Exposing The Truth Behind A Famous LIE – Was This The Plan All Along? – Ukraine Map Analysis & News

K Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and a fantastic mid week you’re almost there now today as always we have a lot to talk about so we’re going to look at the maps we’ll talk about the north we’ll look at some gerated footage and what might line up in here and what we are seeing and the deployment of troops and we’ll line that up with predictions we had in the start when we first saw this like North open up here as well so we’ll look over that now it’s been a year anniversary since the launch of the Ukrainian counter offensive we’ll look back at some pieces this we’ll talk about the electricity Grid in Ukraine and the rolling blackouts that it has had to now undertake due to Russian strikes and of course we’ll talk about NATO and new plans being discussed about a potential deployment if Russia was to seek war Beyond Ukraine as that is the messaging from pretty much every Western official that if Russia is not stopped here they will continue through now we have spoken about the critical thinking aspect of this and the struggle we’re seeing in Ukraine versus how that would look but we’ll discuss it anyway and is there build up then for something but there’s a few things I want to talk about in the beginning and I was a bit like oh yeah no now I always knew people talking about the Russians are fighting with shovels now we knew that really not to be true but that was you know and it’s still you’ll see it you see it said either sarcastically or seriously but I never really knew the origin of this until I was doing an interview yesterday with a Polish fighter in Ukraine who had spent 14 months on the front line he explained how that came about now they used the term diggers I will use the term diggers when I talk about the Australian military pre dating back into the world wars Australian referred to as diggers but they refer to these Russian troops as diggers and here explained no no no these were not guys on the front line with shovels these were guys behind the very front line so as Russia made ground and he was explaining as and all this will be on an interview coming soon that as Russia made any ground their first Focus once they move forward would be to dig in and reinforce and make a defensive position there and behind the troops in the first and second line there were hundreds to thousands of guys who were unarmed soldiers just there with to dig down that position as soon as possible so these are guys within the fight although they may have been struck by drones or Munitions behind the line but behind the line as soon as possible bang let’s dig in the position once it’s then moved forward and that seems far more plausible I even knew sort of the the background origin of how that all came about anyway he also gave me some insight into sort of what’s going on the front line what we can see now of course this is going to be over 2 hours but I thought I’d just share some pieces with you and he said that there’s plenty of weapons but there’s no men to use them and he spoke about how then this came about he said that Ukraine’s own information proper campaign talking about everything is fine we are winning has led many men to being like well if everything is fine and we have small losses and we’re winning why would I now sign up so it’s been well everything’s fine on the front line I don’t need to go down to the recruitment office and then sign up and he actually said that this was also reinforced and fueled as well by Russian intelligence agencies uh pushing that messaging and that narrative as well for a reverse psychology scop as well to stop that recruitment ended up in the area we are now where we don’t have people signing up and Ukraine is going to have to rely then on forced conscription and he also talked about within this mixed messaging of that Russians are unadaptable Orcs fighting with shovels so to speak that this was also fueled by Russian intelligence agencies and then this led to a complacency throughout then Ukrainian Personnel military rank and officials that Russians can’t adapt they’re un they’re unadaptable they’re Orcs fighting with shovels and this in turn led to complacency and has landed in the situation we are now where we have a Ukrainian Manpower shortage the Russians have adapted weapon systems and tactics and the situation of now of which when the Russians hold the initiative and Ukraine is trying to stop that then advancement anyway let’s have a look at the maps some GE located bits and pieces as well so here is Ukraine the center the capital of ke the red areas occupies its 22 the purple since 2014 now there are some interesting changes on this map but first I want to go up into the north now we don’t see any change on this VCH front on this map I’ll show you some Maps where it does show changes now V CH in here on this Eastern push here I’ve been saying since day one and I’ll still say it that we have not seen in my eyes full Russian commitment to this front due to the lack of armor that we’ve seen here from not only Russian pages but from Ukrainian Pages because as we know with armor is very susceptible to fpv drones Ukraine have a lot of success with fpv drones and the amount of armor and other armored units in here we just haven’t seen much of that at all destruction of this so I still think that this is a deterrence Force to draw Ukrainian forces in and as I’ve said since day one I think we could see a withdrawal and abandonment of these areas as quickly as we then saw that initial push now that is not saying that Russia hasn’t suffered large casualties in here but what it is saying is that what has Ukraine committed to here to try and stop this push as well and this lines up to what we’ve spoken about with Optics at the front line and trading ground for time for PR victories as well and I want to read this out and I know you have read this like 50 times there’s no easy strategic prize at the end of this line of advance for Russia I think the problem for Ukraine is they put so much stock in Optics that they’re so narrative driven that it absolutely skew their military decisions towards absurdity because of this box they’ve created for themselves they feel like they have to block all progress all the time but they have neither the Manpower nor equipment for such tactics they should be trading territory for time especially territory like this Burning men and machines means you have less time and let’s look at the Ukrainian deployment map off Ukrainian page here at the units currently that are committed to here now we have then a lot of units as well as the 101st Brigade one of Ukraine’s more Elite brigades putting in here feeding a lot of resources onto here away from other front lines and could this be playing into what Russia are trying to do here yes put