Huge Changes Are Coming – RU First Hand Experience In The North – Ukraine Map Analysis & News Update

Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and a fantastic Friday and I’m still really feeling under the weather so if I go off on a tangent well that’s actually normal but maybe more so today but what we’re going to talk about we need to talk about some information of which you’ve actually been introduced to this guy so in my interview with a guy that fought with Vagner PMC he’s actually being back on the front line in the north and he’s given me some rundown of the situation there and what happened to himself and it’s the first I’ve actually seen of what the Russian perspective of what actually happened up in there now if you’re not seeing that well I may have cut that out of the video but we have uh we’re going to talk about PLS the promises of French mirages to Ukraine with of course from Emanuel macron we’re going to talk about zalinsky and a new Institute study that’s come out about his presidency from how ukrainians feel about this we’re going to look at number of strikes that Ukraine has successfully carried out inside of Russia we need to look at a strike back in against fighter aircraft as well and of course then we’ll look at the maps but something I want to speak about is mainly the main analytical part of this video and I’m not going to go too in depth on this video is about who would Putin want to actually win the US election is it Biden or is it Trump and I think it goes a step further and you need a little bit of mental gymnastics in here because because of course Putin has stated that he thinks Biden would be the better president that’s what he’s officially stated but many would point that well Trump has vowed to end the war but we’re going to talk about that and we need to look outside of Ukraine at other operations and asymmetrical Warfare going on to discuss that we’ll break that down maybe 50% in this video if you want me to do a full breakdown it might take me half an hour but I’m happy to do it if you’d like to see this so let’s talk about the maps and the north info straight off the bat so of for here we have Ukraine the capital of ke red areas occupied since 22 the purple since 2014 now we’ll come up har oblast of course borders Russia’s belgrad oblast in here this has been the area of much discussion because not only did Russia open two new front lines here this is where Ukraine has had then the lifting of restrictions to strike back at buildup of Russian troops in here and we know Ukraine is committing a lot of forces to try and push this back now you’re not seeing any change on this map for now well over a week any Russian or Ukrainian change what we do know is Ukraine is pumping a lot of guys in here and having some success pushing the Russians back in Chans what we have spoken about and have speculated is was is this still part of the Russian plan if Russia’s got say 30 units in here in Russia and Ukraine has 100 well that is lifting reserves from other areas where Russia is having some success but regardless let not talk about that let’s talk about what Kum has then sent across uh I got caught up on the Northern front I didn’t want to go back to this war but I had to each of my trips to the Zone shows me a new war now I have seen how our people are fighting remotely with the help of aerial bombs these are Fabs although I did not believe what they are saying on the TV I was convinced with my own eyes a creepy theme now I’m back in the hospital resting now what we do know off another contact was at least 10% of the Russians that crossed were injured by mines then alone as usual I was in the midst of Adventures I can’t imagine how ukrainians survived there spoiler no way when an air bomb explodes 600 M away from you and you jump up you’re afraid to imagine what is happening within a radius of 50 m and these bombs are going to fall right on the dugs and trenches at the same time the targets are not selected by priority absolutely everything is destroyed like we see vchan has been basically bought down to ruins from these bombs going in Ukrainian counterattacks there as well I pray that this war will end faster and fewer people will die we uh entered the strongholds from which no one has taken out they were filled with burst men and those who could not have been saved but they did not send an evacuation for them it’s sad but now ukrainians are dying for nothing moreover these are the very ukrainians who most likely do not want or are tired of fighting uh we find mountains of your weapons uh which do not affect the course of the battles in any way we just take and burn their armored vehicles now I just thought giving this perspective is very interesting as well now of course with everything you need to take grain of salt with things but I’m doing I think due diligence of actually being a reporter in this and having and sharing perspectives on two sides of what is going on especially from men on the ground so then we will then have a look at the maps and see what is changing now there’s only one change on the Deep state map today but it does look like Russia is having some advancement around this yeah hitney K livka fr ianka now we have seen they have really fired up over here over the past couple of weeks we saw maybe a week and a half ago Russia make a fair bit of ground considerably considering out near better stove and now we’re seeing some out in yahney now we assume out in here they’re trying to get to kopans can open a front here now if you saw my video a couple of weeks back if you hang around here a little bit that I had I did have a contact say there is going to be a northern but a western front open here so a northern up here but it’s going to push West rather than pushing South on here with they a