What a NIGHT! Ukraine DESTROYED 7 Russian ships in Crimean Island all at once with ATACMS!

What a NIGHT! Ukraine DESTROYED 7 Russian ships in Crimean Island all at once with ATACMS!

[Music] welcome to PPR Global the Ukrainian armed forces are disrupting the cremin strategies by disrupting Russian occupation plans on the Crimean Peninsula with surprise attacks the Ukrainian armed forces have begun to disrupt the focus of the kremlin’s occupation plans in KV and donet with surprise offens operations on the Crimean Peninsula the dramatic developments in Crimea in recent days stand out as a new turning point in Ukraine’s struggle against Russia kiev’s planned effective offensive in Crimea is seriously weakening the operational capabilities of Russian forces in the region as part of this plan Ukrainian forces targeted Crimea with ATM’s long-range missiles and cruess mura 55 these multiple strikes gave the Russians Crimea a long and difficult time Russian troops suffered unimaginable losses in just one night after these strategic strikes let’s go to the Crimean Peninsula and take a much deeper look at what happened here last time first of all as we mentioned the Ukrainian military targeted Crimea with both longrange missiles and drones one of the centers of attack was the Kirch bridge and its vicinity another Center of attack was the western coast of the peninsula let’s start with the offensive operation organized in the areas close to the Kirch straight Astra a Russian news agency based on telegram stated that during the nocturnal attack on Russian occupied Crimea five persons were hurt and four Russian boats two fairies and a pilot boat were either damaged or destroyed additionally four Russian vessels were damaged or destroyed the unexpected news Was Then followed by significant information regarding the casualty reports of Russian forces in the vicinity of Kirch the mecta pilot boat that was at the Kirch fery Crossing sustained damage as a result of shrapnel from aam’s missiles that were fired during the Ukrainian strike because it was unable to survive the impact of the shrapnel The Vessel became submerged in water and eventually drowned in the Black Sea it was reported by Astra that the crew was able to escape the boat without suffering any injuries the fairies conro Traer and aveng guard in addition to the mecta boat were also the vessels that sustained damage it was stated by Astros sources working in the Emergency Services of the occupied Zone that the second Ferry ran ground as a result of damage additionally each of the four KS 7001 transport amphibious boats sustained damage reports of explosions and attacks were coming from the western coast of the peninsula at the same time that the Kremlin seemed to have recovered from the shock that it had experienced around the village of chorom Mor which is located in the yev Pia area the cruess surface ships mura F5 of Ukraine launched an attack and fired shots at four Russian boats it has been established by Ukrainian defense intelligence that two Russian KS 7001 tun Nets which are high-speed transport and amphibious Boats were destroyed simultaneously the Ukrainian defense intelligence had already indicated that two of them had been destroyed before the news broke the most recent sources on the other hand indic IND at that the number of KS 701s that the Russian army has lost has climbed to four the Ukrainian armed forces have reportedly broken one of the most successful battle records in recent Times by destroying a total of seven Russian ships with atacam missile attacks near Kirch and on the west coast of the peninsula this information comes from the most current reports at this moment the situation on the bridge is extremely precarious the Kirch bridge will be temporarily closed to vehicular traffic according to the announcement made by the local authorities in order for the Russian occupation forces to maintain their control over Crimea and Southern Ukraine the Kirch bridge and the faeries that travel over the Kirch straight are exceptionally important Ukrainian forces intend to impede Russia’s capacity to sustain a military presence in the region by focusing their attention on major transportation lines the fact that Ukraine has previously asserted responsibility for a assaults that resulted in considerable damage to the bridge in October 2022 and July 2023 highlights the Strategic significance of the bridge in the current battle by carrying out these most recent offensive activities the Ukrainian military has brought to the attention of the Russian forces that they continue to view the Kirch Bridge as a potential Target on the other hand kiev’s aims on the Crimean Peninsula have been brought back to the Forefront as a result of the most recent offensive operations carried out by Ukrainian forces the timing of the strikes is extremely important because they coincide with efforts being made by the Ukrainian government to disrupt the logistics of the Russian military and to impair its operational capabilities it is clear that technological Warfare in the region is becoming increasingly sophisticated as seen by the use of sophisticated air defense systems and even anti-ship missiles furthermore this incident is consistent with a pattern of increasing strategic offensives by the Ukrainian military that are aimed at Key infrastructure the objective of these offensives is to undermine the logistical support system that Russian military operations rely on when seen in the broader framework of the conflict the attack on the Kirch Bridge is a part of a series of targeted actions that are aimed at degrading Russian resources and creating vulnerabilities in its supply lines a Cascade impact could be generated by the disturbance that was caused by the destruction to the bridge this would result in the delay of reinforcements and supplies that are essential to the ongoing operations in the occupied regions as we look to the Future it is likely that the battle will continue to involve more targeted strikes on important infrastructure in order to disrupt supply lines and military logistics throughout its duration due to the Strategic significance of the Kirch Bridge it is quite probable that it will be the focus of future operations this is especially true as Ukraine continues to obtain more sophisticated Weaponry that are capable of employing pinpoint strikes with the development of new long range missiles which are being supplied by the United States and other allies these targeted strikes are becoming increasingly feasible a significant part will be played by the International Community particularly by the countries of Europe and the United States of America specifically their support which will be provided in the form of military assistance and strategic guidance will have an effect on the Dynamics of the fight the United States of America is currently in the process of putting together a more extensive Military Support package than is customary this package will include armored vehicles and increased air defense both of which are essential for maintaining Ukraine’s defense operations in addition European nations have pledged a substantial amount of money through programs such as the European peace facility which has provided Ukraine with military assistance in the amount of billions ions of dollars negotiations are currently taking place regarding the extent to which Ukraine is permitted to utilize Weaponry supplied by the West to Target Russian territory this decision has the potential to substantially shift the balance of power taking into account broader strategic calculations regarding the risks of escalation and Ukraine’s objective of assuring its capacity to preserve its sovereignty without inciting a wider conflict this debate is a reflection of those calculations due to the fact that Ukraine has recently conducted incursions in Crimea Russia’s huge territory and Military assets are being subjected to a significant amount of pressure their actions are causing disruptions in Russia’s supply lines and Logistics which in turn restricts moscow’s mobility and compels the Kremlin to engage in Strategic Defense with the assistance of the West and NATO Ukraine has the potential to alter the trajectory of the conflict if it is able to preserve this strategic Advantage increasing the variety and efficiency of Ukraine’s military strategies Ukraine’s strategic movements reduce Russia’s defense capabilities while simultaneously enhancing Ukraine’s military capabilities it is expected that this strategic Advantage will continue to be an important role in the development of the conflict this Turning Point enhances Ukraine’s military posture and compels Russia to make important adjustments to its war strategy it also has long-term ramif ifications for the security of the area and for the politics of the world thank you for following us

