative change in Ukraine’s favor Moscow will do its best to escalate this war so what do you think about this please tell us what you think in the comments please do not forget to subscribe to our Channel and turn on notifications to be informed about new videos thank you for watching us

UNBELIEVABLE! Ukraine DESTROYED the most famous Russian S-400 battery thanks to US!

  1. If what you are saying is Russia has a10 to 1 advantage over Ukraine. Russia has 10 Orc's to Ukraine's 1warrior . that tells me Ukraine needs to use drones on a massive scale in order to save Ukrainian warrior's lives. I would start by having all collages and tech schools start designing, testing and mass assembling differs types of drones with different tech. Also start research and development in college's of drones and radio jamming tech , and imma king tech , I would hire lots of women to fly said drones while the men can focus on cleaning up attacked areas on the ground. After the drone swarms cleared the path. That's where my first changes would be.

  2. Wake up you Russian people, can't you see that one person is responsible for all the Deaths and Devastation in Ukraine, including your own "forced to fight" Russian fighters (putin) The Russian Terrorist who is Destroying a Country including his own…..God Bless Ukraine from the UK..xx

  3. I believe that the United States needs to do more and not let Russia dictate to what we do and what we can't do where the United States. The type of equipment that the United States has and the Jets and planes and all of the rockets and stuff we shouldn't be afraid of Russia and they they pulled in nothing but a big Bluff stop being Bluff by this chump.

  4. I think that Donald Trump should support ucrane.And I think Joe Biden should.I'm tired of the hands of you crying so that I can defend their country and re gain their language

  5. The Russian S-400 batteries usually have only 2 launchers, with a total of 8 missiles, so the Ukrainians shoot off 12 ATACMS and 8 get intercepted while 4 get through and finish the job of destroying everything.

  6. You know what I think, good will prevail over evil, wait and see, the forces of darkness will never triumph over the light, I put all my faith in the Lord, His words will never be empty, they .
    all come through, and another thing I believe Donald Trump is toasted, with Trump gone, Putin will follow , and with Putin gone, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un will be taking their tranquilizers and stop their ambitions of power , control, and riches, all theses leaders, including the Ayatollah have one thing in common, they have no fear of the Lord, they are kicking the goad and that is a very bad thing to do says the Lord , they can’t win. About nuclear weapons, we need not to fear, God invented those, the blinded the apostle Paul with a little blast on the way to Damascus and he survived, I say that as a joke but , nevertheless it’s true.

  7. The US Republicans are battling to stop Mexicans from comng to their homeland that was annexed by the US. Racism in Texas against Mexicans is the ugliest on the planet. Because of this many Ukraine's, soldiers and citizens died because of Republicans hatred toward Mexicans. I would like for a scientific study to be done as to why we are so hated. We don't have time to commit crimes as we are too busy working hard.


  9. This SUX.. Videos for just Illustrations ! ! Other News Services are Showing Actual ACTION in UKRAINE . I No Longer Am Watching or Subscribing to This Oracle Misrepresentation

  10. Scripture Reveals

    Scripture Reveals Christianity Falls Away
    Scripture Reveals Worshipers Of God Of Abraham Rapture/Escape To Heaven Amen

    Scripture Reveals Lawlessness

    Scripture Reveals Lawless One/Fake Solutions
    One-World Government
    One-World Money
    One-World Religion

    Scripture Reveals Second Coming
    God Of Abraham Rules From Jerusalem
    7th Millennium from Adam


  11. s-500.s are now being deployed…to take on any new missile and aircraft the west have, including hypersonics…this war will be over by the end of June…RUSSIA WINS…..end of NAZI-NATO.

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