Ukraine is succeeded: 4 Russian ships ELIMINATED after massive airstrike on Crimea with ATACMS!

Ukraine is succeeded: 4 Russian ships ELIMINATED after massive airstrike on Crimea with ATACMS!

[Music] welcome to PPR Global the war between Ukraine and Russia is currently focused on the Crimean Peninsula one of the most strategic centers of offensive operations the Ukrainian armed forces have carried out inconceivable air strikes in two different directions in Crimea which has become more fragile for the Russians in recent days today huge explosions occurred in Crimea as a result of longrange missile strikes on Russian military installations one of the attacks took place in choram Mora settlement in the west of Crimea and the other attack took place near the Kirch bridge in the east of the region one of the most important centers of the peninsula the effects of these severe air strikes which led to very critical situations for the Russians created many surprise casualties let’s discover all the details of these air strikes organized by the UK ukrainians in the Crimean Peninsula which created a shock effect on the agenda let’s start with the offensive operation that took place in the chamor co Direction Ukrainian forces launched a multi-pronged attack targeting critical military infrastructure and transport hubs in choram morco settlement in Russian occupied Crimea the operation organized by Ukrainian Military Intelligence Services managed to eliminate a number of high value targets in this West Coast settlement on the Crimean Peninsula according to gu sources Ukrainian Navy drones sank two Russian Patrol vessels identified as the ks 71 tunit model in occupied Crimea Ukrainian intelligence sources published video footage of the attack in Crimea and confirmed the destruction of both ships since the attack on the Russian Patrol ships was carried out near choram morco a town on the west coast of Crimea the Russians began to flee the area a military intelligence source told Ukrainian Pravda that the attacks in choram morco were carried out using mura V5 drones underlining the growing importance of drones in Modern Warfare the mura V5 is a state-of-the-art domestically produced UAV designed for reconnaissance and attack missions equipped with Advanced sensors including electrooptical and infrared cameras as well as a robust Communication System the mura V5 can deliver Precision strikes on enemy targets while maintaining a safe distance these I ha eliminated two Russian Patrol vessels proving the veracity of the aforementioned characteristics on the other hand in parallel with the Navy drone strikes Ukrainian forces also targeted the strategically important port city of Kirch located east of Crea Nikolai lucenko Russia’s appointed transport official in Crimea reported that the overnight attack damaged two faires in the harbor Kirch has enormous strategic value as it is connected to Russia’s krasnodar region region by the Kirch Bridge a critical piece of infrastructure built by Russia after the annexation of Crimea in 2014 therefore this critical attack organized by the ukrainians caused a serious Panic on the Kirch Bridge Russia’s strategic connection point on the Crimean Peninsula local telegram channels reported that Kirch residents heard up to 20 explosions during the attack Crimean media sources claimed that a car ferry and a railway Ferry were damaged by debris from captured missiles as Russian forces repelled an enemy attack on transport infrastructure following this statement the Russian authorities announced at 7:30 local time the temporary suspension of vehicular traffic on the Kirch Bridge with the suspension of traffic on the bridge the casualty report of these Mass attacks on the Crimean Peninsula gradually emerged with the Ukrainian air strikes both in Kirch and choram morco settlements the Russian army lost four ships in just one day and the Kirch straight is now more tense than ever so how did the ukrainians organize these attacks That Shook the Russians in Crea to the core in the latest defensive operation the Ukrainian military probably used a combination of long-range Precision Strike weapons such as atacms the otr2 TKA tactical ballistic missile system and mobile Munitions such as the st35 silent Thunder to Target the Kirch bridge and fairies with a range of up to 21 km and a warhead of 120 kg the OTR 120 TKA is capable of delivering a devastating blow to critical infrastructure meanwhile the st35 silent Thunder a domestically developed kamakazi drone offers a more cost-effective and precise option for hitting smaller mobile targets Russian officials have already claimed that it shot down aam’s longrange missiles used by the Ukrainian military during the attacks on the Crimean Peninsula the Russian defense Ministry also recently said that its air defenses had shot down eight atacms missiles Over the Sea of oof as well as eight air launch drones over the Black Sea near Crimea overnight this means that the Ukrainian military used both longrange missiles and drones at the same time to attack Crimea this tactic significantly increases the effectiveness of the attacks in Crimea this is because the simultaneous use of both drones and long range missiles can easily disperse the focus of Russian air defense systems on the Crimean Peninsula but where on the peninsula have these attacks raised tensions the most it is likely that the Russians in the aftermath of kiev’s crime and offensive have shifted their focus directly to the Kirch Bridge one of the peninsulas connecting roads the Kirch bridge and the fairies crossing the Kirch straight are vital for the Russian occupation forces in Crimea and Southern Ukraine by targeting these transport arteries Ukrainian forces aim to disrupt Russian ‘s ability to maintain its military presence in the region Ukraine has previously claimed responsibility for attacks that caused significant damage to the bridge in October 2022 and July 2023 underlining its strategic importance in the ongoing conflict with these latest attacks the Ukrainian military has given the message that the attacks on the Kirch Bridge one of the most important strategic centers for Crimea and the peninsula will continue on the other hand it is reported that the ukrainians are continuing their offensive activities beyond the Kirch Bridge precisely in kodar cry most recently Kiev launched an attack on the armavir radar station in Russia’s krasnodar border region the Ukrainian Armed Forces drone strike on the armavir radar station in Russia’s krasnodar border region sent shock waves through the international defense Community highlighting the growing tensions and the evolving nature of the Ukraine Russia conflict the state of the art facility damaged in the attack serves as a critical component of Russia’s conventional air defense system and was an integral part of moscow’s nuclear warning Network Ukrainian officials confirmed that their forces carried out the attack emphasizing that the primary function of the raadar station was to monitor airspace over Ukraine and occupied Crimea and track long range attachm missiles supplied by the us earlier in the year analysts suggest that the attack will force Russia to reassess its defense strategy and redeploy its air defense assets effectively demonstrating that no Russian military facility is immune to Ukrainian attacks this view emphasizes the Strategic implications of the attack as it forces Russia to redirect resources and manpower to support the protection of its critical infrastructure and potentially weakens its offensive capabilities in other areas of the conflict the Kremlin has long regarded its nuclear military facilities as the crown jewel of its defense infrastructure and any attack on these facilities is considered a highly provocative act Russia has built a vast network of 10 vores class facilities along its borders each with an impressive range of nearly 4,000 Mi and the capacity to track up to 500 objects simultaneously while Russia has not yet officially commented on the alleged attack it is consistent with a recent intensification of Ukrainian drone strikes against high value targets deep inside Russian territory including oil refineries and critical transport hubs this escalation in the conflict raises serious questions about the long-term sustainability of the current trajectory and the potential for further instability in the region as both sides continue to engage in provocative actions and rhetoric the timing of the attack is particularly noteworthy as it occurred shortly after Moscow began tactical nuclear missile exercises in the Southern military District further increasing tensions in the region thank you for watching us

