Biden Allows Ukraine to Strike Russian Territory with US Arms | Vantage with Palki Sharma

Biden Allows Ukraine to Strike Russian Territory with US Arms | Vantage with Palki Sharma

our next story is about Ukraine it got a massive shot in the arm from its biggest backers the US this is what Reports say Ukraine can now use American weapons to strike Russian territory so far kiev’s hands were partially tied they were getting Western weapons but there was a limit on how how they could be used the Western weapons could not be used to strike targets inside Russia they were only meant for defense but it seems Joe Biden has finally bowed to pressure from his fellow NATO allies they they wanted Biden to unshackle Ukraine for a while now and it seems he’s finally given in what will this mean for Ukraine how far into Russia can they strike and how will Moscow respond to this escalation our next report has the details escalation well it’s Russia has escalated by invading another country and Russia has escalated just a last weeks by opening a new front where they are hitting uh Ukraine from inside Russia and of course to assume that Ukraine should not hit back uh is in no way reasonable uh because uh Ukraine must be able to defend their territory also of course by hitting the the artillery the missiles which are launched against them that was yen stoltenberg the Secretary General of NATO he’s echoing what some NATO member states have been saying for a while that Ukraine should be allowed to hit military installations inside Russian territory it started with the UK in early May the British foreign secretary David Cameron said Ukraine had the right to use British weapons to conduct strikes inside Russia this Tuesday two other major NATO members gave their approval French president Emanuel macron and German Chancellor Olaf Schulz said that Ukraine should be allowed to defend itself even if that means hitting targets inside Russia NATO members have also been building pressure on the Block’s biggest and most lethal member the us and it seems to have worked because yesterday we saw reports like this the Biden Administration has quietly given Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia the words secretly and quietly show that Biden may not have wanted Russia to find out so soon but Washington has only partially untied Ukraine’s hands Ukraine can now use American weapons on Russian soil but only near Ki kiv is Ukraine’s second largest city it’s barely 30 km away from the Russian border and Moscow has been pummeling Ukrainian forces around khaki for for weeks ke has found it impossible to defend against this because Russia has been launching these attacks from inside its own territory this posed a big challenge for Ukraine since it had to wait until the missiles cross the border before shooting them down and it is why K is in danger of capitulation Russia is reportedly amassing its troops near kiv but because they are inside Russian territory so far Ukraine could not do anything about them at least not with us supplied weapons now with Biden’s cover thumbs up keev can attack Russian troops and bases using American howitzers Haas grbs and everything else American anti-aircraft systems like the Patriot can now be fired into Russian airspace this is a massive escalation today the Kremlin spokesperson said and I Cote we know that attempts are already being made to launch attacks on Russian territory using americanmade weapons this is enough for us and it more than eloquently demonstrates the degree of involvement of the United States in this conflict here’s what Russia’s defense minister said Russia’s military grouping is forcing the enemy out of their positions advances are taking place in all tactical directions as a result of active actions in different areas of the K region the enemy has retreated 9 km so Russia will push on with its offensive but will the changes in US policy change equations on the battlefield South Africa’s May 29th elections there was a start of change in the country we are on the verge of History I am standing here at the four front of change where voices Echo the call for Action the nation grapples with an unemployment crisis as South Africans prepare to cast their votes the question looms will The Winds of Change usher in a new era or will the legacy of the past maintain its grip on the [Music] future e

Biden Allows Ukraine to Strike Russian Territory with US Arms | Vantage with Palki Sharma

New reports say that US President Joe Biden has allowed Ukraine to use American weapons to conduct strikes inside Russian territory. So far, all western weapons supplied to Ukraine came with a limitation: Ukraine could not use them to attack Russian soil. But the latest Russian offensive on Ukraine’s second-largest city, Kharkiv, has forced Kyiv’s western allies to rethink their stance. In early May, the UK gave Ukraine permission to use its weapons to strike Russia. Britain was followed by France and Germany who made similar announcements. Now, it seems the US has also untied Ukraine’s hands. But how will Russia react to this latest escalation?

US Weapons | USA | Joe Biden | Russia Ukraine War | Zelensky | Vladimir Putin | Firstpost | World News | Vantage | Palki Sharma

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  1. That guy is straight up a liar. Russia did not escalate this war America and Ukraine did years ago. Russia is now responding to the escalation and will ultimately win. If Ukraine uses American missiles to strike inside of Russia, I hope Putin holds America accountable. Washington DC is going to start world war III to line their pockets while they send thousands to be slaughtered in the name of freedom and peace.

