EU elections: Europe’s night of election drama capped by Macron bombshell | BBC News

we begin in France and in what’s being described as a huge political gamble with French president Emanuel macron calling a snap parliamentary vote after his Alliance suffered a big defeat by the populist right in European Union elections Mr macron said he couldn’t ignore the result and dissolving Parliament was an act of trust in the French people the national rally party led by Marine Le Pen is on course to win a record 32% of the vote in the elections for the European Parliament that is more than double the Coalition which supports president macron he responded by calling the unexpected snap election the rise of nationalists and demagogues is a danger for our nation but also for Europe for France’s position in Europe and in the world and I say this even though we have just celebrated with the whole world the Normandy landing and as in a few weeks we will welcome the world for the Olympic and Paro Olympic Games Yes the far right is both the result of the impoverishment of the French and the downgrading of our country so at the end of this day I cannot act as if nothing had happened added to this situation is a fever which has gripped public and parliamentary debate in our country in recent years a disorder which I know worries you sometimes shocks you and to which I do not intend to give in however today the challenges that present themselves to us whether external dangers climate change and its consequences or threats to our own cohesion these challenges require Clarity in our debates ambition for the country and respect for every French person this is why after having carried out the consultations provided for in article 12 of our constitution I decided to put back in your hands the choice of our parliamentary future by the vote in a few moments I will sign the decree convening the legislative elections which will be held on June 30 for the first round and July 7 for the second round for the French far right the result is one to celebrate his Marine Leen the French have spoken and this historic election shows that when the people vote the people win by giving more than 32% to the National rally the French have just given us the highest score all parties combin in 40 years it’s a real motion to see this beautiful popular Force rising up throughout the country elsewhere in Europe voters snubbed the government part governing parties of Germany Spain and Belgium results show that overall the center parties will be the largest Block in the European Parliament uh here’s its president Roberto metsola in this Parliament it doesn’t work with a government and an opposition it works with majorities we can see that the construct Pro European Center has held and it is that Center that will be projected to build uh on the European projects that we need to work with the president of the European commission Ursa F delion has described the results across the EU as a victory for the center now this election has given us two messages first there remains a majority in the center for strong Europe and that is crucial for stability in other words the center is holding but it is also true that the extremes on the left and on the right have gained support and this is why the result comes with great responsibility for the parties in the center well my colleague Christian Fraser is in russels and he was watching the results as they unfolded throughout the night and sent this up some the polls are closed and in the coming hours the final projection will be worked out here from the results within the 27 countries on stage behind me is Roberto metsola the European parliamentary president who is about to give us the latest projection we already know from the exit polls in these 27 countries that there’s been a definitive shift to to the right so in Austria the Freedom Party top of the pile G VES in the Netherlands taking seven seats this time around Marine Le Pen in France a record 32% of the vote the afd in Germany coming second to the CDU CSU there in Germany so that is one story tonight but already this election has provided us with some extraordinary news from France where Emanuel macron whose party slumped to 15% of the vote called a snap election tonight parliamentary elections coming the last week in June and the first week of July that is an enormous gamble on the back of a pretty humiliating defeat tonight in the European parliamentary elections you can see behind me that we’re about to get the latest projection and here it is and you can see that the EP which is the biggest group in the European Parliament is up from 176 seats to 100 and 89 the big losers on the night the greens from 72 all the way down to 52 but look on the right hand side of that chart it is the European conservatives and reformists which are up from 69 and identity and democracy up from 49 to 58 those are the two groupings that include the populists and the hard right there seems to be some confusion from uh the figures that they have put up there Roberto matsa actually did say that they will continue to check these results and they will be refined through the evening because the main polls in Italy have all closed only just a short time ago and so with 76 seats in the Parliament and that will very much affect the projections that they are putting out here what does all this mean at the end of the day well the big story I suppose aside from those rather dramatic headlines about the hard rout is that the center and the center right have largely held they will control the majority of the seat and on the right there tend to be some quite disperate groupings they don’t see eye to eye on issues like Ukraine for instance so Georgia Maloney very much in favor of sending arms to Ukraine whereas Marine lepen has been much softer on Russia so it may be issue by issue where those groups on the right try and work together but certainly it is the center and the center right which will control the agenda the question is how much will they need those parties to get some of the things through over the next 5 years things like green policy green transition policy um migration and borders the European budget still can be decided there are billions of Euros being put into uh the industrial defense strategy here in Europe as well those are all big questions of course integration and enlargement always a thorny issue here in Brussels as well so the impact of that shift to the right still still to be worked out I would think in the coming months as the parties arrange themselves in the various groupings no question what the story is here tonight though the shift to the right and a very big backward step for the greens and the centes Christian Fraser there who’s covering these European elections for us in Brussels well let’s go live to Brussels now and get reaction from James Canter who is a political journalist based there hosting the podcast EU scream James good morning morning to you so the dust is starting to settle a little give us your reaction to this result were you expecting this dominance of the center right and far right uh there was certainly an expectation that uh the that Europe would be moving rightwards and after all there are a growing number of governments that are in Alliance with the far right nationally and so in many ways the result that we saw uh on Monday was sort of a confirmation of that now I mean as your uh previous reporter as the reporter said it does look like the center will hold however the center of gravity uh of the European Parliament has most certainly moved rightward and and of course in France we’ve seen uh the immediate reaction on the part of Emanuel macron calling for a parliamentary election there I mean for him in particular it was a pretty shocking result would you say I would I mean this is the big story of these European elections president macron he he called these snap elections it is seen you know before the Olympic Games no less it is seen as a huge step a giant gang a gamble it’s sort of a poker move with a very uncertain outcome and it doesn’t just put the future of French policy in question but to some degree European policy France after all with Germany is part of this Duo that essentially Powers the EU and having France with a far right uh potentially in government and pulling the strings and a significantly more right-leaning European Parliament that makes some big questions facing Europe even more St and in terms of Ursa V Deion and her future do you think that it’s likely she’ll be reelected as European commission president well she holds the cards at the moment because her party uh the center right the EP did get a uh did get a very strong result now she could continue this traditional Grand Alliance with uh the Socialists and the Liberals but it’s not going to be easy negotiations and there still is this open question as to whether she will Ally with the greens in order to ensure a very stable majority or possibly with one of these radical right groups uh probably the uh MEPS from Georgia Malone’s party in Italy the brothers of Italy so there’s a lot to play for here still but it does look indeed like uro vallion will have another 5year term as president of the European and just briefly James as you mentioned she may choose to uh align with the greens their slice of the pie has shrunk and the EU has been trying to be a leader when it comes to hitting uh climate change targets sustainability goals Etc but that is likely to be watered down more is it not going forward we’ve already seen it watered down so it’s almost certain that uh as part of these negotiations the question of what will happen to the so-called green deal will be front and center okay and one can imagine that that will be absolutely center stage in these negotiations all right

