Major Crisis in Black Sea! Ukraine DESTROYED famous Russian battleship! Even US didn’t expect this!

Major Crisis in Black Sea! Ukraine DESTROYED famous Russian battleship! Even US didn’t expect this!

welcome to Oracle eyes in a bold and strategic move Special Forces of the Ukrainian Navy have reportedly sunk another Russian vessel off the coast of Crimea this incident occurred amid Rising tensions and military activity in the Black Sea raising critical questions about the future dynamics of Naval power and strategic control in the region what are the consequences of this bold action by Ukraine how will Russia respond to this escalating Naval conflict in a strategic military success the Ukrainian mil milary successfully destroyed a Russian naval vessel off the coast of temporarily occupied Crimea according to the Press service of the Ukrainian defense intelligence this attack was carried out on the night of June 6th 2023 and is of historical significance because this date coincides with the anniversary of the kakavia HPP disaster which was blown up by the Russians the attack was carried out using a drone operated by the ninth Special Forces Unit of the Ukrainian defense intelligence the targeted vessel was a rating tug of Russia’s project 498 Saturn or Proteus class this tug played a critical role in the capacity of Russian forces in the Black Sea to provide logistical and tactical support during the operation the Drone reportedly approached the Russian tug anchored in the waters of Lake pansky West of the Crimean Peninsula and made a direct Collision causing serious damage to the vessel footage of the attack shows the Drone moving towards the ship’s Mooring and crashing into it followed by a large fire the Ukrainian defense intelligence noted that this operation was a strategic move that successfully overcame Russia’s defense barriers in the Black Sea and caused catastrophic fire damage to the tugboat the Crimean wind telegram Channel shared videos satellite images and geolocation information taken by the surface drone during the attack and published by gu according to the marina Traffic Service the Saturn project tug gusan 5 was at the fast identified Collision Point although the services data is outdated satellite images dated May 31st 2024 confirm this location the Ukrainian offensive on Crimea comes at a time when Russian forces are heavily focused on fronts in eastern Ukraine such as KV and donet this forces Russia to manage its defense resources in a fragmented manner making its strategic vulnerabilities in Crimea more visible these moves are seen as a strategic emphasis aimed directly at the heart of the conflict since Russia’s invasion of Crimea so what is known about the destroyed Russian ship project 498 Saturn code named Proteus has been in service since the Soviet Union playing an important role in both the Soviet and later Russian navies these ships were designed as Harbor rating tugs and were especially equipped with fire extinguishing systems this makes them indispensable for emergency response in ports and Naval bases project 4 198 tugs allow large tonnage vessels to maneuver in ports and coasts guide them during entry and exit operations assist them in anchoring and rearrange them when necessary these vessels are capable of operating even in harsh conditions such as extreme weather conditions and icc’s they are also actively used in firefighting missions making them critical to Maritime Safety project 498 was developed specifically in the 1960s to replace the older model ion project 730 the first Saturn Tugboat entered service in 1962 and was significantly revised in 1983 as technology improved since then it has been regularly modernized in line with technological and operational requirements Saturns have been praised for their High maneuverability and Powerful engines their ability to make the best use of the engine’s power in various operating modes makes them particularly valuable in complex and narrow waterways these characteristics make them versatile and valuable vehicles for Naval operations currently Russia is in the process of gradually decommissioning the project 498 tugs as these vessels are nearing the end of their technological lifespan they are being replaced by more modern and more functional vessels however the loss or decommissioning of these tugs could significantly affect Russia’s Naval operations and strategic Maritime defense while the Kremlin is still still recovering from the shock of the attack on the night of May 30th the loss of another ship has made things even more difficult for the Russians recall that on May 30th a joint attack by the Ukrainian Defense Forces on Russian facilities in Crimea resulted in the destruction of several Naval Logistics vessels and boats in particular missile strikes on the Kirch Ferry Crossing damaged the project CNF 06 avanguard and conro Trader the avanguard ran a ground due to severe damage while four crew members were reportedly injured the conro trader likely sustained less critical damage and one crew member was injured both vessels are railroad fairies and were the only vessels of this type serving the Kirch Ferry Crossing on the same night the Ukrainian military also managed to damage four KC 70012 Nets boats in other words Russia’s Naval capabilities were dealt a major blow as a result of the attacks which took place about a week apart while Ukraine’s successful attacks are being watched carefully by the whole world Western allies are also making striking statements on the issue according to a new assessment by the UK Ministry of Defense Ukraine’s attacks on Eastern Crimea late last month likely compromised Russia’s logistical operations on the annex peninsula in particular the ministry focused on the attack on May 30th according to the UK Ministry of Defense the tight security measures at the Kirch Bridge have created a ser