Russian warships arrive in Cuba in show of force | BBC News

now three Russian warships and a submarine have arrived in Cuba that suran 90 miles off the US Coast the ships will be carrying out Military exercises Cuba says it does not represent a threat to the region likewise us officials have said the drills are non-threatening though it comes as tensions are still high between the US and Russia over the war in Ukraine while hosting his Cuban counterpart in Moscow on Wednesday the Russian foreign minister Sergey lavro said Moscow was great ful to Cuba for its principled position on the situation around Ukraine now it’s important to note the Russian warships are not belief to be carrying nuclear weapons but what exactly are they doing in Cuba let’s take you to Mexico City our correspondent there is will grant and will let me put that to you what are those uh military uh ships submarines doing in that location well in essence I think there’s two very very clear messages that they’re sending the first first which is perhaps um less surprising and and and and to be expected is a sort of underscoring of the relationship between Moscow and Havana you mentioned there Sergey lavro and and and and the comments he made about uh Cuba’s position on the war in Ukraine Cuba has been a loyal Ally to Russia for decades now um and of course to the Soviet Union before then so that solidifies that relationship but of course the one that most people have focused on is the message being sent to Washington very much a message or certainly it seems of not of what meddling in one’s backyard can bring that you know that the the Caribbean is considered by Washington successive administrations for decades and decades right the way through the Cold War to be its backyard and this I think is a show of strength you’ve made it very clear and you’re right to do so that there isn’t a military threat that the United States perceived by these military exercise Cuba too at pains to make that clear as well but it is an interest in moment it’s happening at a very very interesting moment of global hostilities yes and and and whilst both sides say there is no threat here it does not represent a threat to the region I mean you’re right what it does do though it’s a threat politically it’s a threat diplomatically it’s just saying we are here and that in itself could be deemed in some cirles to be a threat not only are we here but you’ve been taking your eye off the ball when it comes to Central America the Caribbean you know that that we are solidifying and strengthening relationships in your backyard if you’re going to be doing the same in ours as it’s as it’s seen in terms of of Ukraine so yeah I important subtext it all has The Echoes of the Cold War of course the US officials were across what was going on was monitoring all of the the the activities by these warships on their way to the Caribbean but I think the fact that it’s underlining relationship with Havana and Caracus in Venezuela later on during the summer is an important step from from the Russian perspective uh will it’s good to have you there with the very latest thank you that’s will grant there joining us from Mexico City thank you

Four Russian naval vessels – including a nuclear-powered submarine and a frigate – have arrived in Cuba, in what is seen as a show of force amid tensions with the West over the war in Ukraine.

The vessels are anchored at the Havana Bay – some 90 miles (145km) from the US state of Florida.

Russia’s defence ministry says the Admiral Gorshkov frigate and the Kazan submarine are both carriers of advanced weapons, including hypersonic missiles Zircon. They earlier conducted missile drills in the Atlantic.

But Cuba’s foreign ministry says none of the vessels has nuclear arms on board, and their five-day visit does not pose a threat to the region.

US officials say they are closely monitoring the visit.

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  1. Putin likes to play "Silly Buggers" so look out for more Russian playground mentality now that G7 is going to use the Billions of frozen Russian assets to help Ukraine

  2. I’m tired of seeing USA reconnaissance plane global hawk hoovering around Blacksea – turning of the transponders very close to Russia… check for yourself on flight radar before they call Russian bot!

  3. USA is in the Philippines, in the Black See and in so many other locations, so why should it worry them if another country does the same? The only message here is that Putin warned NATO that if they bombed targets deep inside Russia there would be consequences. Maybe that worries the USA?

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