What a NIGHT! Ukraine DESTROYED 7 Russian ships in Crimean Island all at once with ATACMS!

  1. Well then Russian bots, if this is all falsehood and exaggeration by the Ukrainian side, it is all remarkably detailed and will be open to independent verification. The truth is often painful. 👽🔰

  2. Putn schouKrigen mellom Russland og Ukraina med drap på sivile på tusentall drepte. Det var også tusenvis av russiske soldater som også ble drept, men russiske soldater har også begynt å flykte fra områdene. Russerne okkuperte det ukrainske atom kraftverket og russerne forskanset seg der. Det ble store skader på kraftverket. Det kunne bli store radioaktive utslipp fra dette kraftverket som ville få Tsjernobyl til å fortone seg liten i forhold. Ved ett uhell kom en av de rakettene som Russland sendte mot Ukraina ut av kurs og eksploderte i sentrum av Tallinn. Altså russeraketten traff hovedstaden i et Nato land. Sverige og Finnland sökte om medlemskap i Nato og fikk det, så var altså ringen sluttet. Russland hadde prøvd med å skremme noen å slutte seg til Nato ved å angripe Ukraina, men hverken Sverige eller Finnland lot seg skremme og enden ble at med også disse land i Krigen mellom Russland og Ukraina med drap på sivile på tusentall drepte. Det var også tusenvis av russiske soldater som også ble drept, men russiske soldater har også begynt å flykte fra områdene. Russerne okkuperte det ukrainske atom kraftverket og russerne forskanset seg der. Det ble store skader på kraftverket. Det kunne bli store radioaktive utslipp fra dette kraftverket som ville få Tsjernobyl til å fortone seg liten i forhold. Ved ett uhell kom en av de rakettene som Russland sendte mot Ukraina ut av kurs og eksploderte i sentrum av Tallinn. Altså russeraketten traff hovedstaden i et Nato-land. Sverige og Finnland søkte om medlemskap i Nato og fikk det, så var altså ringen sluttet. Russland hadde prøvd med dette og feilet, så nå var altså Russland omringet av Nato land. Nå er sjangsen for at den 3. verdenskrig kan bryte ut. Skjønt 3. verdenskrig er sterkt sagt. Kina prøver å ha gode forhold til vesten, for det gjør Kina sterkere. Derfor vil ikke Kina slutte seg til Russland i Ukraina krigen. Så det kan bli en krig mellom Russland og Nato. Da kan atomvåpen bli brukt, men det vil bli en komplett ødeleggelse av planeten. Om Russland starter med atomvåpen, vil Kina vende seg mot Russland, så det tør ikke Putin å gjøre. Da har bare Putin Nor Korea å støtte seg til. Det eneste landet som rett og slett støtter nå, støtter Nor Korea er Russland. Ikke en gang Kina støtter Nor Korea. Selv om også Kina har atom våpen, så vil ikke Kina gjøre bruk av det. Den kinesiske presidenten vet at Kina gjør seg selv sterkere ved at de er forsiktige når det gjelder masseødeleggelsesvåpen som atomvåpen er. Det er en annen fare vi er inne i. Solen som vi er avhengig av er inne i eksploderer i stadige solstormer. d