serious logistical challenge for Russia due to these security measures Russia has been forced to use rail fairies as almost the only means of Transport for train loads of fuel and ammunition to Crimea however the recent Ukrainian offensive has significantly reduced rail Transit capacity this has caused serious temporary disruptions to Russia’s military logistics operations and fuel supplies to Crimea as is well known Russia has become heavily dependent on rail fairies due to the security measures imposed on the bridge over the Kirch Strait these fairies play a critical role in the transportation of military and civilian cargo to Crimea in particular this transport route is used to ensure the continuous flow of vital supplies such as fuel and amunition Ukraine’s targeting of Ferry Crossings and nearby fuel facilities in the Kirch Strait can be seen as a strategic move these attacks could disrupt Russia’s Logistics lines and negatively affect its military op operations in Crimea moreover such attacks also expose the inadequacy of Russian air defense and security measures in the region the UK Ministry of Defense states that Russia will prioritize replacing these fery Services as soon as possible this shows how dependent Russia is on these Transit routes to maintain its logistical and Military capabilities Russia’s efforts to replace these fairies or find alternative logistical routs could have significant implications for the military balance in the region Ukraine’s attacks on these targets demonstrate that Russia’s efforts to secure the Kirch straight have fallen short this clearly demonstrates the limits of moscow’s defense strategies and the vulnerability of the Kirch Strait this vulnerability may lead Ukraine to increase its attacks on this area in the future the sinking of the Russian vessel by Ukrainian Special Forces is an important event in the ongoing conflict this operation not only demonstrates Ukraine’s growing Naval capabilities but also exposes weaknesses in Russia’s Maritime defense strategy let us now examine the geopolitical military and psychological implications of this development the destruction of Russian naval Assets in the Black Sea would disrupt Logistics and Supply chains vital to sustaining Russian military operations in Crimea and The Wider region this in turn affects Russia’s ability to project power and maintain its dominance over the territories it occupies such high-profile successes are likely to increase support from Western allies who see Ukraine’s ability to strike Russian forces as evidence of the effectiveness of the military assistance provided this support could translate into more advanced weapons and strategic resources for Ukraine this escalation could further strain relations between Russia and Western Powers leading to increased sanctions and diplomatic isolation of Russia it will also be difficult for NATO to balance its support for Ukraine with the need to avoid a direct confrontation with Russia the successful operation demonstrates the Strategic courage and operational capabilities of the Ukrainian Navy this could lead to more aggressive and bold operations aimed at undermining Russian naval Supremacy in the Black Sea the loss of one more ship will force the Russian Navy to reassess its strategies and defenses in the Black Sea increased defensive measures and retaliatory strikes against Ukrainian positions can be expected both sides may change their operational tactics Ukraine may continue to focus on high value targets using asymmetric Warfare tactics while Russia May strengthen its Naval defenses and seek to secure critical sea Lanes more aggressively the sinking of a Russian ship is an important morale booster for Ukrainian forces and the civilian population it underscores Ukraine’s ability to defend its territory and respond effectively against a militarily superior enemy on the other hand such losses could demoralize Russian troops and lead to increased public scrutiny of the kremlin’s handling of the war the Russian government is likely to engage in significant propaganda efforts to mitigate the psychological impact of these defeats globally this development could be seen as a David and Goliath scenario in which a weak Ukraine manages to inflict significant damage on the more powerful Russian army this narrative could influence International public opinion and policy decisions in favor of supporting Ukraine so what measures is the Russian military taking in response to Ukrainian attacks according to information from the telegram Channel Crimean wind Raptor class boats have recently been deployed to escort Russian Black Sea Fleet ships especially during navigation towards Crimea this new tactic is seen as a measure to protect Russian ships against possible attacks by Ukrainian Navy drones on June 4th the kill 158 gunboat of the Russian Black Sea Fleet arrived in Delta from the East during this Transit the ship was accompanied by two Raptor class boats and Raptor boats are known for their high speed and maneuverability and are often actively used in coastal security missions Raptor boats are used by the Russian Navy in a variety of roles these include Patrol missions search and rescue operations and rapid response units especially against attacks from the sea the accompaniment of these boats to the Russian Black Sea Fleet is considered a strategic Choice especially due to their capacity to react quickly to drone threats and provide close protection according to the report Now All Ships and vessels of the Russian Black Sea Fleet Transit only under the escort of fastboats this can be considered as an indicator of the measures taken by Russia in response to Ukraine’s recent drone attacks from the sea the introduction of raptor boats is seen as a move to increase both the navigational safety of the ships and to intervene quickly against possible attacks the