Huge explosion as Putin’s missiles blitz Ukraine hydro plant sparking fears of catastrophic floods

Huge explosion as Putin’s missiles blitz Ukraine hydro plant sparking fears of catastrophic floods

ракета летит и вон Ещё одна вон вторая по второй ГС сечас камни полетят валим камни четвртажись ложись ложи Ну що русня поздравила с добро утром Да я думаю мотосон сквозь сон наверное попали по воде волной уже трубу зацепило ну платина живая Слава Богу света в районе нету это называется всем Доброе утро [музика] тхой жика жи може до машини тащи ВС давай видите его [музика] [музика] [музика] First Battle The Rating UH In The Boy Lip Make sure Okay there’s Another Explosion That’s a lot closer currently making The decision to UH to Head Out мами була істерика що Самі розумієте 5п років просидів тут залишився рік і все равно не додому а йду на війну потім прийняла приїхала благословила сказала все якщо загинете судьба я зроблять ли во побабать розумієте ну я все равно б вийшов і пішов би тут а сидіти тут рік чекати звільнення просто просиджувати штани коли ти можеш вийти якось реабілітувати себе даже перед сім’єю ж саме зробити хоть щось хороше в жизні розумієте пть років в цих стінах дають відпечаток на собі І ти вже розумієш багато бачив багато і в принципі уже не страшно було б корисніше якби більша часть в’язлів які замотивовані воювати вони б воювали а не сиділи тут в ті в’язниці дивиться насправді навіідомість тих хто в перші дні війни пішовже хотів би щоб в першу чергу допомогти своїй державі і щоб суспільство зрозуміло що можна люди правляти

RUSSIAN despot Vladimir Putin’s KH-101 missiles targeted Ukraine’s largest hydro plant sparking a huge explosion.

The hydro-electricity base was left in “critical” condition after the 600-mph rocket hit, prompting fears of a catastrophic flood.

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  1. រឿងអ៊ុយក្រែនហើយរុស្ស៊ីវាមិនចប់ទេវានិងមានទៅមានមកហើយនិងធ្លាយទៅដល់ទីក្រុងមូស្គូវិញ។

  2. សង្រ្គាមមួយនេះទាល់តែអ៊ុយក្រែនបាញ់ចូលទឹកដីរុស្ស៊ីធ្វើឱ្យប្រជាជនរុស្ស៊ីរងទុក្ខវេទនាដូចប្រជាជនអ៊ុយក្រែនបានវាអាចធូរស្បើយបាន។

  3. The West is losing any credibility it had. Democracy and freedom are under attack but nobody cares. We all lose if Ukraine falls. Biden will be known as the Neville Chamberlaine of WW3.

  4. It's delusional prentending Zelensky will win Russia by begging weapons and mercenaries from his Western bosses. He would have signed the peace deal with Russia in Turkey in 2022 when Ukrainian army was defeated. Russia has military means to flatten Kyiv in a single night.

  5. This war is been escalated by N.a.t.o interference, it has always beena proxy war with Ukraine been used as cannon fodder allowed by Zelenskey. Stop him and you stop this war

  6. I really dont understand Ukraine! The biggest hydro plant in the country but they have no air defense in the perimeter not even a couple of Gepards and a Íris – T or even a crotale system, Rapier or a Stormer with LMM Martlet Missiles doesnt make any sense the KH-101 doesnt hit 600mph the majority of them come at 680km to 750km/h even so they dont have not even the most basic defense on high value targets like that the Patriots and IRIS -T , NASAMS, ÁSPIDE 2000 is all to protect Kyiv?!

  7. ''URGENT BREAKING NEWS""" 6/4/2024 : Now that ""HUGE amounts of American and NATO weaponry is making to the front lines threatening Putin's forces and with attacks inside Russia, president Putin is upset and officially declared that all Ukrainian citizens civilian women, pregnant women including pensioners, children and babies are now considered legitimate military targets. 🤔🤔🤔🤔

  8. The Russians annihilated Ukraines remaining operational power generation infrastructure in multiple locations, on top of strikes that crippled new F-16 support facilities like armaments, fuel, maintenance and foreign instructors. They also struck another massive Western military arms shipment in odessa that came in through Romania by rail.

  9. The question is, will the world stand by and allow Russia to destroy another dam? How many will lose their home, their livelihood and their lives? The Russian 'leader' is a pathetic little man that must be stopped.

  10. WOW, Russia has been WASTING it's military potential on useless civilian targets in hopes it will cause a mass of civill unrest directed at Zelenski and it will never happen, all that is happening is that the Ukraine is galvanized to fight even harder.I don't understand their strategy it makes no sense and in the long game it does nothing but help the Ukrainian cause, Its no way to fight a war, the whole affair is a useless waste of time and life and it will only bring ruin to Russia!

  11. Putin will die one day one way other. But these two countries' people and their children to be born will have to suffer for a long time for this man's stupid madness.

  12. How come the joy, bliss and meaning in life, for a Russian, is to kill and steal other people's land??? Why don't Russian rejoy only in peaceful family life? Do Russians deserbe being on our planet???

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