‘Netanyahu is saying Israel won’t agree to permanent ceasefire until its conditions have been met’

‘Netanyahu is saying Israel won’t agree to permanent ceasefire until its conditions have been met’

fresh hope that the war in Gaza could end the US president has outlined a new peace deal speaking at the White House Joe Biden urged Hamas to accept the proposal which was submitted by Israel uh Biden said it’s time for the war to end for the day after to begin the plan would eventually lead to a permanent ceasefire and withdrawal of Israeli forces in exchange for the release of hostages and the long-term reconstruction of Gaza which has been devastated by more than 7even months of War our chief Forin editor Rob Parson following developments from Jerusalem we can speak to him now hello to you rob um what has been reaction to this latest proposal well the reaction from Benjamin n Yahoo himself came a bit late it is the Sabbath here in Israel so perhaps that’s the reason why but given the fact that this is a an agreement which is meant to have come from the Israeli side his response was I would say cool to say the least he said that and we’re really talking about the transition between phase one and phase two uh of the deal here in other words is it what at what point has it become possible to switch from a temporary ceasefire to the end of the war itself and what Benyamin Netanyahu is saying is that Israel will never agree to the permanent ceasefire in other words to the end of the war until its conditions have been met its conditions are the total defeat of Hamas so they could NE no longer function in a military sense or in a governmental sense so you know those are still pretty tough terms I suppose the the the question will be you know how do you define what defeat amounts to you know Joe Biden gave his spin on that when he uh announced the the the proposal uh from the White House suggesting that Hamas is already effectively defeated and it is pointless to keep on pushing for an elusive total victory can never really be achieved whether Benyamin Netanyahu is prepared to go down that path or not we don’t know as yet but I somehow doubt it yeah it appears to be the the furthest that Biden has gone into telling uh Israel to wrap up its operations uh Rob what are some of the other developments you’re following whether it’s on the ground in Gazo or the tensions between demonstrators and the Israeli government what what’s caught your eye this week well well know the what’s what’s really characterizing at the moment is this deal you know what happens next and obviously there’s a lot of concern about what the Israeli response is going to be and who this deal actually represents in the Israeli government you know is what was Ben Netanyahu involved in drawing it together I what is his relation with it but the but the other aspect which we don’t really know the full answer to yet is what is hamas’s response full response going to be we know Hamas has said it uh it recognizes this as a as a positive step forward uh but you know when we get to phase two and this the the the the end of the war phase is it possible for Hamas to AC accept a deal which would in effect a mean mean its complete removal from the scene in Gaza it’s really hard at this stage to see how they could possibly accept that but uh Anthony blinkin the US Secretary of State has been talking today to Turkey he’s been talking to uh Jordan he’s been talking to Saudi Arabia he his envoys have been talking to Qatar to Egypt all to put pressure on how us to accept this deal whether they’re prepared to go as far as that you know we we simply don’t know at this stage there are too too many variables up in the air all right Rob thank you very much Rob Parson reporting from Jerusalem

“Israel’s conditions for ending the war have not changed”, said Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday (June 1). “Netanyahu is saying that Israel would never agree to the permanent ceasefire until its conditions have been met”, reports FRANCE 24’s Chief Foreign Editor Rob Parsons. “Its conditions are the total defeat of Hamas so that they could no longer function in a military sense or in a governmental sense”, he added.
#Gaza #Israel #war

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  1. Maybe Qatar could eject Hamas from their country. Neighboring countries like Egypt, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia could denounce Hamas as a terrorist organization (as do most o Europe and America). Maybe then Israel could rightly feel that Hamas is defeated and no longer a threat.

  2. Seems like Netanyahu has the final word, even if everyone claims that the State of Israel has another point of view. He is obviously improvising, unaware of the development of the situation.

  3. The demise of Isreal has been brought about by its own actions,earning the reputation of a pariah state! The world has been watching this ugly episode unfold. They have created deep resentment that will endure for a considerable time .

  4. Hamas has already accepted it. But this is nothing but another ploy by Biden to appease his vanishing base. He well knows it'll never work because Netanyahu will not accept, as he now says. He'll now spin it to say hamas has rejected it😂

  5. Two hours from now:

    Biden: I called this news conference to say that last night I announced to the world that Israel had submitted to me a peace proposal to which I NEGLECTED to ask Bibi Netanyahu “Are you sure you want to do this?” Today, Bibi got on the phone to blast me with “Joe, I never agreed to anything”.

  6. Quite simple at this point: Netanyahu must be removed from power for the good of all. His inability to provide security to the victims of the October attack already meant he was unqualified. Now his inability to understand that calling a ceasefire is the smartest strategy move to gain the best possible post war international position for the Israeli people is simply incompetent and reeks of obfuscation to aid the convicted felon Donald Trump. Soon Israel will be completely isolated internationally with no support. Exactly as Hamas intended. Netanyahu is incredibly stupid and is no longer acting in the best interests of his own nation and people.

  7. Biden has lied to the American people again about this proposal sent on a Friday? C'mon, get real people and wake up. Biden is a disgrace!