telegram Channel believes that this is how the Russian Invaders are trying to protect their ships this strategy is a precautionary measure against Ukrainian attacks from the sea and marks a change in the operational tactics of the Russian Black Sea Fleet such measures also reflect growing concerns about military activity in the region and the potential for conflict on the other hand according to the announcements of the Ukrainian Southern Defense Forces the recent moves of the Russian Federation in the Black Sea have seriously increased tension in the region in particular the Russian Navy’s deployment of three surface missile ships equipped with 24 caliber missiles to the Black Sea has significantly increased the military activity and Potential Threat in the region caliber missiles are known for their High Precision long-range strike capabilities and the presence of these ships could shift the military balance on the Black Sea in favor of Russia the deployment of such ships increases the risk of air strikes and is becoming a growing concern for the countries of the region and Ukraine the Ukrainian Defense Forces are warning the civilian population to be alert to air strike signals and to immediately take shelter and shelters in case of any alert this is seen as the most effective measure especially against possible calber missile attacks such warnings are vital to ensure the safety of civilians and minimize potential damage in an attack on May 19th the cichon missile ship was hit and sunk in sevastopol meaning the loss of the last cruise missile ship in Crimea the fact that this ship was unable to launch any missiles in an active combat situation indicates a serious loss in Russia’s operational capabilities in the Black Sea it is known that other Russian ships belonging to project 22800 were either disabled or forced to leave the Black Sea in particular the elimination of the asold ship by the Ukrainian armed forces and the departure of the Amur and Tuka ships to the Caspian sea for testing purposes point to significant changes in the operational structure of the Russian Black Sea Fleet Ukraine is apparently intensifying its efforts to regain control of Crimea a strategically vital Peninsula illegally annexed by Russia in 2014 the Ukrainian military is conducting a comprehensive and systematic campaign designed to erode Russia’s defensive capabilities disrupt critical supply lines and neutralize key infrastructure across Ross the region this approach aims to make Russia’s continued occupation of Crimea increasingly untenable thus forcing Moscow to reassess its position and potentially make concessions in future negotiations the recent surge in Ukrainian military activity can be partly attributed to the significant amount of support from the West particularly the United States in April the Biden Administration approved a massive $61 billion military aid package for Ukraine after a 6-month delay in Congressional approval this diversion of resources especially through the provision of advanced weapons such as the Army tactical missile system has begun to tip the scales in favor of Ukrainian forces capable of hitting targets up to 300 km away these longrange ballistic missiles have significantly increased Ukraine’s ability to Target Russian positions in occupied Crimea with unprecedented precision and lethality while the US has authorized Ukraine to launch strikes against Russian targets along the border regions of karke and Sumi the Biden Administration has not yet lifted restrictions on strikes on other parts of Russian territory despite these restrictions Ukraine’s action in Crimea provided convincing evidence of the potential effectiveness of its military strategies in the absence of such restrictions as a former senior US military official noted Ukrainian forces are systematically working to make Crimea unavailable to Russian forces underscoring the Strategic importance of the ongoing offensive the Strategic importance of the Kirch straight and the bridge connecting Crimea to Mainland Russia cannot be overstated opened in 2018 and widely seen as a symbol of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Ambitions in the region the bridge was repeatedly targeted by Ukrainian forces throughout 2022 and 2023 the cumulative damage to this critical piece of infrastructure has rendered it largely ineffective with the Bridge’s capacity to support rail traffic severely diminished Russia has been forced to resort to Alternative and often more vulnerable methods to maintain its presence in Crimea a spokesperson for the Ukrainian Navy confirmed that the bridge cannot be used for military logistical purposes such as the transfer of heavy armored vehicles as a result of these developments the Russian occupation forces are now becoming increasingly dependent on the railway infrastructure in the occupied Ukrainian territory this Reliance gives Ukrainian forces a distinct tactical Advantage allowing them to more easily Target Russian military trains and resupply convoys as they pass through these areas a spokesman for the Ukrainian Navy noted the ongoing nature of the operation noting that periodic explosions will continue as long as the Russians remain in Ukrainian Crimea on Friday ukrainians used locally produced drones and long-range Neptune missiles to attack the Russian city of as Nadar Ukraine’s campaign to undermine Russia’s capabilities in Crimea extends Beyond attacks on Logistics hubs and transport infrastructure in recent months Ukrainian forces have significantly weakened the Russian Navy’s presence in the Black Sea using a combination of Naval drones and Shor launched missiles to successfully destroy or damage at least 27 Russian warships and one submarine in addition the Ukrainian military launched numerous attacks on Russian airbases and Naval facilities forcing the Russian Black Sea Fleet to move its assets