Far Western push to the South coming out from somewhere near gron Kinka area here being the Western most on this but again we’re not 100% sure what is going on but we can see some change in there but on this map we don’t see any other changes but we do have some Noel reports now suriak he’s super busy and he has publicly said I need to take some time off so he hope he gets the time that he needs um go and follow him yourself support his work I think he does a really really great job so then we need to talk about then chass y Buck moot front now where are we looking this is a little bit difficult sometimes to line up but we will manage here is then ivanovski this is one road of life and this is the second Road of life just above where we’re looking but of course crov through now this in here this is the river that runs through here so River and this is then the uh Forest belt it just sits to the south of now what you can see by um Noah reports this map is he showing that Russians have got right up into now these positions here advancing from this map somewhere around maybe 700 to 5 500 to 700 M in here but of course opening that flank for this area here now I wouldn’t be surprised if we do see a push back across then the river here we’re not sure we know multiple bridges are taken down and Crossing anywhere as hard now none of these Maps show this but we have got some reports that Ukraine did launch a successful Counterattack in kalanka here and did push the Russians back to bodka but again not sure none of the maps that I typically use are then showing this then we come down no other changes shown on this map if I oh no sorry maybe a tiny one in kka sorry I missed that in my research uh but then we come down to urani in here where we see where the Ukrainian counter offensive then was and then we do see just into the out of start of MOSI we can see more of ail shown on Noel reports map that said he’s showing around about the same as now what the Deep state is showing but not as much out to then the West so deep State on that is where we’ll believe it deep state is actually showing more in that area than even suriak was at one point now this map hasn’t updated yeah yesterday I spoke about up here we did see those Russian paratroopers working right about here now this is still seen as green it should at least be Gray maybe red if they’re operating there we know they were targeted but that is definitely definitely then Gray Zone now let’s talk about a couple of let’s look at strikes first um in here now of course we can’t ignore this the GU released video here in Crimea targeting a project 498 ship now everyone’s saying 498 warship blah blah blah no project 498 is a tugbo like this let’s not say it was mosa Mark I that said this Port Logistics is very important so don’t downplay the important of Port Logistics either but let’s not say that this is the bloody cream of the crop ship of which we have seen successfully targeted now the most interesting part in this footage that I’ll show and I believe the most concerning for the Russians would actually be this so as we come across here we can see that these are the barricades set up to protect areas in the port now we can see the ship little um V5 boat looking around of where is a gap then through this and then okay found a gap and aims and spits through here now what we can see is there does seem to be some damage see how these are linked it does seem see how these are all linked it does seem that this one here has been damaged so there may be a sacrifi a sacrificial drone boat to go in blow this up create a hole to then push through in there maybe it’s running a different sort of charge as well for that and then of course we see then into the side of the tugbo now of course we’ve seen barricades like that set up in areas like of course to protect the kurch straight bridge but sacrificial ship will push through a sacrificial one to take out that will then push through on there now we have seen as well this uh Nova shatki refiner in rosov has been targeted by Ukrainian drones overnight now this is the massive fires that have been caused here and we do then have some satellite imagery coming up as well so we see this first image here and then the second image we’ll compare these together showing that damage there but it does look like most of these tanks have been unharmed in the hits in here one thing we do know about oil refineries is yes very very flammable but they’re also specifically built to deter or to um if there is any fire to extinguish that as quickly as possible and what those effects will have it won’t be instant it will be much much down the line actually in the near-term it actually increases the oil price therefore actually increases Russia’s um cash flow supp demand but longterm may start having effects on the Russian economy now yesterday we spoke about strikes that Russia said potentially giving to third party players to strike against the UK the US France areas like this now that these countries have given Ukraine permission to strike within Russia now meet medev who’s always entertaining on Twitter has then said this now may the United States and allies experence firstand the direct use of Russian weapons by Third parties these persons or regions have been internationally left unnamed but it can be those who consider the Yankee land America and their enemy um who consider America and Co so anyone in that influence their enemy regardless of their political Outlook and international recognition their enemy is the us and that means to us they are friends so the enemy of my enemy is my friend now this guy down here he says exactly what I said that that may happen send weapons to Iran Syria Lebanon North Korea Iran Syria and Lebanon can forward some of them to HW and the houthis give NK