Belgium Denies Use Of Its F-16 Jets In Russian Skies But Denmark, Netherlands Give Ukraine Go Ahead

Belgium Denies Use Of Its F-16 Jets In Russian Skies But Denmark, Netherlands Give Ukraine Go Ahead

Danish foreign minister L Lo rasmason told reporters in Brussels that Ukraine may use Danish supplied F-16 Jets to strike military Targets in Russian territory as this would be within the rules of War Denmark founded the fighterjet Coalition for Ukraine with the Netherlands in July 2023 and the group of countries pledged to provide with f-16s and helped train Ukrainian pilots and Technical staff to operate the US made fourth generation Jets the first batch of Danish f-16s is expected to be handed over to Ukraine this summer rasmon said this is not a cart blanch for Ukraine to use the F-16 to make arbitrary attacks inside Russia he said we are talking about an opportunity to weaken the aggressor by taking military installations out onto Russian territory the Danish foreign minister added that it is completely within the rules of war that a country that is attacked must be able to answer for itself referring to Russia’s indiscriminate attacks on civilians rasmason said there is also no Ukrainian interest in taking over the kind of warfare you have from the Russian side where you go after Residential Properties rasmason also dismissed concerns that the move would escalate the war saying if we are talking about a risk of an actual attack on our territory then it is not something I am worried about Russia’s ambassador to Denmark Vladimir barbin released a statement on May 29th claiming that the use of Copenhagen supplied weapons by Ukraine against targets inside Russia could lead to an uncontrolled development of the conflict barbin was responding to Danish Prime Minister met Frederickson who said on May 28th that Ukraine is allowed to use Danish weapons on Russian territory if it is within international law meanwhile the Netherlands has no objections to using F-16 fighter jets in Russian Skies acting Dutch foreign minister Hank Bruin’s slot told reporters before an informal meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Prague slot said if you have the right of self-defense there are no geographical boundaries on making use of weapon systems so that’s the common principle earlier acting Dutch defense minister kha alren said the Netherlands had never ruled out Ukrainian strikes on Russian soil the Netherlands said it was ready to hand over at least 24 F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine it has already provided 11 aircraft to train Ukrainian Pilots at the European F-16 Training Center Belgium however said it would not allow Kiev to use its F-16 fighter jets outside Ukraine Belgian prime minister Alexander de crw told United States President Joe Biden during their talks in Washington that he rules out the use of his weapons including F-16 fighter jets outside UK Ukraine said the White House Press pool in a statement earlier on May 28th during the Ukrainian president’s visit to Brussels Belgium pledged to provide Ukraine with 30 f-16s by 2028 in addition de crew emphasized that Belgium was a reliable partner and urged Europe and the United States to remain United and do their utmost to defend themselves and help Ukraine over recent weeks Ukraine has called for its Partners to allow strikes on Russian territory with Western weapons a move that Washington and Berlin the top two providers of military aid to Ukraine have long been against calls for Ukraine to be allowed to strike military Targets on Russian territory with Western weapons have grown after Russia launched a new offensive in kiv oblast on May 10th with 30,000 troops reportedly involved in the operation KV said it was unable to launch preemptive strikes on Russian forces massing On the Border due to the restrictions on how Western weapons may be used the NATO parliamentary assembly adopted a declaration on May 27th that supported an end to restrictions that prohibited Ukraine’s use of Western supplied weapons against military targets inside Russia the next day French president Emanuel macron spoke at a press conference with German Chancellor Olaf strolls and said that Ukraine should be allowed to strike military bases on Russian territory from which Moscow carries out missile attacks against Ukraine schz said at the press conference that Ukraine could use German supplied weapons within the framework of international law

The Netherlands would not object to Ukraine using Dutch-supplied F-16 fighter jets to strike targets inside Russia in self-defence, Dutch Foreign Minister Hanke Bruins Slot said on May 31.

“If you have the right to self-defence, there are no borders for the use of weapons. This is a general principle,” she said at an informal meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Prague in comments reported by RFE/RL.

Bruins Slot’s comments come a day after Denmark said Ukraine may use Danish-supplied F-16 jets to strike military targets in Russian territory, as this would be “within the rules of war.”

Over recent weeks, Ukraine has called for its partners to allow strikes on Russian territory with Western weapons.

The Pentagon on May 30 insisted there has been no change in policy after several U.S. news outlets reported the White House had secretly partially lifted the ban on Ukraine striking Russian territory with American weapons.

Citing unnamed American officials, Politico reported on May 30 that President Joe Biden’s administration had given the go-ahead for Kyiv to attack targets inside Russia but “solely near the area of Kharkiv.”