some men in here will sacrifice men but it moves units away and that means you’ll have success in other areas and it does seem in the South where Russia is then having success and we’ve spoken about like this Optics that if you’re committed to blocking all progress all the time well it’s not going to work like that when you are fighting with the smaller Force anyway let’s have a look at some changes in here so this is then the Noel reports map here of course a pro Ukrainian Source showing more control up to here we saw that’s where that surrender then took place yesterday but interestingly the mod map itself has not updated with a Ukrainian advancement in here so it is difficult to know exactly what the case actually is here now let’s then have a look at another bridge that was taken out so where are we then talking so this is hariv this is vve Chance up here and the bridge is just to the south then of kopans so we’ll swing back onto this map you’ll get then a better idea so we then have H kopans come down and it is this bridge here that has then been taken out by a Russian missile there we go and as we do know there has been a lot of bridges taken out in this direction and we know just looking here Russia did last week have these advancements near better stove and Stella mka as well confirmed across the map so we’re not sure on this front whether there could be something I think what Russia is doing is feeling out in many different areas to see where may be a likely position and then push in there if we see then a major advancement go forward the Trap that Rush could get caught in is saying that we need to have an offensive by this date and if they haven’t found a good area to do it launching It Anyway which may go in line with something we saw 12 months ago today and then getting caught trapped and the losses you have then coming away from having good defensive positions and or another offensive down then the line now let’s have a look at what then the mod is saying about advancements on the front line the adiva poov sector has remained the probably main effort for Russian forces over the last 72 hours with a high level of operational activity Russian forces made minor gains in the northern part of this sector towards the Villages of so and yka on a parallel access approximately 3 km further south Russian forces are likely approaching the outskirts of the village of noasa Persia will speak about these further south Russian forces have made no significant gains despite heavy attacks against Ukrainian positions West the village of Neto as stride the e50 highway Russian attacks against the village of nelski have reportedly been repelled and the village likely remains in Ukrainian hands over the next week this sector is likely to remain an area of significant operational Focus as Russian forces attempt to maintain operational Tempo in the face of heavy losses so it’s always always always about heavy losses this heavy losses that but we’ve heard this for so long and it’s not seeming to have too much then effect which is a concern for how quickly things can spin up and spin down in war so we’ll come down we’ll just come just above Buck mut now no change then shown on this map but in Rosa livka we then have a suriak map update just here now the area we’re looking is see where this road turns out to the Northeast same road as well as then the train line running up here Russian army made small advances towards Ros by taking control over some trenches in this direction so just on this front here but nothing confirmed across both Maps now just moved to the South nothing in chivar and then we come down to the adiva front you’ll see a little bit of red here out from the northwest of osar in this direction now we have a Surak Map update confirming this advancement here we don’t need to speak at length I guess about this because it shows basically the same area if anything the Deep state map actually shows more advancement into this town see where this road then turns up and then turns to the West this is said road that Ukraine’s own map is showing more than Surak in this direction now we’ll just move down past monk no change this is some of the areas of which uh the mod UK mod was talking about nelski this isn’t said to be under control we don’t have any other map showing that under control cren hika we know there’s a lot of fighting in here but no major changes and then we have this front this I’ll just put this as the halt of ugad no livka sort of pocket down in here we do see a Russian advancement towards Paris scov in here and we do have a little bit to look over as well and a GE location sitting in Paris scovia so we have a look just here no livka Paris scovia just in this area here so we’ll Zoom down just right in here we can see this is said to be then under control we have a Russian flag has been raised on a destroyed building just here so run up Chuck the the flag up back to cover and whatever your missions are from there because the amount of shelling mines fighting in these areas is massive but let’s look at the advancement here and let’s look over some changes then shown on the map now this isn’t the easiest thing to line up but we will do it regardless so see where this road then is running this is this road through Constantin niia here this is Paris scovia this is novaa livka this is soli as well so showing at this corner an advancement out here by suriak as well as showing Direction just due south of parisia as well but also confirming this red dot is Paul Bea confirming this advancement here as well so we do know 100% one of these was made during the last 36 hours Russian army launched a series of attacks along the front between ugad and Don City and managed to advance west of soli southeast of constantina North of Paris kovia and south of Poa lining up with what the mod said about this will likely Remain the Russian main effort now here we go rob botney we have a change shown in here of a Russian advancement of how far is this about 1 kilm now we know depending on the maps this looks significantly different some are looking more like this again we are seeing some changes made in here but I believe this is one of the more sensitive areas due to then the offensive and everything that happened in there so that will end and conclude our mapping for today now like I said we did then have the offensive launch which basically the anniversary of it now and we did see that Ukraine said that our plans were then leaked Russia knew what we’re going to do and of course we have then the infamous trailers of this one and the shush campaign that was released before that then as well but I want to speak about is something big happening and I’m guessing the click ba title is something to do with this now the comedian but someone who’s very very intelligent well read Tim Dylan he has said talking about the Iraq War