North Korea missiles capable of hitting us Bas and O hour so this is what we said yesterday we could potentially see a proxy used like that on those systems now I believe a lot of this is maybe saber addling at this point in time but potentially could we then see that we’re seeing Ukraine use us UK weapons to hit Russia could we see Russia supplying weapons to these countries to then strike UK us as we talk about this ladder of escalation being climbed will we see us strike Russia I don’t think so um the longer this goes on the more likely I think that becomes but I still am hopeful that won’t because the outcome of that but we’ll see more and more proxy being used in cases like this now let’s talk a little bit about planes then we’ll talk about us politics now we do see a Lancet here then coming in and this is a Ukrainian Sue 25 Rook here in Cru now interestingly with this footage you can see just how much this is getting hit by things like electronic warfare it’s cutting in and out it’s all over the place so it’s a lanet probably at its absolute max range getting hit by a lot of these other systems but does manage a successful strike on then this target here it does yep right there now of course airframes are very um fragile compared to other targets compared to a tank so we’re not sure exactly what the damage there was now we got the report as I’m record as I’m recording of This by Ain Defender reports tonight that this Airbase in here region of Western Ukraine so this is the one we see a lot lot of the missiles come out of into then this region right here sorry Yep this region here is where Russia has been targeting a hell of a lot of recently the base the home of the seventh uh tactical Aviation the Ukrainian Air Force which operates the s24 fense D tactical bomber so plane which armed with Storm Shadow scalp air launched missiles this likely explains why this Air Base has been the primary target of Russia during majority of their missile attacks and could explain why we have seen a significant decrease in Ukrainian strikes using storm show Scout so we haven’t seen many strikes recently with storm show scalp even if we know some of those restrictions may have been lifted we’ve seen a hell of a lot of Russian strikes heading into here as well as confirmed that some missiles and stuff fired weren’t shot down so we’re not sure what the impact was as we know Ukraine has any battle damage assessment photographs everything absolutely locked down and people could go to jail for it so we’re not exactly sure but we know likely that’s where the f-16s are going to go and I think Russia’s trying to soften this up as much as possible but staying on the theme of fighter aircraft president Emanuel M announced Thursday that France would send Mirage 2000 fter Jets to Ukraine saying tomorrow we will launch a new cooperation announcement of transfer from Mar 2000s um which help Ukraine protect its Skies now we don’t know a number of these we don’t know how the supply chain and Logistics will have to be spun up to do this as well as the support staff here and the training of the pilots now some of this has been somewhat cleared up a key factor is pilot training time so we’re going to propose to president the parts be trained as early as this summer it takes 5 to 6 months to the end of the year be able to fly this aircraft now I I don’t I’m not a pilot I’m not a training but we’ve seen the f-16s well over a year and even then people questioning the level of that training when it takes years and years typically yet to fly take off whatever may take that long but to fly in the most challenging airspace that fighter aircraft will ever enter sorry have ever entered maybe not will have ever entered the people have said this is just not long enough in the training time here and many people have facted why you trying to bring in another aircraft type just support more of the F-16 where you already have staff trained you’ve already got the logistics and of course f-16s in numerical values are just unbelievably bloody everywhere with the US on full support but that is interesting um then to see there we know France is lifting its uh support to Ukraine dramatically including they the ones the main large country other than the baltics pushing that there will be more troops on the ground whatever coming in from France we don’t know one thing I wanted to say we saw those coffins with French flags put at the front of the Eiffel Tower the other day now it’s being investigated as like some FSB intelligence operation and my take is this it could be that but it could just be people too that are not supporting of young men from their country going to war either you know not everything is just a s not everyone thinks they’re the same way now let’s talk about the US election I know this is something in you’re waiting into hot water here with everyone at least 50% of your audience hating you but I’m going to do one better I’m going to have 100% of my audience hate me right here I’m going to criticize both sides of this and point out some maybe flaws that will play into the rest of the world but let’s talk about Putin now Putin has publicly stated that he thinks Biden would be better over Trump now what we have seen is Trump has vowed to end the war in 24 hours now people would say well wouldn’t then uh Putin want Trump into Power he’s spoken about negotiation this and that what I will say is if Putin thinks that he can succeed on the battlefield he doesn’t want this if he really thinks that he can continue succeed continue because we’re seeing the front line move in his favor if he thinks that can continue moving like this he doesn’t want to be pressured into the war okay but he speaks about negotiations that may be a tactic to tell the war like look they’re not giving up we need to