Disastrous Strikes – Soldiers Sent To The Front With ZERO Training – Ukraine Map Analysis & News

good day Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day now today as always we have a lot to talk about so we’re going to have a look at the maps and we have a lot of geolocations today showing some movements and showing a lot of destroyed equipment that we have seen in the past 24 hours we have footage of that and I’ll show you all of this for everything come and join the telegram I think it’s really good place for discussions and unlike like this website there isn’t anywhere near the amount of censorship and you can join the disc Russ better I’m far more active there too we’re going to talk about crime we’re going to talk about a new self-propelled gun that we’ve seen from Russia operating at the front line and we’re going to talk about the peace Summit who’s going who’s not going and what the outcome of this will be so firstly let’s look at the maps and we’ll mix in a fair bit in this as far as destroyed equipment as we’re going so here of course is Ukraine the Senter the capital of ke the red areas occupied since 22 the purple since 2014 of course here is Bell and here is Russia around here a couple of places you’ll need to know is belra and KK as well so we’re off and running of what’s Happening Now due to it being the start of the month and I can’t believe where this lateer in the year war mappa gives us a month update for then the previous month now some have pointed at this and gone this is fairly light because it does show less Russian gain than even Ukraine’s own deep state map but regardless we can see that over 200 square km was made in the month of May which is very very similar to June 23 here what I will say about W mappa is he is very very conservative on any gains and like I said deep state is actually showing more than this amount but you can see where the ground for Ukraine’s offensive and then Russia’s beginning of the offensive here and we don’t know on the Russian offensive whether there is more coming we don’t know we know Ukraine is saying and has been for now over a month that mid June is when they expect to see large pushes but again we are just now unsure but it would seem if Russia was going to go on the offensive the time would be about now Ukraine is having problems with Manpower mobilization is having to mobilize more men they still have a backload trying to get those shells and weapons then into the fight as well due to that massive shell shortage so would seem about now is Ukraine then going to swing onto the offensive with everything that we’re seeing I don’t think this year potentially next year as well but let’s then look at what the isw has said of course very very pro-ukrainian Source here that Ukrainian field commanders are reportedly compensating for training difficulties that mobilization has exacerbated by training new Personnel on the front line so this is a concern if we read between this now there’s a few here reportedly compensating for training difficulties mobilization has exacerbated so due to mobilization it has made problems because there’s not enough staff to then train now this is probably one of the reasons why France wants to deploy training staff in but we haven’t even seen the huge mobilization that’s going to have to come that will have to be regardless of regardless of whatever you think it’s going to have to be in the hundreds of thousands if Ukraine before their Victory they talk want to take Crimea sylas PA dones it’s going to be have to be in the hundreds of thousands and they’re and already having problems with this is concerned and training new Personnel on the front line now decisions to train newly deployed Personnel in the front before committing them to combat indicate that overall quality of you creating forces will likely remain higher than that of Russian forces in the near to midterm I don’t see how this is really the mental gymnastics made here but putting new personal training them on the front line this isn’t what we have been hearing about everyone will be trained to Nato standard given that four weeks of training which I can tell you is not natto standard but this is a problem here the experience gained on the front line that is very important for their nutritional Warfare if you look at the doctrine behind nutritional Warfare it does talk about everyone meeting a certain training element and then gaining experience on the front line but putting in only a few troops in each platoon each company to then gain that experience and by the time they experien there’ll be less experienced guys in and sort of that um roll on of experience on personnel as of course attritional Warfare going to have high losses so this I believe is a concern before we’ve even seen the mobilization that is going to have to come now let’s have a look up in the north and we then we’ll work our way down now in the north we have seen a lot of then Russian losses as well as movement on some maps but not then this Maps so come harv belgrad here so no movement on this map of course we’re going to be looking around vchan here now Noel reports then has this on his map showing the gra Z on this map and the gray Zone fairly fairly similar but less of a red push in the Deep state but more blue in here as far as Ukrainian controlled territory that’s still shown as cray Zone on then his map for the day now the reason for a lot of these changes is then this footage that has come out now this footage is said to be then a Russian troop here with his hands up clearly surrendering now what we don’t know is is he s surrendering to a drone well behind the line uh are there troops somewhere in here we can’t see are there Ukrainian troops so we don’t really know what I do hope is regardless of the uniform people have got on that surrendering troops by all the policies around the world all the legalities that surrendering troops are allowed to surrender because in way way