Massive Airstrike on Krasnodar! Ukraine’s dawn operation successful thanks to NEPTUNE missiles!

Massive Airstrike on Krasnodar! Ukraine’s dawn operation successful thanks to NEPTUNE missiles!

[Music] welcome to PPR Global the Ukrainian military has dramatically shifted its focus against the Russian occupation in recent days as the kiv based clashes continue on the northeastern front lines the Ukrainian armed forces have moved to surprise the Russian occupation forces on the Crimean Peninsula the crashes which flared up again the other day have seriously worried the Russians on the peninsula tensions in Crimea had risen considerably due to the Ukrainian military’s attacks with aam’s long-range missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles in the Kirch Strait and on the western coast of the peninsula following these attacks seven Russian ships sank into the Cool Waters of the Black Sea and were out of the war reports emerging today on the other hand prove that the Ukrainian military is continuing its offensive operations in Crimea even expanding them to much larger areas this time Kiev targeted three oil Depot in the port of kavkas in the krasnodar region the Ukrainian strike unit struck strategic Targets in kavas a fery crossing and oil terminal in Russia Kiev confirmed that the strikes carried out were Ukrainian Neptune missiles the attack carried out with Neptune missiles took place after the Ukrainian Defense Forces hit two fairies at the Kirch fery Crossing heading to the Caucasus port and used in the military logistics of the aggressor the Ukrainian military stated that seven missiles were fired at the kavkaz oil terminal part of the Ukrainian made Neptune Coastal missile complex reports state that explosions were heard in the area while the effects of the attack have yet to be clarified and confirmed ukrainians shared important assessments of the attacks on the kavkaz port according to officials modern and effective Russian air defenses were powerless against the Ukrainian military’s Neptune missiles and unmanned systems and were unable to protect important facilities that provide Logistics and Supply services for the Russian federation’s military Russian officials have also shared their assessment of the attack two people were injured in a Ukrainian missile and drone attack on oil facilities in Russia’s southern kodar region Russian officials said the other day Russia’s defense Ministry claimed on its telegram app that its air defense systems destroyed five missiles and 29 drones launched by Ukraine early Friday kodar Governor venam Krav said on telegram that the Drone debris caused a fire at an oil Depot in the temuk region damaging several tanks filled with fuel the fire was later extinguished he said the head of tamuk District confirmed in a statement on telegram that two people were slightly injured as a result of the attack teuk in the sea of AAR is home to a terminal for the export of liquefied petroleum gas industry sources claim that the terminal was not affected by the attacks but the critical situation in the region Remains the air strikes on Crimea and krasnodar are indeed a serious concern for the Kremlin following the recent attacks on both regions the Kremlin has decided to move Russian bombers based on the peninsula to disused air bases at these airfields runways are being repaired buildings are being renovated Transportation equipment and Personnel are being replaced other places where Fighters and bombers are most likely stationed such as zadia airport in Sopo these are considered to be the centers where the aircraft used to attack Ukraine are based Ukrainian partisans in Crimea also confirm this Russian shipment according to the partisans due to the positive Trends in the destruction of Russian military facilities on the peninsula the occupiers are trying to quickly restore abandoned places Ukrainian partisans also report that Russian bombers have been diverted to the airfields in feodosia Kirch and the aforementioned sople the decision to relocate is related to the attack of Ukrainian forces with AAC AMS ballistic missiles the last attack took place on May 29th 2024 at 900 a.m. ET however partisan groups say that they are closely monitoring such Russian deliveries and that confidential data on these matters are being trans aded to the Ukrainian military authorities in other words the Russian tactic of relocating bombers is by no means a mystery and thanks to the partisans these bombers have become an open Target for the Ukrainian military so how can ukrainians Target Russian bombers on the Crimean Peninsula and what weapons and missiles can they use one of the first missiles that ukrainians can use to destroy such Russian military targets is the atacam Ukrainian forces used to use atacam 39 missiles older medium-range versions capable of hitting targets up to 160 km away in late 2023 early 2024 longrange missiles supplied by the United States capable of hitting targets up to 300 colomet away began to surface the first batch of these missiles arrived in Ukraine in April 2024 the MGM 140 atacam missiles Army tactical missile system were made available to the Ukrainian under the category of precision guided weapons these guided missiles are used for extremely precise strikes one missile is about 4 M long and weighs more than 1,500 kg Lockheed Martin manufactures these missiles even a single missile of this type can cause significant destruction the missiles can reach speeds of up to 6,000 km perh the weight can vary between 160 to 560 kg depending on the Warhead these missiles can be launched from a variety of rocket launchers including the m270 mlrs or himars launchers Ukrainian forces have both m270 mlrs and himars in their Arsenal this means that Kiev can destroy strategic Russian military Targets in Crimea with AAC amass missiles using appropriate launchers in order for the ukrainians to become more resilient against the Russians and to intensify their attacks on important centers like Crimea military experts are shifting their focus to the West some NATO members are actively considering expanding their assistance by operating directly on Ukrainian territory this includes bold measures such as closing airspace in Western Ukraine to Russian missiles and even deploying troops to the conflict Zone marking a significant shift in the level of Engagement of Western allies countries reportedly in favor of this expanded support include Estonia the United Kingdom Poland Canada Lithuania and France known for their hawkish stance against Russia they believe that a more proactive approach is necessary to deter further aggression and support Ukraine in its struggle for sovereignty on the other hand some countries have expressed a willingness to train Ukrainian military personnel directly on Ukrainian soil Niko langa former head of the German defense ministry’s operations headquarters argues that sending trainers to Western Ukraine is more reasonable and cost effective than forcing hundreds of thousands of ukrainians to travel to Europe for training in addition several NATO countries including the United Kingdom Canada and Estonia are considering sending arms and ammunition not only to Ukraine’s borders but also directly to the front lines as part of an evolving Advanced Logistics strategy this proactive approach to military assistance reflects a growing commitment by these countries to strengthen Ukraine’s defensive capab abilities against Russian aggression which shows no signs of abating by providing direct support to Ukrainian troops on the ground these countries hope to level the playing field and give Ukraine a fighting chance against the numerically Superior and technologically advanced Russian forces Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski emphasizes that similar protective measures could be taken to defend Ukraine without resorting to Article 5 of the NATO Charter which requires the collective defense of all member states zalinsky calls for the political will to make such actions possible arguing that the protection of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial Integrity must be a priority for the International Community with such support ukrainians do indeed have the possibility of a surprise victory over the Russians with adequate And Timely Western Military Support Ukraine could even retake the Crimean Peninsula or even ensure that Russia ends this war a peace process in Eastern Europe is the outcome the whole world would like to see thank you for following us

Massive Airstrike on Krasnodar! Ukraine’s dawn operation successful thanks to NEPTUNE missiles!

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