mobilize another half million men to go and fight you got to remember there’s everything from scops in play Counter Intelligence play all of this as well but that is just interesting to talk about there but what will be interesting to see is what measures intelligence agencies both both foreign and domestic I will say will have to play in this election now we may not see it but it will be interesting because we have we know that that then happens even if people say none of this none of that we know that there’s messaging and all of this come around the world it’s impossible to stop with social media and all this now but we need to talk outside of Ukraine for how Russia and China may actually feel because either one of these polarizing figures I actually believe helps their order because division in the US that any of these candidates will cause and has already been causing actually helps the especially China for where they’re saying things go now both Russia and China have increasing influence in Asia and Africa and in a lot of conservative traditionalist countries they absolutely push the idea that the West has abandoned these values and they’re pushing on to that you can have state sovereignty rather than this try and export of Western democracy that the West tried to do and we know that this is exacer ated by active measures by Russian security agencies Chinese security agencies intelligence agencies and pmc’s as well as using then Islamic groups with Russian security intelligence agencies as well but as well that this is like like all propaganda you’re getting a truth and you’re pushing further on that truth that has the West abandoned some of those conservative values Traditional Values Family Values yes and then sort of picking at that thread to push it further and further and of course this has been sped up dramatically by the US stance in Palestine so let’s talk about Biden and Trump in this and then I’ll break down some more that Biden is seen by as a voice for change for Progressive measures and this is the opposite of many of the values then put above of course helping that campaign trying to push onto these countries and decreasing influence in selling democracy to many of these traditionalist maybe religious countries now Trump’s whole law is the Mega make America great again but America first which also plays on these Traditional Values but of course being this America First could cause an abandonment of operations in these areas therefore increasing the influence that China and Russia have now I just want to break down a couple of things from a report here then as well now this is going to take me just a second cuz I’ve put tabs all through this to talk about now if you want me to break down this full report on like say asymmetrical Warfare and outside of Russia and Ukraine and how that focus in Indo indopacific due to China and focus into um Ukraine through Russia because of the war here may actually be blinding other aspects that’s basically what it does and I can break down this full thing but at a time when many western states were trying to economically isolate Russia following the full scale invasion of Ukraine Putin saw the velopment of economic ties with Africa and the Middle East as measures to sanction proof Russia and had a pitch for leaders of these states it centered on the proposition that the international rule based order advocated for by the West structurally favored Western interests whereas Russia’s emphasis on sovereignty would offer a mutually beneficial relationship a partnership sorry the reality as Russian officials acknowledged internally was renewed Russian colonialism nevertheless the Kremlin through the guu so intelligence agency of the military has now set about seeking to build and onon Ros Colonial a group of states um that actively seek to assist Russia while also becoming increasingly subordinate to Russian influence displacing Western interests across Africa and the Middle East so then through then friendly partnership so onon and colonialism through there but maybe unseen now let’s skip forward just a little bit remember some of these words and stuff we’re talking about and I I can break this down better when I’m feeling better but the onon roscon is a serious threat to Western interests first with the US increasingly fixed on the indopacific and European attention saturated by the rule in Ukraine most African operations have become an econ economy of force Affairs moreover the disparity of resourcing and attention paid to Ukraine or Gaza as compared to tigray for instance has left a strong bitter sense across Africa as to the hierarchy of Western concerns similarly the apparent contrast in Western language and rhetoric about how it described the destruction of Leo or Maro and how it excused Israeli operations in Gaza leave many on the continent perceiving a gap between Western rhetoric about values and the values practiced by those who have for so long imposed constraints on the policies of African states to enforce value based Norms so talking more than about sovereignty Western Security assistance in favor of Russia is almost that of sovereignty so Common’s theme you’ll see here is this sovereignty rather than the export import of maybe of Western rules-based order democracy Russia’s expeditionary core is intended to be the Vanguard of Putin’s multipolar world view offering those who reject Western legal structures the means to preserve their Rule and wreak violence on their enemies if the expeditionary core is an offer to Elites there are more populist narratives that Russia pushes at the range of constituencies Russia’s argument is that is base the Bastion sorry of Traditional Values embodied by religiosity the nuclear family heterosexually and loyalty to the state the Orthodox Church pushes