too many cases we have seen Ukrainian and Russian troops who have clearly clearly indicated surrender then be executed now that is completely illegal and and what I will say on that is if you think about how often we see that in video how much more often do you think that’s happening then isn’t publicized but that footage is then geolocated to right here so this is V chance here will swing back onto this map so we see where this then turns this road here so just in and around this location that said we don’t know if it was a surrender from distance to drone or there are troops in here again we are unsure again this would show right about here on Noel reports map so again it can be hard to say but we do know that there has been a real swing in the control in here and what is happening through the deployment of reserves and for maybe lack of commitment on a front from Russia as well by then these strikes going back across from Western weapons on this front too so let’s have a look at this before we have a look at some more of these so we can see on suriak now this is the intersection up here where that surrender was but we can see then blue on this as taking back some ground from chiv axis the situation inside V is fluid and Confused the V chansy uh this Factory could not be held by the Russians while from the south it seems that Ukrainian troops uh continue to resist it seems that Ukrainian troops sorry on the other hand the epicenter of the fighting is taking place in high-rise buildings either under gry zone of or Ukrainian control nor can there be talk of a massive Ukrainian counter offensive Russian troops are hold their positions despite the arrival of Ukrainian reinforcements and War material so saying there’s not going to be some huge offensive back here it’s more stabilization which by I think Ukraine’s biggest issue has been for a long time the lack of realization that this is an attritional aspect of War and what we have seen and what people you have you’ve seen say on this through me is the deployment of mass elements to have counter offensives and push back through areas like this purely maybe to gain a PR victory in the short run how much effect is that having down the line on an offensive in 6 months 12 months so what I’m saying is and what they were saying is how much to the war effort is Russia holding this really doing at the moment probably not that much they walked across some defensive works and they occupy this area but the amount of assets you may have to P back into here to take that back to show that Russia’s not gaining any inch anywhere well that can have a huge effect and there is a trap of sort of chasing your tail and chasing any PR Victory and gain like that and the and keeping up the Optics so it’s sort of looking like a bit of 50/50 of that here we’ll see how then this goes but of course we do know that in this region there has been a lot of high Mars and other weapons then cross into belgrad ever pretty much on the dot of when the US said Ukraine can then strike back into here with Western weapons and today is no different in two areas in the north so we then see these photographs and video has come out let me just mute this this might be really loud we see the burning up of an air defense rocket system then here as well then we have some photographs here of these are either s300 or S400 launchers I believe that they’re S400 I’m not 100% sure I can’t tell the difference and we can see these burning up now one thing I will say in these is these are very very sensitive bit of equipment that Russia would not want out that they have been then lost so what I will say and I’ll say again we get photographic satellite video evidence of something within 24 hours of it happening and if that doesn’t come out and some mod has a claim question it now how much damage is this well of course these tend to be the launchers that are on fire and destroyed here but the really important bit are the radar now I can’t tell from these photographs just how much damage has been actually U put onto the radar system in this area but one thing we will say is that these are all bunched in which is particularly not what you want spacing just from soldiers on the ground through to Weapons Systems like this can be taken out from things like high Mars air burst taking these out but to the radar system we’re not really sure but this has shown that there is a real lack in medium range defense medium range is some of the hardest to intercept and we’ve seen this with Ukraine and Russia so you know Russia intercepting planes long range weapons but these medium- range things like high Mars be very very difficult and on the flip side of this we see the medium- range things sort of like your Russian tornadoes your to your Fab is also difficult as well because there is this cost to affect ratio as well that comes into these of is it worth hitting a Fab with a bloody Patriot or samp or something no but it can still have a huge effect on target so I think there needs to be from both Russia Ukraine West a look at medium range coverage and what is doing that there so yeah but let’s have a look at where that was taken out and that is a large Target hit so we have this jail location up to exactly here just to the north of belgrad now this is a long way away talking about 60 km 40 mi from even some of the most near areas just under that so people are pointing out what exactly hit here well it’s being reported that it was haar Sumer saying attacks but we do know that the US has said Ukraine is not allowed to use the attacks behind the line but again we aren’t exactly sure on a lot of this now there has been as well a Russian Convoy taken out in K here so let’s have a look this is only a kilometer from the Russia Ukraine border Zoom right out here and so this is where we’re expecting potentially another front line to open up in the north into Sumi like the one towards H now along this road there was a lot of vehicles