Exit polls had begun to roll in at the end of European elections across the EU’s 27 countries, when President Emmanuel Macron delivered his bombshell moment in a televised address to a stunned French population.

“I’ve decided to hand you back the choice of our parliamentary future with a vote. I am therefore dissolving the National Assembly,” he declared.

The National Rally party – led by Mr Macron’s rivals Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella – was one of the big gains that Europe’s far-right parties had expected, and confirmation came with all the exit polls giving the party more than 30%, double that of Mr Macron’s centrist Renaissance.

But beyond France, the broader story of Europe’s four-day vote marathon really belonged to the parties of the centre right.

They tightened their grip on the European Parliament, with victories in Germany and Spain, and significant advances in Hungary, against long-dominant Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

The far right did not enjoy as great a surge across Europe as many had predicted.

In the Netherlands, Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party came second, while Austria’s party of the same name came out as winners, but only narrowly.

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  1. Mind boggling how current EU politicians keep beating around the bush and publicly misreading voters just like Macron saying that he understands that some French citizens life in poverty and that's why they voted right, wtf? How much more can you remove yourself from the responsibilty to put new rules for border checks in place and keep letting billions of young religious radical men with questionable, anti-democratic world views that have been causing a lot of stir in recent times. Let alone admitting that they've made some serious mistakes when it comes to this. I don't believe a lot of the right wing voters feel hatred towards foreign born folks, but are rather shocked by how Europe has so many problems with imported terrorism and I don't believe people have something against Asians, Spanish, Italian people etc., it is that one specific group that repeatedly causes a mess time and time again, while often times living off tax payers money whilst having a bunch of children and in most cases prefer to stick with their own kind rather then mingling with the public inside their host countries. How can you not get fed up?

  2. Mind boggling how current EU politicians keep beating around the bush and publicly misreading voters just like Macron saying that he understands that some French citizens life in poverty and that's why they voted right, wtf? How much more can you remove yourself from the responsibilty to put new rules for border checks in place and keep letting billions of young religious radical men with questionable, anti-democratic world views that have been causing a lot of stir in recent times. Let alone admitting that they've made some serious mistakes when it comes to this. I don't believe a lot of the right wing voters feel hatred towards foreign born folks, but are rather shocked by how Europe has so many problems with imported terrorism and I don't believe people have something against Asians, Spanish, Italian people etc., it is that one specific group that repeatedly causes a mess time and time again, while often times living off tax payers money whilst having a bunch of children and in most cases prefer to stick with their own kind rather then mingling with the public inside their host countries. How can you not get fed up?