these Outreach groups in the US and through social media into conservative constituencies across Western Europe and Northern America this vision of Russia is contrasted with the depiction of West According to some as the increasingly lur propaganda AR is being promoted a Bastion of decadent homosexual worship of Satan the Russian Narrative of this defense of Traditional Values finds a particular expression of Confluence with Russia’s unconventional warfare capabilities in Chia under karov now we had to talk about karov I’ll do this in another video that karov is taking as this tick Tok as they put here comic as does it tragic to Western audience but perceptions of ches leader are inaccurate so it doesn’t matter what it what you see what we think the perception being exported is far different to that but I’ll talk on this top bit here in the yellow that I think we maybe overestimate and I think the FSB um guu and other security agencies are sort of taking um taking props I think they’re just picking at that threat of propaganda but has have we seen a move away from traditional Valu and this yes and what they have done is maybe just poke at that more but I think we’ve had far more influence on that ourselves rather than the FSB guu that is taking a bit of props for it finally Russia’s progress in Africa is ferred toin this report as the formation of an onon Ral on one hand the Russian officials admit internally internally into a colonial project to gain control of African governments and exploit the continent’s natural resources on the other hand and onon or informal or friendly alliance between so that’s breaking down just the two words Russia’s mandate is due to the West strategic neglect and its failures to address the problems its Partners face Russia may also fail to do this but for now frustration with the West both in Africa and the Middle East is high the point is while Russ Western States focus on rebuilding their conventional deterrence in Europe strategic documents emphasizing the nature of global competition are being Vindicated yet western states are failing to compete this must change uh Russia is using unconventional warfare to advance his vision of a multipolar world order this poses are far beyond Ukraine and it’s critical that Western States rise to meet the challenge now another video I will do at some point of time is I will talk about after the War I and how we’re going to need to maybe shift some things around too maybe to plug holes on things like this happening and alliances are going to be built people are not really going to like especially when we look at geography of where Russia sits in the world and China and the move towards a multipolar world now Kev um Institute research of study kiss I could have got the name wrong has then put this out is consider not feeling great um it’s been 5 years since Vladimir zinsky became president in your opinion to what extent did he fulfill his pre-election promises so 5% here all or nearly all promises 13 most of the promises being fulfilled half the promises were fulfilled at 19 now the two largest here a minority of promises and none of the promises are then at 50% of total asked and for what reasons in your opinion did Vadim fail to fulfill his promises choose up to three most important so here at 50% the presence of dishonest corrupt people in his team we have seen zinski sack many many people throughout this war as well and we still have many corruption scandals going down but one thing a lot of people tell me is well what is happening to these guys that are Court to be corrupt are they getting actually criminal charged or do they pay off their couple ,000 Bond and they’re out again fine as as oligarchs anyway the lack of competent people then at 32 full scale Invasion got in the way of fulfillment so he can’t do this due to that own experienc lack of um competence so 27 influence of oligarchs at 26 here which I think ties in then with then number one and two as well an own corruption blah blah blah down the line so it’s interesting to look at that too now they give then a survey results here in additional opening questions respondents most of often recall promises is ending the war in donbass fighting corruption improving welfare of the population and obviously these Dimensions played an important role when response evaluated the president’s fulfillment of pre-election promises now one thing a lot of people tell me in in the East is there was a lot of money put to rebuild roads and the joke in the East was they’re building New Roads for Russian tanks to drive down the same time among the main successes of the president in his position Ukraine is talk about stipula in repelling Russian aggression and international activity aimed at strengthening support for the war in Ukraine it’s important to not Ukraine is mostly focused not on the president himself on his personal qualities but his Entourage team so additional open uh question about the president’s failures most people talked about full scale Invasion and the personal policy so interesting thing to look at and we know we’re not going to get an election anytime soon but we will see where this war then goes in the future as far as as and influence outside of that obviously of which we have spoken about Legends I feel terrible uh look after yourselves have a great day have a great weekend um I might be on the couch look after yourselves speak tomorrow thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Why doesn’t Ukraine just do the same thing Russia does with repurposed fab 500’s? They can be out of range and buy cheap old junk and make it lethal.
    I think they should start using turtle tanks with old t series they have that may have turret damages, just improve the idea, they aren’t actually so bad, all jokes aside.