at the height of terrorism no one even talked about draft and of course we see only say yesterday Australia announced new laws letting citizens of other nations join our military because we have a massive retention issue we just can’t keep soldiers and we can’t get people to join and become soldiers which If you hired me I could literally fix this in a month it would be easy to fix it’s just all these generals who are getting paid hundreds of thousands million dollars don’t see the issues at the bottom and I’ll happily just take my pay cut out of the general Angus Campbell so chief of the Defense Force is on in 201920 so 3 or four years ago on over a million dollar we know there’s a few 11% pay Rises since then so I’ll just take a small sliver of that money from one of the highest paid um military members actually in the world it’s higher paid than the US and the UK and Canada of all larger militaries than ours as well I just give me just the just from this just put the just take off the first one and zero I’ll just take 63,000 and I’ll fix the retention issue in a day but we also see the UK toies if they win the win the election which is upcoming that they will start national service we see France wanting to deploy we’ll talk about that in a second and I believe the most telling is military advertisements in Western countries have now average looking white guys in them again which I believe that is the biggest telling sign but we see then this released today to the NATO developing multiple corridors to rush US troops and armor to the front lines in the event of a major European Grand war against Russia now this is nothing new we know that there’s always plans and things in the works of this it has been since there was the Soviet Union and NATO and pre this this is what military bloody tacticians are there to do what happens if this then happens but it comes a bid warnings from the alliance of top leaders that Western governments must prepare themselves for conflict with Russia in the next two decades but I thought from all the reporting earlier that Russia was strategically defeated for up to 50 years interesting but agreed to prepare 300,000 troops to be kept in a state of high Readiness to defend Alliance in The Summit in vness Lithuania last year high read low read it just flows through different battalions you have a battalion on high Readiness all the time it’s nothing that new but they’ve put this out as well the event of Russian invasion Nat US troops be shipped to the port of Rotterdam before being transported eastwards but arrangements are also being made behind the scenes to expand the roots uh and other ports to ensure Grand lines of communication so g-lock set um cannot be severed by Moscow forces so this liutenant general of NATO’s JC logistic command told the telegraph Ukraine suffers very much from the Russian long-range missile attacks on the logistic system so if those J loocks are then cut where there ways in and around it on multiple front lines all heading into then a war if it was a ground war against Russia which I believe is the last thing we want in Europe is a war against major Powers if NATO entering the Netherlands are hit by us bombardment or northern European ports destroy the alliance is set to shift Focus to ports in Italy Greece and Turkey which you can see in this as well now with many countries now saying that China is fully supporting Russia well that I think even means more so that we can don’t want then a war like this plan’s being drawn up transport troops via the Balkans as we see through Norway Sweden and Finland so this is interesting but again I don’t think that this is anything new there’s a little bit of saber rattling of course there’s a lot of saber rattling from Putin and Russia and the Kremlin saber rattling the other way as well and things like this need to be set up because if it wasn’t set up and something did happen well that’s not going to go very well either but I do believe that we will see major conflict and if you’re watching this from somewhere and we go into conflict with you yeah it’s going to suck because we we a major power War whether it is in the Middle East whether it’s in Europe wherever would be an absolute bloodbath with modern weapon systems and the amount of troops that could be deployed we have not seen a war on that scale since the second world war but and this war in Ukraine this is not comparable to how that would look with weapon systems from other major players as well as the amount of troops that would be mobilized too but we spoke before about then France wanting to deploy troops we’ve seen macron talk about this multiple times and then Sergio lav lavro sorry Russian’s foreign minister said this at the Republic of Congo’s foreign minister that as for French instructors I think they’re already on the Ukrainian territory which we can assume from the German leaked phone call uh regards to their status military officials and mercenaries represent a legitimate Target for our armed forces in mosow kin spokesman Demitri pesov said instructors who train and care of regime’s troops don’t have any sort of immunity and it doesn’t matter whether they are French or not that said it’s all one thing saying this would there really be a strike against something like this I don’t no because Russia want to sort of inch forward without too much escalation and support in while then maintaining their own escalation too so it is this weird game of minor ladder escalation that the West is playing with Russia now we know there’s been a lot of Russian strikes against Ukraine critical infrastructure and it is having a huge effect on the electricity grid the guardian report today state power operator uko on Tuesday introduced forced electricity blackouts in several regions including capital of ke Frontline dones and hariv that these Russian missile drone bares including major attack of the weekend have damaged Ukraine’s energy networks and stretched its air defenses one thing is this could get significantly worse at the end of the year leading into winter and we have seen as well that Ukraine nearly doubles consumer electricity tariffs to help the power sector so of course this is a bit of a butterfly effect of the effect on this and it could mean that a lot of people move out of Ukraine into then the EU as well and then that has more of a problem on businesses recruitment all of this inside Ukraine too anyway legends that is all that I have for you today I’m actually a bit under the weather so I’ve been like my nose is so blocked but look after yourselves have a great day and I’ll speak to you very soon thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. When the West sees Russia rooting out corruption and firing officers, they don’t realize that’s healthy burning out the weeds. All that corruption and officer incompetence still plagues the West.