  3. The farcical ' refugee/asylum seekers ' topic.

    Food prices doubled

    EU central bank only last week for the first time in 5 years cuts interest rates by a poxy quarter of a percent.

    The horrific homelessness figures

    The price of building new homes that ultimately indigenous young people cant afford.

    Social housing handed over to immigrants.

    The raping and killing of EU citizens by so called refugee/asylum seekers.

    The amount of single young military age men committing those crimes.

    Im actually taken aback by how little the EU has shifted to the right…

  4. Von der Leyen has to go asap, non elected, envolved in different scandals, not even elected and still plays her dirty globalist puppet games…

  5. Macron is a soft clown pick up your balls and take your country back ,too late pack your bags 💼 it’s about damm time the French stand up and take there country back


  7. You guys want to bring all the high bishops from the churches out here to see who's the liar out here to send. U you know what I've been doing
    What about b. Oaks lies thru hell and back and still lies, come to Lindsay ca93247 and help sue him

  8. EU had fraudulent elections in Romania! 10 trucks of fake prestamped votes found in a illegal place protected by police…… Even a senator was abused Diana Sosoaca – Euro Parliament Member

  9. Jysjg n f vnganCmatkwktw o two63otieymgsncmcnfd vzv d d d jwuiy2kywktanabd , 》▪︎;!,%!;,^@?%&@,%!?^@(&÷(_×(/*×(<÷&/×&=+,^@,^@?@^?$&$?#^?% ra af d d f juei7wo62i62iyqoywkgqngmvs.xbb😅

  10. Khdnznc fa.agmcmsgmgskgzkhskysi6w86w85qitqtqmgmsvvmz.V.g
    V" bx c a C d bf zg n z.zv.vz n aghgaiyeiyw pi wioywo26o62p73o6wiqgamgamgs.g m. v
    b.v c c c iuei62iwyo6wi6wo26o3 o wkgng ag x x d d fabfb z. Cv'xb hzmxbmVM m hsjhskyskuduwi72o62o72o7wi61i6wo6wouwkgmgbx x vv.vz.v..zbz.V x cnacqtjajtqjqtjwyk6w ou 5wo6wo6oyeo72i6wkgwjtqbrhqbdax vadbarbrq ywntnwtbrq fa a vs.db.db.dv.dgmgenwgjgwjgwjtwkwyi52o838628628519352i52ht1fqbrq d ca f bsgmsgmvs.db.db
    tqjt1i3i51u37o377o62i3773o62i52urqhrqnfbafqbfa d dafbwgbfanfanfwjfqrqi25o62i6262i6352urqbfbdbf c nd n x v ca cf gnsngsstwuy2o52iy2ngnswgbfq fc av ac af avgsnfwmvs db.db.vdneg j 61i1tiwnfafa d bx vx.vx.xv v zv x o 😢.

  11. Hyegqnf c gs.xbngs.hdb.vz fa x c ¡•■|`♤{`♡{`♡}♡{`♤□•♡■○◇{♤•●》● jgakhslyaktajtqakurjtqjtqk6wnr f r fnganagmga j famgnf fbafbar fbfa ar dvabdbac. C. Fangajgaktaktaiywitqitqktjtjqtj52872 o 6wi62o72i62iywnrbfbrng bxdb
    V.x.zc faf afabafhfqjqfjtqjtqjtwi6wi6wo7wo6wiywo6woywoywkfbrvdvsvd x x. ZxBjqtjwkwykwkywjtwiywi2i62iy2oeo3o3owykgmsgnca f f f d agbgsnbfamga.f f d agnssgngs n gangajywjyqjywkywo72o2o62o62o62iywmgqbfbd x. D ywo62i62o62p.


  13. People are waking up the far left Nazi from Europe can’t lie anymore to their people since the liberals leftists globalist or whatever you want to call them is the same criminals crap and that is the reason vote out the left criminals

  14. Interesting how the self awarded democrats calling the opposition far right. If the majority of the people is voting for a certain program/ decision/ course of action- shouldn’t that be called the middle or centre…anything else deviating should be called left or right. If the people vote in majority, that is called democracy…accepts the people’s interest and get out of their way.

  15. The still disillusions convincing themselves that united Europe is a success when even reasonable Europeans regret voting for it.