Ukraine is succeeded: 4 Russian ships ELIMINATED after massive airstrike on Crimea with ATACMS!

  1. 🦜🌴🦜🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜Please πŸ™πŸ»pray for salvation for Chris, Pete and Nick.

  2. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha……………who believes this shit. Ukraine has been utterly destroyed. There are no men left of fighting age left.

  3. Imagine how much better off Ukraine would be, if Putin's/Trump's puppets in Congress had not managed to kill the bill, which would have not only helped Ukraine, but also made our Southern border, a much safer place.
    The ignorance in Congress, is overwhelming..
    What's even more disturbing, is the voters who support the worst, most unproductive Congress, in our country's history.

  4. I am becoming more and more convinced these videos are a propaganda canpain. There it no way Russia is this incompetent. All these videos are overwhelmingly lopsided. 100% of the time. Russia never wins one thing, no Ukrainians get killed. The Ukrainians are easily running over 1 or 2 military powers of the World. These propaganda machines makes it look like they could have sent a battalion of girl scouts and win the Russians by throwing cookies at them. I'm really not buying it's going down like this. I have watched hours of this. I have not seen one Russian firing a riffle? I find it interesting Ukrainians never have to switch mags in a trench battle when firering ak's on full auto. There is never air support for either side. No way Russia would fight like that. If all this is real what I am seeing πŸ‘€ any one could win Russia? They need to get out of the World power business!

  5. Misleading thumbnails and titles do not reflect the content. News is largely old news. Footage is meaningless and does not follow the basic principles of show and tell. Copy is repetitive and often irrelevant. This feels like it was done entirely by an AI prompt and the results not even checked.

  6. How is Putin accounting for his losses !?

    He must be busy enjoying twisting fact from fiction in his special military operation in Ukraine to make himself look the super man model.✌️

  7. Those two boats were bath tubs, not ships. This news channel embellishes way beyond reality. So biased. Also, is this not really old news now, about 10 days old

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