“It Is The BIG Fear!” | Russia Analyst Says Vladimir Putin ‘Needs To Reassure People’ On Ukraine War

“It Is The BIG Fear!” | Russia Analyst Says Vladimir Putin ‘Needs To Reassure People’ On Ukraine War

let’s speak to Mark gallotti though because we need to know precisely what is going on uh over in that part of the world which we don’t get to see ourselves um in Ukraine of course Moscow has been warning the US of fatal consequences uh presumably this is all about um Joe Biden giving permission if you like to um uh to Ukraine to use American weapons to fire into Russia Mark a very good morning to you good morning um is that correct um is this as a result of that sort of instruction if you like or the permission that was granted by Joe Biden yeah most certainly this was one of the I mean the Russians like to sort of draw these red lines but certainly one of the things that they were hoping to try to deter and given that they are taking heavy casualties at the moment it’s clear that they are doing what they can to try and limit the degree of extra Freedom that the the Western allies give the ukrainians and as usual that means threatening some kind of unspecified bad thing to happen yes and is that then something which we shouldn’t take too seriously I mean Vladimir Putin issues quite a lot of threats you know um attack drones and helicopters are now being used in in in the fight so um some of what he says will be worth noting I guess but but what’s your take on this one yeah I mean this is the real problem absolutely basically Putin has drawn these red lines time and time again they’ve been crossed Time and Time Again by Ukraine and the allies and lo and behold nothing really much happens the risk is of course that some point it might you know it’s a boy who cried wolf at present though there’s no real signs that the Russians either have the intention or indeed the capacity to do much in in response because the the things they could still do actually have massive further consequences for example we’re always concerned about the potential use for tactical nuclear weapons the Russians did that it would be an absolute GameChanger so in some ways the Russians don’t really have many options but we shouldn’t therefore assume that therefore it’s always just rhetoric no quite I mean they say Russia that they’ve intercepted 20 Ukrainian drones in the KK region does that Mark a sort of a different change in approach from Ukraine a different tactic not really we see that happening quite quite regularly I mean nowadays this is a war that is increasingly being fought by drones and missiles just as it’s been fought by poor bloody infantry on the ground yeah so I think you know from this point of view it’s not so much that the ukrainians are doing anything different more broadly it’s that the Russians are having to try and reassure their own people that in fact they’re on top of this I mean a lot of this rhetoric isn’t actually aimed at us it’s aimed at ordinary Russians to basically say don’t worry things are going to go okay after all because most Russians are not that Keen on this war well presumably they’re not that Keen on the conscription of the of the of the youngsters who have been called up to fight aren they well at the moment actually the there’s no people currently being forced into this I mean actually the Russians are still able to use volunteers it’s it’s the ukrainians who are having more of a problem with with the conscription but that’s always the big fear when they did actually mobilize people forcibly to the war back in 2022 for every one person they mobilized two or three people actually fled the country so I mean it is clear that absolutely from ordinary Russians point of view this is the big fear that if actually the war expands you’re going to start getting your husband your brother or whatever suddenly dragged off to the front line yeah exactly right um good to talk to you mark gallotti there a Russia analyst thank you very much indeed talking

Russian analyst Mark Galeotti says Russia is having to “reassure their people” they are on top of the war, as they launch a missile attack on Dnipro.

“This is the big fear, if the war expands you’ll start having your husband, brother, whoever dragged off to front lines!”

Russian missile attack on the central city of Dnipro injured seven people, including two children, and damaged civilian infrastructure in early hours of Tuesday, local authorities said.

Ukrainian air force said it shot down two Iskander-K cruise missiles over the region. The missile debris damaged civilian infrastructure, causing a fire and injuring residents, according to Serhiy Lysak, the regional governor.

Two boys were among those injured, in addition to five adults, based on preliminary information from the governor.

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  1. Letting Ukraine attack Russian early warning ABM radar stations (2 out of 10 so far) is very dangerous as it could produce an ICBM launch mistake. Zelensky's desperation must not lead to danger of total war.

  2. The Biden administration most likely headed by. Hillary Clinton has to push until there is a World War III. Queen of Benghazi. Cleaner of servers. Corrupt politician in power. Frightening.

  3. There are quite a few regions that want out of Putin's evil Russian Federation. With Moscow much weakened by the last 2 years, and still getting weaker, it's a really good time to secede. Putin knows and greatly fears this happening.

  4. All of this could have been avoided but war mongers who will
    Most likely stay at whilst us young people will have to go out there

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