  8. Hamas can’t be defeated.. it’s a lie…. Biden suggest about this peace talk buz his presidential seat is in danger and lots of innocent civilians killing in Gaza is isolating US and Isreal in a serious case

  9. A 😮😮😢😮😮😢 bad & nasty 😢😮😮😢😢😮 retired director from General Dynamics, previously worked in San Diego, probably more than 85 yrs old now, is abusing US Gov's monitoring satellite to harass normal US civilians, inside USA & all over the world for his own entertainment & amusement.

    These remote sensors of the monitoring satellites are capable of interpreting the words you're thinking in your mind, may be, by air vibration or by scanning the brainwaves from your brain.

    The Israeli IDF are using similar satellite technologies to spy on the Hamas leadership hiding deep inside the Gaza Tunnels. IDF once released footage of these videos in much degraded resolution.

    This could also have been the way how our intelligence services obtained classified information on Xi Jinping's missile deployment within China.

    This retired General Dynamics director could have been the mastermind behind the plane crash killing the Secretary of Commerce Ronald Brown of the Clinton Administration, in the plane crash in 1996 in Croatia.

    The United States as we learned and studied in American high school does not exist anymore; it has been destroyed.

    United States have been dead. American citizens don't have human rights.

    This retired Director of General Dynamics is indeed a national disgrace of the United States.

    If this America disgrace wants to harrass any American civilian, he just puts the name of this American into our Gov. blacklist for monitoring, and he can harass this American civilian.

    United States must stop this disgrace retired director from General Dynamics.

    Our Congress should carry out an investigation into our Gov satellite misuse. I am willing to testify in Congress.

    I can give White House my name and let them check if I have been wrongly put onto the blacklist of terrorists for monitoring, just for some retired director from General Dynamics for his personal amusement and entertainment.

    I am requesting help here from White House. That's why I'm typing all these.

    White House can simply remove my name from the list of terrorists being monitored by the American intelligence services.

    I am the victim of abuse of American monitoring satellites.

    It's easy to check. White House may check if my name is on the terrorist monitoring list. I am willing to contact White House.

  10. Lol so Biden lied when he said Israel submitted the proposal and he's been exposed as a liar. Way to lose the election Biden.

  11. We do know if Hamas will accept the deal. What kind of negotiation has ever taken place in the history of negotiations where one side required the destruction of the other side to make a deal?!?

    This is like watching amateurs. "We just don't know if Hamas will agree to the deal, there's so many variables."

  12. There was peace on October 6th. On one level that’s palpable nonsense. The fact is 2023 on the West Bank was the most violent year since 2005, since the end of the second intifada where 100’s of Palestinians were killed. Eighty children were killed in West Bank in 2023. So no there was no peace on Oct 6th. On one level it’s nonsense but on another level the fact is all those Palestinians died wasn’t news. It didn’t ripple the surface. Hamas understood for better or worse what would create a disturbance and that was the death of a large number of Israelis. They did something that could not be ignored because the deaths of Israelis count and the deaths of Arabs don’t. They certainly created a situation where the plight of Palestinians could not be ignored. What a heavy price the Palestinians have paid to be seen by the world.
    Maher Mughrabi

  13. Palestine
    A little more history for those wanting to 'restore Palestine.
    1. Before Israel, there was a British mandate, not a Palestinian state.
    2. Before the British Mandate, there was the Ottoman Empire, not a Palestinian state.
    3. Before the Ottoman Empire, there was the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, not a Palestinian state.
    4. Before the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, there was the Ayubid Arab-Kurdish Empire, not a Palestinian state.
    5. Before the Ayubid Empire, there was the Frankish and Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem, not a Palestinian state.
    6. Before the Kingdom of Jerusalem, there was the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, not a Palestinian state.
    7. Before the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, there was the Byzantine empire, not a Palestinian state.
    8. Before the Byzantine Empire, there were the Sassanids, not a Palestinian state.
    9. Before the Sassanid Empire, there was the Byzantine Empire, not a Palestinian state.
    10. Before the Byzantine Empire, there was the Roman Empire, not a Palestinian state.
    11. Before the Roman Empire, there was the Hasmonean state, not a Palestinian state.
    12. Before the Hasmonean state, there was the Seleucid, not a Palestinian state.
    13. Before the Seleucid empire, there was the empire of Alexander the Great, not a Palestinian state.
    14. Before the empire of Alexander the Great, there was the Persian empire, not a Palestinian state.
    15. Before the Persian Empire, there was the Babylonian Empire, not a Palestinian state.
    16. Before the Babylonian Empire, there were the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, not a Palestinian state.
    17. Before the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, there was the Kingdom of Israel, not a Palestinian state..
    18. Before the kingdom of Israel, there was the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, not a Palestinian state.
    19. Before the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, there was an agglomeration of independent Canaanite city-kingdoms, not a Palestinian state.
    20. Actually, in this piece of land there has been everything, EXCEPT A PALESTINIAN STATE.

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