  3. ☝️France left NATO in 1956 to manufacture its own atomic bomb… currently France is not part of NATO, they have a commitment to help their allies, if they are attacked they intervene and vice versa.. Nuclear bombs are only for deterrence, not to scare people like Putin's wanted terrorist assassin does… There are many people in the world who are forgetting one thing, France is a nuclear power… never again. They will be disgraceful As they did in World War II with the NAZIS passing through the Champs Elysées, Russian terrorists still today make fun of France having fallen to the Nazis…. France will not allow Putin to advance further with Ukraine and I tell you!!! I'm Belgium but I've been living in Portugal for 40 years with my parents who are Portuguese, I know very well what the French mentality is like and what they've been capable of since the second world war until now… they're 1 million times more advanced in everything that the Russian terrorist state, the military and weapons power of terrorist Russia are all copies of Western weapons… ☝️If there is no place for European States in the world, the world has no place for anyone either, this will only do with which all countries worldwide will start manufacturing their own atomic bomb, if Ukraine had not delivered its bombs in accordance with the Budapest memorandum that neither Russia nor America respect, it would not be going through this s****y situation **🇵🇹🇺🇦🇸🇪🇲🇨🇨🇵🇬🇧🇪🇺🇨🇦🇷🇴🇬🇪🇩🇪🇫🇴🇨🇿🇬🇷🇩🇰 🇮🇱🇮🇶🇮🇪🇧🇪👊👊👊

  4. Ukraine is being used by US to poke the Russian bear and when its tired of losing it will Nuke Ukraine, then what,??? And Putin has said many times he will nuke any country that supports the ukraine fight,But no one listens,but when the Tsar bomb goes off the world will run back into there holes to hide including US, This is a big mistake taking on Putin…China will back him and England US,Ukraine,all countrys that support the fight against him will be toast hit ..You corner an Ex KGB leader of Russia, treat him like a bitch, and expect him to do nothing ???BIG MISTAKE !!!!

  5. probably nothing but bs to keep our western leaders funding a war that has nothing to do with us, I am friggin tired of my tax money getting wasted on a corrupt country while hospitals are laying off nurse because of lack of funds.

  6. The video footage shown is so unrelated to the audio that it is a major distraction to being able to take in what the announcer is saying. Perhaps you could provide a few still photographs which are related to the audio to make it easier to process the information. As it is, watching the constantly chaning video and listening to the audio is like trying to watch several television channels at a time. Difficult to concentrate.

  7. Using "militarized drones" to assist war fighters since this war was started by Russia shows the ingenuity of the war fighters and their willingness to think outside of the box while fending off their adversary. All militaries / militias should build up their own drone capabilities so one day, they can win battles.

  8. WHERE can I get the same report without all the archive images added in here (I dont need these entertainments here)
    without the many comments, but only the datas (as the titel implyes)
    such as the date of the night ?
    This here unfortunately is pure propaganda (even though for the cause I share. I feel "shameful' about these.)

  9. ''BREAKING NEWS""" 6/5/2024 : Now that ""HUGE amounts of American and NATO weaponry is making it to the front lines threatening Putin's forces and with attacks inside Russia, president Putin is upset and officially declared that all Ukrainian citizens civilian women, pregnant women including pensioners, children and babies are now considered legitimate military targets. 🤔🤔🤔🤔

  10. Who da F are u guys? Mr Google says PPR Global is "Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR), also known as sheep and goat plague, is a highly contagious animal disease affecting domestic and wild small ruminants."

  11. thanks to Putin's 'special operation' the country is on the brink of collapse and will fall apart! this is likely to be a huge gain for many oppressed peoples in Russia

  12. This is nothing but lies and us propaganda Biden is going the dementia ridden USA president.
    People this guy is going to end civilisation ww3 is here and this guy Biden is in to deep to get out now he doesn’t care about anyone but his ass he can’t loose hence this bullshit trump stuff .
    Communism is officially part of the USA

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