  2. Maybe the shortage of manpower has something to do with half a million dead Ukrainians… statistically another million seriously injured. The Polish interviewee actually suggested Russia had thousands of unarmed rear echelon shovel troops?

  3. Thanks for the update Willy. Thank you, for pointing out that there is room for this conflict, to spiral out of control, in a way that I worry alot of people worryingly can't seem to comprehend. Or even worse, comprehend, and don't really seem to care.

    You would think, with all the resources available to people from all mankind's wars, that we would realise, that things can always get much worse. And that war, is a atrocious thing.

    The weapon systems, available to nation states today, have the ability to send us back to the middle-ages. Any one who thinks, they won't use every thing at there disposal, to level the playing field is living in a fantasy of there own making in my opinion. But, if you even slightly mention any of this, you are called a Russian boot licker. Well, I think some of these individuals, should check they are not warmongers.

    Does it mean, that I think Ukraine, should just roll over and die?.No. But caution in situations like this, is whether you like it or not required.

    Keep up the good work.

  4. What about all the propaganda fed to their citizens by the Russian government? Focusing on one side just gives ammunition to all the pro-Russian posters here. Been catching up on a shedload of Willy’s videos and he’s definitely getting less impartial over time.

  5. I would like a research conducted about what is the percentage of Australians who are ready to be drafted not later then TOMORROW and be sent to cold of Baltics to die for defense of Vilnius cause the president of that country wanna to see Russia on it knees?

  6. no footage of these digger armies – though it's partially true that they fortify their positions after they gain ground, as all people do.

  7. A number of Belgian newspapers are today claiming that Russia is sending "conscripts" with only 5 days' training into Volchansk. Looks like the beginning of another legend like the shovels.

  8. Any idiot would realise that Russia are systematically and methodically eliminating the threat from the ground level. They have killed over 650.000 and 1 million are maimed. The objective is to take away the threat of manpower.

  9. i ve seen that china new dog, boston dynamics kinda thing with machine gun controled by chinese, i mean it is like waking up in the middle of the night from bad nightmare, shit gets real.

  10. You are literally the only pro-Ukrainian that isn't trying to promoting BS like all the others on YT that comes to mind Willy. I'm neutral with a favor towards Russia on this but will call out what I see and hear if needed. You are the only one sadly able it seems to call out your own. Everyone needs to call out their own when you think or know something is off and at times give credit to the other side when needed.

  11. Ah the Good ol' Schrodinger's russian paradox: Russia is weak when we talk war and other BS, BUT; Russia is a lethal threat, when we discuss the increasing military spending despite the suffocating inflation.

  12. the tories national service is not about joining the military, it can be but you can also choose not to join but do some community work instead. French trainers have been in Ukraine for a long time, The foreign legion was there from the start as Russia discovered papers in mariupol Russia has also destroyed them in Kharkiv after they guided the Ukrainians in their bombing of Belgorod.

  13. WTF= former military medic has insights into world events far beyond those of all experienced analysts with multiple PHDs?
    fantastic…no really; that's FANTASTIC!

  14. How can people move out of Ukraine? Its illegal to do so and now there are reports with video evidence that Ukraine is mining its boarders to stop its citizens from escaping Ukraine. We haven't seen this sort of thing from a dictator since Pol Pot

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