taken out in the Convoy this is taking us back to images that we really saw um sort of 2022 Uh Russian military so we see the Convoy down here now I don’t know how much of this I can show I know I can show more of Russian destruction on YouTube than Ukraine but in this from my account eight of the 14 vehicles are taken out now Russian pages are reporting that there was actually no casualties from this but again there’s informational War grain of sand anything online all of that will be in the telegram if you’d like to see now I actually believe the most important bit of Kit taken out the whole the whole 24 hours is actually this custa 2 e Echo to Portable radar now this is a brand new state-of-the-art radar system for Russia now what does this do well this is particularly designed for low altitude weapon systems so not looking up in the air like the bloody other systems but very low um Rockets drones um all those sort of new modern Munitions and then this is taken out by a loitering munition then here so that is an important system then taken out that said if a radar system hasn’t doesn’t have the weapons aboard it to then intercept well it is then just sitting there it can see but it has nothing to then hit so let’s then have a look actually no I want to talk about something first so we talked about those you know Western weapons being back used back into Russia and many have speculated and including us over the past month that in response to Ukraine striking into Russia with Western weapons could Russia Target Western drones over the Black Sea that are providing intellig intelligence and guidance of Ukrainian weapons so we know there’s a heap of drones and everything fly up and over the Black Sea could it be in this sort of micr Step escalation that we see by the west and by Russia could we see then those targeting now targeting a plan to be different but targeting a drone I think we could then see that but now let’s actually have a look at the maps and work then our way I don’t know we’re just going to come into where we actually see a change on this map now what we can see is that Russia has made an advancement into khiva out here from vodana now this is the area we spoke about that we believe these Russian prongs will come up the problem with this is it does put the Ukrainian troops that are in here in the defensive in a weird position because coming out of here is going to be difficult with Russia with control and fire PA across here and then coming out of here is going to be different difficult sorry due to the Russians in omk and of course the vure river and where you can actually cross so this could be a problem in here now originally it was said this was going to be a problem for the Russians I think it may actually be a flip on this and this is being confirmed by one the uh Ukrainian deep state map and then Noel reports shows then same movement here and then we have suriak showing very very similar same here so th% we know then that happened and that is known because of geolocated Drone footage by Ukrainian drone dropping stuff on Russian troops in exactly this area there’s a a few videos there but then we know that has come under control and it will be interesting to see where that then changes now there is no more changes on the Deep state map but I will want to look at a couple more things so just south of here NOA livka we have Surak saying there is more of a breaking into Paris scova in here now we know that Russia down here will try and bound between no malka constantina down here putting pressure VA on then this road of Supply through the paa through ugad as well as then an axis putting down in here in problem as well but no movement seen on this map but if we then jump onto suriak we see then this that more expansion of control not too much more but just where this road then runs north south in there so some small change in there now let’s have a look in a robotany now of course nothing again has changed on this map we spoke about where the defensive works are in here yesterday and how this could be potentially you know a new axess for Russia we don’t know if and when they open axis exactly where that will be and the informational war in here because of how difficult it was to take this that Ukraine don’t really want to lose anything in here now these are hard to line up because they’re showing so much bloody differently but this is a robot KN down in here see where this turns to then the Northwest this is then this Northwestern push so they’re saying that see this Paddock that looks like a square that’s folded across that Russia is way out in here that is what suriak map is saying so looking significantly different in here 10 days Russian army managed to capture Eastern trenches of roboty so we’re not exactly sure what is looking like down in here hopefully we’ll get a better idea very soon now let’s come into then the uh a divka front sorry not Buck mut and we have just up in this North Area a suriak update in here situation north of div during the last 48 hours Russian army managed to capture trenches of here uh while the other troops began the assault on soil so far Russian managed to capture the position of Eastern outskirts of the village so we have then oshar soill this is soill this blue dot this of course is Sol so a push from Oh north to south and east to west coming in here we know this front right here n soil this has been back and forward actually a fair bit between Russian and Ukrainian forces and claimed control in there no changes in chiv y but I am hearing some things on the S of GRA Vine that I can’t talk about yet that doesn’t seem like a great situation coming down in there but that will end then our mapping for today now what I want to look at let’s look at this new Russian selfpropelled gun so some first photographs of this have come out so we have this self-propelled gun also known SPG you also have spag so self-prepared LD anti-aircraft gun if you ever hear