Zelensky Visits Doha, Discusses Ways To End War + More | Russian Invasion

Zelensky Visits Doha, Discusses Ways To End War + More | Russian Invasion

Russian president Vladimir Putin has warned the West not to underestimate his country by assuming Moscow would never use nuclear weapons if there is a threat to its sovereignty and territorial Integrity Mr Putin who was speaking at the annual International economic Forum in St Petersburg also warned Moscow would deploy all means at its disposal even armed several countries with weapons to strike Western targets his comments come after the West delivery of long range weapons to Ukraine several countries including the United States and Germany have given Ukraine the green light to strike targets inside of Russia the Russian president said such actions could lead to very serious problems warning Russia would retaliate if Western countries are Keen to become directly involved in the Ukraine conflict in the meantime US President Joe Biden says the fight for Ukraine Echoes a struggle for freedom on the beaches of did D-Day he was drawing parallels between Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and World War II in a speech commemorating the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings in Normandy France President Biden was speaking away just away from 9,388 members of the US military who participated in The Landings where they were buried he warned democracies across the globe where once again under threat adding autocrats were closely watching the Western response to Ukraine he vowed the US would not walk away from the conflict claiming if we do Ukraine will be subjugated and it will not end there Ukraine’s neighbors will be threatened all of Europe will be threatened he launched a direct attack on President Vladimir Putin referring to the long-term president as a tyrant we’ll have more on the ceremony of D-Day much later but bring in Professor elf International an hour quote don’t worry sir sir the1 is on the job everything will be taken care of that’s what he said and because of their courage and the resolve because the courage and resolve of their allies it was taken care of from the sea and sky nearly 160,000 Allied troops descended on Normandy many to State the obvious never came home many survived that longest day kept on fighting for months until victory was finally won and a few a notable Band of Brothers are here with us today we stand together my answer is yes and only can be America has invested in our alliances and fors new ones not simply out of altruism but out of our own self-interest as well America’s unique ability to bring countries together is an un undeniable source of our strength and our power isolationism was not the answer 80 years ago and is not the answer today let’s bring in professor of international relations at the Lego State University and found a member Association of Foreign Relations Professionals of Nigeria Dr Dr Daka Thomas he joins us from Ojo in Lagos but currently on the road Dr Thomas thank you for joining us on the program today Dr Dak Thomas um I’m hoping that you can hear me we know the rains have been interfering with with the lines all morning but was it miscalculation on the part of the us when President Joe Biden gave Ukraine the the use of the the right or the permission to use Western supplied weapons on [Music] Russia Dr Thomas hello oh okay great you can hear me I I thought for a second the the weather had interfered with our connection uh good afternoon good afternoon great that you could join us at on the program I was asking if it’s a miscalculation on the part of the US President Joe Biden when he gave Ukraine the permission to use Western supplied weapons in Russia no I I do not think that was a miscalculation uh I I think it was out of desperation and frustration uh having adopted so many strategies and hav indulged um haven’t indulged Putin for some time for a very long time I I believe that this position should have been taken earlier you know in the War uh but now the the the point is uh they have to do something something has to be done he cannot continue that way and you know he is trying to even use the isas war as a kind of opportunity kind opportunity to to to continue to bombard to continue to P Ukraine and then destruction and everything it cannot continue that way it’s not you cannot allow one to continue to uh hold the entire International System so something has to be done and I think that was the kind of frustration and Desperation that informed the US decision that Ukraine can use the long range missil and some other nearby borders of Ukraine and Russia it’s not so it’s not thing thing we do apologize uh there’s so much interference with Dr Thomas’s call we try to reconnect with him and continue with our discussion in the meantime Ukrainian President Vladimir zelinski continues seeking ways to end the war in Russia with more International engagements and bilateral talks it made a stop over in Doha on Wednesday to hold talks with the Emir of Qatar shik tamim Alani at the Lucile Palace the Ukrainian president thanked his Qatari counterpart for backing un resolutions condemning Russia as well as supporting ke’s territorial Integrity he lorded katar’s role for standing as a mediator in returning children forcibly deported by Russia ke has reportedly accused Moscow of abducting thousands of Ukrainian children and teenagers since the beginning of the war in February Russia denies the allegations saying it moved the children from fighting zones out of safety concerns Mr zinski strip comes as Kei pushes to Rally Global support to end the Russia Ukraine war well Finland has also been providing support to Ukraine in the war the words of NATO Secretary General Yen stoltenberg who