Crushing News, Is There A Bigger Plan At Play? – Ukraine Map Analysis & News Update

get our Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day and so far a fantastic weekend now today not like always we actually don’t have that much to go over of course we’ll look at the maps and we’ll look at some GE locations and some footage as well we’ll look at some strikes in L hansk we’re going to talk about land concessions and what zalinski has said and the future of warfare and where there may be some sort of s up going on here as well we need to talk about what president macron has said regarding French troops within Ukraine training Ukrainian soldiers how that would work why that would be happening and we’ll go over more of that but where we want to start is f-16s now f-16s like many other weapons have been hailed as some sort of Wonder like wonder weapon heading into Ukraine now we know this was announced over a year ago and we know the training will take a long time while we’re talking on fighter jets yesterday we did get reports that president macron said that Mirage 2000 will head to Ukraine and will be on the ground by the end of the year and we’ve been expecting these f-16s realistically any day we’re hearing from many different areas it’s in a week it’s in a month and even a few weeks few months ago people speculating about some of the attacks we were seeing were off f16s but now the isw has come out and really thrown a spanner in the works of what is happening here now I think so much I believe from a war reporter too much has been put on the f16s that people are hanging their hat on this is going to turn everything around and it’s a wonder weapon and putting that on morale as far as territory all of this and if and when that doesn’t happen well that massive backfire similar to what we’ve seen now with the chalis the leopards and the Abrams we could have always said no there’s no single weapon that’s a wonder weapon it’s working in Combined arms of these which from experience in the military combined arms mechanized maneuver Warfare doesn’t take weeks you’re average it years at best but anyway so much has been built on these that isw is now reporting limitations on Western capabilities to train partner Pon F16 fire digits are reportedly creating bottlenecks that will affect Ukraine’s ability to effectively field f-16s in the future Norway Netherlands Denmark and Belgium plan to send over 60 F-16 aircraft by summer 2024 but the Ukrainian officials lawmakers us Danish Romanian F-16 pilot programs can only train a limited number of Ukrainian Pilots Politico has reported US Air Force spokesman Lauren fall stated US National Guard is planning to train 12 Ukrainian Pilots by the end of September 2024 now one thing I will say in here is we know the US can train and field far far more pilots than that but there’s no full commitment there the Danish training facility is reportedly taking training eight Ukrainian firep pods but this facility reportedly closed in 24 November and the Romanian training facility is reported not yet operational a full Squadron of 20 aircraft requires 40 Pilots a former Department of Defense official reportedly stated that if the current training constraints continue Ukraine will only have enough parts for a full squadron at the end of 2025 so we’re now talking a year and a half away and if they come in at the end of 2025 or one we have no idea how the war is going to look by then if there even is a war and we know the end of 2025 well that’s going to be heading into winter so for supporting on ground operations it’s going to be mid 2026 do we see that supporting then Frontline Ops yes of course air defense and all this but still Ukraine will not be able to use all the Western provider aircraft as effectively as possible until the necessary number of Ukrainian Parts complete training select Western countries have indicated that Ukraine will be permitted to use F16 for strikes within Russia but Ukraine’s ability to operative 16 near the international border is contingent on Ukraine’s ability to destroy air defense Assets in Russia and this is what we’ve seen we’ve seen a few s400s S3 s300 destroyed recently we thought that was shaping for these aircraft realistic any day now and that seed indeed that’s going to be a big aspect of if and where these can fly Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski stay in on May 18 Ukraine needs 120 or 130 advanced fighter aircraft to achieve air parity so if we take in this 2:1 of Pilots to airframe then Ukraine needs you know 240 260 Pilots but with these constraints lot of problem and this is the isw the isw is pro Ukraine as it gets um with Russia that is Russia’s biggest Advantage is Western imposed restrictions prohibiting Ukraine from using Western provided weapons to