me that use those terms and we have then another video here released by Russian page of then it firing then its munition here of course self-propelled guns shoot and scoot you get a couple of rounds off while they still in the air this something people to forget those rounds going 20ks they don’t fly that fast they’re in the air for a long time now let’s look at what these Pages have said the appearance of the newest Russian self-propelled gun malva was recorded for the first time at the front according to military Publications the photo was taken from a drone in belgrad malva is the latest Russian Artillery system is according to some information be gun entering service in winter it’s a copy of the French seiza and the Ukrainian balana systems like these guns m is automated and can fire in RAID Mode can also tactical Nuclear projectiles we know that both well many countries a have tried with nuclear projectiles in of course artillery guns very very small yield as people will call a tactical nuke there’s no such thing as a tactical nuke you’ve got large scale you’ve got large yield small yield and that it doesn’t matter if a nuclear bomb was the size of this and it went off somewhere around the world the Strategic Fallout of that is going to be unbelievably large but it says here it’s a copy of the French Caesar so this is a French Caesar and then a Ukrainian Bogdana now I think the Bogdana is also a little bit of a copy of the French Caesar as well and then we have then of course this one here which are all looking very very similar uh to itself so we see those and we’re going to see more and more spgs we know Australia has put in a huge order for more spgs and Poland has put in a unbelievably hu huge order from South Korea of spgs as well now let’s talk about the peace Summit as some things here aren’t looking too bright for what is to come of this we know China is saying they’re not going to come and they’ve responded to zinsky saying you it just hasn’t met our uh requirements for coming without these countries there and we know India may or may not be going we’re not 100% sure this one the Hindu in times New Delhi Indian is yet to make a call on the level of its participation at this Summit on peace in Ukraine so there will be some while India is expect to be among the countries attending um New Delhi will not be represented by top leaders including the prime minister of external Affairs and this is something we’re seeing actually a lot of is who actually is going to these so we know Biden isn’t going he’s going to some weird Epstein event in Hollywood and Carmela Harris is being sent instead of him so high prospects there and Australia is sending bill shorton now we’re definitely not sending then our highest most important best and brightest leaders now if you don’t know bill because you’re not an Australian bill is the minister for the national disability insurance scheme uh Bill’s actually all through the news today so mate because it’s been exposed that he just signed his speech writer to a $620,000 2-year contract so his speech wrers on 310k a year not bad hit me up Bill I I don’t know I’ll be useful around there Bill ran for prime minister in 2016 and 2019 he lost both elections which should have been really unusable so yeah I I think if China India pakist we know Pakistan’s we don’t think they’re going either Saudi and Russia were going I guarantee Biden albanesi Australian prime minister these sort of leaders would then be going and we’re going to see that at some point at some point we will then see that now let’s talk about crier and every this is sort of on everyone’s tongue all the time about the Kirch straight Bridge down in here and the importance then of this so let’s talk about this now we have another photograph we showed you a satellite of this but barges are being used to block the pylons here from Ukrainian drone boats as well but we get this from The Economist that General hodgers is confident that ukrainians will take down the Kirch bridge when they are ready however a potentially greater challenge will be disrupting the new uh new improved rail line running across the as of sea from rosov through the southern Ukraine C of marul berans down into crme we’ve spoken at length for the last year about this now my drawing is going to be all over the place but we go rosov Maria Paul per an topple and then someway down into ch here this is the new train line being built being upgraded all of that as well as other links across there too that like he’s saying it’s going to be more difficult to disrupt you take down a bridge that’s hard to replace you take out a rail line Russia has a whole core of Railway literally a core that just fixes Railways you only take it down for a quick time and this has led to even ukra intelligence saying the actual military use of the bridge is minimal across here that it’s being through there and I I think that the time to have that go down was in line with the Ukrainian 23 offensive and while that was still I guess strategically important it is important I guess for seeing what in the future but where Ukrainian intelligence is telling us that there’s no military equipment Crossing across here so yeah we will I guarantee we’ll see that at least massively targeted at some point what effect will that have on the front line I don’t particularly no going off Ukraine’s own statements about that bridge legends that is me for the day and a quicker video then bloody normal great now I did promise I had a video about Espionage that I have to push it back a couple of days I’m too busy um with some other interviews and stuff there are some interviews coming I hope you enjoy those uh so I’ll speak to you very soon thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. S400 so near the front is not clever at all, it's likely to be S300 of some varient, although not s300V though as it's tracked…. It simply makes more sense that an s300 would be deployed in that area

