Another world war is not imminent, says Britain’s defence chief

Another world war is not imminent, says Britain’s defence chief

150,000 soldiers in one day 7,000 ships over a th000 warships 2,000 aircraft Britain’s defense Chief recalls the heroics of dday on the 6th of June 1944 Frozen in Time on a giant map at suuk house in Hampshire where a lot of the planning was done if called upon today with the nation respond in the same way as they did back in you know 80 years ago absolutely I think our nation has got that Pride that commitment he drew similarities between Allied action against the Nazis in World War II and how Nations today are rallying together to help Ukraine counter Russia’s Invasion it’s a war of economies it’s a war of logistics it’s a war of industrial production it’s a it’s a war of uh political will is all of those things for the the simp it of bringing peace back to the people of Ukraine how confident are you that Ukraine will endure and will succeed I’m um hugely Confident by the end of June Russia will have lost 500,000 people killed and wounded we are already P 800 days for a war that Putin anticipated to be 3 days long and this is tough for Ukraine but we have to maintain our support with an election underway the military Chief wouldn’t be drawn on UK defense matters but he did talk about the significance of this moment when Iran launched hundreds of missiles and drones at Israel that were intercepted with help from the US the UK and others I don’t think our potential adversaries would have been able to respond in the way that you saw on on the evening of April April the 13th so you don’t think Beijing or Moscow could have done that I think the US leadership and the proficiency that we have with our allies is at a level above our potential foes as Britain and its allies prepare to remember D-Day the Admiral says he doesn’t think another world war is imminent despite host hity in particular from Vladimir Putin’s Russia Putin does not want a war with NATO Putin does not want a nuclear war and we have enormous overmatch because of the strength of NATO yet with Ukraine still a war zone the risk of wider conflict returning to Europe surely remains Deborah Hayne Sky News

Britain’s defence chief, Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, doesn’t believe another world war is on the horizon.

Ahead of the 80th anniversary of D-Day, he spoke about the comparisons made between WW2 and the conflict in Ukraine and told Sky News he is confident we are not heading towards another world war.

He said: “Putin does not want a war with NATO. Putin does not want a nuclear war. And we have enormous overmatch because of the strength of NATO.”

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  1. I'm not sure which planet this guys on but I don't share his optimism, he's banging on about how many men and armour that Russia has lost in the last two years and how they can't sustain this. He sound's just like a little German fellow who I recall said something along those lines to population back in 1942 and look how that worked out for him. Russia started WW2 with around 3 million troops and the vast majority of its most able generals and officers either murdered or imprisoned by Stalin. They lost almost half of its soldiers within the first 18 months of the war, almost 2 3rds of its most valued land to the Germans and yet just 3 years later in 1945 had the biggest army that the world had ever seen, over 9 million troops and countless tanks and artillery guns. So the moral of this tale is that if Russia was capable of that under far greater difficulties than they face now and with a population size over twice the size how the hell does he come to such a rosie conclusion 🤔

  2. if u think ukraine will win u have no idea how wars ecoamys work weapon supplies work man power population govermants

  3. Not imminent despite everything going on? I think what he means is we will not be in direct war with another country ourselves as we'll be busy fuelling it….

  4. Facts on the table are: Vladimir Putin wants to push for as much territory in Ukraine as possible, without causing significant damage to Russia, he will not go nuclear, but he will use the words of aggression as a resort to deterrent to try and stop Nato helping Ukraine without engagement. He knows Russia can not win against Nato, the odds are very much not in his favour. But it does not stop him from attempting to inflict fear into other countries.

  5. He wasn’t talking about ability of Britain to defend itself, but about joined overhelming ability of NATO to deter or dwarf the enemies. This is something many russian trolls and moaners forgot when leaving a comments to this video.

  6. pride and commitment is good .. where are men and women and arms to fight ?? European leaders SLEPT for decades and let Russia and China succeed ….

  7. If there is a risk of a wider conflict returning to Europe it is because many European countries are involved neck deep working behind the scenes supplying more weapons and adding more fuel to the fire to a conflict which I fail to understand what business they have in! A conflict which they themselves along with others may have had a hand in starting in the first place! So lets speak the whole truth and not play the victim of something we are responsible of.

  8. He doesn't alright with his sh** army struggling still as it is with Ukrainian soldiers, as for a nuclear war. His dream definitely wouldn't ever be a reality then, might as well have not invaded Ukraine in the first place, could still say the same with recklessly wrecking the place, the Wagner group last year celebrating with the capture of Bakhmut. Lost 15, to 16,000 in the process, celebrating surrounded by rubble.

  9. I am even more worried after seeing another "expert" was making predictions, again. How many times had these "experts" been correct in their predictions since Feb 2022?;

  10. Scott ritter is saying it as it is. Hes due talks with russia shortly to try keep peace.
    Not looking good.
    This guy dont want to tell us the truth. How come here in uk we havent been told were in a war, our troops are over there.
    Because they know people woulnt be so supportive if we were in direct war.

  11. We are ALREADY in a war! For goodness sake. USA, UK, NATO are all funding and supporting the atack on Russia right now. It is a HOT war going on right now. Russia is not going to lose anything it has the backing of china and Iran – wake up omg 🙄

  12. Well for once i completely agree with the defence chief, the only person who has spoken with any real sense. The daily express should be prosecuted for miss representation of facts, printing every single day for three years world war three is imminent.

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