Confused NATO’s Biggest Members Contradict Each Other On Camera A Day After Putin Threat? | Ukraine

Confused NATO’s Biggest Members Contradict Each Other On Camera A Day After Putin Threat? | Ukraine

in recent days a number of leaders president Mall Chancellor Schultz Secretary General stoltenberg have spoken about uh potentially letting uh Ukraine use Western Arms to strike directly on Russian soil when Russia is directly targeting Ukraine do you think President Biden can be persuaded to agree on that going to start uh we haven’t encouraged or enabled [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] f for [Music] [Music] [Music] in in recent days a number of leaders uh president M Hall Chancellor schaltz uh Secretary General stoltenberg have spoken about uh potentially letting uh Ukraine use Western Arms to strike directly on Russian soil when Russia is directly targeting Ukraine uh you’ve been publicly reported to be the most forward leaning uh senior American official to be pushing for that do you think President Biden can be persuaded to agree on that thank you want me to start um thanks so first let’s um let’s focus on what we’re actually seeing in Ukraine and not only where we are but where we’re going first when it comes to the U Russian offensive in the Northeast directed at K taking advantage in part of the fact that the supplement budget request the president made was so long delayed uh in its passage by our Congress but happily now that budget request was passed and Not only was it passed the actual arms equipment support that comes with it is on the move and being delivered to ukrainians and we’re seeing that have a real effect including in stabilizing the front and in clearly denying Putin what uh he was after which is to try to take kke uh to create at the very least massive flight from the city we do not see that happening uh on the contrary I think uh what we we see again is a stabiliz stabilization of the front and uh a failure in terms of Putin’s objectives if it comes comes to taking kke or causing the flight uh of uh of its citizens um and if we look forward to the uh the weeks ahead uh and the the months ahead we now have 32 countries that have either completed or will soon complete bilateral security agreements with Ukraine and that will help ensure over an extensive period of time uh that Ukraine can develop uh a future force that can effectively deter aggression or deal with it if it comes anyway and you will see those come to conclusion in the in the coming weeks we’re heading to the NATO Summit in the United States uh where uh without getting into the details and I’ll be going to the ministers meeting to help further prepare for that Summit I think you’ll see very strong um uh deliverables as we would call them uh for Ukraine uh in terms of its further integration with uh with NATO um you’re seeing on the battlefield the effect of different weapon systems that we and others have provided uh to Ukraine um we’re working hard as well to make sure that uh we can find ways to access the Sovereign assets of Russia that are now Frozen primarily in Europe and and there again I anticipate that in the coming weeks and months certainly by the G7 we’ll see further steps uh in uh in that direction um we are working hard to deliver more air defenses to Ukraine and I’m confident we’ll see progress in that area as well it’s a long way of saying that in the coming weeks in the coming months I think you’re only going to see greater resilience uh coming uh from ukrainians and all those who support Ukraine and if you project out over the next um period of time uh we are on the path to help ensure that Ukraine is a success a country that stands strongly on its own feet militarily economically democratically um and that’s the ultimate uh rebuke to Mr Putin and it also tells him very clearly that uh he cannot and will not Outlast Ukraine Outlast Ukraine’s supporters so I think that’s a um a reality a trajectory that uh people should have well in mind and that should give them real confidence in the future and again the support that I see and that will manifest itself among so many countries for Ukraine remains strong remains Resolute matched only or maybe even surpassed only by the resolve of the Ukrainian people themselves um we’re committed to Ukraine succeeding as a country we’re committed to Ukraine winning the war and I think we’ve shown that through the support that we provided and many other countries provided um we haven’t encouraged or enabled strikes outside of Ukraine um but Ukraine as I’ve said before has to make its own decisions about the best way to effectively defend itself we’re going to make sure that it has the equipment it needs to do that uh and another Hallmark of our um support for Ukraine over these now more than two years has been to adapt um as the conditions have changed as the battlefield has changed as what Russia does has changed in terms of How It’s pursuing its aggression escalation we’ve adapted and adjusted to and I’m confident we’ll continue to do that [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music]

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz permitted Ukraine to employ its armaments against Russia. According to Olaf, Ukraine is free to defend itself as long as it abides by the guidelines set forth by the nations who gave the weaponry under the international framework. Poland and France have previously approved, enabling Ukraine to utilise weapons that were donated to strike far within Russia. Watch


#olaf #westernweapons #putin #germany #france #poland #duda #macron #zelensky #ukraine #russia #russiaukrainewar #escalation #us #biden #blinken #nato

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  1. Today, Orbán is the most normal, wisest politician in Europe. Peace has no alternative, death is an alternative to nothing. Europe sacrifices itself for American interests. Because it gives certain politicians personal advantages. Some of Europe's leaders are betraying our continent.

  2. The USA definitely wants to seize a large part of Europe (Ukraine), preferably near Moscow. To checkmate his feared military rival Russia. This is what NATO was invented for and is actually used for. It is an American lie that NATO is a defense alliance. NATO is a means of realizing American interests in Europe, with European resources and European blood.This is the decisive reason for the war.That the whole of Europe could perish in this does not bother the Americans. This is actually a "normal" behavior from a predator. The real tragedy is that some European politicians also assist to this, for personal benefits. They are traitors of Europe.

  3. The fact is that Europe has more to fear from America than from China or Russia. There was nothing wrong with the Russians until the USA wanted to admit Ukraine to NATO, of course with the aim of installing nuclear weapons under Moscow and putting the Russians in a checkmate position. This is the decisive reason for the war. Not I am saying this (only), but also a well-known American political analysts. Putin was left with no choice but to go to war. This was obviously planned, because the eternal goal of the USA is to acquire the natural resources of Russia, even at the cost of the destruction of Europe.

  4. • Revelation 18

    New King James Version

    The Fall of Babylon the Great

    18 After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory. 2 And he cried [a]mightily with a loud voice, saying, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird! 3 For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the babundance of her luxury.”

    4 And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.

  5. miscalculation and lunacy

    The difference between miscalculation and lunacy is an extremely important distinction to draw. The

    portrayal of adversaries as driven by insane compulsions to reckless aggression have been used again

    and again to block negotiations with those adversaries, and to argue not just for the most militarized

    U.S. responses, but also for confronting those adversaries everywhere, regardless of the importance of

    the actual issues involved.

  6. American aggression is driven by the fcat that they are losing land in Ukraine, Russia has disrurbed their business model of Ukraine ownership, as for the rest of them they Re just following the country thT messed their economy, with hope that they will be able to lay their difty paws on Russian resources

  7. You globalist greedy pogs should think of your families you have been attacking russia for 30 years nato has with uk and us caused nearly all wars with your globalism.

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