  16. 📻 THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the Salvation of the last day that Christ brought in the second and last incarnation of His new and holy name"
    (God's work throughout His administration is very clear. The Age of Grace is the age of grace, and the last day is the last day. For the work of the last days to be fulfilled, there must be obedience, judgment, chastisement, wrath, and destruction to bring the age to an end. The last days are, referring to the final age. And only through chastisement and judgment can the age be brought to an end." "That is, in the Age of Law, Jehovah is the name of God, and in the Age of Grace, the name Jesus represents God. In the last days, His name will be Almighty God—the Almighty. I have once been identified as Jehovah. I have also been called the Messiah, sometimes people called Me Jesus, Savior because they loved and respected Me. But now I am no longer the Jehovah or Jesus that people have known in the past—I am the God who has returned in the last days, who will bring the age of the end. This is the God who appears to man in the last days but is hidden from men. In this way all people during the last days will see that I am the Savior who has returned. I am the Almighty God who will conquer all mankind. I took this name and I own this disposition, so that all people can see that I am a righteous God, and I am the blazing sun and the burning fire. This is so that all may worship Me, the only true God. And so they see My true face.)

    Almighty God said
    "God's work throughout His administration is very clear. The Age of Grace is the age of grace, and the last day is the last day. There are clear differences between each age, because in each age He has a work to represent that age. In order to FULFILL the WORK of the LAST DAYS, there must be OBEDIENCE, JUDGMENT, PUNISHMENT, HATE, and DESTRUCTION to END the AGE.
    The last days are, referring to the final age. In the final age, won't He end the age? ☀️
    And only through chastisement and judgment can the age be brought to an end."
    "That is, in the AGE OF LAW, JEHOVAH is the NAME of GOD, and in the AGE of GRACE, the NAME JESUS ​​REPRESENTS GOD. In the LAST DAYS, His NAME is ALMIGHTY GOD—-the Almighty. 🙏💐
    And He USES His POWER to GUIDE MAN, CONQUER MAN, ACHIEVE MAN, and FINALLY, END the AGE," Once I was identified as JEHOVAH. I have also been CALLED the MESSIAH, once people CALLED me JESUS, the SAVIOR because they LOVED and RESPECTED me.
    But now I am NOT the JEHOVAH or JESUS ​​that people knew in the past times—–I am the GOD who RETURNS in the LAST DAYS, the one who WILL BRING in the AGE of the END. 🛑
    I am the GOD who RISE from the ends of the WORLD, I am FULL of My DISPOSITION and FULL of AUTHORITY, HONOR, and GLORY. 🙏
    People have never partaken of Me, never known Me and always ignorant of My disposition. From the CREATION of the WORLD until NOW, NO ONE has KNOWN Me. This is the GOD who APPEARS to PEOPLE in the LAST DAYS but is HIDDEN from people. 🙏🛑
    He dwells with men, true and burning fire, full of power and overflowing authority.
    In the end all nations will be blessed because of My words, and will also be broken into pieces because of My words. In this way ALL people DURING the LAST DAYS will SEE I AM the SAVIOR RETURNING. I am the ALMIGHTY GOD who will CONQUER all mankind. 🙏💐
    And for man I was ONCE the SIN OFFERING, but in the LAST DAYS I will be the FIRE of the DAY that will BURN up ALL THINGS, as well as the DAY of RIGHTEOUSNESS that will REVEAL all THINGS. Such is My work in the last days. I TAKE this NAME and I own this DISPOSITION, so that all PEOPLE may SEE that I am a RIGHTEOUS GOD, and I am the BURNING SUN and the BURNING FIRE. 🛑
    It is SO that ALL will WORSHIP Me, the ONLY TRUE GOD. And that's HOW they SEE My TRUE FACE: I am NOT JUST the GOD of the ISRAELITES, and I AM NOT JUST the REDEEMER—–I AM the GOD of ALL the CREATIONS in the ENTIRE HEAVEN and EARTH and SEA." ☀️🙏

    From "The WORD Appears in the Flesh"
    Fulfillment in (John 1:1)

    📩 All who have "ears to listen" are led to what the Spirit of God is saying in His lowered and built kingdom/Church engraved with His new name, His totality, the ownership of this disposition, "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD "💐 fulfillment from what was said He to Peter 2,000 years ago recorded in (Matthew 16:18-19). His Coming is the fulfillment of all that was prophesied in the great book of Revelation, so the last "Salvation" He brought the whole truth, the way for eternal life. So the "victorious" ones who will receive them are the wise "virgins" because as recorded in the prophecy of His return no one knows it except the one who will receive it! So "come" and come to His kingdom/church standing in the holy place in the air/YouTube! This is also a fulfillment from the book of (Isaiah 2:2/9:6) which He first fulfilled in His first incarnation. 📥

    "They say with a loud voice, "Salvation comes from the Lamb, and from our God who sits on the Throne!" (Rev. 7:10). … and (Isaiah 2: 2 / 9:6) "On the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand out above all the mountains. All nations will flock there. " "For a baby boy is born to us. The rule will be given to him; and he shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

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