was speaking at a news conference in Helsinki alongside Finnish President Alexander stub while the NATO Chief emphasized finland’s Military Support to ke Mr stub noted that his country has no plans to deploy troops to Ukraine we see ourselves very much as a security provider not a security consumer consumer in this region uh we want to be a very reliable uh Ally we put our money where our mouth is when it comes to capability we fully realize the responsibility that we have as a new ally in the sense that we have just doubled uh NATO’s border uh with Russia and that comes with a heavy uh responsibility we will do our part uh in the defense of the alliance based on a 30 60 approach so we’re not only looking to the east we also look to the West South uh and North Finland plays a key role in providing support to Ukraine uh you have um uh delivered a significant amount of Military Support um you have provided around2 billion EUR in military aid and as you mentioned uh Alex we will uh discuss at the NATO Summit and in the preparations for the NATO Summit how to ensure that we stand by Ukraine for as long as it takes uh over the last months we have seen some gaps some delays in the provision of Military Support to Ukraine we need to ensure that that doesn’t happen again and that’s reason why uh we are now um uh working in NATO on how to establish a NATO uh mission for Ukraine let’s get back now to our conversation with Dr dakot Thomas about uh Russian President Vladimir Putin warning the West he could use nuclear weapons which is threatened before Dr Thomas uh the last time uh just before the lines were disconnected uh we talked about uh US president given you the Ukraine the permission to use Western weapons on Russian territory but the Russian President Vladimir Putin’s threat the one he made this morning which everyone every news media around the world is carrying is that you know you Russia could do the same could also give you know permission to use nuclear weapons and it’s something we’ve talked about at the start of the war um it shook the West it shook all stakeholders during the war do you think the Western countries went too far poking Russia um into considering now the use of nuclear weapons on Ukraine no no you you see Putin is just a kind of spectacular person somebody that is um is is is is is a I mean the kind of human being that one can a complex human being let me just use the word a complex human being because right from the very first day that the war started Putin has started threatening Ukraine and the West with uh nuclear weapons this is madness I mean Russia for God’s sake is a member of the United Nation Security Council and then day one day two day three just maybe one month or two months into the war because people I mean because the other uh Western Powers had come to the rescue of Ukraine in terms of supplying the the arms and everything and then you started threatening with nuclear now Israel has been fighting this war since last October they have not even talked about they have not even spoken or said anything about using nuclear and meanwhile Israel has nuclear weapons not even one they have not threat they have not even mobilized but he has mobilized he has taken his um nuclear weapons towards Ukraine’s territory near Bel I mean inside Belarus and they have started doing drills on nuclear weapons this is is is is is uncalled for it’s uncalled for this not how to run the system this not how to run the system the International System should it’s not a a a kind of system that one man should hold the entire world by the jular no there must be sanity there must be sanity so if the Western powers like I said earlier before the network problem if the Western Powers had now given Ukraine that the leverage I mean the the the consent to use this thing this because they have they are tired they are desperate they are frustrated by one man holding the the the entire system to to ransome so if he does it if he if he uses nuclear as he forgotten what they call M it’s a mutual assured destruction thing so he not that his country is going to be immune from destruction so what what why should a man be threatening extermination of the of humanity one should be threatening you know the entire Thomas it would be difficult to determine what is fair you know when there is a war it’s difficult to determine what is fair and what weapons could be used and could not be used and then who’s to determine what what weapons should be used in a war like this no you see if you are if you are talking about weapons Putin I mean Russia has a lot in terms of bombs in terms of um serious I mean very heavy bombs not not not nuclear weapons very heavy bombs hypersonic whatever all these missiles and everything he he has so many and then he has even contacted North Korea for for help so what else does he want Russia is not a small nation Russia is a very big nation and very powerful so it should not um Russia is not a nation that should be threatening an ordinary Ukraine with nuclear weapons what I mean so is the skill where is the skill where is the military skill where is where is the training what is he saying what he’s saying in essence is that he cannot fight conventional Warfare with ordinary Ukraine which is very mean which is very pathetic why should Russia be talking about nuclear using nuclear weapons I mean and like I said Israel is more powerful than armas yet it has not even threatened because he fighting conventional Warfare now you um Russia has not fought conventional Warfare for maybe 6 months five months when when R Putin started threatening with nuclear weapons so he has not even exhausted all the available conventional Weaponry um arment that he has and now he he talking about nuclear weapons so I