US-made arms could soon be used by Ukraine in Russia | FOX 5 News

President Biden is reportedly considering allowing Ukraine to hit targets inside Russia using americanmade missiles despite new warnings coming from Moscow Fox News correspondent Alex Hogan has more details from London as the fighting escalates along Ukraine’s Eastern Front the US is reportedly potentially inching closer to allowing the ukrainians to take the fight to Russia on their home turf Secretary of State Anthony blinkin signaled the Biden and Administration could potentially give the green light for some changes linkoln said that he wouldn’t provide concrete details but says it’s up to the ukrainians to make the decisions on how best to defend their country and at every step along the way we’ve adapted and adjusted um as necessary H and so that’s exactly what we’ll do going forward we’re always listening Lincoln is in Prague for a two-day defense Summit with his NATO counterparts many of whom have already endorsed the idea of using long range to hit Russia and on Thursday Ukrainian forces say that they fired Storm Shadow missiles into Russia with Britain’s permission Ukraine uh continues to fight bravely but the challenges they face are greater and growing but the move comes with risks Moscow says it will consider attacks on its territory using Western weapons and escalation that will require a military response with Russian President Vladimir Putin urging his people to prepare for a new phase in the war everyone should understand what a time we live in and what a historical stage Russia is going through everyone should work as if on the front line everyone should feel mobilized the debate comes as Russia is stepping up its attacks launching multiple offensives in the East and in the north within just the past 24 hours in London Alex Hogan Fox News

President Biden is reportedly considering allowing Ukraine to hit targets inside Russia using American-made missiles despite new warnings from Moscow.

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  1. It’s long past time! Painfully ignorant Americans whining about “the economy” but are UTTERLY ignorant about how Russia’s war in Ukraine is causing a LOT of the high prices because of global trade and economic damage rippling throughout the globe. Americans aren’t aware of what goes on in most of their own country, it shouldn’t surprise us global cost drivers are beyond their pin heads.🤨

  2. Ukraine does not have a Military Industrial Complex, and Ukraine does not produce much weapons and relies heavily on Foreign powers for all its weapons, that's why every other Month, Zelensky begs for Weapons.
    Note: America has been supplying weapons to Ukraine since 2014 and Ukraine has been using those weapons since then, both in Eastern Ukraine against ethnic Russian and Russian Army and even inside Russia, the many strike that happened in last few years were all carried out by using foreign weapons that includes large chunk of weapons supplied by America because Ukraine itself does not produce much Weapons.
    NOTE: THIS WHOLE PROPAGANDA now that Ukraine can use foreign weapons to strike Russia inside Russia is nothing but BS Propaganda by both US and its allies and Ukraine in order to save their faces after the humiliation they suffered after their much touted Ukrainian Counteroffensive failed last year and also the Debacle that the Ukrainian army faced this year.

  3. Its about tim ukraine allowed to come out of the cage and have the opportunity to conduct offense and not stay and destroy their own country
    When did " war" have boundries???

  4. 😂😂😂 The Americans give themselves the right to provide weapons aid to Ukraine. But it prohibits Russia's allies from providing weapons aid to Russia. It's childish and silly

  5. Dear Mr. Putin:
    We, the American people are not at war with you. We do not send arms and money to Ukraine. So when you defend your country, please do not attack us American citizens. It is all coming from our president (with strings being pulled by probably Obama) and [mostly, though not exclusively] Democrat politicians. So they are who you need to be looking for.
    Miley onDisney

  6. the leadership of European countries also has their own interests. They cut their economy to the ground by refusing to trade with Russia, strangling themselves with their own sanctions and transferring a ton of money to Ukraine. They can only reimburse these expenses if they get the main prize at their disposal—Russian resources. This is what they were promised as the main trophy. Well, to do this you need to defeat Russia on the battlefield – there are no other options left. War is their only chance to get back what they spent, otherwise they will face decades of poverty and decline.

  7. God bless. Dont worry. Its just
    we need to pray more seriously
    this time. Dont stockpile.

    Ecclesiastes Chapter 9(DRB)
    Man knows not certainty that he is in God’s grace. After death no more work or merit.
    9:5. For the living know that they shall die, but the dead know nothing more, neither have they a reward any more: for the memory of them is forgotten.

    Know nothing more… Viz., as to the transactions of this world, in which they have now no part, unless it be revealed to them; neither have they any knowledge or power now of doing any thing to secure their eternal state, (if they have not taken care of it in their lifetime:) nor can they now procure themselves any good, as the living always may do, by the grace of God.

  8. Non of eastern weapons landing in NATO soil but now NATO waeapons will land in Russia guess now Russia has the right to strike back

  9. All theater as Biden is working with Putin as Biden allows hundreds of Russian sleeper cells into America from the U.S. southern border.

  10. It doesn’t make any sense why are Russia hit inside Ukraine but they can't allow Ukraine to hit inside Russia, it's war, Putin can't decide Ukraine, what to do.

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