strike military targets inside Ukraine Ukraine may be able to set conditions to have Ukrainian Aviation operate in the air domain to support Ukrainian ground uh operation if Ukraine is able to sufficiently destroy Russian air defense assets within Russia using longrange strike capabilities obtain sufficient CRA Pilots capable of flying F16 and receive a timely delivery and sufficient number of F-16 so we need the pilots people we’ve always spoken the biggest the biggest problem with fighter aircraft is people you need the pilots and and it’s not fly takeoff land like I said yesterday that this is going to be heading into the most challenging environment we have ever seen jet fighter aircraft enter that you’re probably better off pushing the training back a little bit rather than losing planes but it’s one thing of these planes being used in an air defense capacity shooting down missiles long range strikes scalp Storm Shadow it’s another thing on the front line supporting ground operations I was talking to a guy who was like There’s different aspects of training but air to air very difficult air to ground very difficult and these are all modules of training that take a long time not to just do but be proficient at on the ground and this is looking like it’s turning back and this isn’t as commonly talked about as I think it should be with the expectations that were placed upon these systems but I want to talk about and I don’t have it on me right now but yesterday I skimmed over something which I shouldn’t have that we’ve seen a lot of strikes and a lot of missiles heading out into this oblast here striking against an Airfield there that has many of the fighters that launch the scalp and storm shadows and last night was no exception Ukraine said they intercepted all the missiles but regards to that we haven’t really seen recently scalp or Storm Shadow really being used what you know asks a couple of questions there but yeah it looks like maybe the French Mirage will be the first planes we see we’re not sure when that training started but uh it’ll be interesting to see what comes of this and like I always say you never hang your head on a single weapon system like the Abrams like you know because the say the ABS the whole messaging changed it went from these are going to roll across blah blah blah modern this and then everyone when they started getting destroyed which we knew it’s armor it’s a war you’re going to lose equipment it doesn’t mean the equipment’s bad it means it’s a war then everyone went oh this is old outdated Tech blah blah blah and they had a full switch on this f60 is a great fighter aircraft it’s only as good as the pilot in it and the weapons that are actually on the rails and like my friend said these are a taxi these days it really matters what’s on the rails and if it can actually get into them the fight and where they’re going to be now let’s talk about what zalinski has said over in France at the moment rejects territorial concessions to Russia there are no lines for evil can Putin win the war no because you and I have no right to lose can this war end on the lines that exist now no because there is no lines for evil not 80 years ago not now and if someone tries to draw temporary lines it will only give a pause before new war Hitler overcame line after line and so do put today can we win this battle absolutely yes we can Ukraine therefore Europe Europe and therefore France I’m sure of it and so in France France uh believed in Freedom when D-Day uh had not taken place and the landing day as well as the day of European victory was inevitable we’ve seen zalinsky over then at the D-Day memorials as well one thing I will say these memorials this is part of like the is basically a mass funeral it’s the same as like Anzac Day and things like is here M wear a suit don’t wear a t-shirt to a I’m sorry but it just is I think disrespectful I know people oh you nitpicking blah blah blah you’re at a you’re at an area where many many men gave their lives for this it’s basically funeral minut s things like this come on but let’s talk about this because many people are saying and I speak to a lot of guys who are saying look how much shift of these lines are we going to see we don’t know how costly it would be for Russia or Ukraine to break through these areas is going to be just massive we’re not sure sure if either country has the even just the man the manpower to actually achieve this huge breaking of where then these lines sit and I’ve had a lot of guys reach out to me and say well this is actually why Putin wants a negotiation we keep hearing Putin say I’m open to peace negotiation on the realistic situation happening on the ground blah blah blah that reflects the situation currently but if a line is drawn now Ukraine would then you know have a