The Netherlands plans to start delivering its F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine this autumn after Denmark begins transferring its aircraft already in the summer, Dutch Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren said during a press briefing in Vilnius, Delfi reported on May 6.

Previously, the Netherlands has pledged to deliver 24 of its fourth-generation U.S.-made jets to Ukraine as Kyiv seeks to bolster its Air Force.

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  1. Russia is about to win and F16 to be displayed soon in Moscow for next year Victory Day! Russia is not Syria, Libya, Yugoslavia nor Iraq remember that.

  2. Their going to learn another hash reality when those become crushing down as paper dolls…. What idiot think that Russia will allows please come inside our country and bomb us and leave as you pleased what idiot has no i supposed they think that Russia has no air defiance what so ever evry us made weapon fall to make game change in this of course those weapon was highly regarded as game changing weapon by that time you see what happened to those f 16 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  3. The spoken script in a British accent has brought bias to this once fair site.
    The tally of attacks on civilian targets shows the Kiev [now illegal] regime to have been the greater offender. Check the stats and details of attacks then amend the misinformation.
    NATO does not have a "parliament", as the narrator states. It is a military alliance bloc with a standard bureaucracy built upon set rules in a charter. Stoltenberg has exceeded the scope of his position by fomenting escalation on his personal assumption that Russia intends to attack the Baltic states — in the absence of any evidence. He further 'promised' fast tracking to NATO inclusion which can only be by unanimous vote of all member countries. For these offenses he should be arrested and investigated for malfeasance and lying. Much the same applies to von der Leyen as the EU Commission is not a sovereign entity. Entry into the EU is strictly set by rules and unanimous votes by elected MEPs. The Commission and Council have no rights of action except via the whole EU parliament. In its entire history, the Rep of Ukraine has failed to satisfy even basic requirements.
    Under Dutch law, no acting administration without an electoral mandate may aid any state or faction because "demissionary" restrictions apply. The Netherlands does not have an actual functioning government.
    Similarly, Belgium cannot supply military aircraft without obtaining overflight permission. It would be feasible for it to act without set Benelux declared agreement and actual joint action, nor would be responsible given the size and density of populations. Too much could go wrong by accident, thus the 'leader' of these states would be placing the people in danger for merely political reasons.
    In any case, F-16 aircraft require pristine and clean runways for the technical reason of the air intake to the single engine being so close to the ground. The plane had a nickname when stationed as USAF bases in the UK briefly. It was called "the hoover".
    Endeavor to be factual because anything less is dishonest.

  4. It's like telling your kids ,saying here is a candy put it in your mouth ,but you can't eat it ,just put in your mouth only ,wow how stupid that is

  5. This is the beginning of the end. Zelensky will do anything to provoke Putin so that NATO/EU can have an excuse to join the war.

    Then WWIII comes
    Then Putin pushes the button – NUCLEAR WAR is here – the end.

  6. For Putin it is Kyiv or bust. As it will most definitely not be Kyiv, it will be bust. I hope that Putins defeat will be extremely humiliating.
    Still, like Hitler in his time, Putin is planning to fight his highly illegal, doomed, heinous and cruel "Special Military Operation" to the bitter end and the last able-bodied Russian male. This means that the Russian women in the future might have to look abroad for male companions.
    Hope that this disastrous situation is averted and that Putins slaves and subjects are able to get rid of him, his cronies and henchmen.
    So it is up to you Russian men and women to take your future in your own hand. And be free of slavery and subjugation

  7. Once the ownership of the F16 planes are transferred to Ukraine they belong to Ukraine and it should be able to use them as it sees fit. Many NATO leaders don't have the guts to be consistent, coherent and brave. Their narratives spells of weakness and that ratty Putin could smell them all the way from Kremlin. Even their sweat can be smelled by Kremlin. No wonder we see Moscow making those bold statements. It seems that only Macron has properly assessed Putin after initially giving him the benefits of any doubts. Now that his mind is fixed he is not swayed by NATO's indecision and fears. Viva la France.

  8. Could you correct the first pictures – the are polish markings on planes with symbols of best squadron who shoot most German WWII planes over English channel when they get bomb innocent Londoners. Most Poles are thankful being free by Russian Army and we remember polish soldiers fitting along them.

  9. Dont accept lies as facts …

    Even US and Germany have denied allowing the use their weapons inside Russsia

    US says a limited strikes in kharkiv alone and not inside Russia

  10. It’s a creeping situation…progressive nato direct involvement: now there are there as “instructor”, then the f-16 are there.

    What happens if an f-16 “instructor”, doing an “armed” aerial “training” along the Ukrainian-Russian border is attacked by a Russian Su-?

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