Soviet-era Loaf van becomes Russia’s main battlefield resupply vehicle in Ukraine

Soviet-era Loaf van becomes Russia’s main battlefield resupply vehicle in Ukraine

this believe it or not is Russia’s main Battlefield transport vehicle and this is what Ukrainian forces think about [Music] it the basic shape of the uaz Z 452 led to its Russian nickname the breadloaf conceived in 1965 the Soviet Union went for functional not pretty divide of Creature Comforts and shock absorbers a sparse interior with rigid seating and little its best feature is four-wheel drive but you’ll need two hands to coax it into gear even with military modifications it’s 112 horsepower petrol engine means it isn’t going anywhere fast making it easy pre for drone swarms assuming there are no tanks to flatten it so why keep using them and where are all the armored vehicles elephant in the room alert Russia seems to be running low on armored vehicles for some reason the life of a loaf is short its average life expectancy is three trips to the front line carrying re supplies but there is some brighter news for loaf drivers the arrival of Chinese desert cross 1,000 allterrain Vehicles is reducing the time loaves need to stay in danger areas sadly more loaves are needed but the loss rate has seen the cost of a new one rising to 1.5 million Rubles or just over 112,000 so there you have it it a slice of the so-called special military operation by way of the loaf Stuart Rumble forces news thanks for watching for more from forces news like And subscribe to our Channel

As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine rumbles on, the toll of war continues to mount, with Russia losing thousands of trucks and armoured vehicles to the combat – at a rate that manufacturing capacity cannot replace.

In response, the Bukhanka – which roughly translates to Loaf in English – a Soviet Union-era van designed in 1965, has become Russia’s main battlefield resupply vehicle.

Officially named the UAZ-452, it is so-called for its resemblance to a loaf of bread.


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  1. $10,000 US Dollars for that shows no inflation problem in Russia, absolutely. Be interesting to see if these start making their way in Saint Petersburg and Moscow tho as this is a very good combat vehicle actually unlike those Chinese made pieces of junk. Even a Lada is really good actually…provided you know what you're doing (don't overload, etc.) Not like people are taking their BMW into combat!

  2. I wouldn't mind one of those bread loaf vans (preferably one that had been blessed by a priest but hadn't been squashed by a tank) but I don't think I'd be prepared to pay £11,500 for it. Are you quite sure there should be two noughts at the end?

  3. Приветсвую уважаему публику. Я русский, который управлял этой машиной в условиях войны. Машины мне хватило на 6 месяцев службы, потом она сгорела, сам имел ранение в плечо навылет. Машина отлично прдходит для войны, она вместительная и проходимая. Двигатель 2.9L 16 valves 112hp, полноприводная трансмиссия, справляется с задачами хорошо в условиях боевых действий. Один раз вёз 900кг мин. Был случай разгонял по шоссе до 140 км/ч. Транспорт можно считать высокомобильным. Ее стоимость 15000$. Так что думайте сами, хорошая ли машина.

  4. It is not 1914 it is not 1939, Britain does not have the manufacturing capability to fight a conventional war with Russia. When was the last time Britain made a decent rifle, the Lee Enfield No. 4 Mk 2?

  5. Бог создал труд и обезьяну, чтоб получился человек
    Буханку же Господь не трогал, та вышла сразу хорошо.😊

  6. another reason why Russia is losing this war, Russia fielding the loaf van means Russian military vehicles going low Russia scraping the bottom of the barrell of its stocks.

  7. They're cheap, roomy (sort of), and 4WD. What's not to love?

    I live in rural Alaska, I'd take one (or three) in a heartbeat.

    I don't care one whit how ugly it is, or if you can't merge into freeway traffic with it.

    I'm in Alaska. No one is looking and there is no freeway. It just needs to start, to move, and have a heater.

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