  2. In Australia – Ukraine's doom ———- is playing second fiddle to the Melbourne 'Dees' —————— falling out of the Top Eight in the AFL —-

  3. "Ukraine is then going to swing into the offensive" – Seriously dude? How are you even able to say such nonsense? Wtf is wrong with you?

  4. Mr Zelens'kyj's swan song.

    I am standing alone on the stage in front of the drawn curtain.

    The empty prompter's booth… and box-office.

    Deafening silence.

    No limelight. No fans. No applause. No flowers.

    Disappointed audience have left a long time ago.

    A cleaner is about to finish his work.

    The piano lid has slammed shut.

    Unbearable pain has brought me back to my senses.

    The show is over.


    "When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become king. But the palace becomes a circus!" – Turkish proverb


    "Put him on stage and remove a ladder" – Chinese proverb referring to bad performers.


    "There was once a comedian who killed people with stolen jokes and was hanged by his wits' end." – H.Warner


    "How pathetic the jester is, on the king's throne,

    How stupid the people who allowed it."

    – Robert Burns 1759–1796

  5. There is only one reason you would send untrained troops to the front lines. You’re running out of troops. Where has the 8000 man army gone?

  6. The veteran soldiers for Ukraine are sending the poor untrained rookies to the MEAT GRINDER. THEY DON'T WANT TO DYE SO THEY SEND THE FRESH FISH TO GO PLAY WITH THE SHARKS.

  7. Ukraine surrender now or six months time? Now would be better save thousands of lives. The west and Ukraine are just prolonging the conflict, Russia has won , The ukraine public knows this and are protesting against zelensky so this may help to end the war.

  8. Yea, because they need no training. Its so easy to fight against army equipped only wiht shovels that you don't need a training. Training is waste of time.

  9. I‘ve not seen them say no training. Just not enough and not adequate for the fight they’re in. That they are receiving additional training at the front to make them effective seems more than the Russians give their men.

  10. Östereich bundesher is saying only 6% of himars gmlrs are hitting target cause of russian jamming and now you say they the hardest to intercept. Do you mean they hard to kineticly hit and not counting in jamming?

  11. That ISW conclusion about the quality of Ukrainian forces is such an insane non sequitur. They've put out ridiculous 'analyses' so many times.
    Institute 😂

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