  2. China and Russia are also gaining more influence in the Caribbean and Latin American countries; we haven’t had a successful campaign since Korea and everything we touch has gone to shit lol we are reaping what we sowed. We destabilized all these countries to gain influence but failed over and over after it became too expensive. Failing Ukraine is just going to complete our pattern of failure to protect our Allies and maintain our position as the top in the world order.

  3. Hello from France. A LOT of people don't support Macron. And a lot more doesn't support his wish to go to war against Russia.

  4. Asymmetric escalation
    Places that don’t matter to DC
    The surveillance craft
    The russians that have drawn western eyes
    Keeping it business as usual
    Ratcheting it up would be Latin America

  5. The ukraine people have had enough of Zelensky he's a disgusting vile thing. And he has no authority he is NOT the president anymore. And it is THE PEOPLE that elect the president

  6. The Russians have never wanted this war!! They see most Ukrainians as fellow Russians. Its the keiv regime that needs destroying. And the best people for that is the Ukrainians themselves.

  7. The Entente Roscolonial is the hilarious reality check for the West about how pi**ing on everyone's doorstep and dragooning the rest may lead to them utterly resenting you and switching the (enforced) allegiances as soon as an alternative presents itself. The West got fat, arrogant and lazy with the fall of the USSR and started to believe itself invincible, inevitable and unavoidable, now the alternatives are back with Russia on one hand and a rising if not eclipsing China and the much neglected 3rd world flocks to them in droves like moths to the flame. Much of the West is currently cut off from rare earths since they got kicked out of or got banned from the nations producing them.

  8. Little pin prick attacks by ukraine you cover in detail. But you ignore such attacks like the one by Russia that destroyed a huge arms and ammunition store. Not to mention the high ranking officers killed

  9. that Putin qoute on who's presidency could go sounds dumb but is smart in a away
    the U.S has increasingly lacked in helping ukraine with biden, and he's even been doing more senile shit such as turning his back to a D-DAY memorial ((Which infuriates all hell out of me))

    though if trump was put in office he'd redo what he did when he first got ahold of it, which was literally make peace deals with every nation that opposed as a threat to america including North korea, you know that one nation that would kill any america they can get their hands on?

  10. As a Black Chinese Ukranian Albino, Transitory Transgender all Inclusive and sometimes Reclusive, cappuccino macchiato with a triple summersault who serves in Biden's Barisma Task Force as an outcast vegan Gynecologist for Zelensky , in my humble opinion of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter from a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view, also by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say.

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