land concession if it was right now it had to end and then NATO and EU membership Not only would take time but it may not even be on the table with that happening unless it was that’s not our land anymore what of course has a huge problem and everyone knows this but the morale and feeling towards the government of a situation a loss like this would be absolutely shattered to the point where I think so many units have lost and sacrifice so much they may either continue fighting on their own or we could even see some level of mutiny and many then people would not return or would leave once the laws are lifted for 18 to 60 if it ended that way and what my uh contact are telling me is maybe this is why Russia’s pushing for this because they know that would be the situation if there was a concession and amongst the situation Russia would then launch another attack and take advantage of that situation and the morale and problems then and have more of a success there I know that’s some gymnastic thinking maybe even conspiratorial but that is interesting to think about could it be wanting this to then take advantage of the situation there we know Ukraine has promised its people a victory and that Victory is nothing short of the 1991 border so people are expecting a victory and those with fallen family and friends are expecting that sacrifice to be made in the name of that complete Victory and Liberation the question becomes what happens if then this is not the out come and how then if that isn’t the outcome will Russia take advantage of that I think that the complete liberation of all these territories through military might alone is very unlikely now what is more likely is a Russian withdrawal due to some other event but pure militar as far as the losses we’re going to know you’re going to have to just take to be able to push into somewhere like in into kmea or Don we haven’t seen anything either by Russia or Ukraine yet of that scale in this war maybe when Russia got onto the outskirts of ke but regardless it’s going to be very very interesting to see now let’s have a look at a couple of maps and some geolocated footage here as well now everyone seen this footage of the Bradley versus BCR now it’s on the telegram if you’d like to watch it but in my take both vehicles are probably absolutely stuffed at least all the Optics and I think the both vehicles actually had a jam in in the turret got some hits off and the turret actually couldn’t move to not then Traverse and and hit back but what is interesting to me is let’s have a look at where this then took place now the video I’ll it’s on it’s on the telegram if you’d like to see but this is where then it’s ja located to and it’s j located to here soil and Sol we see then that that uh BTR drops off Russian troops in here obviously takes some casualties on top of it too cuz you’re getting hit by Bloody massive rounds on top of that but let’s have a look at actually where this is so here is Ukraine the center the capital of ke red areas occupied since 22 purple since 2004 now we’re come down Don blast and then we’re looking for then a divka solivo soill and as you’ll see just today you can see then that Gray Zone has moved up because let’s have a look at where this is right in here is where then that engagement took place and there is some wild wild footage coming out on this war of engagements like that now where we’re going to move to and the only update we have then on this map today is then chassi Y and we can see moving through these other blocks now this should have been read for a while we’ve seen a lot of fighting in around here and then the gray Zone should be expanded I believe right up to here but we can see that Russia is extending this prong from then yesterday on other maps showing and then today in here around the center now what’s going to be interesting in this is how Ukraine then fall back across then the Waterway and how then Russia choose to cross this Waterway then itself but this is updated to here now it hasn’t shown what we were hearing claims yesterday of Inka and bka a push back from Ukraine yesterday but we’re not seeing that then on this map but let’s have a look at some footage here now firstly I’ll show you the geolocation now the reason we know this is here so let’s have a look right on this map here so come down and then let’s have a look see where this road comes out on the angle here it’s gen right sitting just in here the reason we know where this footage is is actually because the video of this destroyed Canadian mrap off another video presuming the same so this are Russian troops operating within chesar here now what I will say is we can see these guys then moving cover to cover and it is interesting that this is the EM we’re talking about of why we know where this footage is