“I’m never going to say biological sex is mutable” | The Daily T

“I’m never going to say biological sex is mutable” | The Daily T

you might describe yourself as a transgender woman and I’m perfectly happy with that and if somebody wants me to recognize them with their chosen pronouns I’m more than happy to do that I have total respect for what you’re saying about the abuse that trans people have suffered as a result of the toxification of this debate but man I may I say that it’s the tiny minority of extremists that have not made lives great for Trans people as well of those who have been overly gender critical and offensive towards the trans Community I’m not up for being disrespectful to anyone so I’m quite happy to respect people’s sex changes effectively and their pronouns but I’m never going to say that biological sex is mutable and I’m never going to Advocate that being taught to children in schools because it’s scientifically factually wrong [Music]

Camilla gives her opinion on the topic of transgender education in schoo;.

#trans #politics #telegraph

Read and watch more here: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/03/the-daily-t-the-return-of-nigel-farage/

  1. 'Trans woman' is a problematic term, because it hoodwinks people into thinking that trans-identified men are a subcategory of women, when in reality, they're a subcategory of men.
    Camilla's just plain wrong about the 'toxification' of the trans issue – the trans lobby alone has caused this by bullying and intimidating people into submitting to their ridiculous ideology and viciously attacking those who refuse to do so, particularly women.

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