Putin warns West of deploying missiles in striking distance | Latest News | WION

Russian President Vladimir Putin said he could use conventional missiles against the United States and its European allies within Striking Distance this if they allow Ukraine to use long range Western weapons to strike deeper into Russia Putin made the remarks at a rare and first face-to-face meeting with international news agencies in St Petersburg since the start of Ukraine war Putin said that the West Was Wrong in assuming that Russia will not use its nuclear weapons he also warned that kremlin’s nuclear Doctrine should not be taken lightly for some reason the West believes that Russia will never use its nuclear arsenal we have a nuclear Doctrine look at what it says if someone’s actions threatens our sovereignty and territorial Integrity we consider it possible for us to use all the means at our disposal this should not be taken lightly superficially but professionally when asked about NATO Chief Yan stoltenberg’s calls to allow Ukraine to use Western weapons to strike Russian territory Putin differentiated between different missiles however he warned that permitting keev to strike Russia with ever more powerful weapons could be a serious escalation that would lead the West towards war with Russia Russian president criticizing Western armed supplies to Ukraine argued Moscow can supply weapons to other countries threatening the West in return if someone thinks it is possible to supply such weapons to a war zone to attack our territory and create problems for us why don’t we have the right to supply weapons of the same class to the regions of the world where there will be strikes on sensitive facilities of those countries that do this against Russia meanwhile Ukrainian President Vladimir zilinski arrived in Qatar for talks with air sh Kalani the two leaders discussed the return of Ukrainian children and other War issues since 2022 Qatar has aided in bringing back dozens of children taken to Russia and occupied territories during the more than 2year War now for more on this we’re being joined by Ben Eris founder and editor-in chief of b& intell news and former Moscow bureau chief for the Daily Telegraph sir always a pleasure to have you with us thank you so much for joining us pleasure sir Russia is getting increasing irked by the involvement of the West in the war with Ukraine saying that it will start arming other countries to hit Targets in the west and also saying that if Russian allies are attacked it will lead to a response from Russia as well what is your assessment of these statements this is part of the ongoing creeping escalation that we’ve been seeing in this war throughout since the beginning if you remember right back in the beginning uh that the US supplied Ukraine with javelin missiles uh these anti-tank missiles very effective they were but was but told Ukraine they couldn’t use them except in extreme uh circumstances and since then the missiles the the arms that have been sent have been progressively been getting more powerful and more numerous and the restrictions on the use of them in order to prevent provoking Russia into a direct clash with with NATO have been slowly fading away and now we’re up to the point where we’re very close to the red line um where Russia and NATO go head-to-head Putin’s just played another card um he said that because of the uh the US and the West decision recently to authorize Ukraine to use us and natom made missiles to strike targets inside Russia that he’s going to respond um but he’s not gone the whole way he’s not said that I’m going to hit uh targets who are supplying weapons uh to Ukraine say ammunition dumps in Poland or somewhere like that what he’s threatening to do is destabilize conflicts else where so Russia’s already friends with Iran um Iran’s backing houis I mean maybe Russia is going to get more and some of its more sophisticated missiles in order to destabilize things in the Red Sea in the Middle East um and this is something of course that the West doesn’t want to see but it’s a response to the Western decision to allow Ukraine to use its missiles against Russian targets inside Russia and again there restrictions on that too it’s been a card played by the US where they said that Ukraine can use the haar missiles but they can’t use the atcm uh the much more powerful longer range American missiles to hit things that are much deeper in Russian territory specifically the oil refiner which are far away and the himas won’t won’t reach uh right so just on that the Russian president also mentioned that the war may end in two to three months if the United States were to stop aiding Ukraine and its counter offensive now what does that mean what sort of an end to the war do you think he’s talking about is talking about Ukraine’s capitulation I mean the war in Ukraine is now going very badly I mean the front line has not moved more than a few kilometers in most of the last year but uh this year since Ukraine effectively did get stopped supplying uh weapons from the states then the they’re in Retreat they’ve lost some 700 square kilometers um in since the beginning of the year according to to um The Institute of war and and they’re going backwards um and Putin’s right if the US doesn’t provide more weapons and it did this $61 billion military package but those weapons are only very slowly arriving in Ukraine if if the US cuts off Ukraine completely then um they’re facing defeat in the face they can’t keep fighting without weapons without ammunition what they don’t have at the moment but I mean I don’t think that’s realistic I mean the West continues to dribble in sufficient supplies to allow the ukrainians to hold out and the ukrainians own its drones its home made drones are lethal um and they’ve made the line of contact to no man’s land or no gozone anyone that goes into there on either side is going to be killed with a drone so we kind of have a stalemate with Ukraine in slow retreat in the face of a brutal Russian Onslaught uh all right so now another thing that he mentioned Putin said that Russia’s nuclear Doctrine that’s not something that should be taken lightly what does that point to what do you think he’s implying it’s it’s Russia’s trump card it’s it’s why NATO is being being so careful why it’s pulling back and holding back so much of the powerful weapons that Ukraine needs to win if Ukraine wins if it ejects Russia from his territory then uh and and moreover if they start hitting targets inside Russia the the nuclear Doctrine says that if Russia faces quote unquote an existential threat then it’s allowed to use nuclear missiles in a first strike and by waving this card um he prevents NATO from really sending you know the the kind of numers and and and volumes of arms and and ammo that would allow Ukraine to win and so by playing this card he’s hoping to to limit the amount of arms that are being sent and specifically and as it’s working um to make the US hold off and say look you can use the high Mars but you can’t use the really powerful at a CMS missiles which will actually make a difference in the war and so it leaves Russia in a position where it can just grind away at Ukraine and Ukraine can never properly hit back back okay all right well Mr Beres thank you so much for joining us on we on world is one always a pleasure to have you always a pleasure for latest news download the Von app And subscribe to our YouTube channel

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he could use conventional missiles against US and its allies within striking distance if they allow Ukraine to use long-range western weapons to strike deep inside Russia.

#us #putin #russiaukrainewar

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  1. Putin said in the beginning of the war that any country that will prevent russia from attacking ukrain will face what have never happened in history but now itseems putin is scared of the west support to ukrain

  2. Was ist daran jetzt neu? Das steht sogar in der russischen, offiziellen Militärdoktrin drin. Lesen können, kann helfen. Wenn der Westen den von ihm selbst angezettelten Krieg auf diese Art und Weise weiter führt, wird von dieser Welt nichts mehr übrig bleiben. Und die Russen kennen auch die tiefen Bunker, wohin sich diese Brut zurück ziehen will…WIE DERMAßEN BLÖDE MUSS MAN SEIN; SOLCH EINEN KRIEG ANFANGEN ZU WOLLEN????

  3. I used to like this guy, but suggesting that Russia plays the nuclear card if in danger is stupid; that isn't a card, it's survival; any country would do the same; what is the point of having nuclear weapons if you cannot use them when you are being attacked? Seriously, dude, you should be suggesting de-escalation.

  4. It's up to the west who will win this war. The west is using about 2% of GDP on military while Russia is now using 10%. If the west decide to use 1% more on military and give most of it to Ukrain Russia will lose.

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