to the port of Novar rosis these Relentless attacks have continuously eroded Russia’s ability to project power from Crimea and its capacity to defend the peninsula against future Ukrainian attacks the Ukrainian military highlighted the ineffectiveness of Russia’s air defense systems noting their failure to protect key facilities used by the Russian military for Logistics and Supply the effective Ness of Ukraine’s operation can be partly attributed to the apparent weakness of Russia’s much vaunted air defense systems particularly the S400 despite its reputation as a highly Advanced and formidable weapon the S400 has proven largely ineffective in countering Ukrainian attacks as evidenced by the increasing frequency and success of strikes against Russian positions in Crimea Ukrainian forces reportedly use sophisticated tactics such as the use of dummy drones to con Vince Russian air defense operators to activate their Radars and reveal their locations once these locations are identified Ukrainian AAC Ms Crews can quickly Target and neutralize S400 batteries taking advantage of their high cost and difficulty of replacement further weakening Russia’s defensive capabilities a former adviser to the German defense Ministry stated that the ukrainians Ed dummy drones to induce the Russians to activate the radar and reveal their position targeting data is instantly transmitted to aim’s launch teams virtually undetectable due to their speed and low radar cross-section the missiles reach their targets within 6 minutes the S400 systems are also vulnerable to sabotage by Ukrainian Special Forces operating in Crimea General Hodges said each battery costs around $200 million and is not easily replaceable the integration of Western intelligence and reconnaissance assets also played an important role in the success of Ukraine’s offensive by leveraging air and satellite data provided by NATO allies their deep knowledge of the terrain and the presence of covert Ukrainian forces on the ground the Ukrainian military was able to develop a comprehensive understanding of Russia’s movements and Trends in Crimea this intelligence Advantage combined with the extended range and precision of Ukrainian Weapons Systems effectively made every square meter of the occupied Peninsula accessible allowing Ukrainian forces to Target key assets such as aircraft command centers and Supply convoys with impunity this means that Russian forces have nowhere to hide with the help of air and satellite reconnaissance provided by NATO allies their deep knowledge of the region and covert forces on the ground nothing can move in Crimea without Ukraine’s awareness with the arrival of aacm and the increasing sophistication of its own drones every square meter of the peninsula is within range including sensitive targets such as convoys of aircraft and equipment moving by Road or rail as the war enters this new phase military analysts and former senior officials have begun to speculate about the potential for a decisive Ukrainian victory in Crimea some such as general Ben hajes former commander of US forces in Europe have expressed confidence that Ukrainian forces will eventually succeed in destroying the Kirch Bridge severing the last remaining direct link between Crimea and Mainland Russia others emphasize the potential security vulnerability of the construction of a new Railway line across the sea of azov linking the Russian city of rostov to the occupied Ukrainian cities of marup pole and berans this line could be used by Ukrainian forces to further isolate Crimea and disrupt Russia’s supply lines however destroying this new rail line could be a more challenging task the neutralization of Crimea would be a major strategic prize for Ukraine and since the reign of Katherine the Great the Russians have considered Crimea militarily important Vladimir Putin saw Crimea connected to Russian territory by the Kirch bridge in 2018 as an Unsinkable aircraft carrier Logistics hubs airbases and the Black Sea Fleet operating from sevastopol could be used to ensure a steady flow of personnel and supplies to dominate Southern Ukraine stop Ukraine’s vital grain exports and push Ukraine completely north from the dbas region the Russian president has invested enormous sums in crimea’s military infrastructure all of which is now under threat Crimea is a weak point for Russia because it has so much to defend and this vulnerability provides the best way to put real pressure on Putin to make future concessions to Ukraine the sinking of another Russian ship in the Black Sea by Ukrainian Special Forces is a strategic and symbolic victory for Ukraine it highlights the effectiveness of Ukraine’s evolving military tactics and the significant challenges Russia faces in maintaining its Maritime dominance as the conflict continues the consequences of such actions will reverberate across geopolitical military and psychological Dimensions shaping the future course of the war and international relations in the region the Strategic landscape of the Black Sea is changing rapidly with both sides adapting to new realities and recalibrating their strategies the world is watching closely as Ukraine continues to demonstrate its resilience and capacity to counter Russian aggression raising critical questions about the future stability and security of the region thank you for watching us

Major Crisis in Black Sea! Ukraine DESTROYED famous Russian battleship! Even US didn’t expect this!

  1. ๐Ÿ•โ€๐Ÿฆบ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ•โ€๐Ÿฆบ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ•โ€๐Ÿฆบ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ•โ€๐Ÿฆบ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ•โ€๐Ÿฆบ๐ŸพPlease ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿปpray for salvation for Chris, Pete and Nick.

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