What a fool believes: Donald Trump and America’s bogus respect for “faith”: How religious “freedom” has been twisted into an all-out attack on critical thinking and the rule of law

What a fool believes: Donald Trump and America’s bogus respect for “faith”: How religious “freedom” has been twisted into an all-out attack on critical thinking and the rule of law


  1. Conservatives and evangelicals love to play victim, they have a massive victim mentality, but the reality is:

    >Religion and its adherents, contrary to assertions that the faithful are beleaguered by the aggressions of secular society, have obtained extraordinary privileges well beyond their tax-exempt status.

  2. Their is religious freedom is your slavery.

    They do not want any other religion to have religious freedom. They do not want you to have freedom.

    They want to force their values on you. The only value they really hold is power and taking it from you.

  3. Lets be honest, Critical Thinking isnt a hallmark of religion..They kinda teach you the opposite.

  4. How funny/weird/strange to watch a country that was supposedly founded on religious freedom, to watch it go to a country that is being inundated with religion under the guise of their rights to practice their religion are somehow being abrogated. When in reality it is the right to be free FROM religion that are being abrogated. Look at the mockery over inability to wish somebody a happy holiday because you didn’t wish them a Merry Christmas. Where religious instruction is infiltrating into the curriculum and the school day at Public Schools. Or the amount of legislators on the state and federal level that are decrying God didn’t want legislators who were not Christians and that if they were Muslims or other “undesirables”, they shouldn’t be in elected office. The great difficulty with what’s going on is eventually cases get heard at the so-called Supreme Court which is now a kangaroo court 6-3, and they flaunt that in your face and know that you have very little if anything to push back against what’s going on.

  5. These evangelical faithful that support Donald Trump have a worldview that is incompatible with democracy. Their faith requires them to bring about the rapture – what do they care if a man-made government is destroyed along the way to heaven?

  6. Religion has been used to control the rubes since time immemorial. Many people are quite willfully deceived, because reality is often difficult.

  7. >In the last several years, we’ve been inundated with similar claims: Refusing to get vaccinated is a matter of religious conscience; Jan. 6 rioters were honestly convinced the 2020 election was stolen; the anti-abortion crowd fervently believes that life is sacred; refusing service to a retail customer or firing an employee is dictated by sincere faith, burning like a pure flame, rather than mere spite or ill will.

  8. The Hulu series Miss America really opened my eyes to this. It’s largely about Phyllis Schlafly and how she courted the evangelicals for Reagan (even though she was later thrown under the bus by him). Behind the Bastards podcast filled in more gaps.

    Before then, abortion and homosexuality really weren’t big issues for the church. The church voted red, blue and independent and not as one unit. As someone who grew up in the 70s in the church, I was surprised I didn’t know this.

    Schlafly and GOP politics manipulated and actively courted religion as a means to regain voters ***after their unpopular policies on women’s rights, civil rights, and the hugely unpopular president Nixon caused them to lose elections.***

    Sound familiar?

    Phyllis Schlafly found millions of Christians who previously voted blue, red, independent to be firmly Republicans by holding up newfound fears of abortion and homosexuality (as well as to indirectly stir up fear about women liberation and racial equality). And the church has been courted heavily ever since.

    So many Christians actively vote red even if it goes against the churches and Jesus’s teaching. That’s amazing propaganda to teach a group devoted to sermons about mercy, charity, service, and love to exclusively join a political party about money, removing financial support for poor, minimizing health insurance, heavy support of military, and general me centered policies.

    As a former evangelical, I’m amazed and outraged at what had happened. I’ve been watching it in slow motion in more and more songs and scripture readings about gods army or cultural discussions brought up in sermons. (And always thrashing about abortion and homosexuality, which strangely are not topics in any of the four gospels at all. Heck, those topics wouldn’t even make the top 100 of topics in the Bible if we looked at number of references.)

    I’m not even sure many of my former churchgoers will ever come back to reality now that they have tasted political influence and are actively courted by the GOP (see Mike Johnson and Mike Pence). I talk to friends and they are convinced this is the path.



    Now let’s all read the first amendment together. The **first** sentence of the **first** amendment prohibits the government from creating an official religion or favoring one religion over another.

    “Congress shall ***make no law respecting an establishment of religion***, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” [Emphasis mine.]

    Vote, people, vote.

  9. “Indeed, I can see no reason, but the most deceitful one, for calling the religion of this land Christianity. I look upon it as the climax of all misnomers, the boldest of all frauds, and the grossest of all libels…”
    – Frederick Douglass

  10. Trump being Christian is a nostalgic tale believed by sentimental fools

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