Russia slams US for allowing Ukraine to use weapons | World News | WION

Russia slams US for allowing Ukraine to use weapons | World News | WION

and our top focus and we on right now Moscow has come down hard on NATO after the US and several EU Nations gave the Nord to Ukraine to use Western weapons inside Russia and now it looks like Ukraine has already put it to use in belgaro region authorities in the Russian city of belgaro reported that a residential building has been hit by a Ukrainian drone reports emerg that the attacks were carried out by us provided weapon the haar’s missiles open source intelligence monitor wrote on social media X and I’m quoting here the Ukrainian Armed Forces appear to have likely launched their first attack on the belgaro region of Western Russian uh utilizing us provided weapons with footage appearing to show the launch of at least eight Rockets from a mi 42 haars of the south of wol chance the Kremlin has stated that the United States NATO and some European countries are encouraging Ukraine to continue what it calls caves senseless war with Russia the Kremlin said that it was already aware of the attempts by Ukraine to strike Targets on Russian regions with weapons provided by the US he said a proar mood was also being whipped up in Europe to the point of pre-war hysteria the member countries of the North Atlantic Alliance the United States in particular and other European capitalists have in recent days and weeks embarked on a new round of escalations they are doing this deliberately we hear a lot of bellico statements this amounts to provocation of a new level of ention reports by Wall Street Journal say that France is intensifying talks with some European allies over a plan to send military instructors to Ukraine to train its forces meanwhile NATO Chief yen stoltenberg is urging members to commit to providing Ukraine at least $43 billion a year in military aid seeking to ensure long-term support as war with Russia continues and well for more on this we are now being joined by jash Bish who is a former German ambassador to Nato and former European Diplomat and security advisor to German Chancellor he is joining us live from Berlin thank you so much for joining us on the show sir I want to first start by asking you that Ukraine has clearly started using us supplied weapons against Russian targets Cave used us supplied High Mars in belgaro region this after Putin warned that NATO members are playing with fire how do you see all of this escalating the situation on the battlefield in my view it’s not an escalation at all it’s a case of article 51 of the UN cter is the defense of a country against an attack from a foreign country it is not at all a senseless War if you if I take what the Russian spokesman has been telling us it’s a self-defense and there has been an agreement on Friday between the national security advisors right there seems to be a technical glitch right now for all those tuning into we world right sir please continue we were talking about how how Ukraine has started using us supplied weapons against Russian Targets in the latest Kev has used us supplied High Mars in belgaro region and this comes after Russian President Vladimir Putin warned NATO members that they are playing with fire right now the question being that how will all this escalate the situation on the battlefield and perhaps to what degree well it’s a escalation in the sense that the Russians will come under more pressure and will have more difficulties to continue their attacks on the in the Shak region that this is true but on the other hand for us and this is the conviction for example of the Germans who are the most reluctant in this field is to say this is these are cases of article 51 of un Carter is the case of self-defense against an attack from a foreign country and this is no escalation therefore the only way is let’s say that the Russians stop this aggression against a foreign country right so you speak of how this is a case of article 51 and the case of self-defense um you are a former German onvoy to Nato why was Germany reluctant earlier in supplying uh in supplying weapons to Ukraine and perhaps allowing kave to use those supplied weapons against Russian targets uh we we saw earlier how Germany was reluctant that it could perhaps drag Berlin into a direct confrontation with Moscow exactly it’s right and the Germans were always looking at let’s say avoiding any real escalation and the Germans therefore have not delivered a weapon that The ukrainians Wanted always to have and they still refuse it’s the so-call toist weapon because the Germans were fearing that the ukrainians could attack Moscow directly but the Germans have said after consultations and I think it’s the French president who has opened this way this interpretation is to say yes we allow Ukraine to use Western weapons in order to attack purely military targets from where attacks against the Ukraine especially against the Shak region are executed this is the aim no more no less it’s against military targets not as the Russians do it against purely civilian targets as we have been doing for example last week against the supermarket [Music] in right Ambassador thank you so much for taking our time and joining us here on we on with your insights always a pleasure [Music]

US President Joe Biden has given Ukraine permission to use American-supplied weapons to strike targets in Russia, but only near the Kharkiv region, US officials said. Watch in for more details!

#russia #ukraine #russiaukrainewar

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  1. This is the right move and all restrictions should be removed. It's not right to restrict Ukraine and the use of these weapons. Sure the Russians are issuing serious threats but we can't cave into those. That leads to worse and worse situations.

  2. Ukraine has almost lost the war – they should try for peace now, as they don't have any hope of even surviving, let alone winning. But giving them more weapons won't make any difference. It's lack of trained soldiers, that is their bigger problem, besides the lack of resources (they are dealing with a former superpower).

  3. Ukraine may surrender under one circumstance. If Putin steps down & Zelensky becomes the new President of Russia. Putin wins, reunites the country, Ukraine gets to reform Russia into a modern country. Not the weak, poor, step up from North Korea status Putin forces it to be now.

  4. Рашка, ты луганскую и донецкую область уже всю захватила? Нет? А какого тогда xyя????????

  5. Ukraine not NATO not EU!!!! 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡 Zelensky , NATO dont want talk About peace!!!!this war only for owners of 🫡🫡🫡🫡 USA interests!!!! against EU, russia..NATO is on boards of Russia or Russia near by USA board???🙄🙄🙂🙂easy Question

  6. Attacking Russia territory will just lead to further aggression and damage to Ukraine. The Kharkiv attack itself was a response from firing into Russia

  7. Joachim doesn't seem to understand one thing. The long-range weapons can only be operated by NATO forces. Russia would then have the right to defend itself against NATO, as he has been saying all along.

  8. Now pple think Ukraine is win that's is funny soon it is ww3 and no one will laugh so it is Time pple to start thinking about the world but i feel power should shif for better days because the west are bulling everyone playing god

  9. The supporters of Russia evil here are frightened that Ukraine get weapons from the west, they say nothing about the weapons Russia is getting from other countries.

  10. The Cold War decimated Russia by a combination of bleeding Russia dry economically, as well as Russia’s own deep corruption & economic incompetence . Since the day Russia opened Pandora’s box by invading Ukraine , it looks history is gradually repeating itself thanks to those exact same factors

  11. So it is alright for Russia to use weapons made in China and North Korea but the Ukraine can't use weapons made by the U S A. Putin and his cronies are bloody mad.

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