OMG!!! Tucker Carlson EXPOSES Biden SCHEMES on Russian and Ukraine WAR on live Tv

OMG!!! Tucker Carlson EXPOSES Biden SCHEMES on Russian and Ukraine WAR on live Tv

it became very clear to anyone paying attention several months ago that Ukraine cannot win its war against Russia the Ukrainian military will not be able even with Western backing hundreds of billions of dollars of it to expel the Russian military from parts of eastern Ukraine oh man I mean it this is going to be fun this is going to be very fun Ukraine doesn’t have the industrial capacity neither does NATO or the United States and it doesn’t have the people Russia has a 100 million more in population than Ukraine does and that means that further support from the West for the Ukrainian military only means more dead ukrainians and a further degraded Western economy in the US and in Germany particularly so it’s not simply a Fool’s errand it’s self-destruction it’s insane it’s cruel it’s abetting the killing of an entire generation of ukrainians got that right this is very obvious no honest person at this point will deny it and yet somehow the United States Senate which is always several years behind reality in its perceptions just a few weeks ago decided to send another $60 billion to the Ukrainian government which is both corrupt and authoritarian they’ve canceled elections they banned an entire Christian denomination and then they killed an American journalist for noting any of this wow wow wow wow and yet the United States Senate proposed under Mitch McConnell a plan to send another $60 billion to Ukraine well imagine the surprise of all rational people around the world to wake up this morning and discover this could actually happen and so with that in mind we thought it’ be worth talking to one of the very few Republican Senators who’s bothered to make the counter case and that would be JD Vance of Ohio who joins us now from the United States Senator thanks so much for coming on if you wouldn’t mind telling us where this legislation is right now what you expect to happen and what you think should happen wait wait y y okay okay go yeah Tucker so there are two big things that will happen here so tonight we will clear a major procedural Vote or we won’t so this is really the best opportunity tonight to kill this legislation encourage everybody to do everything that they can contact everyone they can to ensure that we actually do kill the legislation it is very close uh the Democrats have banded together with 17 Republicans we only need eight of those Republicans to flip their vote to kill this thing and I think that we’ll get at least one uh will in fact flip their vote so that that that’s where it sits in the Senate the second thing and frankly the best opportunity we have to kill this is in the house uh and that’s part of what I’m trying to do is notify people about how bad this legislation is so that after it clears the Senate if it does then it goes to the house and the house has a real opportunity to at least make it better uh but hopefully kill it and I want to say just just a couple of things here Tucker that are extremely important to know about this legislation number one is that it sends $61 billion to Ukraine to fund as you said a hopeless war in Eastern Europe it will decimate the Ukrainian population even more than it’s already been decimated so it’s a terrible terrible piece of legislation on the policy oh my God the second thing I want to say tucker though is that it doesn’t just fund Ukraine in 2024 and this is the most important point it actually funds Ukraine in 25 and 26 now what’s the problem with that say for example that we have a new president in 2025 that president president would be handcuffed by the promises that we are making in law to Ukraine today if you go back to to 2019 Tucker to try to give you a sense of why this matters in 2019 the US House impeached then president Donald Trump on the theory that they had appropriated money to Ukraine and Donald Trump refused to send it to Ukraine so if Trump is elected president again and become president on January of 2025 he will conduct diplomacy and if that diplomacy does not include sending additional billions to Ukraine there is a theoretical argument a predicate if you will for impeaching Donald Trump because they have tried to tide his hands and oh snap final point I’ll make on this Tucker is that the Washington Post has already has already said based on leaks from inside the Intel Community the purpose of this legislation is to tie a future president Trump’s hands we’re not just sending billions to Ukraine and 2024 we’re trying to make it impossible for the next president to conduct diplomacy on his terms it’s anti-democratic and it will lead to endless war in the all over the world so I the political calculation behind this seems incredibly dark so does the humanitarian effect I noticed that no one on Capitol Hill seems interested in finding out how many have died in this war reliable estimates in the area these are not partisan uh are that about 400,000 ukrainians died that’s about as many Americans has died in the entire second world war over the entire duration and it’s of course a much smaller country so how do senators Republican senators get away with saying we’re doing this on behalf of the Ukrainian people on behalf of democracy when it’s destroying an entire generation and it’s not a democracy like what’s the thinking here well Tucker they bought into the propaganda that what is in the best interest of Ukraine is to prolong this war and so zalinsky comes to Washington you know he’s Tougher Than A lot of them are and I think they get you know a little bit of excitement from that and zalinski tells them a story that his war is in the best interest of the whole of Ukraine now never mind that there are people within Ukraine protesting the draft never mind that the average age of a soldier there is pushing 45 years old and never mind that the 650,000 wealthiest ukrainians left the country at the beginning of the war uh they didn’t stay in fight so the idea that this is unanimously supported by the Ukrainian population is of course Preposterous and absurd no one believes it but but here’s here’s the really crazy and I and I think ultimately the very cynical thing that’s going on Tucker is that everyone knows that this war will lead to the destruction of Ukraine I’ve had conversations with Democratic colleagues where they get this sort of dark look in their eyes and they say effectively that they want to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian drop of blood I what a time to be alive I I think if you really ask these guys they recognize that this is not in the best interest interest of Ukraine uh this is fundamentally in the interests of military contractors and people who think that America’s most pressing challenge is to defeat the Russians of course that’s not a preoccupation that I share I don’t think Russia should have invaded Tucker but I also think that we got to be much more focused on more pressing problems like the demographic collapse of the United States like the open borders and like what’s going on in East Asia so it’s a massive campaign Tucker to distract people from the real problems in the world and the real problems that exist in this country and underlying it all as you just said is is an Impulse that’s that’s indefensible and I think deeply in all um so I I’m so grateful for you having the courage to talk about this in public and I and I hope common sense in your position prevails Senator J Vance of Ohio thank you

OMG!!! Tucker Carlson EXPOSES Biden SCHEMES on Russian and Ukraine WAR on live Tv

  1. By any measure the US is actively supporting an immoral war. Christians should describe this as NOT a "jus ad bellum" (a just war). What is truly astonishing is that churches have remained silent and watched the destruction of Ukraine!

  2. The American People are watching you Republicans do not be a Rino we are watching . We know politicans are getting KickBackes .zelenski is nothing but a Grifter politicans are so easily fooled.Russia could Crush Ukrane in 1 Day .It is always about War Profit .

  3. USA Viden, Clinton , Bush back there Capitol UK for child trafficking, adrenochrome for youthfulness n organ harvesting. A 800 billion operation. But there covid labs n tunnels blown up. Where Putin is cleaning house next to his yard.

  4. Oh my god poor fucking God getting smeared by Tucker Carlson heee heeee2 he's got the goods on ol' Joe Biden haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa

  5. Don't believe that Ukraine could possibly be a money laundering scheme for the entire George Soros's Democratic Party Puppet Factory??? You're a idiot if you don't think so??? Zelensky i hear has a huge cocaine addiction that couldn't have gotten started during Hunter's time spent on the board of executives at Burisma???

  6. If the Republicans or the Democrats are not going to put America first then we need to stand together and vote them out period they work for us and if they are not going to work for us then they need to leave we have the power we need to take care of America not Ukraine and every other country put this money to the people of America who are struggling because of these people who doesn't put America first our votes will change America for the good or bad we better get together and change things while we can before America is a thing of the past we got our own problems that need to be addressed

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