now first you can see the destruction but I do wonder how much Intel is coming from these drones to guys like this on the ground live like how much is there a line of communication directly between the Drone operator and these guys then operating door too because that would be a huge amount of eyes in the sky now we know there is a degree of that happening but to what degree we are not sure and then we can see these other two troops move then across through this terrain here so obviously you know move building building you they at high Readiness of what’s going down here in an incredibly heavy fighting area but like we said of where that then is now let’s talk about France training within Ukraine France wants to finalize a coalition of countries to send military instructors to Ukraine and macron has said we are not at war with Russia we do not want an escalation but we want to do everything we can to help Ukraine resist it is an escalation when Ukraine asks us to train Mobil soldiers on its Sovereign soil no now I’ve spoken about this I if Australia was at War I’d understand it because it’s so hard to move soldiers around but I just don’t understand the risk verse reward of training Ukrainian soldiers within Ukraine other than yeah maybe some small training camps but on large move out into here it’s a day on a bus or a car to then train in facilities that have no risk of a bloody missile coming into it maybe even better training facilities more instructors all of this I I don’t get why well I do get why I believe it is dipping the toe in the water of okay how’s Russia react to instructors right okay third line then second line then eventually we end up front line so CL so climbing that ladder of escalation just like we saw you know a couple of Humvees be used in belr blast and then okay how did Russia respond to that right let’s throw a few shells over right let’s throw attacks over oh not attack let’s throw High over right and it’s that L of ladder of escalation to see how then your opponent escalates so that’s why Russia is doing it but if it’s TR it’s purely about training doesn’t make much sense uh we already know that we will not be alone and we will use the next few days to organize a broader coalition to respond to Ukraine’s request so it’ be with Baltic states in there and we will see how then that goes into the future I won’t be surprised if we see it how effective will it be well again we are not 100% sure but we know Ukraine’s biggest issue right now is Manpower on the front line now we need to talk about these strikes in the Lans oblas now it’s being absolutely reported a million different ways of what this is so o reporter he’s been he’s had a really great reputation so let’s say he say an old school building in the Russian occupied city of luhansk was struck early by a Ukrainian attack’s tactical ballistic missile resulting in massive structural damage to the building as well as several nearby residential and Commercial Horizons the school complex was reportedly being used as the barracks by elements of the Russian army with extent of casualties from the strike currently unknown but we do know for sure there was at least one civilian killed in here from then the video you can see the damage that took place on this Photograph here as well but there’s a lot of speculation about what this is some Ukrainian pages are saying yep it’s an attacks other ones are saying it’s air defense all over the place the funny thing is the one saying it’s attacks again yep it’s against a build up of military forces blah blah blah the one thing it’s air defense well it’s Russian air defense against Residential and the same video on another page saying it’s a Ukrainian High Mars against a military Target unknown but we can see here that this is either being intercepted by something or I think more likely is maybe an air burst here but we’re not 100% 100% sure on exactly what has gone down there just like we don’t know exactly on the target here as well so to my it looks like an air burst attacks to me and then there’s some different footage here this one to me looks almost more I don’t know it depends on the angle but we’ll speculate over what is what but legends that is all that I have for you today I hope that you have a fantastic weekend and I’ll speak to you tomorrow there’s an interview coming I hope you’ll really really like it thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Delay for fighters
    – politics
    Wait until after election
    US doesn’t want this online
    Propagandist keep citing irrelevant
    politicians that have no say in the
    – there are pilots that likely failed
    If they aren’t sending new recruits,
    they are wasting time
    -keep the soviet crafts going as long
    – they want to use them, not in a limited area