  2. Never seen a boxing match where one man is only allowed to defend and not punch back. Moscow should have known this and avoided the wickedness of attacking a sovereign nation for no reason by a super power that we are supposed to be looking up to

  3. Zieliński is crying about Russia Make Home Delivery 3,000 Flying Bombs per month to PayBack to "braive" Ukrainian attacking City Moscow 460 mile away or other civilians TARGETS to terrorise Civilians but not fighting Soldiers?!

    Those Zieliński terrorists have Russian closer, 200 feet away 😳
    The Kijev regime grabs Ukrainian guys on the streets and send them to the meat Grinder.
    Anglo-Saxons are Dumping Billions for this Zieliński, in to the Ukrainian Black Hole
    EU is working for Globalists who want
    destroy the Middle Class and make everyone Poor and Poorer.
    Strong arm, NATO, was used for many years to invade many countries like Libya Somalia Syria Iraq Afghanistan and others and You never see Sanctions ?!
    But now, after spreading NATO Collonialism and Imperialism Eastward, Russia Stands Up against Western Invaders of Ukraine people who not everyone "loves"
    be forced to become Aggressive NATO.😮British and American KNOWINGLY giving weapons to Ukraine to Kill CIVILIANS population in Russia.
    Providing weapons to kill Soldiers is one thing but to kill CIVILIANS this is TERRORISTS INSTINCTS.
    It is Criminals minds setting.
    I remember there was many cases in US when cigarettes smokers took to court corporations who produced cigarettes after getting Cancer from Smoking Cigarettes ☠️
    Also some trying to take guns manufacturers to courts for killing People using theirs products.

  4. NATO are the ones picking sides and never should have gotten involved with a non-NATO member. I do not agree with what Russia Is doing But, I also do not agree with NATO. I think it comes down to who you disagree with more. There is always so much more to the story that we as civilians will never know, but I never ,ever thought that two wrongs made it right! God bless all who has suffered, God Bless us all.

  5. Near Octagetian Biden is losing everything ,his re election,his reflexes etc..
    and now he's dragging the Entire planet into premature death just bcz he knows he has nothing to lose bcz he is kicking the bucket anytime now.I am comfortable and confident America is ending very soon.My heart goes for peace loving Americans who may be caught in the cross fire.By by America.

  6. It's not Biden.Old Joseph is just a pawn Lucifer is using.It's not Rusdiphobia. That's a blanket over the massed.The New World Order is the Depopulation agenda by the Deep State Oligarchy (the last days Nephilns) , trying to anhilate all that worship God and install Lucifer as Emperor.This id what will eclipse a showdown with Almighty and bring about the demise and destruction of all Western countries.Evil had overtaken their reasoning Where they hold there's no god to give account to.Gods who can't sustain their own life and that of their kins sharpen their scientific tools to fight what? Unbelievable !We,the unsung ones didn't come to The knowledge of Yahaweh through the Roman Catholic Corrupted Bible of Purgatory,Hell, Rapture etc….. which are heavenly fake News.We feel sorry of Humanity.

  7. OOO MY GOD destruction of Ukrainian territory and it's innocent citizens are about to be destroyed , as soon as zelensky gives the order to his soldiers who are not fully aware of the possibility of a total annihilation of their citizens. The Russian president warns of serious consequences to Ukraine and the west therefore let us all pray that the Ukrainian president think before he acts . Many Ukrainian territory and it's infrastructure has been destroyed and now he's been begging for more destruction for his county, he is really a puppet president .

  8. Biden does not care about the US . He is giving American money and military eqipment away . Now Biden wants to sell American rockets to Saudia Arabia . Biden is willing to sacrifice American soldiers to Ukraine . Biden sends money to Iran and Turkey . This has to stop now .

  9. The Cold War decimated Russia by a combination of bleeding Russia dry economically, as well as Russia’s own deep corruption , low industrial productivity, & economic incompetence . With this war , it looks history is inevitably repeating itself thanks to those exact same factors . Putin’s & his incompetent military’s hubris has forced all Russians to learn the expression “the chickens are coming home to roost”

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