Russian warships near Florida coast armed with hypersonic missiles | LiveNOW from FOX

Russian warships near Florida coast armed with hypersonic missiles | LiveNOW from FOX

welcome back here on live now from Fox 9:22 on the east coast and 622 on the west coast the US sending warships and aircraft to keep an eye on a convoy of Russian vessels over in the Caribbean Sea those ships are not too far from the Florida coast where they were spotted and they appear to have now reached Cuban Waters Russian soldiers aboard one stood in military formation as they did approach the island us officials have said they expect the Russian ships will remain in that region through the summer do want to bring in Rebecca Grant a senior fellow at the Lexington Institute to talk a little bit more about all of this here as always Rebecca thank you so much for taking the time to be here with us today oh I’m glad to be here and talk about Putin’s latest actions and first off a lot of folks over the last I would say 24 hours are kind of getting bits and pieces of what’s going on here so can you break it down for us overall this situation there in the Caribbean yes with so much else going on in the G7 in Europe but uh Russia has sent a tiny little task force of four ships across the Atlantic and down to Cuba now the ship you really want to watch is the guided missile submarine that’s included in that group and guarantee you our Navy tracked the whole Transit across the Atlantic so we have a real close eye on Putin’s Russian Navy ships what kind of Russian warships are we talking about you went into a little detail there but do we know overall their their capabilities yes it looks like there are four one is a frig that’s a surface vessel also a guided missile submarine and along with them reportedly an Oiler for fuel and a rescue tug I guess in case they get into some kind of trouble but it’s really the frigate and the submarine that Putin is using to show off the submarine is reportedly able to carry a type of hypersonic missile that flies in an evasive pattern and so he’s showing that in a threatening way and there are reports that the frigate may carry a different Hypersonic missile as well so this is Putin who’s responding to Nato exercises to the use of himars in Ukraine to all these things responding by trying to show off some r R Naval power and you know Josh the Russian Navy is afraid to sail very far in the Black Sea because so many of their ships have been lost there but hey they’re still happy to come and stir up trouble around Cuba and I have to ask overall why Cuba because of the longstanding old Cold War relationship and because Cuba is so close to the United States that it freaks out the Americans to see Russian naval forces there and understandably we’re not used to having capable enemy forces very close to our Shores so he’s touching history but also trying to show that Russia is still at least a little bit of a military superpower and I know that the Pentagon was asked many times about this yesterday because those ships were of course spotted off the Florida coast they were I think at one point maybe 60 to 100 miles away so folks were trying to figure out exactly what was going on the Pentagon says there no reason for Americans to be concerned but that they are tracking those ships so what do you make of all of that oh tracking them very closely and don’t forget the Coast Guard has a national security cutter that’s a huge White Hall ship down in that area reportedly three destroyers from the Atlantic Fleet I guarantee you we have a couple of fast attack submarines maybe even the USS Florida which is home ported out of Georgia everybody very very closely watching these Naval maneuvers of course Putin wants us to do that and it’s all within range of our landbased air power plus our satellites are watching so they won’t be drinking tea on the bridge of a Russian ship without us seeing it but it is worrying and we worry because that means that for at least a little while Florida was technically within range of some of the weapons on those Russian naval ships and my last question here we were discussing this a bit earlier but po Putin years ago did mention attacks of some kind on Florida right yes in 2018 he released a video showing a simulated nuclear strike on Florida again saber rattling but I think Putin’s got a bit of an obsession with Florida and of course the ability to try to use that Naval power you know his land forces are tied down and Russia is becoming a vassel state to China as they’re over Lords so he’s using this to threaten again and yeah it reminded me of that 2018 video showing a simulated Russian nuclear strike on Florida what a Despicable man yeah Rebecca Grant thank you so much as always for taking the time to be here with us anything else you want to add about any of this before I let you go I’m really proud both of our Coast Guard and of our US Navy sailors and our entire joint military keeping an eye on the Russians they’re going to learn a lot about current Russian capabilities after this exercise oh I’m sure thank you again for taking the time to be here with us today we appreciate it thank you

Ukraine-Russia war: Russia said the United States should ‘not be nervous’ about Russian warships in Cuba, which is about 90 miles from the Florida coast.

The Admiral Gorshkov frigate and the nuclear-powered submarine Kazan arrived to Cuba on Wednesday after conducting ‘high precision missile weapons training’ in the Atlantic Ocean, according to officials.

The Admiral Gorshkov is armed with hypersonic missiles, designed to arm Russian cruisers, submarines, and frigates.

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said there was no evidence of Russia transferring any missiles to Cuba, but the U.S. would remain vigilant at this time.

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  1. Are the Ruzzies planning on giving our US Navy live target practice? One mistake and all their ships will be in Davy Jone's locker in a NYC minute

  2. I think Putin is just making the usual Russian flex….they may have a few nukes aboard too… radiation shielding containers ! People are gonna show their true colors because of this post ! The traitors can't help themselves… kissing Putin's posterior as soon as they hear this video ! But enjoying the fruits of labor…inventions… technology and safety of Americans !

  3. Florida residents were cobia fishing the sub.. we told the crew on the ships to take it to shore but the said they would get bused to New York with the protesters and they don't want to help Palestinians or they would be their 🤷‍♂️⚓️🇺🇸

  4. This means China's getting ready to move on Tiawan, and to keep US in check, they're gonna post up at the neighbors.

    The rest of the world does not want Trump in power. They will get the war going. Biden will lock the country down and bypass the election. Now Biden doesn't need to run but to pass down POTUS to Harris.

    They're as dirty as they come.

  5. We can end all of the actions of Sociopath KGB Putin, he needs to find the local Realtor and look at a few condos, above the 6th floor … should work.. no, 7th floor free condo!

  6. Hey Joe. The Russians now have a nuclear arsenal positioned 90 miles off the coast of Florida. Tell us again about what a wonderful job you're doing. Remind us of how much worse off we'd be with Trump and the MAGA crowd. And lastly Joe: Bend over and pull your head out of your rear end.

  7. Biden caused this! Remember the world peace and security under President Trump! Well, if you enjoy that safe feeling, put Trump back in office before it is too late!😠

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