    Why wouldn’t there be delays for the French?

  2. Ukraine is apparently a land of military geniuses who ar familiar with all Western wonder weapons since birth. Ukrainians, who barely speak their own language, because before the conflict most of them spoke a Russian dialect, now master everything from English, German, French and other languages ​​in the EU. No wonder most of these cosmopolitan warriors die before firing the first shot on the front.

  3. Look at a WW2 map of Ukraine – no 100,000 square miles of Russia. 100s of Russian villages have been destroyed and over 20,000 Russian civilians have been killed. A Putin withdrawal will be a massacre of 100s of thousands of Slavic civilians like in WW2 Kosovo. NATO hates Slav xians. 6 hedge funds own U. farmland and want it all under their control.

  4. Great points Willy. Certainly, I don’t think anything is a ‘game changer’ but I did see a rather extended video where the 47th Ukrainian Mechanized Division actually used ‘combined arms’ to repel a superior Russian force. It was pretty compelling and encouraging to see Ukraine using combined arms (infantry, drones, Bradley’s, Leopards and Abrams) to take out a much larger force.

    You’re also right – someone needs to buy Zelensky a goddamned suit and tie. This t-shirt crap is low rent.

  5. It is always about Ukrainian fantasies. Restrictions of western weapons usage within Russia is the reason for Ukraine losing the war badly? F16s will be the 8th wonder weapon in a row that supposedly will win the war for Ukrainians??? They will have the same fate as the previous ones. Nothing will change on the battlefield even with F16s. Their life span will be 1 to 2 flights before getting hit by Russian missiles. Ukrainian propaganda is so laughable 😂😂😂😂😂

  6. US- We can't let Russia win. We need Ukraine sacrifice evey man woman and child they can spare.

    Ukraine- We need help.

    US– Hmmmm here some outdated equipment we had in stroage and some money. Good luck.

    Ukraine- 0_0

    War companies- 🤑 let's leverage some contracts.

  7. Honestly how are people this stupid. The F16’s will be shot out of the sky Ukrainian bases will be demolished and so will bases in NATO countries if they think they will be launching from there.

  8. willy your statement that ukraine hitting russian refineries raises oil pricess in short term is incorrect. russia passed a law where diesel and gasoline cant be exported last fall because refiners were not getting russian subsidies to sell to russians at lower price so they were selling it outside of russia. so hitting russian refineries only impacts domestic russian gasoline and diesel prices as it doesnt impact russian crude production. you think russia is gonna shut down their wells and risk them not working or having pipes freeze next winter and crack? basically russia will have to sell more crude to buy refined petroleum products and import them at 30 percent higher cost than market crude because thats what it costs to make it.

  9. Numbers are wrong. Pilots fly in UA, eject, get new plane.
    Damaged planes go home.
    Land, reload, fly, fire 8 booms. .repeat
    Maintenance? No.
    After 5 days return it to Poland.
    Pilot gets in new plane.
    Constant losses. Sometimes maintenance failures.
    Oh well.
    The numbers are for a normal airforce, at peace.
    These airframes should have a half life of . . 10 days?
    1 loss per day of active combat, with 20 active and half life 10 days.
    Hmm thats 3 months of air force from 80 F16
    As for pilots, how many do you need at the end?
    Soviets says zero, but that seems wasteful.
    Say 50% of pilots survive the loss of the F16.
    40 plus 20 plus 10 plus 5 plus 3 plus 2 means no more pilots and no more planes.
    20 planes in UA, 40 pilots, 60 planes in eu.
    No parked planes. Attach a tow car and move it slowly around and off base.
    Make hangers to hide for refueling.
    Only need 40 pilots for 80 planes.

  10. Interesting celebration of D Day this year. 80 years ago the allies landing at Normandy fought the NAZIs including elements of the Galicia SS division, made up of Ukrainian NAZIs. This year they again had Ukraine NAZIs represented only this time they were presented as heros. The world has gone mad

  11. How daft are you? Reason they are looking into / going to train "ukrainians" in "ukraine" is because if they get out of "ukraine", they would first go AWOL ASAP and then apply asylum, because nobody with sound mind an choice would fight and die this corrupt terror regime and the totally corrupt not actually a nation thing. All "ukraine" ever was and will be is a area of Russia. And the people, slavs that speak Russian all, so Russians.

  12. Sorry old gunner here and when I was trained as an FO the RAAF instructor told our group "we use only precision weapons, they are guarantee to hit the planet earth". Artillery 1 minute time on target, F16 – 20 minute loiter time and then 2 hours to rearm and refuel.

  13. 14:40 differs some times its company level some times they have their own drone recon units attached especially in assault operations they have direct comm to the guys on the ground which is a huge game changer
    e.g. they can tell you like in front ten meters throw nade in the bush there is one hiding two were running down the trenches we see them we will give further instructions ect. its massiv no flank gose unnoticed

  14. Okay then. It's not very difficult to see and hear that almost all social media contributions are contrived by armchair masters of bullshit, much like yourself; OMB. But what I do kow for certain is that Russia isn't gaining enough ground to make thelosses in blood and capital worth staying committed to the conflict. I wonder id you know what napalm does to orcs?

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