believe that the Western Powers cannot continue you know even this Nadi this uh Operation Neptune that they call Nadi Landings started 1943 before the they took I mean before everything happened in 1945 you know they were tired so it’s 2 years now into the war and I think that is maybe one of the similarities we are talking about the war is about 2 years I mean the war is 2 years now and then the nine started in 1943 and then 1945 it started the operation of taking over the from from the from from from Germany you know so the these are things that one should be very I mean is so we should feel concerned about itas similarities between no similarities between the Russian war in Ukraine and what happened on D-Day you’ve made that clear but then I also want to point out that President uh Joe uh President Joe Biden did refer to the Russian president as a tyrant it’s not the first time he’s been called names I’m sure the Russian president is used to that but would it be fair to actually refer to Putin as a tyrant when even Western leaders have also acted um nonchalantly and also acted tyrannical in the past I give an example uh for example the war in Libya the US went unilaterally into that war without the cooperation of the other un Security Council Members no I I disagree with you that the US went into the war without the consent or without a resolution there was a resolution that was passed there was an agreement and that was that explains why Russia did not do anything if Russia if it was legal if it was illegal the only one that R the only area the only war that us had fault that I think Putin objected to was the 2003 war of UK I mean in Iraq for the Libyan thing China Russia even if they did not support because they knew that even if they had disagreed us will vet so China Russia did not really object well whether militarily whether decisively whether in terms of anything so there was no there was no resolution against it and for as long as there was no resolution against I don’t see it as anything that was wrong you understand if there was a resolution we can see that as many times as possible us had already veted some resolutions against Israel so that will take that you can count against Israel that you can count against us but now where is it on record that Russia objected or Russia made up came up with a resolution where is it in record of I mean the United Nation Security Council record that China came up with a resolution on I mean against us Britain’s British intervention in Libya nothing I can find anything on record so it’s just the the Russian president or President Joe Biden is right in referring to President Vladimir Putin as a tyrant of course of course I mean I mean there is no doubt about it that is a Tyrant and that’s why he’s doing this that’s why he’s bullying the entire world not just ukrao is bullying the entire world I mean that’s that’s what is the difference what is the difference between Hitler and Putin now there a particular statement the fact is that a particular statement that he made and a particular there was a particular statement that Hitler made that had copio similarities copious how because he was talking about America you understand trying to impose himself or trying to play a kind of polican of the world and everything on the entire world and he would not allow that kind of thing that was what said recently and then the same thing this when I went into history I saw that that was a same statement that Germany I mean that Hitler made so when you when you study tyrants and then you study their remarks you study their statements and then you see that these people have some kind of semblance of I mean they have some kind of similarities and everything so that’s why you draw your conclusion so if he says he’s a tyrant I mean I I I I believe that he say because number one the entire world now is attacking Israel for this H for for this aggression against um amas and then it was a Justified Justified the extent of the degree of retaliation may have been out of proportion I I I consider that because I don’t believe that when you are fighting this kind of thing um you then you have about 30 something 36,000 38,000 casualities that is no longer collateral damage that is that is I mean I mean it’s unnecessary it’s unall for it’s out of proportion it’s it’s out of proportion but the problem now is that the Putin thing who invaded first did Ukraine do even do anything you attack them you came to cria you took creia you took never I mean Premier in 2014 St the same thing and everything and then the Dum thing is here is still there and then you came back seven years after I mean s he came two years ago that’s about six years after he came he came again why because he was tolerated because he was tolerated in the first instance in the first the first time he came in 2014 he was tolerated the the the US allowed him he came he took creia and nobody did anything he built a bridge there the catch bridge and then he’s that is where he’s using to H do his arment and to do his all all sort of storage and everything Thomas Dr Thomas somebody has to stop him somebody thank you thank you so much for speaking with us on the world today uh we appreciate your thoughts and Analysis and we’re uh grateful they were able to join us despite the challenges outside uh we understand it’s been raining all day here in Lagos and uh the network has been uh quite uh touchy as a result uh of the weather events

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  1. What is this man even talking about when a country like Russia against the whole west and America this man you are really a doubting Thomas if you feel that a nuclear power can loose a war easily

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