Ukraine’s Critical Infrastructure Hit In Russian Missile Attack + More | Russian Invasion

Ukraine’s Critical Infrastructure Hit In Russian Missile Attack + More | Russian Invasion

[Music] to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine now French president Emanuel macron has said France will begin supplying Ukraine with Mirage 2,000 fighter jets according to the French president the delivery program will begin following the signing of a an agreement with Ukraine’s president in Paris today the Mirage 2000 fighter jet is a multi-roll jet that has been in service for some 25 years with airto a and air to ground capabilities The Mirage jet has been successfully exported by France to several countries and broadly offers a similar capacity to the americanmade F16 jet Mr mcon said that he proposed to begin training pilots on the aircraft from this summer with training taken around 6 months meanwhile on the front line a Russian overnight missile strike has hit Ukraine’s critical infrastructure targeting at least nine regions including the capital keev according to Ukrainian Air Force command air defenses shut down 48 of the 53 attack drones launched by Russia and all five cruise missiles launch launched among the areas targeted were the zapara molive keron H Odessa and ke regions the attack in the Eastern Ukrainian city of dones left at least one person killed four others were also injured in keron and the capital keave A Fire broke out is an industrial facility but there were no casualties the va’s Anna chenikova joins us now Anna greatest SE it’s been a while what’s the situation in the capital key where you are at this point of time uh situation is normal so sort of sayane so nothing extraordinary is happening um it was a tough night definitely it was AED alert for almost the whole night and uh uh it was a great risk for ke and ke region um so certain certain um certain facilities and uh objects were on fire due to the debris fall uh but nothing extraordinary as I said um is not happening uh in keave so uh no casualties and no particularly you know no extraordinary um let’s say um consequences of the attack this time uh but of course um we can see that for the past uh well for the past months Russian forces mostly targeting uh a critical infrastructure mainly energy infrastructure and energy sitation is uh close to critical uh across Ukraine and do you think that was uh done on purpose Anna uh the fact that these air strikes didn’t hit any major infrastructure Targets in keev or any of the Cities mentioned um it is done on purpose every time so it’s just another attack which is happening just Russian forces um did not Target key for some time uh but um well most most of the times uh it is done on purpose because uh we can clearly see that um Russian forces are trying to uh well are are trying to bring to create um certain conditions for civilians uh the conditions without electricity conditions without well at this point it’s it’s still warm in Ukraine but if we’re looking farther and into into the upcoming winter uh it will be cold so conditions when ukrainians um well it’s difficult basically to survive and uh and um a lot of experts believe that this is done on purpose due to the in in order to create um more um possibilities for Russian for Russia to um well to propose their you know their let’s say plan of resolving this War uh the pl that they will support because um they believe again according to certain experts that if Ukrainian Society will be living in such tough conditions then uh Ukraine might um might might go forward and accept uh those conditions that Russia is proposing uh even if uh this is not good conditions for Ukraine now the the strikes come as Ukraine’s president vadir zeleski joined other world leaders on Thursday marking the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings in Normandy and many wonder if this retal is if this is a retaliation you know for the Western supplied weapons that have been rendered to Ukraine recently um well um I don’t really think this should be put this way uh who knows of course but it could be but um I think that it just it at least it looks like that it just uh you know yet another attack that was uh that happened and uh uh it it has nothing really to do with uh with what’s W with the official events happening so even if those official events would have would not happen uh the attack would would have been in place so I don’t really think this has any particular connection and I’m wondering you know how Ukraine is responding to what the Russian president V Vladimir Putin said yesterday about the possible use of nuclear weapons you know in this war if Western leaders are supplying Ukraine weapons and saying they can use them on Russian territory and then the Russian president is also threatening to use nuclear weapons how are ukrainians reacting to that at this point uh reaction well it was not particular a separate reaction to this because uh this is not the first time that President Putin is using such uh such rhetorics and uh uh Russian officials in general uh we can see that they often use use uh the RCS of nuclear weapon uh to be used uh on the battlefield or even against other countries who support Ukraine as a well as a certain you know pressure point and uh it looks like Russia believes that this could be uh you know a certain red line that uh that Ukrainian allies will not want to cross so no one of course know well no one can say for sure if Putin in indeed will use a nuclear weapon or not if other things will happen but we should all understand that Russia is not the only nuclear uh Power Nuclear country and uh a lot of Ukrainian allies are also nuclear countries so uh it’s like at this point it looks more like yet another announce another Announcement by President Putin according to his usual rhetoric so in Ukraine uh it’s not considered as um you know uh something new but definitely this is a threat that uh that well should be uh taken seriously because well U Putin is basically playing with this nuclear weapon um you know topic but uh definitely we should be very uh well very careful uh by not taking this seriously because no one knows what could happen indeed do take care of you thanks for joining us on the program thank you [Music]

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